SRC/zmyblas2.c File Reference

Level 2 Blas operations. More...

#include "slu_dcomplex.h"


void zlsolve (int ldm, int ncol, doublecomplex *M, doublecomplex *rhs)
 Solves a dense UNIT lower triangular system.
void zusolve (int ldm, int ncol, doublecomplex *M, doublecomplex *rhs)
 Solves a dense upper triangular system.
void zmatvec (int ldm, int nrow, int ncol, doublecomplex *M, doublecomplex *vec, doublecomplex *Mxvec)
 Performs a dense matrix-vector multiply: Mxvec = Mxvec + M * vec.

Detailed Description

 -- SuperLU routine (version 2.0) --
 Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
 and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
 November 15, 1997
Purpose: Level 2 BLAS operations: solves and matvec, written in C. Note: This is only used when the system lacks an efficient BLAS library.

Function Documentation

void zlsolve ( int  ldm,
int  ncol,
doublecomplex M,
doublecomplex rhs 

The unit lower triangular matrix is stored in a 2D array M(1:nrow,1:ncol). The solution will be returned in the rhs vector.

void zmatvec ( int  ldm,
int  nrow,
int  ncol,
doublecomplex M,
doublecomplex vec,
doublecomplex Mxvec 

The input matrix is M(1:nrow,1:ncol); The product is returned in Mxvec[].

void zusolve ( int  ldm,
int  ncol,
doublecomplex M,
doublecomplex rhs 

The upper triangular matrix is stored in a 2-dim array M(1:ldm,1:ncol). The solution will be returned in the rhs vector.

Generated on Mon Nov 22 10:23:48 2010 for SuperLU by  doxygen 1.5.5