SRC/slu_util.h File Reference

Utility header file. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "superlu_enum_consts.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  superlu_options_t
struct  e_node
 Headers for 4 types of dynamatically managed memory. More...
struct  LU_stack_t
struct  SuperLUStat_t
struct  mem_usage_t


#define FIRSTCOL_OF_SNODE(i)   (xsup[i])
#define NO_MARKER   3
#define NUM_TEMPV(m, w, t, b)   ( SUPERLU_MAX(m, (t + b)*w) )
#define USER_ABORT(msg)   superlu_abort_and_exit(msg)
#define ABORT(err_msg)
#define USER_MALLOC(size)   superlu_malloc(size)
#define SUPERLU_MALLOC(size)   USER_MALLOC(size)
#define USER_FREE(addr)   superlu_free(addr)
#define SUPERLU_FREE(addr)   USER_FREE(addr)
#define CHECK_MALLOC(where)
#define SUPERLU_MAX(x, y)   ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) )
#define SUPERLU_MIN(x, y)   ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) )
#define L_SUB_START(col)   ( Lstore->rowind_colptr[col] )
#define L_SUB(ptr)   ( Lstore->rowind[ptr] )
#define L_NZ_START(col)   ( Lstore->nzval_colptr[col] )
#define L_FST_SUPC(superno)   ( Lstore->sup_to_col[superno] )
#define U_NZ_START(col)   ( Ustore->colptr[col] )
#define U_SUB(ptr)   ( Ustore->rowind[ptr] )
#define EMPTY   (-1)
#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE   1
#define NO_MEMTYPE   4
#define GluIntArray(n)   (5 * (n) + 5)
#define NODROP   ( 0x0000 )
#define DROP_BASIC   ( 0x0001 )
#define DROP_PROWS   ( 0x0002 )
#define DROP_COLUMN   ( 0x0004 )
#define DROP_AREA   ( 0x0008 )
#define DROP_SECONDARY   ( 0x000E )
#define DROP_DYNAMIC   ( 0x0010 )
#define DROP_INTERP   ( 0x0100 )
#define MILU_ALPHA   (1.0e-2)


typedef float flops_t
typedef unsigned char Logical
typedef struct e_node ExpHeader


void Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store (SuperMatrix *)
 Deallocate the structure pointing to the actual storage of the matrix.
void Destroy_CompCol_Matrix (SuperMatrix *)
void Destroy_CompRow_Matrix (SuperMatrix *)
void Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix (SuperMatrix *)
void Destroy_CompCol_Permuted (SuperMatrix *)
 A is of type Stype==NCP.
void Destroy_Dense_Matrix (SuperMatrix *)
 A is of type Stype==DN.
void get_perm_c (int, SuperMatrix *, int *)
void set_default_options (superlu_options_t *options)
 Set the default values for the options argument.
void ilu_set_default_options (superlu_options_t *options)
 Set the default values for the options argument for ILU.
void sp_preorder (superlu_options_t *, SuperMatrix *, int *, int *, SuperMatrix *)
void superlu_abort_and_exit (char *)
 Global statistics variale.
void * superlu_malloc (size_t)
int * intMalloc (int)
int * intCalloc (int)
void superlu_free (void *)
void SetIWork (int, int, int, int *, int **, int **, int **, int **, int **, int **, int **)
 Set up pointers for integer working arrays.
int sp_coletree (int *, int *, int *, int, int, int *)
void relax_snode (const int, int *, const int, int *, int *)
void heap_relax_snode (const int, int *, const int, int *, int *)
int mark_relax (int, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *)
void ilu_relax_snode (const int, int *, const int, int *, int *, int *)
void ilu_heap_relax_snode (const int, int *, const int, int *, int *, int *)
void resetrep_col (const int, const int *, int *)
 Reset repfnz[] for the current column.
int spcoletree (int *, int *, int *, int, int, int *)
int * TreePostorder (int, int *)
double SuperLU_timer_ ()
 Timer function.
int sp_ienv (int)
int lsame_ (char *, char *)
int xerbla_ (char *, int *)
void ifill (int *, int, int)
 Fills an integer array with a given value.
void snode_profile (int, int *)
void super_stats (int, int *)
void check_repfnz (int, int, int, int *)
 Check whether repfnz[] == EMPTY after reset.
void PrintSumm (char *, int, int, int)
 Print a summary of the testing results.
void StatInit (SuperLUStat_t *)
void StatPrint (SuperLUStat_t *)
void StatFree (SuperLUStat_t *)
void print_panel_seg (int, int, int, int, int *, int *)
 Diagnostic print of segment info after panel_dfs().
int print_int_vec (char *, int, int *)
int slu_PrintInt10 (char *, int, int *)

Detailed Description

-- SuperLU routine (version 4.1) -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. November, 2010

Define Documentation

#define ABORT ( err_msg   ) 


{ char msg[256];\
   sprintf(msg,"%s at line %d in file %s\n",err_msg,__LINE__, __FILE__);\
   USER_ABORT(msg); }

#define CHECK_MALLOC ( where   ) 


{                 \
    extern int superlu_malloc_total;        \
    printf("%s: malloc_total %d Bytes\n",     \
           where, superlu_malloc_total); \

#define DROP_AREA   ( 0x0008 )

#define DROP_BASIC   ( 0x0001 )

#define DROP_COLUMN   ( 0x0004 )

#define DROP_DYNAMIC   ( 0x0010 )

#define DROP_INTERP   ( 0x0100 )

#define DROP_PROWS   ( 0x0002 )

#define DROP_SECONDARY   ( 0x000E )

#define EMPTY   (-1)

#define FALSE   0

#define FIRSTCOL_OF_SNODE (  )     (xsup[i])

#define GluIntArray (  )     (5 * (n) + 5)

#define L_FST_SUPC ( superno   )     ( Lstore->sup_to_col[superno] )

#define L_NZ_START ( col   )     ( Lstore->nzval_colptr[col] )

#define L_SUB ( ptr   )     ( Lstore->rowind[ptr] )

#define L_SUB_START ( col   )     ( Lstore->rowind_colptr[col] )

#define MILU_ALPHA   (1.0e-2)

#define NO_MARKER   3

#define NO_MEMTYPE   4

#define NODROP   ( 0x0000 )

#define NUM_TEMPV ( m,
 )     ( SUPERLU_MAX(m, (t + b)*w) )

#define SUPERLU_FREE ( addr   )     USER_FREE(addr)

#define SUPERLU_MALLOC ( size   )     USER_MALLOC(size)

#define SUPERLU_MAX ( x,
 )     ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) )

#define SUPERLU_MIN ( x,
 )     ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) )

#define TRUE   1

#define U_NZ_START ( col   )     ( Ustore->colptr[col] )

#define U_SUB ( ptr   )     ( Ustore->rowind[ptr] )

#define USER_ABORT ( msg   )     superlu_abort_and_exit(msg)

#define USER_FREE ( addr   )     superlu_free(addr)

#define USER_MALLOC ( size   )     superlu_malloc(size)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct e_node ExpHeader

typedef float flops_t

typedef unsigned char Logical

Function Documentation

void check_repfnz ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int *   

void Destroy_CompCol_Matrix ( SuperMatrix  ) 

void Destroy_CompCol_Permuted ( SuperMatrix  ) 

void Destroy_CompRow_Matrix ( SuperMatrix  ) 

void Destroy_Dense_Matrix ( SuperMatrix  ) 

void Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store ( SuperMatrix  ) 

void Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix ( SuperMatrix  ) 

void get_perm_c ( int  ispec,
SuperMatrix A,
int *  perm_c 


 GET_PERM_C obtains a permutation matrix Pc, by applying the multiple
 minimum degree ordering code by Joseph Liu to matrix A'*A or A+A'.
 or using approximate minimum degree column ordering by Davis et. al.
 The LU factorization of A*Pc tends to have less fill than the LU 
 factorization of A.


 ispec   (input) int
         Specifies the type of column ordering to reduce fill:
         = 1: minimum degree on the structure of A^T * A
         = 2: minimum degree on the structure of A^T + A
         = 3: approximate minimum degree for unsymmetric matrices
         If ispec == 0, the natural ordering (i.e., Pc = I) is returned.

 A       (input) SuperMatrix*
         Matrix A in A*X=B, of dimension (A->nrow, A->ncol). The number
         of the linear equations is A->nrow. Currently, the type of A 
         can be: Stype = NC; Dtype = _D; Mtype = GE. In the future,
         more general A can be handled.

 perm_c  (output) int*
	   Column permutation vector of size A->ncol, which defines the 
         permutation matrix Pc; perm_c[i] = j means column i of A is 
         in position j in A*Pc.

void heap_relax_snode ( const int  n,
int *  et,
const int  relax_columns,
int *  descendants,
int *  relax_end 

    relax_snode() - Identify the initial relaxed supernodes, assuming that 
    the matrix has been reordered according to the postorder of the etree.

void ifill ( int *  ,
int  ,

void ilu_heap_relax_snode ( const int  n,
int *  et,
const int  relax_columns,
int *  descendants,
int *  relax_end,
int *  relax_fsupc 

    ilu_heap_relax_snode() - Identify the initial relaxed supernodes,
    assuming that the matrix has been reordered according to the postorder
    of the etree.

void ilu_relax_snode ( const int  n,
int *  et,
const int  relax_columns,
int *  descendants,
int *  relax_end,
int *  relax_fsupc 

    ilu_relax_snode() - Identify the initial relaxed supernodes, assuming
    that the matrix has been reordered according to the postorder of the

void ilu_set_default_options ( superlu_options_t options  ) 

int* intCalloc ( int   ) 

int* intMalloc ( int   ) 

int lsame_ ( char *  ca,
char *  cb 


    LSAME returns .TRUE. if CA is the same letter as CB regardless of case.


    CA      (input) CHARACTER*1   
    CB      (input) CHARACTER*1   
            CA and CB specify the single characters to be compared.


int mark_relax ( int  n,
int *  relax_end,
int *  relax_fsupc,
int *  xa_begin,
int *  xa_end,
int *  asub,
int *  marker 

    mark_relax() - record the rows used by the relaxed supernodes.

int print_int_vec ( char *  ,
int  ,
int *   

void print_panel_seg ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int *  ,
int *   

void PrintSumm ( char *  ,
int  ,
int  ,

void relax_snode ( const int  n,
int *  et,
const int  relax_columns,
int *  descendants,
int *  relax_end 

    relax_snode() - Identify the initial relaxed supernodes, assuming that 
    the matrix has been reordered according to the postorder of the etree.

void resetrep_col ( const   int,
const int *  ,
int *   

void set_default_options ( superlu_options_t options  ) 

void SetIWork ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int *  ,
int **  ,
int **  ,
int **  ,
int **  ,
int **  ,
int **  ,
int **   

int slu_PrintInt10 ( char *  ,
int  ,
int *   

void snode_profile ( int  ,
int *   

int sp_coletree ( int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int *   

int sp_ienv ( int  ispec  ) 


    sp_ienv() is inquired to choose machine-dependent parameters for the
    local environment. See ISPEC for a description of the parameters.

    This version provides a set of parameters which should give good,   
    but not optimal, performance on many of the currently available   
    computers.  Users are encouraged to modify this subroutine to set   
    the tuning parameters for their particular machine using the option   
    and problem size information in the arguments.


    ISPEC   (input) int
            Specifies the parameter to be returned as the value of SP_IENV.   
            = 1: the panel size w; a panel consists of w consecutive
	         columns of matrix A in the process of Gaussian elimination.
		 The best value depends on machine's cache characters.
            = 2: the relaxation parameter relax; if the number of
	         nodes (columns) in a subtree of the elimination tree is less
		 than relax, this subtree is considered as one supernode,
		 regardless of their row structures.
            = 3: the maximum size for a supernode in complete LU;
	    = 4: the minimum row dimension for 2-D blocking to be used;
	    = 5: the minimum column dimension for 2-D blocking to be used;
	    = 6: the estimated fills factor for L and U, compared with A;
	    = 7: the maximum size for a supernode in ILU.

   (SP_IENV) (output) int
            >= 0: the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC   
            < 0:  if SP_IENV = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value.


void sp_preorder ( superlu_options_t options,
SuperMatrix A,
int *  perm_c,
int *  etree,
SuperMatrix AC 


 sp_preorder() permutes the columns of the original matrix. It performs
 the following steps:

    1. Apply column permutation perm_c[] to A's column pointers to form AC;

    2. If options->Fact = DOFACT, then
       (1) Compute column elimination tree etree[] of AC'AC;
       (2) Post order etree[] to get a postordered elimination tree etree[],
           and a postorder permutation post[];
       (3) Apply post[] permutation to columns of AC;
       (4) Overwrite perm_c[] with the product perm_c * post.


 options (input) superlu_options_t*
         Specifies whether or not the elimination tree will be re-used.
         If options->Fact == DOFACT, this means first time factor A, 
         etree is computed, postered, and output.
         Otherwise, re-factor A, etree is input, unchanged on exit.

 A       (input) SuperMatrix*
         Matrix A in A*X=B, of dimension (A->nrow, A->ncol). The number
         of the linear equations is A->nrow. Currently, the type of A can be:
         Stype = NC or SLU_NCP; Mtype = SLU_GE.
         In the future, more general A may be handled.

 perm_c  (input/output) int*
	   Column permutation vector of size A->ncol, which defines the 
         permutation matrix Pc; perm_c[i] = j means column i of A is 
         in position j in A*Pc.
         If options->Fact == DOFACT, perm_c is both input and output.
         On output, it is changed according to a postorder of etree.
         Otherwise, perm_c is input.

 etree   (input/output) int*
         Elimination tree of Pc'*A'*A*Pc, dimension A->ncol.
         If options->Fact == DOFACT, etree is an output argument,
         otherwise it is an input argument.
         Note: etree is a vector of parent pointers for a forest whose
         vertices are the integers 0 to A->ncol-1; etree[root]==A->ncol.

 AC      (output) SuperMatrix*
         The resulting matrix after applied the column permutation
         perm_c[] to matrix A. The type of AC can be:
         Stype = SLU_NCP; Dtype = A->Dtype; Mtype = SLU_GE.

int spcoletree ( int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int *   

void StatFree ( SuperLUStat_t  ) 

void StatInit ( SuperLUStat_t  ) 

void StatPrint ( SuperLUStat_t  ) 

void super_stats ( int  ,
int *   

void superlu_abort_and_exit ( char *   ) 

void superlu_free ( void *   ) 

void* superlu_malloc ( size_t  size  ) 

Precision-independent memory-related routines. (Shared by [sdcz]memory.c)

double SuperLU_timer_ (  ) 

int* TreePostorder ( int  ,
int *   

int xerbla_ ( char *  ,
int *   

Generated on Mon Nov 22 10:23:48 2010 for SuperLU by  doxygen 1.5.5