SRC/cpivotgrowth.c File Reference

Computes the reciprocal pivot growth factor. More...

#include <math.h>
#include "slu_cdefs.h"


float cPivotGrowth (int ncols, SuperMatrix *A, int *perm_c, SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U)

Detailed Description

 -- SuperLU routine (version 2.0) --
 Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
 and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
 November 15, 1997

Function Documentation

float cPivotGrowth ( int  ncols,
SuperMatrix A,
int *  perm_c,
SuperMatrix L,
SuperMatrix U 


 Compute the reciprocal pivot growth factor of the leading ncols columns
 of the matrix, using the formula:
     min_j ( max_i(abs(A_ij)) / max_i(abs(U_ij)) )


 ncols    (input) int
          The number of columns of matrices A, L and U.

 A        (input) SuperMatrix*
	    Original matrix A, permuted by columns, of dimension
          (A->nrow, A->ncol). The type of A can be:
          Stype = NC; Dtype = SLU_C; Mtype = GE.

 L        (output) SuperMatrix*
          The factor L from the factorization Pr*A=L*U; use compressed row 
          subscripts storage for supernodes, i.e., L has type: 
          Stype = SC; Dtype = SLU_C; Mtype = TRLU.

 U        (output) SuperMatrix*
	    The factor U from the factorization Pr*A*Pc=L*U. Use column-wise
          storage scheme, i.e., U has types: Stype = NC;
          Dtype = SLU_C; Mtype = TRU.

Generated on Mon Nov 22 10:23:47 2010 for SuperLU by  doxygen 1.5.5