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2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
uMatrix: un firewall a matrice del tipo punta e clicca, con molte funzionalità a salvaguardia della privacy. Per utenti avanzati.
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
uMatrix permette il pieno controllo delle connessioni del browser, del tipo di dati che può scaricare e di cosa può eseguire. Nessun'altro decide per te: Tu scegli. Solo tu hai il controllo completo della tua privacy.
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
In configurazione standard, uMatrix funziona in modalità blocca-tutto/permetti-eccezionalmente, vale a dire che i siti che richiedono script di terze parti, facilmente risulteranno incompleti o con errori. Con solo un paio di click, uMatrix può essere configurato in modalità permetti-tutto/blocca-eccezionalmente, che generalmente non causa problemi nel caricamento dei siti. Vedere https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/wiki/How-to-use-HTTP-Switchboard:-Two-opposing-views per ulteriori dettagli.
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
Riguardo il mito che i browser basati su Chromium non possano bloccare efficacemente javascript, vedere: https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/wiki/Blocking-javascript-execution-reliably-in-Chromium-based-browsers. In sostanza: Si, javascript può essere efficacemente bloccato in Chromium.
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
*Vedi TUTTE le connessioni remote, se fallite o tentate, dipendendo se siano bloccate o permesse (tu decidi).
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
* Un singolo click per permettere/bloccare una o più categorie di richieste, in funzione della destinazione e del tipo di dati (una richiesta bloccata non lascerà MAI il tuo browser).
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
* Controllo efficiente: i cookies non lasceranno il tuo browser, javascript non verrà eseguito, i plug-in non verranno attivati, pixel di tracking non saranno scaricati, ecc.
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
* Tu non devi unicamente affidarti ad una singola lista nera (presumibilmente con molte voci mancanti) al di fuori della quale niente altro può essere bloccato: Tu hai il pieno controllo.
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
* Semplicità d'uso: uMatrix consente di permettere/bloccare le richieste originate da una pagina web secondo uno schema a matrice, punta e clicca:
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
- nome del dominio (colonna di sinistra)
* dal molto specifico
* al molto generico
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
- tipo di richiesta (riga in alto)
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
* cookies
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
* risorse tipo CSS (stili e caratteri)
* immagini
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
* plugins
* scripts
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
* XHR (richieste fatte dagli script)
* riquadri
* altro
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-12-08 08:57:07 +13:00
Tu puoi permettere/bloccare una singola cella, una intera riga, un gruppo di righe, una intera colonna o l'intera matrice, con solo un click.
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
µMatrix's filtering engine uses precedence logic to evaluate what is blocked/allowed according to which cells are blacklisted/whitelisted. For example, this allows you to whitelist a whole page with one click, without having to repeatedly whitelist whatever new data appear on the page.
All rules are scoped. For example, you can block `facebook.com` and `facebook.net` everywhere except when visiting a page on `www.facebook.com`. This way Facebook won't be able to build a profile of your browsing habits.
The goal of this extension is to make the allowing or blocking of web sites, wholly or partly, as straightforward as possible, so as to encourage users to care about their privacy.
The extension comes with 3rd-party hosts files totaling over 58,000 distinct hostnames (lists can be selectively disabled/enabled according to your choice).
Ultimately, you can choose however you browse the net:
* Blacklist all by default, and whitelist as needed (default mode).
* Whitelist all by default, and blacklist as needed.
Either way, you still benefit from the preset blacklists so that at least you get basic protection from trackers, malware sites, etc. Or you can disable all of these preset blacklists.
Your choice.
2014-11-07 01:51:13 +13:00
Randomly assembled documentation: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
For any question/issue you might have, use the "Send Feedback" button on the right, in order for me to be able to answer readily. I can't answer directly to reviews, but I will be more than happy to answer you directly in the feedback section.
2014-11-07 01:51:13 +13:00
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
You are very welcomed to contribute your views on open issues and suggestions, various arguments for/against help me in deciding what is needed to improve the extension.
Ease of use is the primary goal. I've seen users give up on Firefox's NoScript because it gets too much in the way according to them, so rather than blame these users for poor security habits, I prefer to blame developers and this project is a tentative to address the issues which cause some users to give up on basic security.
This extension is also useful to understand what the web page in your browser is doing, often without your knowledge. You have full ability to see and decide with whom a web page communicates, and to restrict these communications to specific classes of objects within the web page.
The number which appear in the extension icon correspond to the total number of distinct requests attempted (successfully or not depending on whether these were allowed or blocked) by the web page.
Simply click on the appropriate entry in the matrix in order to white-, black- or graylist a component. Graylisting means the blocked or allowed status will be inherited from another cell with higher precedence in the matrix.
Red square = effectively blacklisted, i.e. requests are prevented from reaching their intended destination:
* Dark red square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically blacklisted.
* Faded red square: the blacklist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.
Green square = effectively whitelisted, i.e. requests are allowed to reach their intended destination:
* Dark green square: the domain name and/or type of request is specifically whitelisted.
* Faded green square: the whitelist status is inherited because the entry is graylisted.
The top-left cell in the matrix, the "all" cell, represents the default global setting, which allows you to choose whether allowing or blocking everything is the default behavior. Some prefer to allow everything while blocking exceptionally. My personal preference is of course the reverse, blocking everything and allowing exceptionally.
This extension is also useful if you wish to speed up your browsing, by globally blocking all requests for images as an example.
2014-11-07 01:51:13 +13:00
SOURCE CODE: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix (GPLv3)
2014-11-06 06:20:55 +13:00
2014-11-07 01:51:13 +13:00
CHANGE LOG: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/releases