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2021-11-28 08:49:20 +13:00
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use crossbeam_channel::unbounded;
2022-01-04 09:02:56 +13:00
use gdk::gdk_pixbuf::Pixbuf;
2021-11-28 08:49:20 +13:00
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::Builder;
2021-11-28 08:49:20 +13:00
use czkawka_core::big_file::BigFile;
2021-01-13 08:06:12 +13:00
use czkawka_core::broken_files::BrokenFiles;
use czkawka_core::duplicate::DuplicateFinder;
use czkawka_core::empty_files::EmptyFiles;
use czkawka_core::empty_folder::EmptyFolder;
use czkawka_core::fl;
use czkawka_core::invalid_symlinks::InvalidSymlinks;
use czkawka_core::same_music::SameMusic;
use czkawka_core::similar_images::SimilarImages;
use czkawka_core::similar_videos::SimilarVideos;
use czkawka_core::temporary::Temporary;
2021-11-28 08:49:20 +13:00
use crate::gui_about::GuiAbout;
use crate::gui_bottom_buttons::GuiBottomButtons;
use crate::gui_compare_images::GuiCompareImages;
2021-11-28 08:49:20 +13:00
use crate::gui_header::GuiHeader;
use crate::gui_main_notebook::GuiMainNotebook;
use crate::gui_popovers::GuiPopovers;
use crate::gui_progress_dialog::GuiProgressDialog;
use crate::gui_settings::GuiSettings;
use crate::gui_upper_notebook::GuiUpperNotebook;
2021-11-28 08:49:20 +13:00
use crate::notebook_enums::*;
use crate::taskbar_progress::TaskbarProgress;
const ICON_ABOUT: &[u8; 4458] = include_bytes!("../../snap/gui/czkawka.png");
pub struct GuiData {
// Glade builder
pub glade_src: String,
pub builder: Builder,
// Windows
pub window_main: gtk::Window,
2021-03-28 01:14:02 +13:00
pub main_notebook: GuiMainNotebook,
pub upper_notebook: GuiUpperNotebook,
pub popovers: GuiPopovers,
pub bottom_buttons: GuiBottomButtons,
pub progress_window: GuiProgressDialog,
pub about: GuiAbout,
pub settings: GuiSettings,
pub header: GuiHeader,
pub compare_images: GuiCompareImages,
Windows taskbar progress support (#264) * Initial Windows taskbar progress support * Changes to COM (un)init It turns out winapi exposes IIDs through a `uuidof()` function of interfaces, so the copied one can be removed. * Don't return error codes Now the `TaskbarProgress` functions fail silently. The `TaskbarProgress` struct now will always be created (even in case of errors in initialisation), but it won't do anything. * Fix builds for other systems * Formatted code * Fix progress shown after the operation finished A progress update was received after the stop event. Also `as_ref()` was removed in many places (I don't even know why it was there). * Remove redundant call to hide It's already called by the `glib_stop_receiver` receiver. * Release the ITaskbarList3 and call CoUninitialize at exit Because objects moved to closures used as fallbacks in GTK have [static lifetimes](https://gtk-rs.org/docs-src/tutorial/closures#closures), the `TaskbarProgress` will never be dropped. To workaround this problem a `release` function is called when the main window is closed. This function behaves like `drop`, but sets the struct in a valid "empty" state, so that calling `release`/`drop` again won't cause problems. * Don't set the NORMAL state manually Because only NOPROGRESS and INDETERMINATE states are used, there is no need to set the NORMAL state when changing the progress value. Now `set_progress_value` will also change the `TaskbarProgress::current_state` if such situation occurs. > Unless [SetProgressState](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/shobjidl_core/nf-shobjidl_core-itaskbarlist3-setprogressstate) > has set a blocking state (TBPF_ERROR or TBPF_PAUSED) for the window, a call to **SetProgressValue** assumes the TBPF_NORMAL > state even if it is not explicitly set. A call to **SetProgressValue** overrides and clears the TBPF_INDETERMINATE state. See the [SetProgressValue documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shobjidl_core/nf-shobjidl_core-itaskbarlist3-setprogressvalue#how-the-taskbar-button-chooses-the-progress-indicator-for-a-group)
2021-02-21 00:24:36 +13:00
// Taskbar state
pub taskbar_state: Rc<RefCell<TaskbarProgress>>,
// Buttons state
2021-01-11 00:06:25 +13:00
pub shared_buttons: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<NotebookMainEnum, HashMap<String, bool>>>>,
// State of search results
pub shared_duplication_state: Rc<RefCell<DuplicateFinder>>,
pub shared_empty_folders_state: Rc<RefCell<EmptyFolder>>,
pub shared_empty_files_state: Rc<RefCell<EmptyFiles>>,
pub shared_temporary_files_state: Rc<RefCell<Temporary>>,
pub shared_big_files_state: Rc<RefCell<BigFile>>,
pub shared_similar_images_state: Rc<RefCell<SimilarImages>>,
pub shared_similar_videos_state: Rc<RefCell<SimilarVideos>>,
pub shared_same_music_state: Rc<RefCell<SameMusic>>,
pub shared_same_invalid_symlinks: Rc<RefCell<InvalidSymlinks>>,
2021-01-13 08:06:12 +13:00
pub shared_broken_files_state: Rc<RefCell<BrokenFiles>>,
pub preview_path: Rc<RefCell<String>>,
//// Entry
pub entry_info: gtk::Entry,
//// Bottom
pub text_view_errors: gtk::TextView,
pub scrolled_window_errors: gtk::ScrolledWindow,
// Used for sending stop signal to thread
2020-11-05 06:15:06 +13:00
pub stop_sender: crossbeam_channel::Sender<()>,
pub stop_receiver: crossbeam_channel::Receiver<()>,
impl GuiData {
pub fn new_with_application(application: &gtk::Application) -> Self {
//// Loading glade file content and build with it help UI
2021-07-08 07:13:36 +12:00
let glade_src = include_str!("../ui/main_window.glade").to_string();
let builder = Builder::from_string(glade_src.as_str());
//// Windows
let window_main: gtk::Window = builder.object("window_main").unwrap();
2022-01-04 19:27:28 +13:00
let pixbuf = Pixbuf::from_read(std::io::BufReader::new(&ICON_ABOUT[..])).unwrap();
2022-01-04 09:02:56 +13:00
2021-03-28 01:14:02 +13:00
let main_notebook = GuiMainNotebook::create_from_builder(&builder);
let upper_notebook = GuiUpperNotebook::create_from_builder(&builder);
2021-07-08 07:13:36 +12:00
let popovers = GuiPopovers::create_from_builder();
let bottom_buttons = GuiBottomButtons::create_from_builder(&builder, &popovers.popover_select);
let progress_window = GuiProgressDialog::create_from_builder(&window_main);
2022-01-04 09:02:56 +13:00
let about = GuiAbout::create_from_builder(&window_main, &pixbuf);
2021-03-28 01:14:02 +13:00
let header = GuiHeader::create_from_builder(&builder);
let settings = GuiSettings::create_from_builder(&window_main);
let compare_images = GuiCompareImages::create_from_builder(&window_main);
Windows taskbar progress support (#264) * Initial Windows taskbar progress support * Changes to COM (un)init It turns out winapi exposes IIDs through a `uuidof()` function of interfaces, so the copied one can be removed. * Don't return error codes Now the `TaskbarProgress` functions fail silently. The `TaskbarProgress` struct now will always be created (even in case of errors in initialisation), but it won't do anything. * Fix builds for other systems * Formatted code * Fix progress shown after the operation finished A progress update was received after the stop event. Also `as_ref()` was removed in many places (I don't even know why it was there). * Remove redundant call to hide It's already called by the `glib_stop_receiver` receiver. * Release the ITaskbarList3 and call CoUninitialize at exit Because objects moved to closures used as fallbacks in GTK have [static lifetimes](https://gtk-rs.org/docs-src/tutorial/closures#closures), the `TaskbarProgress` will never be dropped. To workaround this problem a `release` function is called when the main window is closed. This function behaves like `drop`, but sets the struct in a valid "empty" state, so that calling `release`/`drop` again won't cause problems. * Don't set the NORMAL state manually Because only NOPROGRESS and INDETERMINATE states are used, there is no need to set the NORMAL state when changing the progress value. Now `set_progress_value` will also change the `TaskbarProgress::current_state` if such situation occurs. > Unless [SetProgressState](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/shobjidl_core/nf-shobjidl_core-itaskbarlist3-setprogressstate) > has set a blocking state (TBPF_ERROR or TBPF_PAUSED) for the window, a call to **SetProgressValue** assumes the TBPF_NORMAL > state even if it is not explicitly set. A call to **SetProgressValue** overrides and clears the TBPF_INDETERMINATE state. See the [SetProgressValue documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shobjidl_core/nf-shobjidl_core-itaskbarlist3-setprogressvalue#how-the-taskbar-button-chooses-the-progress-indicator-for-a-group)
2021-02-21 00:24:36 +13:00
// Taskbar state
let taskbar_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(TaskbarProgress::new()));
// Buttons State - to remember existence of different buttons on pages
2021-01-11 00:06:25 +13:00
let shared_buttons: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::<NotebookMainEnum, HashMap<String, bool>>::new()));
// Show by default only search button
2021-01-11 00:06:25 +13:00
for i in get_all_main_tabs().iter() {
let mut temp_hashmap: HashMap<String, bool> = Default::default();
for button_name in bottom_buttons.buttons_names.iter() {
if *button_name == "search" {
temp_hashmap.insert(button_name.to_string(), true);
} else {
temp_hashmap.insert(button_name.to_string(), false);
2021-01-11 00:06:25 +13:00
shared_buttons.borrow_mut().insert(i.clone(), temp_hashmap);
// State of search results
let shared_duplication_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(DuplicateFinder::new()));
let shared_empty_folders_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(EmptyFolder::new()));
let shared_empty_files_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(EmptyFiles::new()));
let shared_temporary_files_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Temporary::new()));
let shared_big_files_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(BigFile::new()));
let shared_similar_images_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(SimilarImages::new()));
let shared_similar_videos_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(SimilarVideos::new()));
let shared_same_music_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(SameMusic::new()));
let shared_same_invalid_symlinks: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(InvalidSymlinks::new()));
2021-01-13 08:06:12 +13:00
let shared_broken_files_state: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(BrokenFiles::new()));
let preview_path: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new("".to_string()));
//// Entry
let entry_info: gtk::Entry = builder.object("entry_info").unwrap();
//// Bottom
let text_view_errors: gtk::TextView = builder.object("text_view_errors").unwrap();
let scrolled_window_errors: gtk::ScrolledWindow = builder.object("scrolled_window_errors").unwrap();
2021-01-25 00:01:02 +13:00
scrolled_window_errors.show_all(); // Not sure why needed, but without it text view errors sometimes hide itself
// Used for sending stop signal to thread
2020-11-05 06:15:06 +13:00
let (stop_sender, stop_receiver): (crossbeam_channel::Sender<()>, crossbeam_channel::Receiver<()>) = unbounded();
Self {
2021-01-25 00:01:02 +13:00
2021-02-23 21:40:19 +13:00
2021-01-25 00:01:02 +13:00
Windows taskbar progress support (#264) * Initial Windows taskbar progress support * Changes to COM (un)init It turns out winapi exposes IIDs through a `uuidof()` function of interfaces, so the copied one can be removed. * Don't return error codes Now the `TaskbarProgress` functions fail silently. The `TaskbarProgress` struct now will always be created (even in case of errors in initialisation), but it won't do anything. * Fix builds for other systems * Formatted code * Fix progress shown after the operation finished A progress update was received after the stop event. Also `as_ref()` was removed in many places (I don't even know why it was there). * Remove redundant call to hide It's already called by the `glib_stop_receiver` receiver. * Release the ITaskbarList3 and call CoUninitialize at exit Because objects moved to closures used as fallbacks in GTK have [static lifetimes](https://gtk-rs.org/docs-src/tutorial/closures#closures), the `TaskbarProgress` will never be dropped. To workaround this problem a `release` function is called when the main window is closed. This function behaves like `drop`, but sets the struct in a valid "empty" state, so that calling `release`/`drop` again won't cause problems. * Don't set the NORMAL state manually Because only NOPROGRESS and INDETERMINATE states are used, there is no need to set the NORMAL state when changing the progress value. Now `set_progress_value` will also change the `TaskbarProgress::current_state` if such situation occurs. > Unless [SetProgressState](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/shobjidl_core/nf-shobjidl_core-itaskbarlist3-setprogressstate) > has set a blocking state (TBPF_ERROR or TBPF_PAUSED) for the window, a call to **SetProgressValue** assumes the TBPF_NORMAL > state even if it is not explicitly set. A call to **SetProgressValue** overrides and clears the TBPF_INDETERMINATE state. See the [SetProgressValue documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shobjidl_core/nf-shobjidl_core-itaskbarlist3-setprogressvalue#how-the-taskbar-button-chooses-the-progress-indicator-for-a-group)
2021-02-21 00:24:36 +13:00
2021-01-13 08:06:12 +13:00
2020-11-05 06:15:06 +13:00
pub fn update_language(&self) {