2020-03-04 21:54:24 +01:00

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# Universal Android Debloater
**DISCLAIMER**: Use this script at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything that could happen to your phone.
## Summary
I try to provide and maintain a universal tool which remove bloatwares on any (unrooted) Android phones.
The main goal is to improve battery performance and privacy by limiting the tracking from preinstalled apps. The script has a menu that lets you choose what debloat list you want to use. I strongly encourage you to take a look at the lists because some apps are commented out by default. All packages are as well documented as possible in order to provide a better understanding of what you can delete or not.
This script *should* be safe with the default selection. The worse thing which could happen is preventing an essential system process to be loaded during boot causing then an unfortunate bootloop. After about 5 failed system boots, the phone will automatically reboot in recovery mode and you'll have to perform a FACTORY RESET.
In any case, you can NOT brick your device with this script ! That's the main thing, right ? :smiley:
## Features
* [X] Quick search among all the packages of your phone
* [X] Uninstallation of system/user packages (manually or with the debloat lists)
* [X] Reinstallation of system packages (manually or with the debloat lists)
* [X] ADB backup (not really reliable, see the FAQ)
* [X] Device brand detection and auto-selection of the appropriate manufacturer debloat list
* [X] Logs in `debloated_packages.txt` and `remaining_packages.txt`.
* [ ] Installation of alternative open-source apps replacing stock apps (list in the WIKI section) (WIP)
NB : It is NOT a real uninstallation for system apps (see the [FAQ](https://gitlab.com/W1nst0n/universal-android-debloater/-/wikis/FAQ))
## Universal debloat lists
* [X] GFAM (Google/Facebook/Amazon/Microsoft)
* [X] AOSP bloat
* [X] Manufacturers bloat
* [X] Mobile carriers bloat
* [X] Miscellaneous bloat
## Manufacturers debloat lists
* [ ] Archos
* [X] Asus
* [X] LG
* [X] Google
* [ ] HTC
* [X] Huawei
* [X] Motorola
* [X] Nokia
* [X] OnePlus
* [ ] Oppo
* [X] Samsung
* [X] Sony
* [ ] Wiko
* [X] Xiaomi
* [ ] ZTE
## Mobile carriers debloat lists
| **France** | **USA** |**Germany** |
| Orange | T-Mobile | Telekom |
| SFR | Verizon | |
| Free | Sprint | |
| Bouygues / Sosh | AT&T | |
## How to use it
- **Read the [FAQ](https://gitlab.com/W1nst0n/universal-android-debloater/-/wikis/FAQ) !!**
- **Do a proper backup of your data ! You can never be too careful !**
- Enable *Developer Options* on your smartphone.
- Turn on *USB Debugging*.
- Install *Android plateform tools* with your package manager :
Debian Base :
apt-get install android-sdk-platform-tools
Arch-Linux Base :
pacman -S android-tools
- Go to the release section, download the lastest release and enjoy :
bash debloat_script.sh
- Install [WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)](https://itsfoss.com/install-bash-on-windows/) in order to be able to use bash scripts.
- Install [ADB](https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip). If you want ADB support everywhere on your PC, you need to add the path of the ADB folder in the system variables (see [this](https://www.xda-developers.com/adb-fastboot-any-directory-windows-linux/)).
- Go to the release section and download the lastest release.
- Execute the script from the Ubuntu bash shell et voilà !
bash debloat_script.sh
- **Don't forget to check the debloat lists to see what are my default choices and to avoid any bad surprises.**