Jan Wester ff2cbca028 Converted most print statements to use logging
Some snippets have yet to be converted due to the more complex nature
of those snippets, and to keep things neat a separate commit makes more
sense for those.
2021-04-08 18:44:28 +02:00

351 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import collections
import json
import pickle
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp
from manuskript.enums import Outline
import logging
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO: move some/all of those settings to application settings and not project settings
# in order to allow a shared project between several writers
viewSettings = {
"Tree": {
"Icon": "Nothing",
"Text": "Compile",
"Background": "Nothing",
"InfoFolder": "Nothing",
"InfoText": "Nothing",
"iconSize": 24,
"Cork": {
"Icon": "Nothing",
"Text": "Nothing",
"Background": "Nothing",
"Corner": "Label",
"Border": "Nothing",
"Outline": {
"Icon": "Nothing",
"Text": "Compile",
"Background": "Nothing",
fullscreenSettings = {
"autohide-top": True,
"autohide-bottom": True,
"autohide-left": True,
# Application
spellcheck = False
dict = None
corkSizeFactor = 100
folderView = "cork"
lastTab = 0
openIndexes = [""]
progressChars = False
countSpaces = True
autoSave = False
autoSaveDelay = 5
autoSaveNoChanges = True
autoSaveNoChangesDelay = 5
saveOnQuit = True
outlineViewColumns = [Outline.title, Outline.POV, Outline.status,
Outline.compile, Outline.wordCount, Outline.goal,
Outline.goalPercentage, Outline.label]
corkBackground = {
"color": "#926239",
"image": "writingdesk"
corkStyle = "new"
defaultTextType = "md"
fullScreenTheme = "spacedreams"
textEditor = {
"background": "",
"fontColor": "",
"font": qApp.font().toString(),
"misspelled": "#F00",
"lineSpacing": 100,
"tabWidth": 20,
"indent": False,
"spacingAbove": 5,
"spacingBelow": 5,
"textAlignment": 0, # 0: left, 1: center, 2: right, 3: justify
"cursorWidth": 1,
"cursorNotBlinking": False,
"maxWidth": 600,
"marginsLR": 0,
"marginsTB": 20,
"backgroundTransparent": False,
"alwaysCenter": False,
"focusMode": False # "line", "paragraph", "sentence"
revisions = {
"keep": False,
"smartremove": True,
"rules": collections.OrderedDict({
10 * 60: 60, # One per minute for the last 10mn
60 * 60: 60 * 10, # One per 10mn for the last hour
60 * 60 * 24: 60 * 60, # One per hour for the last day
60 * 60 * 24 * 30: 60 * 60 * 24, # One per day for the last month
None: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, # One per week for eternity
frequencyAnalyzer = {
"wordMin": 1,
"wordExclude": "a, and, or",
"phraseMin": 2,
"phraseMax": 5
viewMode = "fiction" # simple, fiction
saveToZip = True
dontShowDeleteWarning = False
def initDefaultValues():
Load some default values based on system's settings.
Is called anytime we open/create a project.
global textEditor
if not textEditor["background"]:
from manuskript.ui import style as S
textEditor["background"] = S.base
if not textEditor["fontColor"]:
from manuskript.ui import style as S
textEditor["fontColor"] = S.text
def save(filename=None, protocol=None):
global spellcheck, dict, corkSliderFactor, viewSettings, corkSizeFactor, folderView, lastTab, openIndexes, \
progressChars, autoSave, autoSaveDelay, saveOnQuit, autoSaveNoChanges, autoSaveNoChangesDelay, outlineViewColumns, \
corkBackground, corkStyle, fullScreenTheme, defaultTextType, textEditor, revisions, frequencyAnalyzer, viewMode, \
saveToZip, dontShowDeleteWarning, fullscreenSettings
allSettings = {
"viewSettings": viewSettings,
"fullscreenSettings": fullscreenSettings,
"dict": dict,
"spellcheck": spellcheck,
"corkSizeFactor": corkSizeFactor,
"folderView": folderView,
"lastTab": lastTab,
"openIndexes": openIndexes,
"progressChars": progressChars,
"countSpaces": countSpaces,
# TODO: Settings Cleanup Task -- Rename saveOnQuit to saveOnProjectClose -- see PR #615
"corkStyle": corkStyle,
"frequencyAnalyzer": frequencyAnalyzer,
"viewMode": viewMode,
"saveToZip": saveToZip,
"dontShowDeleteWarning": dontShowDeleteWarning,
#pp=pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, compact=False)
if filename:
f = open(filename, "wb")
pickle.dump(allSettings, f)
if protocol == 0:
# This looks stupid
# But a simple json.dumps with sort_keys will throw a TypeError
# because of unorderable types.
return json.dumps(json.loads(json.dumps(allSettings)), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
return pickle.dumps(allSettings)
def load(string, fromString=False, protocol=None):
"""Load settings from 'string'. 'string' is the filename of the pickle dump.
If fromString=True, string is the data of the pickle dumps."""
global allSettings
if not fromString:
f = open(string, "rb")
allSettings = pickle.load(f)
LOGGER.error("Cannot load settings, {} does not exist.".format(string))
if protocol == 0:
allSettings = json.loads(string)
allSettings = pickle.loads(string)
#pp=pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, compact=False)
# FIXME: use dict.update(dict) to update settings in newer versions.
if "viewSettings" in allSettings:
global viewSettings
viewSettings = allSettings["viewSettings"]
for cat, name, default in [
("Tree", "iconSize", 24), # Added in 0.6.0
if not name in viewSettings[cat]:
viewSettings[cat][name] = default
if "fullscreenSettings" in allSettings:
global fullscreenSettings
fullscreenSettings = allSettings["fullscreenSettings"]
if "dict" in allSettings:
global dict
dict = allSettings["dict"]
if "spellcheck" in allSettings:
global spellcheck
spellcheck = allSettings["spellcheck"]
if "corkSizeFactor" in allSettings:
global corkSizeFactor
corkSizeFactor = allSettings["corkSizeFactor"]
if "folderView" in allSettings:
global folderView
folderView = allSettings["folderView"]
if "lastTab" in allSettings:
global lastTab
lastTab = allSettings["lastTab"]
if "openIndexes" in allSettings:
global openIndexes
openIndexes = allSettings["openIndexes"]
if "progressChars" in allSettings:
global progressChars
progressChars = allSettings["progressChars"]
if "countSpaces" in allSettings:
global countSpaces
countSpaces = allSettings["countSpaces"]
if "autoSave" in allSettings:
global autoSave
autoSave = allSettings["autoSave"]
if "autoSaveDelay" in allSettings:
global autoSaveDelay
autoSaveDelay = allSettings["autoSaveDelay"]
if "saveOnQuit" in allSettings:
global saveOnQuit
saveOnQuit = allSettings["saveOnQuit"]
if "autoSaveNoChanges" in allSettings:
global autoSaveNoChanges
autoSaveNoChanges = allSettings["autoSaveNoChanges"]
if "autoSaveNoChangesDelay" in allSettings:
global autoSaveNoChangesDelay
autoSaveNoChangesDelay = allSettings["autoSaveNoChangesDelay"]
if "outlineViewColumns" in allSettings:
global outlineViewColumns
outlineViewColumns = allSettings["outlineViewColumns"]
if "corkBackground" in allSettings:
global corkBackground
corkBackground = allSettings["corkBackground"]
if "corkStyle" in allSettings:
global corkStyle
corkStyle = allSettings["corkStyle"]
if "fullScreenTheme" in allSettings:
global fullScreenTheme
fullScreenTheme = allSettings["fullScreenTheme"]
if "defaultTextType" in allSettings:
global defaultTextType
defaultTextType = allSettings["defaultTextType"]
if "textEditor" in allSettings:
global textEditor
textEditor = allSettings["textEditor"]
added = {
"textAlignment": 0, # Added in 0.5.0
"cursorWidth": 1,
"cursorNotBlinking": False, # Added in 0.6.0
"maxWidth": 600,
"marginsLR": 0,
"marginsTB": 20,
"backgroundTransparent": False, # Added in 0.6.0
"alwaysCenter": False, # Added in 0.7.0
"focusMode": False,
for k in added:
if not k in textEditor: textEditor[k] = added[k]
if textEditor["cursorNotBlinking"]:
from manuskript.functions import mainWindow
if "revisions" in allSettings:
global revisions
revisions = allSettings["revisions"]
# With JSON we had to convert int keys to str, and None to "null", so we roll back.
r = {}
for i in revisions["rules"]:
if i == "null":
r[None] = revisions["rules"]["null"]
elif i == None:
r[None] = revisions["rules"][None]
r[int(i)] = revisions["rules"][i]
revisions["rules"] = r
if "frequencyAnalyzer" in allSettings:
global frequencyAnalyzer
frequencyAnalyzer = allSettings["frequencyAnalyzer"]
if "viewMode" in allSettings:
global viewMode
viewMode = allSettings["viewMode"]
if "saveToZip" in allSettings:
global saveToZip
saveToZip = allSettings["saveToZip"]
if "dontShowDeleteWarning" in allSettings:
global dontShowDeleteWarning
dontShowDeleteWarning = allSettings["dontShowDeleteWarning"]