Improved detection of UI language

The user can configure a language for Manuskript in the dialog, but
before that setting is ever written to disk, there is the default
behaviour that tries to auto-detect the best language to show based on
the configuration of the device it is running on.

While doing my due diligence on issue #619, I realized we were relying
on the system locale, which is not necessarily equivalent to the
language the user is working with. Worse still: a user can have multiple
preferred languages for their user interface, and our old approach might
actually offer them the 'wrong' language. This patch fixes this.

It also refactors and comments things a little bit where necessary.
This commit is contained in:
Jan Wester 2019-09-05 00:50:46 +02:00 committed by Curtis Gedak
parent 0aa83180de
commit 5dcd93ced3

View file

@ -69,20 +69,53 @@ def prepare(tests=False):
# Translation process
locale = QLocale.system().name()
appTranslator = QTranslator(app)
# By default: locale
def tryLoadTranslation(translation, source):
"""Tries to load and activate a given translation for use."""
if appTranslator.load(translation, appPath("i18n")):
print("Loaded translation: {}".format(translation))
# Note: QTranslator.load() does some fancy heuristics where it simplifies
# the given locale until it is 'close enough' if the given filename does
# not work out. For example, if given 'i18n/manuskript_en_US.qm', it tries:
# * i18n/manuskript_en_US.qm.qm
# * i18n/manuskript_en_US.qm
# * i18n/manuskript_en_US
# * i18n/manuskript_en.qm
# * i18n/manuskript_en
# * i18n/manuskript.qm
# * i18n/manuskript
# We have no way to determining what it eventually went with, so mind your
# filenames when you observe strange behaviour with the loaded translations.
return True
print("No translation found or loaded. ({})".format(translation))
return False
def activateTranslation(translation, source):
"""Loads the most suitable translation based on the available information."""
using_builtin_translation = True
if (translation != ""): # empty string == 'no translation, use builtin'
if isinstance(translation, str):
if tryLoadTranslation(translation, source):
using_builtin_translation = False
else: # A list of language codes to try. Once something works, we're done.
# This logic is loosely based on the working of QTranslator.load(QLocale, ...);
# it allows us to more accurately detect the language used for the user interface.
for language_code in translation:
lc = language_code.replace('-', '_')
if lc.lower() == 'en_US'.lower():
if tryLoadTranslation("manuskript_{}.qm".format(lc), source):
using_builtin_translation = False
if using_builtin_translation:
print("Using the builtin translation.")
# Load application translation
translation = ""
source = "default"
@ -92,15 +125,11 @@ def prepare(tests=False):
source = "user setting"
# Auto-detect based on system locale.
translation = "manuskript_{}.qm".format(locale)
source = "system locale"
# Note: a missing translation should default to builtin translation,
# meaning a missing 'manuskript_en_US.qm' is not a problem at all.
translation = QLocale().uiLanguages()
source = "available ui languages"
print("Preferred translation: {} (based on {})".format(("builtin" if translation == "" else translation), source))
if (translation != ""): # empty string == 'no translation, use builtin'
if not tryLoadTranslation(translation, source):
print("Falling back on the builtin translation.")
activateTranslation(translation, source)
def respectSystemDarkThemeSetting():
"""Adjusts the Qt theme to match the OS 'dark theme' setting configured by the user."""