Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-05-20 20:42:27 +12:00

Merge branch 'rewrite' of https://github.com/Phxntxm/Bonfire into rewrite

This commit is contained in:
phxntxm 2017-03-15 14:10:35 -05:00
commit 94c5ef1873
9 changed files with 343 additions and 440 deletions

View file

@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ class Core:
if bj_games:
embed.add_field(name='Total blackjack games running', value=bj_games)
embed.add_field(name='Uptime', value=(pendulum.utcnow() - self.bot.uptime).in_words())
if hasattr(self.bot, 'uptime'):
embed.add_field(name='Uptime', value=(pendulum.utcnow() - self.bot.uptime).in_words())
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@ -210,7 +211,10 @@ class Core:
EXAMPLE: !uptime
await ctx.send("Uptime: ```\n{}```".format((pendulum.utcnow() - self.bot.uptime).in_words()))
if hasattr(self.bot, 'uptime'):
await ctx.send("Uptime: ```\n{}```".format((pendulum.utcnow() - self.bot.uptime).in_words()))
await ctx.send("I've just restarted and not quite ready yet...gimme time I'm not a morning pony :c")

View file

@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import discord
import traceback
import logging
from discord.ext import commands
from . import utils
log = logging.getLogger()
class Deviantart:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.base_url = "https://www.deviantart.com/api/v1/oauth2/gallery/all"
self.bot = bot
self.token = None
self.params = None
async def token_task(self):
while True:
expires_in = await self.get_token()
await asyncio.sleep(expires_in)
async def post_task(self):
await asyncio.sleep(5)
# Lets start the task a few seconds after, to ensure our token gets set
while True:
await self.check_posts()
await asyncio.sleep(300)
async def get_token(self):
# We need a token to create requests, it doesn't seem this token goes away
# To get this token, we need to make a request and retrieve that
url = 'https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/token'
params = {'client_id': utils.da_id,
'client_secret': utils.da_secret,
'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}
data = await utils.request(url, payload=params)
self.token = data.get('access_token', None)
self.params = {'access_token': self.token}
# Make sure we refresh our token, based on when they tell us it expires
# Ensure we call it a few seconds earlier, to give us enough time to set the new token
# If there was an issue, lets call this in a minute again
return data.get('expires_in', 65) - 5
async def check_posts(self):
content = await utils.get_content('deviantart')
# People might sub to the same person, so lets cache every person and their last update
cache = {}
if not content:
for entry in content:
user = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_members(), id=entry['member_id'])
# If the bot is not in the server with the member, we might not be able to find this user.
if user is None:
params = self.params.copy()
# Now loop through the subscriptions
for da_name in entry['subbed']:
# Check what the last updated content we sent to this user was
# Since we cannot go back in time, if this doesn't match the last uploaded from the user
# Assume we need to notify the user of this post
last_updated_id = entry['last_updated'].get(da_name, None)
# Check if this user has been requested already, if so we don't need to make another request
result = cache.get(da_name, None)
if result is None:
params['username'] = da_name
data = await utils.request(self.base_url, payload=params)
if data is None:
elif not data['results']:
result = data['results'][0]
cache[da_name] = result
# This means that our last update to this user, for this author, is not the same
if last_updated_id != result['deviationid']:
# First lets check if the last updated ID was None, if so...then we haven't alerted them yet
# We don't want to alert them in this case
# We just want to act like the artist's most recent update was the last notified
# So just notify the user if this is not None
if last_updated_id is not None:
fmt = "There has been a new post by an artist you are subscribed to!\n\n" \
"**Title:** {}\n**User:** {}\n**URL:** {}".format(
await user.send(fmt)
# Now we can update the user's last updated for this DA
# We want to do this whether or not our last if statement was met
update = {'last_updated': {da_name: result['deviationid']}}
await utils.update_content('deviantart', update, str(user.id))
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
fmt = "{1}\n{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}".format(tb, e)
async def da(self, ctx):
"""This provides a sort of 'RSS' feed for subscribed to artists.
Subscribe to artists, and I will PM you when new posts come out from these artists"""
@da.command(name='sub', aliases=['add', 'subscribe'])
async def da_sub(self, ctx, *, username):
"""This can be used to add a feed to your notifications.
Provide a username, and when posts are made from this user, you will be notified
EXAMPLE: !da sub MyFavoriteArtistEva<3
RESULT: Notifications of amazing pics c:"""
key = str(ctx.message.author.id)
content = await utils.get_content('deviantart', key)
# TODO: Ensure the user provided is a real user
if content is None:
entry = {'member_id': str(ctx.message.author.id), 'subbed': [username], 'last_updated': {}}
await utils.add_content('deviantart', entry)
await ctx.send("You have just subscribed to {}!".format(username))
elif content['subbed'] is None or username not in content['subbed']:
if content['subbed'] is None:
sub_list = [username]
sub_list = content['subbed']
await utils.update_content('deviantart', {'subbed': sub_list}, key)
await ctx.send("You have just subscribed to {}!".format(username))
await ctx.send("You are already subscribed to that user!")
@da.command(pass_context=True, name='unsub', aliases=['delete', 'remove', 'unsubscribe'])
async def da_unsub(self, ctx, *, username):
"""This command can be used to unsub from the specified user
EXAMPLE: !da unsub TheArtistWhoBetrayedMe
RESULT: No more pics from that terrible person!"""
key = (ctx.message.author.id)
content = await utils.get_content('deviantart', key)
if content is None or content['subbed'] is None:
await ctx.send("You are not subscribed to anyone at the moment!")
elif username in content['subbed']:
await utils.update_content('deviantart', {'subbed': content['subbed']}, key)
await ctx.send("You have just unsubscribed from {}!".format(username))
await ctx.send("You are not subscribed to that user!")
def setup(bot):

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class StatsUpdate:
join_leave_on = server_settings['join_leave']
if join_leave_on:
channel_id = server_settings['notification_channel'] or member.guild.id
channel_id = server_settings.get('notification_channel') or member.guild.id
except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError):
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class StatsUpdate:
join_leave_on = server_settings['join_leave']
if join_leave_on:
channel_id = server_settings['notification_channel'] or member.guild.id
channel_id = server_settings.get('notification_channel') or member.guild.id
except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError):

View file

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from . import utils
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
from osuapi import OsuApi, AHConnector
# https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki
BASE_URL = 'https://osu.ppy.sh/api/'
@ -11,157 +13,171 @@ MAX_RETRIES = 5
class Osu:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.key = utils.osu_key
self.payload = {'k': self.key}
self.api = OsuApi(utils.osu_key, connector=AHConnector())
self.osu_users = {}
async def find_beatmap(self, query):
"""Finds a beatmap ID based on the first match of searching a beatmap"""
async def get_user(self, member, username):
"""A function used to get and save user data in cache"""
user = self.osu_users.get(member.id)
if user is None:
user = await self.get_user_from_api(username)
if user is not None:
self.osu_users[member.id] = user
return user
if user.username.lower() == username.lower():
return user
user = await self.get_user_from_api(username)
if user is not None:
self.osu_users[member.id] = user
return user
async def get_beatmap(self, b_id):
"""Gets beatmap info based on the ID provided"""
payload = self.payload.copy()
payload['b'] = b_id
url = BASE_URL + 'get_beatmaps'
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
async def get_user_from_api(self, username):
"""A simple helper function to parse the list given and handle failures"""
user = await self.api.get_user(username)
return data[0]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
return user[0]
except IndexError:
return None
async def get_users(self):
"""A task used to 'cache' all member's and their Osu profile's"""
data = await utils.get_content('osu')
if data is None:
for result in data:
member = int(result['member_id'])
user = await self.get_user_from_api(result['osu_username'])
if user:
self.osu_users[member] = user
async def osu(self, ctx):
async def osu(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Provides basic information about a specific user
@osu.command(name='scores', aliases=['score'])
async def osu_user_scores(self, ctx, user, song=1):
"""Used to get the top scores for a user
You can provide either your Osu ID or your username
However, if your username is only numbers, this will confuse the API
If you have only numbers in your username, you will need to provide your ID
This will by default return the top song, provide song [up to 100] to get that song, in order from best to worst
EXAMPLE: !osu @Person
RESULT: Informationa bout that person's osu account"""
if member is None:
member = ctx.message.author
EXAMPLE: !osu MyUsername 5
RESULT: Info about your 5th best song"""
await ctx.send("Looking up your Osu information...")
# To make this easy for the user, it's indexed starting at 1, so lets subtract by 1
song -= 1
# Make sure the song is not negative however, if so set to 0
if song < 0:
song = 0
# A list of the possible values we'll receive, that we want to display
wanted_info = ['username', 'maxcombo', 'count300', 'count100', 'count50', 'countmiss',
'perfect', 'enabled_mods', 'date', 'rank' 'pp', 'beatmap_title', 'beatmap_version',
'max_combo', 'artist', 'difficulty']
# A couple of these aren't the best names to display, so setup a map to change these just a little bit
key_map = {'maxcombo': 'combo',
'count300': '300 hits',
'count100': '100 hits',
'count50': '50 hits',
'countmiss': 'misses',
'perfect': 'got_max_combo'}
payload = self.payload.copy()
payload['u'] = user
payload['limit'] = 100
# The endpoint that we're accessing to get this information
url = BASE_URL + 'get_user_beat'
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
data = data[song]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
if data is not None and len(data) == 0:
await ctx.send("I could not find any top songs for the user {}".format(user))
data = data[len(data) - 1]
# There's a little bit more info that we need, some info specific to the beatmap.
# Due to this we'll need to make a second request
beatmap_data = await self.get_beatmap(data.get('beatmap_id', None))
# Lets add the extra data we want
data['beatmap_title'] = beatmap_data.get('title')
data['beatmap_version'] = beatmap_data.get('version')
data['max_combo'] = beatmap_data.get('max_combo')
data['artist'] = beatmap_data.get('artist')
# Lets round this, no need for such a long number
data['difficulty'] = round(float(beatmap_data.get('difficultyrating')), 2)
# Now lets create our dictionary needed to create the image
# The dict comprehension we're using is simpler than it looks, it's simply they key: value
# If the key is in our wanted_info list
# We also get the wanted value from the key_map if it exists, using the key itself if it doesn't
# We then title it and replace _ with a space to ensure nice formatting
fmt = [(key_map.get(k, k).title().replace('_', ' '), v) for k, v in data.items() if k in wanted_info]
# Attempt to create our banner and upload that
# If we can't find the images needed, or don't have permissions, just send a message instead
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Osu User Stats", fmt)
await self.bot.upload(banner)
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
_fmt = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(k, r) for k, r in fmt)
await ctx.send("```\n{}```".format(_fmt))
@osu.command(name='user', pass_context=True)
async def osu_user_info(self, ctx, *, user):
"""Used to get information about a specific user
You can provide either your Osu ID or your username
However, if your username is only numbers, this will confuse the API
If you have only numbers in your username, you will need to provide your ID
EXAMPLE: !osu user MyUserName
RESULT: Info about your user"""
await ctx.send("Looking up your Osu information...")
# A list of the possible values we'll receive, that we want to display
wanted_info = ['username', 'playcount', 'ranked_score', 'pp_rank', 'level', 'pp_country_rank',
'accuracy', 'country', 'pp_country_rank', 'count_rank_s', 'count_rank_a']
# A couple of these aren't the best names to display, so setup a map to change these just a little bit
key_map = {'playcount': 'play_count',
'count_rank_ss': 'total_SS_ranks',
'count_rank_s': 'total_s_ranks',
'count_rank_a': 'total_a_ranks'}
# The paramaters that we'll send to osu to get the information needed
payload = self.payload.copy()
payload['u'] = user
# The endpoint that we're accessing to get this information
url = BASE_URL + 'get_user'
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
# Make sure we found a result, we should only find one with the way we're searching
data = data[0]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
await ctx.send("I could not find anyone with the user name/id of {}".format(user))
user = self.osu_users[member.id]
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I do not have {}'s Osu user saved!".format(member.display_name))
# Now lets create our dictionary needed to create the image
# The dict comprehension we're using is simpler than it looks, it's simply they key: value
# If the key is in our wanted_info list
# We also get the wanted value from the key_map if it exists, using the key itself if it doesn't
# We then title it and replace _ with a space to ensure nice formatting
fmt = {key_map.get(k, k).title().replace('_', ' '): v for k, v in data.items() if k in wanted_info}
e = discord.Embed(title='Osu profile for {}'.format(user.username))
e.add_field(name='Rank', value="{:,}".format(user.pp_rank))
e.add_field(name='Level', value=user.level)
e.add_field(name='Performance Points', value="{:,}".format(user.pp_raw))
e.add_field(name='Accuracy', value="{:.2%}".format(user.accuracy))
e.add_field(name='SS Ranks', value="{:,}".format(user.count_rank_ss))
e.add_field(name='S Ranks', value="{:,}".format(user.count_rank_s))
e.add_field(name='A Ranks', value="{:,}".format(user.count_rank_a))
e.add_field(name='Country', value=user.country)
e.add_field(name='Country Rank', value="{:,}".format(user.pp_country_rank))
e.add_field(name='Playcount', value="{:,}".format(user.playcount))
e.add_field(name='Ranked Score', value="{:,}".format(user.ranked_score))
e.add_field(name='Total Score', value="{:,}".format(user.total_score))
# Attempt to create our banner and upload that
# If we can't find the images needed, or don't have permissions, just send a message instead
await ctx.send(embed=e)
@osu.command(name='add', aliases=['create', 'connect'])
async def osu_add(self, ctx, *, username):
"""Links an osu account to your discord account
EXAMPLE: !osu add username
RESULT: Links your username to your account, and allows stats to be pulled from it"""
author = ctx.message.author
user = await self.get_user(author, username)
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I couldn't find an osu user that matches {}".format(username))
entry = {
'member_id': str(author.id),
'osu_username': user.username
if not await utils.add_content('osu', entry):
await utils.update_content('osu', entry, str(author.id))
await ctx.send("I have just saved your Osu user {}".format(author.display_name))
@osu.command(name='score', aliases=['scores'])
async def osu_scores(self, ctx, *data):
"""Find the top x osu scores for a provided member
Note: You can only get the top 50 songs for a user
EXAMPLE: !osu scores @Person 5
RESULT: The top 5 maps for the user @Person"""
# Set the defaults before we go through our passed data to figure out what we want
limit = 5
member = ctx.message.author
# Only loop through the first 2....we care about nothing after that
for piece in data[:2]:
# First lets try to convert to an int, for limit
limit = int(piece)
# Since Osu's API returns no information about the beatmap on scores
# We also need to call it to get the beatmap...in order to not get rate limited
# Lets limit this to 50
if limit > 50:
limit = 50
elif limit < 1:
limit = 5
converter = commands.converter.MemberConverter()
converter.prepare(ctx, piece)
member = converter.convert()
except commands.converter.BadArgument:
user = self.osu_users.get(member.id)
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I don't have that user's Osu account saved!")
scores = await self.api.get_user_best(user.username, limit=limit)
entries = []
for i in scores:
m = await self.api.get_beatmaps(beatmap_id=i.beatmap_id)
m = m[0]
entry = {
'title': 'Top {} Osu scores for {}'.format(limit, member.display_name),
'fields': [
{'name': 'Artist', 'value': m.artist},
{'name': 'Title', 'value': m.title},
{'name': 'Creator', 'value': m.creator},
{'name': 'CS (Circle Size)', 'value': m.diff_size},
{'name': 'AR (Approach Rate)', 'value': m.diff_approach},
{'name': 'HP (Health Drain)', 'value': m.diff_drain},
{'name': 'OD (Overall Difficulty)', 'value': m.diff_overall},
{'name': 'Length', 'value': m.total_length},
{'name': 'Score', 'value': i.score},
{'name': 'Max Combo', 'value': i.maxcombo},
{'name': 'Hits', 'value': "{}/{}/{}/{} (300/100/50/misses)".format(i.count300, i.count100, i.count50, i.countmiss), "inline": False},
{'name': 'Perfect', 'value': "Yes" if i.perfect else "No"},
{'name': 'Rank', 'value': i.rank},
{'name': 'PP', 'value': i.pp},
{'name': 'Mods', 'value': str(i.enabled_mods)},
{'name': 'Date', 'value': str(i.date)}
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Osu User Stats", fmt)
await ctx.send(file=banner)
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
_fmt = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(k, r) for k, r in fmt.items())
await ctx.send("```\n{}```".format(_fmt))
pages = utils.DetailedPages(self.bot, message=ctx.message, entries=entries)
await pages.paginate()
except utils.CannotPaginate as e:
await ctx.send(str(e))
def setup(bot):

View file

@ -17,95 +17,73 @@ BASE_URL = 'https://ptvappapi.picarto.tv'
api_key = '03e26294-b793-11e5-9a41-005056984bd4'
async def online_users():
# Someone from picarto contacted me and told me their database queries are odd
# It is more efficent on their end to make a query for all online users, and base checks off that
# In place of requesting for /channel and checking if that is online currently, for each channel
# This method is in place to just return all online_users
url = BASE_URL + '/online/all'
payload = {'key': api_key}
return await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
return {}
def check_online(online_channels, channel):
# online_channels is the dictionary of all users online currently
# And channel is the name we are checking against that
# This creates a list of all users that match this channel name (should only ever be 1)
# And returns True as long as it is more than 0
matches = [stream for stream in online_channels if stream['channel_name'].lower() == channel.lower()]
return len(matches) > 0
class Picarto:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def get_online_users(self):
# This method is in place to just return all online users so we can compare against it
url = BASE_URL + '/online/all'
payload = {'key': api_key}
self.online_channels = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
def channel_online(self, channel):
# Channel is the name we are checking against that
# This creates a list of all users that match this channel name (should only ever be 1)
# And returns True as long as it is more than 0
channel = re.search("(?<=picarto.tv/)(.*)", channel).group(1)
matches = [stream for stream in self.online_channels if stream['channel_name'].lower() == channel.lower()]
return len(matches) > 0
async def check_channels(self):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# This is a loop that runs every 30 seconds, checking if anyone has gone online
while not self.bot.is_closed:
r_filter = {'notifications_on': 1}
picarto = await utils.filter_content('picarto', r_filter)
# Get all online users before looping, so that only one request is needed
online_users_list = await online_users()
old_online_users = {data['member_id']: data for data in picarto if data['live']}
old_offline_users = {data['member_id']: data for data in picarto if not data['live']}
for m_id, result in old_offline_users.items():
# Get their url and their user based on that url
url = result['picarto_url']
user = re.search("(?<=picarto.tv/)(.*)", url).group(1)
# Check if they are online right now
if check_online(online_users_list, user):
for guild_id in result['servers']:
# Get the channel to send the message to, based on the saved alert's channel
guild = self.bot.get_guild(guild_id)
if guild is None:
while not self.bot.is_closed():
await self.get_online_users()
picarto = await utils.filter_content('picarto', {'notifications_on': 1})
for data in picarto:
m_id = int(data['member_id'])
url = data['picarto_url']
# Check if they are online
online = self.channel_online(url)
# If they're currently online, but saved as not then we'll send our notification
if online and data['live'] == 0:
for s_id in data['servers']:
server = self.bot.get_guild(int(s_id))
if server is None:
guild_alerts = await utils.get_content('server_alerts', {'server_id': guild_id})
channel_id = guild_alerts['channel_id']
except (IndexError, TypeError):
channel_id = guild_id
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
# Get the member that has just gone live
member = guild.get_member(m_id)
member = server.get_member(m_id)
if member is None:
fmt = "{} has just gone live! View their stream at {}".format(member.display_name, url)
await channel.send(fmt)
await utils.update_content('picarto', {'live': 1}, {'member_id': m_id})
for m_id, result in old_online_users.items():
# Get their url and their user based on that url
url = result['picarto_url']
user = re.search("(?<=picarto.tv/)(.*)", url).group(1)
# Check if they are online right now
if not check_online(online_users_list, user):
for guild_id in result['servers']:
# Get the channel to send the message to, based on the saved alert's channel
guild = self.bot.get_guild(guild_id)
if guild is None:
server_settings = await utils.get_content('server_settings', s_id)
if server_settings is not None:
channel_id = int(server_settings.get('notification_channel', s_id))
channel_id = int(s_id)
channel = server.get_channel(channel_id)
await channel.send("{} has just gone live! View their stream at <{}>".format(member.display_name, data['picarto_url']))
self.bot.loop.create_task(utils.update_content('picarto', {'live': 1}, str(m_id)))
elif not online and data['live'] == 1:
for s_id in data['servers']:
server = self.bot.get_guild(int(s_id))
if server is None:
guild_alerts = await utils.get_content('server_alerts', {'server_id': guild_id})
channel_id = guild_alerts['channel_id']
except (IndexError, TypeError):
channel_id = guild_id
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
# Get the member that has just gone live
member = guild.get_member(m_id)
member = server.get_member(m_id)
if member is None:
fmt = "{} has just gone offline! Catch them next time they stream at {}".format(
member.display_name, url)
await channel.send(fmt)
await utils.update_content('picarto', {'live': 0}, {'member_id': m_id})
server_settings = await utils.get_content('server_settings', s_id)
if server_settings is not None:
channel_id = int(server_settings.get('notification_channel', s_id))
channel_id = int(s_id)
channel = server.get_channel(channel_id)
await channel.send("{} has just gone offline! View their stream next time at <{}>".format(member.display_name, data['picarto_url']))
self.bot.loop.create_task(utils.update_content('picarto', {'live': 0}, str(m_id)))
await asyncio.sleep(30)
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
@ -119,6 +97,8 @@ class Picarto:
EXAMPLE: !picarto @otherPerson
RESULT: Info about their picarto stream"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
# If member is not given, base information on the author
member = member or ctx.message.author
picarto_entry = await utils.get_content('picarto', str(member.id))
@ -134,22 +114,31 @@ class Picarto:
payload = {'key': api_key}
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
if data is None:
await ctx.send("I couldn't connect to Picarto!")
# Not everyone has all these settings, so use this as a way to print information if it does, otherwise ignore it
things_to_print = ['channel', 'commissions_enabled', 'is_nsfw', 'program', 'tablet', 'followers',
# Using title and replace to provide a nice way to print the data
fmt = "\n".join(
"{}: {}".format(i.title().replace("_", " "), result) for i, result in data.items() if i in things_to_print)
embed = discord.Embed(title='{}\'s Picarto'.format(data['channel']), url=url)
if data['avatar_url']:
for i, result in data.items():
if i in things_to_print and str(result):
i = i.title().replace('_', ' ')
embed.add_field(name=i, value=str(result))
# Social URL's can be given if a user wants them to show
# Print them if they exist, otherwise don't try to include them
social_links = data.get('social_urls')
if social_links:
fmt2 = "\n".join(
"\t{}: {}".format(i.title().replace("_", " "), result) for i, result in social_links.items())
fmt = "{}\nSocial Links:\n{}".format(fmt, fmt2)
await ctx.send("Picarto stats for {}: ```\n{}```".format(member.display_name, fmt))
for i, result in data['social_urls'].items():
embed.add_field(name=i.title(), value=result)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@picarto.command(name='add', no_pm=True)
@ -158,13 +147,15 @@ class Picarto:
EXAMPLE: !picarto add MyUsername
RESULT: Your picarto stream is saved, and notifications should go to this guild"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
# This uses a lookbehind to check if picarto.tv exists in the url given
# If it does, it matches picarto.tv/user and sets the url as that
# Then (in the else) add https://www. to that
# Otherwise if it doesn't match, we'll hit an AttributeError due to .group(0)
# This means that the url was just given as a user (or something complete invalid)
# So set URL as https://www.picarto.tv/[url]
# Even if this was invalid such as https://www.picarto.tv/twitch.tv/user
# Even if this was invalid such as https://www.picarto.tv/picarto.tv/user
# For example, our next check handles that
url = re.search("((?<=://)?picarto.tv/)+(.*)", url).group(0)
@ -173,9 +164,10 @@ class Picarto:
url = "https://www.{}".format(url)
channel = re.search("https://www.picarto.tv/(.*)", url).group(1)
url = BASE_URL + '/channel/{}'.format(channel)
api_url = BASE_URL + '/channel/{}'.format(channel)
payload = {'key': api_key}
data = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
data = await utils.request(api_url, payload=payload)
if not data:
await ctx.send("That Picarto user does not exist! What would be the point of adding a nonexistant Picarto "
"user? Silly")

View file

@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ class Twitch:
self.key = utils.twitch_key
self.params = {'client_id': self.key}
async def channel_online(self, channel: str):
async def channel_online(self, twitch_url: str):
# Check a specific channel's data, and get the response in text format
channel = re.search("(?<=twitch.tv/)(.*)", twitch_url).group(1)
url = "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/{}".format(channel)
response = await utils.request(url, payload=self.params)
@ -42,60 +43,46 @@ class Twitch:
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# Loop through as long as the bot is connected
while not self.bot.is_closed:
while not self.bot.is_closed():
twitch = await utils.filter_content('twitch', {'notifications_on': 1})
# Online/offline is based on whether they are set to such, in the utils file
# This means they were detected as online/offline before and we check for a change
online_users = {data['member_id']: data for data in twitch if data['live']}
offline_users = {data['member_id']: data for data in twitch if not data['live']}
for m_id, result in offline_users.items():
# Get their url and their user based on that url
url = result['twitch_url']
user = re.search("(?<=twitch.tv/)(.*)", url).group(1)
# Check if they are online right now
if await self.channel_online(user):
for server_id in result['servers']:
# Get the channel to send the message to, based on the saved alert's channel
server = self.bot.get_server(server_id)
for data in twitch:
m_id = int(data['member_id'])
url = data['twitch_url']
# Check if they are online
online = await self.channel_online(url)
# If they're currently online, but saved as not then we'll send our notification
if online and data['live'] == 0:
for s_id in data['servers']:
server = self.bot.get_guild(int(s_id))
if server is None:
server_settings = await utils.get_content('server_settings', server_id)
channel_id = server_settings['notification_channel']
except (IndexError, TypeError):
channel_id = server_id
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
# Get the member that has just gone live
member = server.get_member(m_id)
if member is None:
fmt = "{} has just gone live! View their stream at {}".format(member.display_name, url)
await channel.send(fmt)
await utils.update_content('twitch', {'live': 1}, {'member_id': m_id})
for m_id, result in online_users.items():
# Get their url and their user based on that url
url = result['twitch_url']
user = re.search("(?<=twitch.tv/)(.*)", url).group(1)
# Check if they are online right now
if not await self.channel_online(user):
for server_id in result['servers']:
# Get the channel to send the message to, based on the saved alert's channel
server = self.bot.get_server(server_id)
server_settings = await utils.get_content('server_settings', s_id)
if server_settings is not None:
channel_id = int(server_settings.get('notification_channel', s_id))
channel_id = int(s_id)
channel = server.get_channel(channel_id)
await channel.send("{} has just gone live! View their stream at <{}>".format(member.display_name, data['twitch_url']))
self.bot.loop.create_task(utils.update_content('twitch', {'live': 1}, str(m_id)))
elif not online and data['live'] == 1:
for s_id in data['servers']:
server = self.bot.get_guild(int(s_id))
if server is None:
server_settings = await utils.get_content('server_settings', server_id)
channel_id = server_settings['notification_channel']
except (IndexError, TypeError):
channel_id = server_id
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
# Get the member that has just gone live
member = server.get_member(m_id)
fmt = "{} has just gone offline! Catch them next time they stream at {}".format(
member.display_name, url)
await channel.send(fmt)
await utils.update_content('twitch', {'live': 0}, {'member_id': m_id})
if member is None:
server_settings = await utils.get_content('server_settings', s_id)
if server_settings is not None:
channel_id = int(server_settings.get('notification_channel', s_id))
channel_id = int(s_id)
channel = server.get_channel(channel_id)
await channel.send("{} has just gone offline! View their stream next time at <{}>".format(member.display_name, data['twitch_url']))
self.bot.loop.create_task(utils.update_content('twitch', {'live': 0}, str(m_id)))
await asyncio.sleep(30)
except Exception as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
@ -109,6 +96,8 @@ class Twitch:
EXAMPLE: !twitch @OtherPerson
RESULT: Information about their twitch URL"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
if member is None:
member = ctx.message.author
@ -143,6 +132,8 @@ class Twitch:
EXAMPLE: !twitch add MyTwitchName
RESULT: Saves your twitch URL; notifications will be sent to this server when you go live"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
# This uses a lookbehind to check if twitch.tv exists in the url given
# If it does, it matches twitch.tv/user and sets the url as that
# Then (in the else) add https://www. to that

View file

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ from .checks import is_owner, custom_perms, db_check
from .config import *
from .utilities import *
from .images import create_banner
from .paginator import Pages, CannotPaginate
from .paginator import Pages, CannotPaginate, DetailedPages

View file

@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ required_tables = {
'battle_records': 'member_id',
'boops': 'member_id',
'command_usage': 'command',
'deviantart': 'member_id',
'motd': 'date',
'overwatch': 'member_id',
'picarto': 'member_id',
'server_settings': 'server_id',
'raffles': 'id',
'strawpolls': 'server_id',
'osu': 'member_id',
'tags': 'server_id',
'tictactoe': 'member_id',
'twitch': 'member_id'

View file

@ -66,7 +66,10 @@ class Pages:
if not first:
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p)
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
except discord.NotFound:
self.paginating = False
# verify we can actually use the pagination session
@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ class Pages:
self.paginating = False
def react_check(self, reaction, user):
if user is None or user.id != self.author.id or reaction.message != self.message:
if user is None or user.id != self.author.id:
return False
for (emoji, func) in self.reaction_emojis:
@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ class Pages:
while self.paginating:
react = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=self.react_check, timeout=120.0)
react, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=self.react_check, timeout=120.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
react = None
if react is None:
@ -204,8 +207,69 @@ class Pages:
await self.message.remove_reaction(react.reaction.emoji, react.user)
await self.message.remove_reaction(react.emoji, user)
pass # can't remove it so don't bother doing so
await self.match()
class DetailedPages(Pages):
"""A class built on the normal Paginator, except with the idea that you want one 'thing' per page
This allows the ability to have more data on a page, more fields, etc. and page through each 'thing'"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['per_page'] = 1
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_page(self, page):
return self.entries[page - 1]
async def show_page(self, page, *, first=False):
self.current_page = page
entries = self.get_page(page)
self.embed.set_footer(text='Page %s/%s (%s entries)' % (page, self.maximum_pages, len(self.entries)))
self.embed.description = ""
for key, value in entries.items():
if key == 'fields':
for f in value:
self.embed.add_field(name=f.get('name'), value=f.get('value'), inline=f.get('inline', True))
setattr(self.embed, key, value)
if not self.paginating:
return await self.message.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
if not first:
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
except discord.NotFound:
self.paginating = False
# verify we can actually use the pagination session
if not self.permissions.add_reactions:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have add reactions permission.')
if not self.permissions.read_message_history:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have Read Message History permission.')
if self.embed.description:
self.embed.description += '\nConfused? React with \N{INFORMATION SOURCE} for more info.'
self.embed.description = '\nConfused? React with \N{INFORMATION SOURCE} for more info.'
self.message = await self.message.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis:
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'):
# no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages
# we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove
# it from the default set
await self.message.add_reaction(reaction)
except discord.NotFound:
# If the message isn't found, we don't care about clearing anything