SRC/cmemory.c File Reference

Memory details. More...

#include "slu_cdefs.h"


#define StackFull(x)   ( x + Glu->stack.used >= Glu->stack.size )
#define NotDoubleAlign(addr)   ( (long int)addr & 7 )
#define DoubleAlign(addr)   ( ((long int)addr + 7) & ~7L )
#define TempSpace(m, w)
#define Reduce(alpha)   ((alpha + 1) / 2)


void * cexpand (int *prev_len,MemType type,int len_to_copy,int keep_prev,GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Expand the existing storage to accommodate more fill-ins.
int cLUWorkInit (int m, int n, int panel_size, int **iworkptr, complex **dworkptr, GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Allocate known working storage. Returns 0 if success, otherwise returns the number of bytes allocated so far when failure occurred.
void copy_mem_complex (int, void *, void *)
void cStackCompress (GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Compress the work[] array to remove fragmentation.
void cSetupSpace (void *work, int lwork, GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Setup the memory model to be used for factorization.
void * cuser_malloc (int, int, GlobalLU_t *)
void cuser_free (int, int, GlobalLU_t *)
void copy_mem_int (int, void *, void *)
void user_bcopy (char *, char *, int)
int cQuerySpace (SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage)
int ilu_cQuerySpace (SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, mem_usage_t *mem_usage)
int cLUMemInit (fact_t fact, void *work, int lwork, int m, int n, int annz, int panel_size, float fill_ratio, SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, GlobalLU_t *Glu, int **iwork, complex **dwork)
 Allocate storage for the data structures common to all factor routines.
void cSetRWork (int m, int panel_size, complex *dworkptr, complex **dense, complex **tempv)
 Set up pointers for real working arrays.
void cLUWorkFree (int *iwork, complex *dwork, GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Free the working storage used by factor routines.
int cLUMemXpand (int jcol, int next, MemType mem_type, int *maxlen, GlobalLU_t *Glu)
 Expand the data structures for L and U during the factorization.
void callocateA (int n, int nnz, complex **a, int **asub, int **xa)
 Allocate storage for original matrix A.
complexcomplexMalloc (int n)
complexcomplexCalloc (int n)
int cmemory_usage (const int nzlmax, const int nzumax, const int nzlumax, const int n)

Detailed Description

 -- SuperLU routine (version 4.0) --
 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
 June 30, 2009

Define Documentation

#define DoubleAlign ( addr   )     ( ((long int)addr + 7) & ~7L )

#define NotDoubleAlign ( addr   )     ( (long int)addr & 7 )

#define Reduce ( alpha   )     ((alpha + 1) / 2)

#define StackFull (  )     ( x + Glu->stack.used >= Glu->stack.size )

#define TempSpace ( m,


( (2*w + 4 + NO_MARKER) * m * sizeof(int) + \
                              (w + 1) * m * sizeof(complex) )

Function Documentation

void callocateA ( int  n,
int  nnz,
complex **  a,
int **  asub,
int **  xa 

void * cexpand ( int *  prev_len,
MemType  type,
int  len_to_copy,
int  keep_prev,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

int cLUMemInit ( fact_t  fact,
void *  work,
int  lwork,
int  m,
int  n,
int  annz,
int  panel_size,
float  fill_ratio,
SuperMatrix L,
SuperMatrix U,
GlobalLU_t Glu,
int **  iwork,
complex **  dwork 


 For those unpredictable size, estimate as fill_ratio * nnz(A).
 Return value:
     If lwork = -1, return the estimated amount of space required, plus n;
     otherwise, return the amount of space actually allocated when
     memory allocation failure occurred.

int cLUMemXpand ( int  jcol,
int  next,
MemType  mem_type,
int *  maxlen,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

 Return value:   0 - successful return
               > 0 - number of bytes allocated when run out of space

void cLUWorkFree ( int *  iwork,
complex dwork,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

int cLUWorkInit ( int  m,
int  n,
int  panel_size,
int **  iworkptr,
complex **  dworkptr,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

int cmemory_usage ( const int  nzlmax,
const int  nzumax,
const int  nzlumax,
const int  n 

complex* complexCalloc ( int  n  ) 

complex* complexMalloc ( int  n  ) 

void copy_mem_complex ( int  howmany,
void *  old,
void *  new 

void copy_mem_int ( int  ,
void *  ,
void *   

int cQuerySpace ( SuperMatrix L,
SuperMatrix U,
mem_usage_t mem_usage 

 mem_usage consists of the following fields:
  • for_lu (float) The amount of space used in bytes for the L data structures.
  • total_needed (float) The amount of space needed in bytes to perform factorization.

void cSetRWork ( int  m,
int  panel_size,
complex dworkptr,
complex **  dense,
complex **  tempv 

void cSetupSpace ( void *  work,
int  lwork,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

lwork = 0: use system malloc; lwork > 0: use user-supplied work[] space.

void cStackCompress ( GlobalLU_t Glu  ) 

void cuser_free ( int  bytes,
int  which_end,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

void * cuser_malloc ( int  bytes,
int  which_end,
GlobalLU_t Glu 

int ilu_cQuerySpace ( SuperMatrix L,
SuperMatrix U,
mem_usage_t mem_usage 

 mem_usage consists of the following fields:
  • for_lu (float) The amount of space used in bytes for the L data structures.
  • total_needed (float) The amount of space needed in bytes to perform factorization.

void user_bcopy ( char *  ,
char *  ,

Generated on Mon Nov 22 10:23:47 2010 for SuperLU by  doxygen 1.5.5