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mirror of synced 2024-05-14 09:32:30 +12:00

Added the ability to intuitively restrict some things

This commit is contained in:
phxntxm 2017-06-27 16:14:39 -05:00
parent c1fb35a9d6
commit 3c42bc4545

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@ -13,19 +13,324 @@ class Administration:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def restrict(self, ctx, *options):
This is an intuitive command to restrict something to something
The format is `!restrict what who/where`
This is an intuitive command to restrict something to/from something
The format is `!restrict what from/to who/where`
For example, `!restrict command role` will require a user to have `role`
For example, `!restrict command to role` will require a user to have `role`
to be able to run `command`
`!restrict command channel` will only allow `command` to be ran in `channel`
`!restrict command to channel` will only allow `command` to be ran in `channel`
EXAMPLE: !restrict boop from @user
RESULT: This user can no longer use the boop command
# First make sure we're given three options
if len(options) != 3:
await ctx.send("You need to provide 3 options! Such as `command from @User`")
# Get the three arguments from this list, then make sure the 2nd is either from or to
arg1, arg2, arg3 = options
if arg2.lower() not in ['from', 'to']:
await ctx.send("The 2nd option needs to be either \"to\" or \"from\". Such as: `command from @user` "
"or `command to Role`")
# Try to convert the other arguments
arg2 = arg2.lower()
option1 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg1)
option2 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg3)
if option1 is None or option2 is None:
await ctx.send("Sorry, but I don't know how to restrict {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
from_entry = None
to_entry = None
overwrites = None
# The possible options:
# Member
# Role
# Command
# Text/Voice Channel
if isinstance(option1, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
# From:
# Users - Command can't be run by this person
# Channels - Command can't be ran in this channel
# Roles - Command can't be ran by anyone in this role (least likely, but still possible uses)
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (discord.Member, discord.Role, discord.TextChannel)):
from_entry = {
'source': option1.qualified_name,
'destination': str(option2.id)
# To:
# Channels - Command can only be run in this channel
# Roles - This role is required in order to run this command
if isinstance(option2, (discord.Role, discord.TextChannel)):
to_entry = {
'source': option1.qualified_name,
'destination': str(option2.id)
elif isinstance(option1, discord.Member):
# From:
# Channels - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that they cannot read it
# Command - Command cannot be used by this user
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option1, option2.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option2,
option1: ov
elif isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
from_entry = {
'source': option2.qualified_name,
'destination': str(option1.id)
elif isinstance(option1, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
# From:
# Command - Command cannot be used in this channel
# Member - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that they cannot read it
# Role - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that this Role cannot read it
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (discord.Member, discord.Role)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option2, option1.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option1,
option2: ov
elif isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)) \
and isinstance(option1, discord.TextChannel):
from_entry = {
'source': option2.qualified_name,
'destination': str(option1.id)
# To:
# Command - Command can only be used in this channel
# Role - Setup an overwrite so only this role can read this channel
if isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)) \
and isinstance(option1, discord.TextChannel):
to_entry = {
'source': option2.qualified_name,
'destination': str(option1.id)
elif isinstance(option2, (discord.Member, discord.Role)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option2, option1.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)
ov2 = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == ctx.message.guild.default_role,
if ov2:
ov2 = ov2[1]
ov2 = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option1,
option2: ov,
ctx.message.guild.default_role: ov2
elif isinstance(option1, discord.Role):
# From:
# Command - No one with this role can run this command
# Channel - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that this Role cannot read it
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
from_entry = {
'source': option2.qualified_name,
'destination': str(option1.id)
elif isinstance(option2, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option1, option2.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option2,
option1: ov
# To:
# Command - You have to have this role to run this command
# Channel - Setup an overwrite so you have to have this role to read this channel
if isinstance(option2, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option1, option2.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)
ov2 = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == ctx.message.guild.default_role,
if ov2:
ov2 = ov2[1]
ov2 = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option2,
option1: ov,
ctx.message.guild.default_role: ov2
elif isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
to_entry = {
'source': option2.qualified_name,
'destination': str(option1.id)
if to_entry:
restrictions = self.bot.db.load('server_settings', key=ctx.message.guild.id, pluck='restrictions') or {}
to = restrictions.get('to', [])
if to_entry not in to:
update = {
'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id),
'restrictions': {
'to': to
self.bot.db.save('server_settings', update)
elif from_entry:
restrictions = self.bot.db.load('server_settings', key=ctx.message.guild.id, pluck='restrictions') or {}
_from = restrictions.get('from', [])
if from_entry not in _from:
update = {
'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id),
'restrictions': {
'from': _from
self.bot.db.save('server_settings', update)
elif overwrites:
channel = overwrites.pop('channel')
for target, setting in overwrites.items():
await channel.set_permissions(target, overwrite=setting)
await ctx.send("Sorry but I don't know how to restrict {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
await ctx.send("I have just restricted {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
async def unrestrict(self, ctx, *options):
This is an intuitive command to unrestrict something to/from something
The format is `!restrict what from/to who/where`
For example, `!unrestrict command to role` will remove the restriction on this command, requiring role
EXAMPLE: !unrestrict boop from @user
RESULT: The restriction on this user to use boop has been lifted
# First make sure we're given three options
if len(options) != 3:
await ctx.send("You need to provide 3 options! Such as `command from @User`")
# Get the three arguments from this list, then make sure the 2nd is either from or to
arg1, arg2, arg3 = options
if arg2.lower() not in ['from', 'to']:
await ctx.send("The 2nd option needs to be either \"to\" or \"from\". Such as: `command from @user` "
"or `command to Role`")
# Try to convert the other arguments
arg2 = arg2.lower()
option1 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg1)
option2 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg3)
if option1 is None or option2 is None:
await ctx.send("Sorry, but I don't know how to restrict {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
# First check if this is a blacklist/whitelist (by checking if we are unrestricting commands)
if any(isinstance(x, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)) for x in [option1, option2]):
# The source should always be the command, so just set this based on which order is given (either is
# allowed)
if isinstance(option1, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
restriction = {
'source': option1,
'destination': option2
restriction = {
'source': option2,
'destination': option1
# Load restrictions
restrictions = self.bot.db.load('server_settings', key=ctx.message.guild.id, pluck='restrictions') or {}
# Attempt to remove the restriction provided
restrictions.get(arg2, []).remove(restriction)
# If it doesn't exist, nothing is needed to be done
except ValueError:
await ctx.send("The restriction {} {} {} does not exist!".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
# If it was removed succesfully, save the change and let the author know this has been done
entry = {
'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id),
'restrictions': restrictions
self.bot.db.save('server_settings', entry)
await ctx.send("I have just unrestricted {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg2))
# If this isn't a blacklist/whitelist, then we are attempting to remove an overwrite
# Get the source and destination based on whatever order is provided
if isinstance(option1, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
source = option2
destination = option1
source = option1
destination = option2
# See if it's the blacklist that we're removing from
if arg2 == "from":
# Get overwrites if they exist
# If it doesn't, there's nothing to do here
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == source, destination.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
await destination.set_permissions(source, overwrite=ov)
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == source, destination.overwrites)
ov2 = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == ctx.message.guild.default_role, destination.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
await destination.set_permissions(source, overwrite=ov)
if ov2:
ov2 = ov2[1]
await destination.set_permissions(source, overwrite=ov2)
await ctx.send("I have just unrestricted {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
@ -202,8 +507,8 @@ class Administration:
self.bot.db.save('server_settings', entry)
await ctx.send("I have just changed this server's welcome/goodbye notifications channel to {}".format(channel.name))
await ctx.send(
"I have just changed this server's welcome/goodbye notifications channel to {}".format(channel.name))
async def nsfw(self, ctx):