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W1nst0n edited this page 2021-01-27 22:13:31 +00:00

Welcome to the wiki.

Please read the FAQ.

Worth reading :

How to contribute

As of today (2020-06-20) I basically wrote all the package documentation. There is a lot of packages descriptions to improve. Some can be slightly incorrect and some are nearly nonexistent (search for MORE INFO NEEDED comments). You know what you have to do! :)

You can also add new packages :

  1. Fetch the list of all the system packages of your phone. My script automatically exports this list in a file called remaining_packages after choosing an action in the main menu. You'll need to add quotes " to each package in this file.

You can also directly generate the list with this command :

adb shell 'pm list packages -s' | sed -r 's/package://g' | sort > remaining_packages.txt
  1. Seek new packages not present in the lists. You can use this script to check if your list has no duplicate with the current lists of the repo.

Note: Don't forget to add quotes to the packages name in your list. The script which check for duplicate will not work if your list isn't formatted like this :

  1. Try to document each new packages and make a merge request or create an issue.

Reverse engineer an APK

Useful apps

SD Maid Apps checker feature can be useful to find info about the packages.

Stanley app or Apps_packages_info on F-droid are also handy.

Logcat Reader to easily access device logs