Create new instructions to Package Manuskript for Windows with PyInstaller

Curtis Gedak 2017-09-17 11:12:16 -06:00
parent 530e963819
commit 0c98574bdd

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
This guide describes the steps for packaging **Manuskript** for Windows. The resulting package runs on x86 (32 bit) and x86-64 bit Windows computers.
Before embarking on this procedure consider creating a clean 32-bit Virtual Machine of Windows XP for the purpose of creating Manuskript PyInstaller packages. The reasons are three-fold:
- Need to use oldest version of Windows you plan to support. See [Making Linux Apps Forward-Compatible](
- Ensure no QT4 installed on system. Otherwise pyinstaller attempts to include unneeded QT4 in the package if QT4 is found on the system. See [PyQt5.QtCore and PyQt4.QtCore modules both wrap the QObject class](
- Binary package [wheels are provided for Python v3.5 and later for 64-bit Linux, OS X and 32-bit and 64-bit Windows](
_Note: I chose to create a Windows XP SP3 32-bit VM in order to support manuskript on a large number of Windows versions._
## Install Manuskript
A working version of Manuskipt is required. If creating an official release, then download and extract an [official source code release zip or tarball file]( using Windows Explorer.
Be sure to include optional software such as Markdown and PyEnchant so that these are included in the package.
- See [Run Manuskript from Source Code on Windows](
## Add Icon for Windows EXE
These steps build the icon file using Linux.
1. Open `manuskript/icons/Manuskript/ico-512px.png` in gimp.
2. Image resize to 48x48.
3. Export as ".ico" format and save as `manuskript.ico` file.
## Install Prerequisite Software Packages
Install all the necessary software required for creating the manuskript package.
1. Install PyInstaller
cd \Python34\Scripts
pip install pyInstaller
Create a zip file package that can be installed and run on Windows 32 bit and 64 bit computers.
1. Create the Manuskript package.
cd manuskript
C:\Python34\Scripts\pyInstaller --icon=manuskript.ico manuskript.spec
This should create a `build` directory and a `dist` directory under the current working directory.
The `dist` directory contains the self-contained manuskript folder.
The log file with the warnings and erros is at `build\manuskript\warnmanuskript.txt`.
**NOTE: The icon does not appear to be applied to the manuskript.exe file**
2. Create a zip file using the manuskript files under the `dist` directory.
In Windows Explorer navigate to `dist` directory, right click on `manuskript`, select **Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder**.
This will create a `` in the `dist` directory.
Rename `` to `manuskript-#.#.#{-#}`
Note that the `-#` within the curly braces is optional. It is used to indicate updated packages of the same manuskript `#-#-#` version. The curly braces are not included in the file name.
For example:
First packaging of manuskript v0.4.0 would be named:
Second repackaging of manuskript v0.4.0 would be named:
And so on until the version of manuskript changed.
Use the following steps on a different computer or Virtual Machine to test that the manuskript package works.
1. Copy the manuskript-#.#.#{-#} file and extract using Windows Explorer.
2. Install a different language dictionary (e.g. French).
**SKIP THIS STEP for now as instructions are Linux specific**
sudo apt install aspell-fr
3. Download and install pandoc from []( for more export format options.
4. Run manuskript and open/create a project.
# Open/create a project
5. Check for extra language dictionaries (e.g., French).
# Check *Tools -> Dictionary* for French "fr" dictionaries.
6. Check for additional pandoc export options.
# Select *File -> Compile*
# Check *Export to:* drop down for pandoc export options.
7. Exit manuskript.
- [Using PyInstaller](
- [What is PyQT?](