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# coding: utf-8
# please don't look at this code too hard, it's a mess.
import logging
import os
import time
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque
from logging.handlers import QueueHandler
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Process, Queue as MPQueue
from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
from queue import Empty
from sys import exit
from threading import Condition, Thread
from legendary.downloader.mp.workers import DLWorker, FileWorker
from legendary.models.downloading import *
from legendary.models.manifest import ManifestComparison, Manifest
class DLManager(Process):
def __init__(self, download_dir, base_url, cache_dir=None, status_q=None,
2020-05-06 02:13:08 +12:00
max_workers=0, update_interval=1.0, dl_timeout=10, resume_file=None,
max_shared_memory=1024 * 1024 * 1024, bind_ip=None):
self.log = logging.getLogger('DLM')
self.proc_debug = False
self.base_url = base_url
self.dl_dir = download_dir
self.cache_dir = cache_dir or os.path.join(download_dir, '.cache')
# All the queues!
self.logging_queue = None
self.dl_worker_queue = None
self.writer_queue = None
self.dl_result_q = None
self.writer_result_q = None
# Worker stuff
self.max_workers = max_workers or min(cpu_count() * 2, 16)
self.dl_timeout = dl_timeout
self.bind_ips = [] if not bind_ip else bind_ip.split(',')
# Analysis stuff
self.analysis = None
self.tasks = deque()
self.chunks_to_dl = deque()
self.chunk_data_list = None
# shared memory stuff
self.max_shared_memory = max_shared_memory # 1 GiB by default
self.sms = deque()
self.shared_memory = None
# Interval for log updates and pushing updates to the queue
self.update_interval = update_interval
self.status_queue = status_q # queue used to relay status info back to GUI/CLI
# Resume file stuff
self.resume_file = resume_file
self.hash_map = dict()
# cross-thread runtime information
self.running = True
self.active_tasks = 0
self.children = []
self.threads = []
self.conditions = []
# bytes downloaded and decompressed since last report
self.bytes_downloaded_since_last = 0
self.bytes_decompressed_since_last = 0
# bytes written since last report
self.bytes_written_since_last = 0
# bytes read since last report
self.bytes_read_since_last = 0
# chunks written since last report
self.num_processed_since_last = 0
self.num_tasks_processed_since_last = 0
def run_analysis(self, manifest: Manifest, old_manifest: Manifest = None,
patch=True, resume=True, file_prefix_filter=None,
file_exclude_filter=None, file_install_tag=None,
processing_optimization=False) -> AnalysisResult:
Run analysis on manifest and old manifest (if not None) and return a result
with a summary resources required in order to install the provided manifest.
:param manifest: Manifest to install
:param old_manifest: Old manifest to patch from (if applicable)
:param patch: Patch instead of redownloading the entire file
:param resume: Continue based on resume file if it exists
:param file_prefix_filter: Only download files that start with this prefix
:param file_exclude_filter: Exclude files with this prefix from download
:param file_install_tag: Only install files with the specified tag
:param processing_optimization: Attempt to optimize processing order and RAM usage
:return: AnalysisResult
analysis_res = AnalysisResult()
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_chunk = max(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_file_size = max(f.file_size for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
is_1mib = analysis_res.biggest_chunk == 1024 * 1024
self.log.debug(f'Biggest chunk size: {analysis_res.biggest_chunk} bytes (== 1 MiB? {is_1mib})')
self.log.debug(f'Creating manifest comparison...')
mc = ManifestComparison.create(manifest, old_manifest)
analysis_res.manifest_comparison = mc
if resume and self.resume_file and os.path.exists(self.resume_file):
self.log.info('Found previously interrupted download. Download will be resumed if possible.')
missing = 0
mismatch = 0
completed_files = set()
for line in open(self.resume_file, encoding='utf-8').readlines():
file_hash, _, filename = line.strip().partition(':')
_p = os.path.join(self.dl_dir, filename)
if not os.path.exists(_p):
self.log.debug(f'File does not exist but is in resume file: "{_p}"')
missing += 1
elif file_hash != manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(filename).sha_hash.hex():
mismatch += 1
if missing:
self.log.warning(f'{missing} previously completed file(s) are missing, they will be redownloaded.')
if mismatch:
self.log.warning(f'{mismatch} existing file(s) have been changed and will be redownloaded.')
# remove completed files from changed/added and move them to unchanged for the analysis.
mc.added -= completed_files
mc.changed -= completed_files
mc.unchanged |= completed_files
self.log.info(f'Skipping {len(completed_files)} files based on resume data.')
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Reading resume file failed: {e!r}, continuing as normal...')
elif resume:
# Basic check if files exist locally, put all missing files into "added"
# This allows new SDL tags to be installed without having to do a repair as well.
missing_files = set()
for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements:
if fm.filename in mc.added:
local_path = os.path.join(self.dl_dir, fm.filename)
if not os.path.exists(local_path):
self.log.info(f'Found {len(missing_files)} missing files.')
mc.added |= missing_files
mc.changed -= missing_files
mc.unchanged -= missing_files
# Install tags are used for selective downloading, e.g. for language packs
additional_deletion_tasks = []
if file_install_tag is not None:
if isinstance(file_install_tag, str):
file_install_tag = [file_install_tag]
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if not any((fit in i.install_tags) or (not fit and not i.install_tags)
for fit in file_install_tag))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on install tag.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
for fname in sorted(files_to_skip):
additional_deletion_tasks.append(FileTask(fname, flags=TaskFlags.DELETE_FILE | TaskFlags.SILENT))
# if include/exclude prefix has been set: mark all files that are not to be downloaded as unchanged
if file_exclude_filter:
if isinstance(file_exclude_filter, str):
file_exclude_filter = [file_exclude_filter]
file_exclude_filter = [f.lower() for f in file_exclude_filter]
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if
any(i.filename.lower().startswith(pfx) for pfx in file_exclude_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on exclude prefix.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter:
if isinstance(file_prefix_filter, str):
file_prefix_filter = [file_prefix_filter]
file_prefix_filter = [f.lower() for f in file_prefix_filter]
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if not
any(i.filename.lower().startswith(pfx) for pfx in file_prefix_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on include prefix(es)')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter or file_exclude_filter or file_install_tag:
self.log.info(f'Remaining files after filtering: {len(mc.added) + len(mc.changed)}')
# correct install size after filtering
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if fm.filename in mc.added)
if mc.removed:
analysis_res.removed = len(mc.removed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.removed} removed files')
if mc.added:
analysis_res.added = len(mc.added)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.added} added files')
if mc.changed:
analysis_res.changed = len(mc.changed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.changed} changed files')
if mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged = len(mc.unchanged)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.unchanged} unchanged files')
if processing_optimization and len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) > 100_000:
self.log.warning('Manifest contains too many files, processing optimizations will be disabled.')
processing_optimization = False
elif processing_optimization:
self.log.info('Processing order optimization is enabled, analysis may take a few seconds longer...')
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# count references to chunks for determining runtime cache size later
references = Counter()
fmlist = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements,
key=lambda a: a.filename.lower())
# Create reference count for chunks and calculate additional/temporary disk size required for install
current_tmp_size = 0
for fm in fmlist:
self.hash_map[fm.filename] = fm.sha_hash.hex()
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# chunks of unchanged files are not downloaded so we can skip them
if fm.filename in mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged += fm.file_size
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
for cp in fm.chunk_parts:
references[cp.guid_num] += 1
if fm.filename in mc.added:
# if the file was added, it just adds to the delta
current_tmp_size += fm.file_size
analysis_res.disk_space_delta = max(current_tmp_size, analysis_res.disk_space_delta)
elif fm.filename in mc.changed:
# if the file was changed, we need temporary space equal to the full size,
# but then subtract the size of the old file as it's deleted on write completion.
current_tmp_size += fm.file_size
analysis_res.disk_space_delta = max(current_tmp_size, analysis_res.disk_space_delta)
current_tmp_size -= old_manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(fm.filename).file_size
# clamp to 0
self.log.debug(f'Disk space delta: {analysis_res.disk_space_delta/1024/1024:.02f} MiB')
if processing_optimization:
s_time = time.time()
# reorder the file manifest list to group files that share many chunks
# 4 is mostly arbitrary but has shown in testing to be a good choice
min_overlap = 4
# ignore files with less than N chunk parts, this speeds things up dramatically
cp_threshold = 5
remaining_files = {fm.filename: {cp.guid_num for cp in fm.chunk_parts}
for fm in fmlist if fm.filename not in mc.unchanged}
_fmlist = []
# iterate over all files that will be downloaded and pair up those that share the most chunks
for fm in fmlist:
if fm.filename not in remaining_files:
f_chunks = remaining_files.pop(fm.filename)
if len(f_chunks) < cp_threshold:
best_overlap, match = 0, None
for fname, chunks in remaining_files.items():
if len(chunks) < cp_threshold:
overlap = len(f_chunks & chunks)
if overlap > min_overlap and overlap > best_overlap:
best_overlap, match = overlap, fname
if match:
fmlist = _fmlist
opt_delta = time.time() - s_time
self.log.debug(f'Processing optimizations took {opt_delta:.01f} seconds.')
# determine reusable chunks and prepare lookup table for reusable ones
re_usable = defaultdict(dict)
if old_manifest and mc.changed and patch:
self.log.debug('Analyzing manifests for re-usable chunks...')
for changed in mc.changed:
old_file = old_manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
new_file = manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
existing_chunks = defaultdict(list)
off = 0
for cp in old_file.chunk_parts:
existing_chunks[cp.guid_num].append((off, cp.offset, cp.offset + cp.size))
off += cp.size
for cp in new_file.chunk_parts:
key = (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
for file_o, cp_o, cp_end_o in existing_chunks[cp.guid_num]:
# check if new chunk part is wholly contained in the old chunk part
if cp_o <= cp.offset and (cp.offset + cp.size) <= cp_end_o:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
re_usable[changed][key] = file_o + (cp.offset - cp_o)
analysis_res.reuse_size += cp.size
last_cache_size = current_cache_size = 0
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# set to determine whether a file is currently cached or not
cached = set()
# Using this secondary set is orders of magnitude faster than checking the deque.
chunks_in_dl_list = set()
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# This is just used to count all unique guids that have been cached
dl_cache_guids = set()
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# run through the list of files and create the download jobs and also determine minimum
# runtime cache requirement by simulating adding/removing from cache during download.
self.log.debug('Creating filetasks and chunktasks...')
for current_file in fmlist:
# skip unchanged and empty files
if current_file.filename in mc.unchanged:
elif not current_file.chunk_parts:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, flags=TaskFlags.CREATE_EMPTY_FILE))
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
existing_chunks = re_usable.get(current_file.filename, None)
chunk_tasks = []
reused = 0
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
for cp in current_file.chunk_parts:
ct = ChunkTask(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# re-use the chunk from the existing file if we can
if existing_chunks and (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size) in existing_chunks:
reused += 1
ct.chunk_file = current_file.filename
ct.chunk_offset = existing_chunks[(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)]
# add to DL list if not already in it
if cp.guid_num not in chunks_in_dl_list:
# if chunk has more than one use or is already in cache,
# check if we need to add or remove it again.
if references[cp.guid_num] > 1 or cp.guid_num in cached:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# delete from cache if no references left
if references[cp.guid_num] < 1:
current_cache_size -= analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# add to cache if not already cached
elif cp.guid_num not in cached:
current_cache_size += analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
if reused:
self.log.debug(f' + Reusing {reused} chunks from: {current_file.filename}')
# open temporary file that will contain download + old file contents
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', flags=TaskFlags.OPEN_FILE))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', flags=TaskFlags.CLOSE_FILE))
# delete old file and rename temporary
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, old_file=current_file.filename + u'.tmp',
flags=TaskFlags.RENAME_FILE | TaskFlags.DELETE_FILE))
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, flags=TaskFlags.OPEN_FILE))
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, flags=TaskFlags.CLOSE_FILE))
if current_file.executable:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, flags=TaskFlags.MAKE_EXECUTABLE))
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
# check if runtime cache size has changed
if current_cache_size > last_cache_size:
self.log.debug(f' * New maximum cache size: {current_cache_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB')
last_cache_size = current_cache_size
self.log.debug(f'Final cache size requirement: {last_cache_size / 1024 / 1024} MiB.')
analysis_res.min_memory = last_cache_size + (1024 * 1024 * 32) # add some padding just to be safe
# Todo implement on-disk caching to avoid this issue.
if analysis_res.min_memory > self.max_shared_memory:
shared_mib = f'{self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
required_mib = f'{analysis_res.min_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
suggested_mib = round(self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024 +
(analysis_res.min_memory - self.max_shared_memory) / 1024 / 1024 + 32)
if processing_optimization:
message = f'Try running legendary with "--enable-reordering --max-shared-memory {suggested_mib:.0f}"'
message = 'Try running legendary with "--enable-reordering" to reduce memory usage, ' \
f'or use "--max-shared-memory {suggested_mib:.0f}" to increase the limit.'
raise MemoryError(f'Current shared memory cache is smaller than required: {shared_mib} < {required_mib}. '
+ message)
# calculate actual dl and patch write size.
analysis_res.dl_size = \
sum(c.file_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
analysis_res.uncompressed_dl_size = \
sum(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
# add jobs to remove files
for fname in mc.removed:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(fname, flags=TaskFlags.DELETE_FILE))
[downloader] Greatly simplify download task creation This is a change to something that was so massively stupid and overcomplicated that I feel like I need to explain and justify myself: After figuring out the format for manifests and spending countless hours staring at IDA/Ghidra I kinda was sick of that, so I decided to figure out what to do with the manifest myself by playing around with it, which was also a lot more fun than looking through disassembly. When looking at the chunks and files it quickly became obvious that the way they're created is by concatenating all files into 1 MiB chunks that can be downloaded and reassmebled (mostly) sequentially. What I did not know was how the order of files in this "stream" was determined. In playing around with it I came up with the old method: essentially forming a chain of files, because each file's end generally pointed to the start of the next file. And it worked great! At least until now... Yesterday somebody alerted me to a game where this failed and it took me a bit to figure out. Essentially the chaining had failed because multiple files started at the same offset, but some of them would follow another chain that never went back to the chunk it started at, effectively skipping those files. This was rather annoying to deal with, I came up with a workaround but it wasn't pretty. So I decided to jump back into IDA/Ghidra and find out how Epic does it for real. Well it took me a while, but thanks to symbols (yay macOS!) and a decent decompiler in Ghidra even a noob like me was able to find it eventually. The answer is as simple as it can be: the files are sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). So really all I ever had to do was to sort files alphabetically and then run through them to create the list of tasks. I feel so stupid. P.S.: I tested a few games and for the most part the resulting file processing order is identical between the old and the new method. The cases where it differs is when there's heavy de-duplication happening (e.g. Diabotical's small model files) but the runtime cache size remains the same so both methods are equally efficient, the old one just can't handle certain cases.
2020-04-30 19:43:17 +12:00
analysis_res.num_chunks_cache = len(dl_cache_guids)
self.chunk_data_list = manifest.chunk_data_list
self.analysis = analysis_res
return analysis_res
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
def download_job_manager(self, task_cond: Condition, shm_cond: Condition):
while self.chunks_to_dl and self.running:
while self.active_tasks < self.max_workers * 2 and self.chunks_to_dl:
sms = self.sms.popleft()
no_shm = False
except IndexError: # no free cache
no_shm = True
c_guid = self.chunks_to_dl.popleft()
chunk = self.chunk_data_list.get_chunk_by_guid(c_guid)
self.log.debug(f'Adding {chunk.guid_num} (active: {self.active_tasks})')
self.dl_worker_queue.put(DownloaderTask(url=self.base_url + '/' + chunk.path,
chunk_guid=c_guid, shm=sms),
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to add to download queue: {e!r}')
self.active_tasks += 1
# active tasks limit hit, wait for tasks to finish
with task_cond:
self.log.debug('Waiting for download tasks to complete..')
if no_shm:
# if we break we ran out of shared memory, so wait for that.
with shm_cond:
self.log.debug('Waiting for more shared memory...')
self.log.debug('Download Job Manager quitting...')
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
def dl_results_handler(self, task_cond: Condition):
in_buffer = dict()
task = self.tasks.popleft()
current_file = ''
while task and self.running:
if isinstance(task, FileTask): # this wasn't necessarily a good idea...
self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(**task.__dict__), timeout=1.0)
if task.flags & TaskFlags.OPEN_FILE:
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
current_file = task.filename
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Adding to queue failed: {e!r}')
task = self.tasks.popleft()
except IndexError: # finished
while (task.chunk_guid in in_buffer) or task.chunk_file:
res_shm = None
if not task.chunk_file: # not re-using from an old file
res_shm = in_buffer[task.chunk_guid].shm
self.log.debug(f'Adding {task.chunk_guid} to writer queue')
filename=current_file, shared_memory=res_shm,
chunk_offset=task.chunk_offset, chunk_size=task.chunk_size,
chunk_guid=task.chunk_guid, old_file=task.chunk_file,
flags=TaskFlags.RELEASE_MEMORY if task.cleanup else TaskFlags.NONE
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
), timeout=1.0)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Adding to queue failed: {e!r}')
if task.cleanup and not task.chunk_file:
del in_buffer[task.chunk_guid]
task = self.tasks.popleft()
if isinstance(task, FileTask):
except IndexError: # finished
task = None
else: # only enter blocking code if the loop did not break
res = self.dl_result_q.get(timeout=1)
self.active_tasks -= 1
with task_cond:
if res.success:
self.log.debug(f'Download for {res.chunk_guid} succeeded, adding to in_buffer...')
in_buffer[res.chunk_guid] = res
self.bytes_downloaded_since_last += res.size_downloaded
self.bytes_decompressed_since_last += res.size_decompressed
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
self.log.error(f'Download for {res.chunk_guid} failed, retrying...')
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
# since the result is a subclass of the task we can simply resubmit the result object
self.dl_worker_queue.put(res, timeout=1.0)
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
self.active_tasks += 1
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed adding retry task to queue! {e!r}')
# If this failed for whatever reason, put the chunk at the front of the DL list
except Empty:
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Unhandled exception when trying to read download result queue: {e!r}')
self.log.debug('Download result handler quitting...')
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
def fw_results_handler(self, shm_cond: Condition):
while self.running:
res = self.writer_result_q.get(timeout=1.0)
if isinstance(res, TerminateWorkerTask):
self.log.debug('Got termination command in FW result handler')
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
self.num_tasks_processed_since_last += 1
if res.flags & TaskFlags.CLOSE_FILE and self.resume_file and res.success:
if res.filename.endswith('.tmp'):
res.filename = res.filename[:-4]
file_hash = self.hash_map[res.filename]
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
# write last completed file to super simple resume file
with open(self.resume_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as rf:
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
if not res.success:
# todo make this kill the installation process or at least skip the file and mark it as failed
self.log.fatal(f'Writing for {res.filename} failed!')
if res.flags & TaskFlags.RELEASE_MEMORY:
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
with shm_cond:
if res.chunk_guid:
self.bytes_written_since_last += res.size
# if there's no shared memory we must have read from disk.
if not res.shared_memory:
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
self.bytes_read_since_last += res.size
self.num_processed_since_last += 1
except Empty:
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Exception when trying to read writer result queue: {e!r}')
self.log.debug('Writer result handler quitting...')
2020-05-05 23:21:55 +12:00
def run(self):
if not self.analysis:
raise ValueError('Did not run analysis before trying to run download!')
# Subprocess will use its own root logger that logs to a Queue instead
_root = logging.getLogger()
_root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if self.proc_debug else logging.INFO)
if self.logging_queue:
_root.handlers = []
self.log = logging.getLogger('DLManager')
self.log.info(f'Download Manager running with process-id: {os.getpid()}')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.log.warning('Immediate exit requested!')
self.running = False
# send conditions to unlock threads if they aren't already
for cond in self.conditions:
with cond:
# make sure threads are dead.
for t in self.threads:
if t.is_alive():
self.log.warning(f'Thread did not terminate! {repr(t)}')
# forcibly kill DL workers that are not actually dead yet
for child in self.children:
if child.exitcode is None:
# clean up all the queues, otherwise this process won't terminate properly
for name, q in zip(('Download jobs', 'Writer jobs', 'Download results', 'Writer results'),
(self.dl_worker_queue, self.writer_queue, self.dl_result_q, self.writer_result_q)):
self.log.debug(f'Cleaning up queue "{name}"')
while True:
_ = q.get_nowait()
except Empty:
def run_real(self):
self.shared_memory = SharedMemory(create=True, size=self.max_shared_memory)
self.log.debug(f'Created shared memory of size: {self.shared_memory.size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB')
# create the shared memory segments and add them to their respective pools
for i in range(int(self.shared_memory.size / self.analysis.biggest_chunk)):
_sms = SharedMemorySegment(offset=i * self.analysis.biggest_chunk,
end=i * self.analysis.biggest_chunk + self.analysis.biggest_chunk)
self.log.debug(f'Created {len(self.sms)} shared memory segments.')
# Create queues
self.dl_worker_queue = MPQueue(-1)
self.writer_queue = MPQueue(-1)
self.dl_result_q = MPQueue(-1)
self.writer_result_q = MPQueue(-1)
self.log.info(f'Starting download workers...')
bind_ip = None
for i in range(self.max_workers):
if self.bind_ips:
bind_ip = self.bind_ips[i % len(self.bind_ips)]
w = DLWorker(f'DLWorker {i + 1}', self.dl_worker_queue, self.dl_result_q,
self.shared_memory.name, logging_queue=self.logging_queue,
dl_timeout=self.dl_timeout, bind_addr=bind_ip)
self.log.info('Starting file writing worker...')
writer_p = FileWorker(self.writer_queue, self.writer_result_q, self.dl_dir,
self.shared_memory.name, self.cache_dir, self.logging_queue)
num_chunk_tasks = sum(isinstance(t, ChunkTask) for t in self.tasks)
num_dl_tasks = len(self.chunks_to_dl)
num_tasks = len(self.tasks)
num_shared_memory_segments = len(self.sms)
self.log.debug(f'Chunks to download: {num_dl_tasks}, File tasks: {num_tasks}, Chunk tasks: {num_chunk_tasks}')
# active downloader tasks
self.active_tasks = 0
processed_chunks = 0
processed_tasks = 0
total_dl = 0
total_write = 0
# synchronization conditions
shm_cond = Condition()
task_cond = Condition()
self.conditions = [shm_cond, task_cond]
# start threads
s_time = time.time()
self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.download_job_manager, args=(task_cond, shm_cond)))
self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.dl_results_handler, args=(task_cond,)))
self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.fw_results_handler, args=(shm_cond,)))
for t in self.threads:
last_update = time.time()
while processed_tasks < num_tasks:
delta = time.time() - last_update
if not delta:
# update all the things
processed_chunks += self.num_processed_since_last
processed_tasks += self.num_tasks_processed_since_last
total_dl += self.bytes_downloaded_since_last
total_write += self.bytes_written_since_last
dl_speed = self.bytes_downloaded_since_last / delta
dl_unc_speed = self.bytes_decompressed_since_last / delta
w_speed = self.bytes_written_since_last / delta
r_speed = self.bytes_read_since_last / delta
# c_speed = self.num_processed_since_last / delta
# set temporary counters to 0
self.bytes_read_since_last = self.bytes_written_since_last = 0
self.bytes_downloaded_since_last = self.num_processed_since_last = 0
self.bytes_decompressed_since_last = self.num_tasks_processed_since_last = 0
last_update = time.time()
perc = (processed_chunks / num_chunk_tasks) * 100
runtime = time.time() - s_time
total_avail = len(self.sms)
total_used = (num_shared_memory_segments - total_avail) * (self.analysis.biggest_chunk / 1024 / 1024)
if runtime and processed_chunks:
average_speed = processed_chunks / runtime
estimate = (num_chunk_tasks - processed_chunks) / average_speed
hours, estimate = int(estimate // 3600), estimate % 3600
minutes, seconds = int(estimate // 60), int(estimate % 60)
rt_hours, runtime = int(runtime // 3600), runtime % 3600
rt_minutes, rt_seconds = int(runtime // 60), int(runtime % 60)
hours = minutes = seconds = 0
rt_hours = rt_minutes = rt_seconds = 0
self.log.info(f'= Progress: {perc:.02f}% ({processed_chunks}/{num_chunk_tasks}), '
f'Running for {rt_hours:02d}:{rt_minutes:02d}:{rt_seconds:02d}, '
f'ETA: {hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}')
self.log.info(f' - Downloaded: {total_dl / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB, '
f'Written: {total_write / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB')
self.log.info(f' - Cache usage: {total_used:.02f} MiB, active tasks: {self.active_tasks}')
self.log.info(f' + Download\t- {dl_speed / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB/s (raw) '
f'/ {dl_unc_speed / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB/s (decompressed)')
self.log.info(f' + Disk\t- {w_speed / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB/s (write) / '
f'{r_speed / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB/s (read)')
# send status update to back to instantiator (if queue exists)
if self.status_queue:
progress=perc, download_speed=dl_unc_speed, write_speed=w_speed, read_speed=r_speed,
memory_usage=total_used * 1024 * 1024
), timeout=1.0)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to send status update to queue: {e!r}')
for i in range(self.max_workers):
self.log.info('Waiting for installation to finish...')
if writer_p.exitcode is None:
self.log.warning(f'Terminating writer process, no exit code!')
# forcibly kill DL workers that are not actually dead yet
for child in self.children:
if child.exitcode is None:
# make sure all the threads are dead.
for t in self.threads:
if t.is_alive():
self.log.warning(f'Thread did not terminate! {repr(t)}')
# clean up resume file
if self.resume_file:
except OSError as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to remove resume file: {e!r}')
# close up shared memory
self.shared_memory = None
self.log.info('All done! Download manager quitting...')
# finally, exit the process.