UX improvement + bugfixes (includes #78)

This commit is contained in:
w1nst0n 2021-03-05 23:49:26 +01:00
parent f09dfe8fe7
commit 76a3035fa2

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ done
############################################### MAIN SCRIPT ##########################################################
main() {
readonly VERSION="v2.9 (January 30th 2021)"
readonly VERSION="v2.9.1 (March 5th 2021)"
readonly PAD=$(((48-${#VERSION})/2))
readonly BRAND="$(get_brand)"
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ main() {
printf "\n${BRED}%s " "WARNING : Your android version is too old (< 8.0)."
printf "%s${NC}\n\n" "Uninstalled packages can't be restored."
printf "%s" "The script will force-disable the apps instead of uninstalling them"
printf "%s" "The script will force-disable the apps instead of uninstalling them "
printf "%s\n\n" "so that you can restore them if needed"
printf "%s " "If you still want to force-uninstall the apps, type '1' ('0' otherwise):"
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ main() {
if (( ROOT )); then
printf "\n%s\n" "The script will physically remove the apks from your phone"
printf "%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Do you prefer to use a " "Magisk " "module for a systemless debloat instead? [y/n]"
printf "\n%s\n" "The script will physically $title the apks from your phone"
printf "%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Do you prefer to use a " "Magisk " "module for a systemless $title instead? [y/n]"
read -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ [Yy] ]]; then
@ -262,9 +262,14 @@ debloat_or_restore() {
# Android 7.1 and older can't reinstall packages
if (( OLDER_THAN_ANDROID_8 )); then
(( RESTORE && FORCE_UNINSTALL != 1 )) && action='pm enable $package' || action='am force-stop $package && pm disable-user $package && pm clear $package'
if (( RESTORE )); then
action='pm enable $package'
elif (( !FORCE_UNINSTALL )); then
action='am force-stop $package && pm disable-user $package && pm clear $package'
# parse user list on the phone
readarray -t USERS < <(adb shell pm list users | grep -o "{[0-9]*" | grep -o "[0-9]*")
@ -314,7 +319,7 @@ debloat_or_restore() {
do_package_action_and_log() {
printf "${BBLUE}%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s" "[user $u_num] " "$package --> "
output="$(eval adb shell "$action")" && echo "$output"
output="$(eval adb shell "\"$action\"")" && echo "$output"
if [[ ! "$output" =~ Failure|Error ]]; then
if [[ $RESTORE -eq 0 ]]; then
@ -663,6 +668,7 @@ get_brand() {
uad_recovery_mode() {
while true; do
clear -x
printf "\n${BBLUE}%s\n" "========== MAIN MENU (RECOVERY MODE) =========="
printf "%s\n" "# #"
printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%12s\n" "#" "1 - Restore APKs (Root)" "#"
@ -686,7 +692,7 @@ uad_recovery_mode() {
printf "%s\n" "# #"
printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%17s\n" "#" "1 - $title an APK" "#" | awk '{print tolower($0)}'
printf "%-12s${NC}%s${BBLUE}%18s\n" "#" "2 - External list" "#"
((RESTORE)) && printf "#${NC}%9s 3 - deleted_apks.txt ${BBLUE}%11s#\n"
((RESTORE)) && printf "#${NC}%7s 3 - deleted_apks.txt ${BBLUE}%13s#\n"
printf "%s\n" "# #"
printf "%s\n${NC}" "================================================="
@ -694,13 +700,14 @@ uad_recovery_mode() {
if [[ $REPLY = 1 ]]; then
while true; do
printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}" "Android path of the APK to $title: "
read -r path
if [[ ! $path =~ ^/.*\.apk$ ]]; then
[[ $path =~ ^/.*\.apk$ ]] && break
printf "\n${BRED}%s${NC}%s${BRED}%s${NC}%s\n" "$path" " doesn't look like a valid APK path"
sleep 3 && return 0
@ -714,8 +721,8 @@ uad_recovery_mode() {
[[ $NEWER_THAN_ANDROID_9 -eq 1 ]] && magisk_module && continue
printf "\n%s\n" "The script will physically remove the apks from your phone."
printf "%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Do you prefer to use a " "Magisk " "module for a systemless debloat instead? [y/n]"
printf "\n%s\n" "The script will physically $title the apks from your phone."
printf "%s${BBLUE}%s${NC}%s\n" "Do you prefer to use a " "Magisk " "module for a systemless $title instead? [y/n]"
read -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ [Yy] ]]; then
@ -723,6 +730,8 @@ uad_recovery_mode() {
adb shell mount system || exit 1
for p in "${CUSTOM_LIST[@]}"; do # $p = path/to/app.apk
local apk=$(echo "$p" | sed -r 's/.*\///g') # app.apk
local dir=$(dirname "$p") # path/to