2017-11-15 20:58:12 +01:00

124 lines
3.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# --!-- coding: utf8 --!--
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp, QMessageBox
from manuskript.models import outlineItem
from manuskript.enums import Outline
from lxml import etree as ET
from manuskript.functions import mainWindow
from manuskript.importer.abstractImporter import abstractImporter
class opmlImporter(abstractImporter):
name = "OPML"
description = ""
fileFormat = "OPML Files (*.opml *.xml)"
icon = "text-x-opml+xml"
def isValid(cls):
return True
def startImport(cls, filePath, parentItem, settingsWidget, fromString=None):
Import/export outline cards in OPML format.
ret = False
if filePath != "":
# We have a filePath, so we read the file
with open(filePath, 'rb') as opmlFile:
#opmlContent = cls.saveNewlines(
opmlContent =
qApp.translate("Import", "OPML Import"),
qApp.translate("Import", "File open failed."))
return None
elif fromString == "":
# We have neither filePath nor fromString, so we leave
return None
# We load from string
opmlContent = bytes(fromString, "utf-8")
parsed = ET.fromstring(opmlContent)
opmlNode = parsed
bodyNode = opmlNode.find("body")
items = []
if bodyNode is not None:
outlineEls = bodyNode.findall("outline")
if outlineEls is not None:
for element in outlineEls:
items.extend(cls.parseItems(element, parentItem))
ret = True
if not ret:
qApp.translate("Import", "OPML Import"),
qApp.translate("Import", "This does not appear to be a valid OPML file."))
return None
return items
def parseItems(cls, underElement, parentItem=None):
items = []
title = underElement.get('text')
if title is not None:
card = outlineItem(parent=parentItem, title=title)
body = ""
note = underElement.get('_note')
if note is not None and not cls.isWhitespaceOnly(note):
#body = cls.restoreNewLines(note)
body = note
children = underElement.findall('outline')
if children is not None and len(children) > 0:
for el in children:
items.extend(cls.parseItems(el, card))
card.setData(Outline.type, 'md')
card.setData(Outline.text, body)
return items
def saveNewlines(cls, inString):
Since XML parsers are notorious for stripping out significant newlines,
save them in a form we can restore after the parse.
inString = inString.replace("\r\n", "\n")
inString = inString.replace("\n", "{{lf}}")
return inString
def restoreNewLines(cls, inString):
Restore any significant newlines
return inString.replace("{{lf}}", "\n")
def isWhitespaceOnly(cls, inString):
Determine whether or not a string only contains whitespace.
s = cls.restoreNewLines(inString)
s = ''.join(s.split())
return len(s) is 0