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Dan Hess edited this page 2016-08-21 19:09:07 -05:00

!alerts <channel>

This command is used to set a channel as the server's 'notifications' channel
Any notifications (like someone going live on Twitch, or Picarto) will go to that channel

!usernotify <on|true|yes>

This command can be used to set whether or not you want user notifications to show
This will save what channel you run this command in, that will be the channel used to send the notification to
Provide on, yes, or true to set it on; otherwise it will be turned off

Join/Leave notifications can be kept separate from normal alerts


Handles adding/removing a channel as NSFW
# Note, this command does nothing by itself, use the subcommands



Registers this channel as a nsfw channel


Removes this channel as a registered nsfw channel

End Subcommands

!say <phrase>

Has the bot repeat the phrase you provide

!perms [command]

If a command is provided, this will provide the required permission to run that command
This only works if a custom permission has been setup on that command
If a command is not provided, this will instead provide all available permissions that can be used to setup custom permissions
This is more of a convenience command, the subcommands will be where you can manage custom permissions


(add|create|setup) <command> <permission>

Sets the provided command to have the provided permission
This accepts subcommands, however keep in mind you need to provide the qualified name, i.e.
!perms add hangman start kick_members
"hangman start" is the command, and kick_members is the permission required to run the command
From then on (Until it is changed) all members are required to have the permission kick_members to run the "hangman start" command

# Note, there are certain commands you cannot setup custom permissions on
# This includes owner commands, and the perm add/remove commands

(remove|delete) <command>

Removes the custom permission setup on a certain command

End subcommands

!purge [count]

Removes an amount of messages from this channel
# Note, at most this can be 100 messages at a time


This command prints all the rules setup on this server



Adds a rule to this server's list of rules

(remove|delete) [rule_number]

Deletes a specific rule from the list of rules, based on the number provided
If no number is provided, the rules will be printed for you, and the bot will ask you which number to delete

End Subcommands