Jan Wester 8884bac0ed Added logging & proper argument parsing.
Sometimes you want to do just one thing, and in the process of
implementing that one thing, you implement several others. This is one
of those types of commits.

Implementing the argparse library is for the sake of controlling the
logging behaviour as well as other future I have yet to implement.

It has all the standard goodies you'd expect, and I have also ported
over the existing commandline arguments. (They may need a bit of polish
still, but there is no regression compared to before, only improvement.)

The logger is because it really needed to happen for numerous reasons.

It still logs to the terminal, but by default it only does so for
messages classified WARNING and above. These are the things we actively
want users to see. But if this is not good enough, adding the --verbose
flag will increasingly show more (-v shows INFO level and -vv also shows
the DEBUG messages) so that us coders don't have to miss anything in the
most convenient location.

It also logs to a file with the very original filename manuskript.log. I
may have to add commandline and/or settings arguments to improve that at
some point in the future, but there distractions are endless.

The log file contains timestamps and module information for easy
interpretation that are not present on the terminal, and it contains all
messages classified DEBUG and up. Ideally users will just be able to
attach it to an issue(*) to deliver us all the information we need to
help them with their inquiry.

Last but not least, the other reason I needed logging implemented is
that Qt has its own logging framework, and I needed to figure out how to
siphon out the data and make it shut up. But there was no point in doing
that as long as our own logging facilities were lacking...

(*) I have yet to convert all existing print statements over to the new
system, but that is probably going to be the next commit. This one has
enough change in it already.
2021-04-08 18:29:15 +02:00

42 lines
1.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# --!-- coding: utf8 --!--
# ========
# Don't know why, this causes seg fault on SemaphoreCI
# Seg fault in app = QApplication(...)
# Workaround: create and discard an app first...
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
# Create app and mainWindow
from manuskript import main
arguments = main.process_commandline([])
app, MW = main.prepare(arguments, tests=True)
# FIXME: Again, don't know why, but when closing a project and then reopening
# one, we get a `TypeError: connection is not unique` in MainWindow:
# self.btnAddSubPlot.clicked.connect(self.updateSubPlotView, F.AUC)
# Yet the disconnectAll() function has been called.
# Workaround: we remove the necessity for connection to be unique. This
# works for now, but could create issues later on when we want to test
# this specific functionality. Maybe it will be called several times?
# At that moment, we will need to catch the exception in the MainWindow,
# or better: understand why it happens at all, and only on some signals.
from manuskript import functions as F
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
F.AUC = Qt.AutoConnection
# ========
# We need a qApplication to be running, or all the calls to qApp
# will throw a seg fault.
# from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
# app = QApplication([])
# app.setOrganizationName("manuskript_tests")
# app.setApplicationName("manuskript_tests")
# from manuskript.mainWindow import MainWindow
# MW = MainWindow()