Youness Alaoui a27a1f399a Adding navigation support to fullscreen editor
This makes the fullscreen editor much more powerful in terms of navigating
through chapters and scenes. This should make issue #234 users happy and
fix #444.

Top panel now has left/right arrows to navigate through the scenes. It will
automatically find the next/previous text item and display it, navigating through
the outline tree.

There's also a "New document" icon which will create a new text entry immediately
after the current one and switch to it.

Navigation can also be done using Alt+Page-Up, Alt+Page-Down or Alt+Left and Alt+right
shortcuts (Fixing #444).

There's now also the option between Title or Path for the top panel, if Path is chosen
then the full path of the scene is displayed and clicking on the scene or parent items
opens a menu to quickly switch to the selected chapter/scene. Selecting a folder will
automatically display the first text entry available in that folder.
2019-04-02 11:42:25 -06:00

313 lines
9.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# --!-- coding: utf8 --!--
from PyQt5.QtCore import QAbstractItemModel, QMimeData
from PyQt5.QtCore import QModelIndex
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize
from PyQt5.QtCore import QVariant
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QFont
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, qApp
from lxml import etree as ET
from manuskript import enums
class abstractItem():
# Enum kept on the class for easier acces
enum = enums.Abstract
# Used for XML export
name = "abstractItem"
def __init__(self, model=None, title="", _type="abstract", xml=None, parent=None, ID=None):
self._data = {}
self.childItems = []
self._parent = None
self._model = model
self.IDs = ["0"] # used by root item to store unique IDs
self._lastPath = "" # used by loadSave version_1 to remember which files the items comes from,
# in case it is renamed / removed
self._data[self.enum.title] = title
self._data[self.enum.type] = _type
if xml is not None:
if ID:
self._data[self.enum.ID] = ID
if parent:
# Model
def setModel(self, model):
self._model = model
for c in self.children():
def index(self, column=0):
if self._model:
return self._model.indexFromItem(self, column)
return QModelIndex()
def emitDataChanged(self, cols=None, recursive=False):
Emits the dataChanged signal of the model, to signal views that data
have changed.
@param cols: an array of int (or None). The columns of the index that
have been changed.
@param recursive: boolean. If true, all children will also emit the
dataChanged signal.
idx = self.index()
if idx and self._model:
if not cols:
# Emit data changed for the whole item (all columns)
self._model.dataChanged.emit(idx, self.index(len(self.enum)))
# Emit only for the specified columns
for c in cols:
self._model.dataChanged.emit(self.index(c), self.index(c))
if recursive:
for c in self.children():
c.emitDataChanged(cols, recursive=True)
# Properties
def title(self):
return self._data.get(self.enum.title, "")
def ID(self):
return self._data.get(self.enum.ID)
def columnCount(self):
return len(self.enum)
def type(self):
return self._data[self.enum.type]
# Parent / Children managment
def child(self, row):
return self.childItems[row]
def childCount(self):
return len(self.childItems)
def childCountRecursive(self):
n = self.childCount()
for c in self.children():
n += c.childCountRecursive()
return n
def children(self):
return self.childItems
def row(self):
if self.parent():
return self.parent().childItems.index(self)
return None
def appendChild(self, child):
self.insertChild(self.childCount(), child)
def insertChild(self, row, child):
self.childItems.insert(row, child)
child._parent = self
if not child.ID():
def removeChild(self, row):
Removes child at position `row` and returns it.
@param row: index (int) of the child to remove.
@return: the removed abstractItem
r = self.childItems.pop(row)
return r
def parent(self):
return self._parent
def path(self, sep=" > "):
"Returns path to item as string."
if self.parent().parent():
return "{parent}{sep}{title}".format(
return self.title()
def pathID(self):
"Returns path to item as list of (ID, title)."
if self.parent() and self.parent().parent():
return self.parent().pathID() + [(self.ID(), self.title())]
return [(self.ID(), self.title())]
def level(self):
"""Returns the level of the current item. Root item returns -1."""
if self.parent():
return self.parent().level() + 1
return -1
def copy(self):
Returns a copy of item, with no parent, and no ID.
item = self.__class__(xml=self.toXML())
item.setData(self.enum.ID, None)
return item
def siblings(self):
if self.parent():
return self.parent().children()
return []
def getUniqueID(self, recursive=False):
self.setData(self.enum.ID, self._model.rootItem.findUniqueID())
if recursive:
for c in self.children():
def checkIDs(self):
"""This is called when a model is loaded.
Makes a list of all sub-items IDs, that is used to generate unique IDs afterwards.
self.IDs = self.listAllIDs()
if max([self.IDs.count(i) for i in self.IDs if i]) != 1:
print("WARNING ! There are some items with same IDs:", [i for i in self.IDs if i and self.IDs.count(i) != 1])
def checkChildren(item):
for c in item.children():
_id = c.ID()
if not _id or _id == "0":
def listAllIDs(self):
IDs = [self.ID()]
for c in self.children():
return IDs
def findUniqueID(self):
IDs = [int(i) for i in self.IDs]
k = 1
while k in IDs:
k += 1
return str(k)
# Data
def data(self, column, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
# Return value in self._data
if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole:
return self._data.get(column, "")
# Or return QVariant
return QVariant()
def setData(self, column, data, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
# Setting data
self._data[column] = data
# Emit signal
self.emitDataChanged(cols=[column]) # new in 0.5.0
# We don't want to write some datas (computed)
XMLExclude = []
# We want to force some data even if they're empty
XMLForce = []
def toXML(self):
Returns a string containing the item (and children) in XML.
By default, saves all attributes from self.enum and lastPath.
You can define in XMLExclude and XMLForce what you want to be
excluded or forcibly included.
item = ET.Element(
for attrib in self.enum:
if attrib in self.XMLExclude:
val =
if val or attrib in self.XMLForce:
item.set(, str(val))
# Saving lastPath
item.set("lastPath", self._lastPath)
# Additional stuff for subclasses
item = self.toXMLProcessItem(item)
for i in self.childItems:
return ET.tostring(item)
def toXMLProcessItem(self, item):
Subclass this to change the behavior of `toXML`.
return item
def setFromXML(self, xml):
root = ET.XML(xml)
for k in self.enum:
if in root.attrib:
self.setData(k, str(root.attrib[]))
if "lastPath" in root.attrib:
self._lastPath = root.attrib["lastPath"]
for child in root:
if child.tag ==
item = self.__class__(self._model, xml=ET.tostring(child), parent=self)
def setFromXMLProcessMore(self, root):
Additional stuff that subclasses must do with the XML to restore