SRC/util.c File Reference

Utility functions. More...

#include <math.h>
#include "slu_ddefs.h"


#define NBUCKS   10
 Get the statistics of the supernodes.


void superlu_abort_and_exit (char *msg)
 Global statistics variale.
void set_default_options (superlu_options_t *options)
 Set the default values for the options argument.
void ilu_set_default_options (superlu_options_t *options)
 Set the default values for the options argument for ILU.
void print_options (superlu_options_t *options)
 Print the options setting.
void print_ilu_options (superlu_options_t *options)
 Print the options setting.
void Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store (SuperMatrix *A)
 Deallocate the structure pointing to the actual storage of the matrix.
void Destroy_CompCol_Matrix (SuperMatrix *A)
void Destroy_CompRow_Matrix (SuperMatrix *A)
void Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix (SuperMatrix *A)
void Destroy_CompCol_Permuted (SuperMatrix *A)
 A is of type Stype==NCP.
void Destroy_Dense_Matrix (SuperMatrix *A)
 A is of type Stype==DN.
void resetrep_col (const int nseg, const int *segrep, int *repfnz)
 Reset repfnz[] for the current column.
void countnz (const int n, int *xprune, int *nnzL, int *nnzU, GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Count the total number of nonzeros in factors L and U, and in the symmetrically reduced L.
void ilu_countnz (const int n, int *nnzL, int *nnzU, GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Count the total number of nonzeros in factors L and U.
void fixupL (const int n, const int *perm_r, GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Fix up the data storage lsub for L-subscripts. It removes the subscript sets for structural pruning, and applies permuation to the remaining subscripts.
void print_panel_seg (int n, int w, int jcol, int nseg, int *segrep, int *repfnz)
 Diagnostic print of segment info after panel_dfs().
void StatInit (SuperLUStat_t *stat)
void StatPrint (SuperLUStat_t *stat)
void StatFree (SuperLUStat_t *stat)
flops_t LUFactFlops (SuperLUStat_t *stat)
flops_t LUSolveFlops (SuperLUStat_t *stat)
void ifill (int *a, int alen, int ival)
 Fills an integer array with a given value.
void super_stats (int nsuper, int *xsup)
float SpaSize (int n, int np, float sum_npw)
float DenseSize (int n, float sum_nw)
void check_repfnz (int n, int w, int jcol, int *repfnz)
 Check whether repfnz[] == EMPTY after reset.
void PrintSumm (char *type, int nfail, int nrun, int nerrs)
 Print a summary of the testing results.
int print_int_vec (char *what, int n, int *vec)
int slu_PrintInt10 (char *name, int len, int *x)


static int max_sup_size

Detailed Description

 -- SuperLU routine (version 4.1) --
 Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
 and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
 November, 2010

 Copyright (c) 1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.


 Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program for any
 purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
 Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
 granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
 the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.

Define Documentation

#define NBUCKS   10

Function Documentation

void check_repfnz ( int  n,
int  w,
int  jcol,
int *  repfnz 

void countnz ( const int  n,
int *  xprune,
int *  nnzL,
int *  nnzU,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

float DenseSize ( int  n,
float  sum_nw 

void Destroy_CompCol_Matrix ( SuperMatrix A  ) 

void Destroy_CompCol_Permuted ( SuperMatrix A  ) 

void Destroy_CompRow_Matrix ( SuperMatrix A  ) 

void Destroy_Dense_Matrix ( SuperMatrix A  ) 

void Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store ( SuperMatrix A  ) 

void Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix ( SuperMatrix A  ) 

void fixupL ( const int  n,
const int *  perm_r,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

void ifill ( int *  a,
int  alen,
int  ival 

void ilu_countnz ( const int  n,
int *  nnzL,
int *  nnzU,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

void ilu_set_default_options ( superlu_options_t options  ) 

flops_t LUFactFlops ( SuperLUStat_t stat  ) 

flops_t LUSolveFlops ( SuperLUStat_t stat  ) 

void print_ilu_options ( superlu_options_t options  ) 

int print_int_vec ( char *  what,
int  n,
int *  vec 

void print_options ( superlu_options_t options  ) 

void print_panel_seg ( int  n,
int  w,
int  jcol,
int  nseg,
int *  segrep,
int *  repfnz 

void PrintSumm ( char *  type,
int  nfail,
int  nrun,
int  nerrs 

void resetrep_col ( const int  nseg,
const int *  segrep,
int *  repfnz 

void set_default_options ( superlu_options_t options  ) 

int slu_PrintInt10 ( char *  name,
int  len,
int *  x 

float SpaSize ( int  n,
int  np,
float  sum_npw 

void StatFree ( SuperLUStat_t stat  ) 

void StatInit ( SuperLUStat_t stat  ) 

void StatPrint ( SuperLUStat_t stat  ) 

void super_stats ( int  nsuper,
int *  xsup 

void superlu_abort_and_exit ( char *  msg  ) 

Variable Documentation

int max_sup_size [static]

Generated on Mon Nov 22 10:23:48 2010 for SuperLU by  doxygen 1.5.5