SRC/memory.c File Reference

Precision-independent memory-related routines. More...

#include "slu_ddefs.h"


void * superlu_malloc (size_t size)
void superlu_free (void *addr)
void SetIWork (int m, int n, int panel_size, int *iworkptr, int **segrep, int **parent, int **xplore, int **repfnz, int **panel_lsub, int **xprune, int **marker)
 Set up pointers for integer working arrays.
void copy_mem_int (int howmany, void *old, void *new)
void user_bcopy (char *src, char *dest, int bytes)
int * intMalloc (int n)
int * intCalloc (int n)

Detailed Description

 -- SuperLU routine (version 2.0) --
 Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
 and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
 November 15, 1997

Function Documentation

void copy_mem_int ( int  howmany,
void *  old,
void *  new 

int* intCalloc ( int  n  ) 

int* intMalloc ( int  n  ) 

void SetIWork ( int  m,
int  n,
int  panel_size,
int *  iworkptr,
int **  segrep,
int **  parent,
int **  xplore,
int **  repfnz,
int **  panel_lsub,
int **  xprune,
int **  marker 

void superlu_free ( void *  addr  ) 

void* superlu_malloc ( size_t  size  ) 

Precision-independent memory-related routines. (Shared by [sdcz]memory.c)

void user_bcopy ( char *  src,
char *  dest,
int  bytes 

Generated on Mon Nov 22 10:23:47 2010 for SuperLU by  doxygen 1.5.5