Wesley Grove 14e79fec0e
Clarified instructions
Gave a basic rundown on how to install step-by-step, based on walking a complete beginner through the process.
2021-04-12 20:55:05 -04:00

1.8 KiB

Fantasia archive (fantasiaarchive)

A database manager for world building

How to Install

Install Node.JS

Simply install Node.JS for your system. You can get it straight from their site, or on Linux, install it through your package manager.

Download the program

Click on the green code button above, and download the repository as a zip file. Extract the zip file and move the resulting fantasia-archive-master folder to your home directory.

Install the dependencies

In the terminal, do the following:

cd fantasia-archive-master
npm install

** Prep for build Due to issues with this package being written in somewhat older version of nodeJS, the script will fizzle out upon building due to wrong version of .d.ts file in one of the included NPM packages.

  • The proper replacement file can be found in _typeFix/index.d.ts
  • The faulty file can be found in node_modules\builder-util\node_modules\@types\fs-extra\index.d.ts
  • To fix this issue, simply copy the contents of the proper replacement over the buggy faulty file (or just replace its contents)
  • Once this is done, the build should run as normal without any issues

Optional: Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

If you don't know what's going on, skip this step.

npm run dev

Build the app for production

Once again in the terminal, run the following:

npm run build

After it is complete, go to /dist/electron/Packaged and select the dmg or AppImage file there and run it. You have finished installing the program.

New object files go into


Document configuration details can be found in the following file


Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.conf.js.