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1 Links
Dan Hess edited this page 2016-08-21 18:32:38 -05:00

!wiki <query>

Searches wikipedia, and pulls the top result for the provided query

!urban <query>

Searches urbandictionary, and pulls the top result for the provided query
  • Note the following two commands will ONLY pull safe images if a channel has not been registered as NSFW
  • Likewise, in a NSFW registered channel, they will ONLY pull NSFW images
  • To learn how to register a channel as NSFW, view the Mod page

!derpi <query>

Searches derpibooru.org, and pulls a random image based on the search times provided
Search terms need to be separated by commas

!e621 <query>

Searches e621.net, and pulls a random image based on the search times provided
Search terms need to be separated by commas