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mirror of synced 2024-04-28 17:42:26 +12:00

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use humansize::{file_size_opts as options, FileSize};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::fs;
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
use std::fs::{File, Metadata};
use std::io::prelude::*;
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
use crate::common::Common;
pub enum CheckingMethod {
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum DeleteMethod {
2020-08-31 03:18:04 +12:00
struct FileEntry {
pub path: String,
pub size: u64,
pub created_date: SystemTime,
pub modified_date: SystemTime,
2020-08-31 03:18:04 +12:00
/// Info struck with helpful information's about results
pub struct Info {
pub errors: Vec<String>,
pub warnings: Vec<String>,
pub messages: Vec<String>,
pub number_of_checked_files: usize,
pub number_of_checked_folders: usize,
pub number_of_ignored_files: usize,
pub number_of_ignored_things: usize,
pub number_of_groups_by_size: usize,
pub number_of_duplicated_files_by_size: usize,
pub number_of_groups_by_hash: usize,
pub number_of_duplicated_files_by_hash: usize,
pub lost_space_by_size: u64,
pub lost_space_by_hash: u64,
pub number_of_removed_files: usize,
pub number_of_failed_to_remove_files: usize,
pub gained_space: u64,
impl Info {
pub fn new() -> Info {
Info {
errors: vec![],
warnings: vec![],
messages: vec![],
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
number_of_checked_files: 0,
number_of_ignored_files: 0,
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
number_of_checked_folders: 0,
number_of_ignored_things: 0,
number_of_groups_by_size: 0,
number_of_duplicated_files_by_size: 0,
number_of_groups_by_hash: 0,
number_of_duplicated_files_by_hash: 0,
lost_space_by_size: 0,
lost_space_by_hash: 0,
number_of_removed_files: 0,
number_of_failed_to_remove_files: 0,
gained_space: 0,
impl Default for Info {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Struct with required information's to work
pub struct DuplicateFinder {
infos: Info,
files_with_identical_size: BTreeMap<u64, Vec<FileEntry>>,
files_with_identical_hashes: BTreeMap<u64, Vec<Vec<FileEntry>>>,
allowed_extensions: Vec<String>,
excluded_items: Vec<String>,
excluded_directories: Vec<String>,
included_directories: Vec<String>,
recursive_search: bool,
min_file_size: u64,
check_method: CheckingMethod,
delete_method: DeleteMethod,
impl DuplicateFinder {
pub fn new() -> DuplicateFinder {
DuplicateFinder {
infos: Info::new(),
files_with_identical_size: Default::default(),
files_with_identical_hashes: Default::default(),
excluded_items: vec![],
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
excluded_directories: vec![],
included_directories: vec![],
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
recursive_search: true,
min_file_size: 1024,
allowed_extensions: vec![],
check_method: CheckingMethod::NONE,
delete_method: DeleteMethod::None,
pub fn get_infos(&self) -> &Info {
pub fn find_duplicates(&mut self) {
if self.check_method == CheckingMethod::HASH {
pub fn set_check_method(&mut self, check_method: CheckingMethod) {
self.check_method = check_method;
pub fn set_delete_method(&mut self, delete_method: DeleteMethod) {
self.delete_method = delete_method;
pub fn set_min_file_size(&mut self, min_size: u64) {
self.min_file_size = min_size;
pub fn set_recursive_search(&mut self, recursive_search: bool) {
self.recursive_search = recursive_search;
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
pub fn set_excluded_items(&mut self, mut excluded_items: String) {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
if excluded_items.is_empty() {
excluded_items = excluded_items.replace("\"", "");
let expressions: Vec<String> = excluded_items.split(',').map(String::from).collect();
let mut checked_expressions: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for expression in expressions {
let expression: String = expression.trim().to_string();
if expression == "" {
if expression == "DEFAULT" {
// TODO add more files by default
if !expression.contains('*') {
self.infos.warnings.push("Excluded Items Warning: Wildcard * is required in expression, ignoring ".to_string() + &*expression);
self.excluded_items = checked_expressions;
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "set_excluded_items".to_string());
pub fn set_allowed_extensions(&mut self, mut allowed_extensions: String) {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
if allowed_extensions.is_empty() {
self.infos.messages.push("No allowed extension was provided, so all are allowed".to_string());
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
allowed_extensions = allowed_extensions.replace("IMAGE", "jpg,kra,gif,png,bmp,tiff,webp,hdr,svg");
allowed_extensions = allowed_extensions.replace("VIDEO", "mp4,flv,mkv,webm,vob,ogv,gifv,avi,mov,wmv,mpg,m4v,m4p,mpeg,3gp");
allowed_extensions = allowed_extensions.replace("MUSIC", "mp3,flac,ogg,tta,wma,webm");
allowed_extensions = allowed_extensions.replace("TEXT", "txt,doc,docx,odt,rtf");
let extensions: Vec<String> = allowed_extensions.split(',').map(String::from).collect();
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
for mut extension in extensions {
if extension == "" || extension.replace('.', "").trim() == "" {
2020-09-08 19:41:22 +12:00
if extension.starts_with('.') {
extension = extension[1..].to_string();
if extension[1..].contains('.') {
self.infos.warnings.push(".".to_string() + extension.as_str() + " is not valid extension(valid extension doesn't have dot inside)");
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
if !self.allowed_extensions.contains(&extension.trim().to_string()) {
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
if self.allowed_extensions.is_empty() {
self.infos.messages.push("No valid extensions were provided, so allowing all extensions by default.".to_string());
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "set_allowed_extensions".to_string());
pub fn set_include_directory(&mut self, mut include_directory: String) -> bool {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
if include_directory.is_empty() {
self.infos.errors.push("At least one directory must be provided".to_string());
return false;
include_directory = include_directory.replace("\"", "");
let directories: Vec<String> = include_directory.split(',').map(String::from).collect();
let mut checked_directories: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for directory in directories {
let directory: String = directory.trim().to_string();
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if directory == "" {
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if directory.contains('*') {
self.infos.warnings.push("Include Directory Warning: Wildcards in path are not supported, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if !directory.starts_with('/') {
self.infos.warnings.push("Include Directory Warning: Relative path are not supported, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if !Path::new(&directory).exists() {
self.infos.warnings.push("Include Directory Warning: Provided folder path must exits, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
2020-09-02 08:48:20 +12:00
if !Path::new(&directory).is_dir() {
self.infos.warnings.push("Include Directory Warning: Provided path must point at the directory, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
// directory must end with /, due to possibility of incorrect assumption, that e.g. /home/rafal is top folder to /home/rafalinho
if !directory.ends_with('/') {
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
checked_directories.push(directory + "/");
} else {
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if checked_directories.is_empty() {
self.infos.errors.push("Include Directory ERROR: Not found even one correct path to include which is required.".to_string());
return false;
self.included_directories = checked_directories;
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "set_include_directory".to_string());
pub fn set_exclude_directory(&mut self, mut exclude_directory: String) {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
if exclude_directory.is_empty() {
exclude_directory = exclude_directory.replace("\"", "");
let directories: Vec<String> = exclude_directory.split(',').map(String::from).collect();
let mut checked_directories: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for directory in directories {
let directory: String = directory.trim().to_string();
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if directory == "" {
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if directory == "/" {
self.infos.errors.push("Exclude Directory ERROR: Excluding / is pointless, because it means that no files will be scanned.".to_string());
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if directory.contains('*') {
self.infos.warnings.push("Exclude Directory Warning: Wildcards in path are not supported, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if !directory.starts_with('/') {
self.infos.warnings.push("Exclude Directory Warning: Relative path are not supported, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
if !Path::new(&directory).exists() {
self.infos.warnings.push("Exclude Directory Warning: Provided folder path must exits, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
2020-09-02 08:48:20 +12:00
if !Path::new(&directory).is_dir() {
self.infos.warnings.push("Exclude Directory Warning: Provided path must point at the directory, ignoring ".to_string() + &*directory);
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
// directory must end with /, due to possibility of incorrect assumption, that e.g. /home/rafal is top folder to /home/rafalinho
if !directory.ends_with('/') {
checked_directories.push(directory.trim().to_string() + "/");
} else {
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
self.excluded_directories = checked_directories;
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "set_exclude_directory".to_string());
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
fn check_files_size(&mut self) {
// TODO maybe add multithreading checking for file hash
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let mut folders_to_check: Vec<String> = Vec::with_capacity(1024 * 2); // This should be small enough too not see to big difference and big enough to store most of paths without needing to resize vector
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
// Add root folders for finding
for id in &self.included_directories {
self.infos.number_of_checked_folders += folders_to_check.len();
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
let mut current_folder: String;
let mut next_folder: String;
while !folders_to_check.is_empty() {
current_folder = folders_to_check.pop().unwrap();
2020-09-01 09:03:10 +12:00
let read_dir = match fs::read_dir(&current_folder) {
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
self.infos.warnings.push("Cannot open dir ".to_string() + &*current_folder);
} // Permissions denied
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
for entry in read_dir {
let entry_data = match entry {
2020-09-08 03:39:16 +12:00
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
self.infos.warnings.push("Cannot read entry in dir ".to_string() + &*current_folder);
} //Permissions denied
2020-09-08 03:39:16 +12:00
let metadata: Metadata = match entry_data.metadata() {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
self.infos.warnings.push("Cannot read metadata in dir ".to_string() + &*current_folder);
} //Permissions denied
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
if metadata.is_dir() {
self.infos.number_of_checked_folders += 1;
// if entry_data.file_name().into_string().is_err() { // Probably this can be removed, if crash still will be happens, then uncomment this line
// self.infos.warnings.push("Cannot read folder name in dir ".to_string() + &*current_folder);
// continue; // Permissions denied
// }
if !self.recursive_search {
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
let mut is_excluded_dir = false;
next_folder = "".to_owned() + &current_folder + &entry_data.file_name().into_string().unwrap() + "/";
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
if next_folder == *ed {
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
is_excluded_dir = true;
if !is_excluded_dir {
let mut found_expression: bool = false;
for expression in &self.excluded_items {
if Common::regex_check(expression, &next_folder) {
found_expression = true;
if found_expression {
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
} else if metadata.is_file() {
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
let mut have_valid_extension: bool;
let file_name_lowercase: String = entry_data.file_name().into_string().unwrap().to_lowercase();
// Checking allowed extensions
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
if !self.allowed_extensions.is_empty() {
have_valid_extension = false;
for i in &self.allowed_extensions {
if file_name_lowercase.ends_with(&(".".to_string() + &*i.to_lowercase().to_string())) {
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
have_valid_extension = true;
} else {
have_valid_extension = true;
// Checking files
if metadata.len() >= self.min_file_size && have_valid_extension {
let current_file_name = "".to_owned() + &current_folder + &entry_data.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
// Checking expressions
let mut found_expression: bool = false;
for expression in &self.excluded_items {
if Common::regex_check(expression, &current_file_name) {
found_expression = true;
if found_expression {
// Creating new file entry
let fe: FileEntry = FileEntry {
path: current_file_name.clone(),
size: metadata.len(),
created_date: match metadata.created() {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
self.infos.warnings.push("Unable to get creation date from file ".to_string() + &*current_file_name);
} // Permissions Denied
modified_date: match metadata.modified() {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
self.infos.warnings.push("Unable to get modification date from file ".to_string() + &*current_file_name);
} // Permissions Denied
self.infos.number_of_checked_files += 1;
} else {
self.infos.number_of_ignored_files += 1;
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
} else {
// Probably this is symbolic links so we are free to ignore this
self.infos.number_of_ignored_things += 1;
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "check_files_size".to_string());
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
pub fn save_results_to_file(&mut self, file_name: &str) {
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let file_name: String = match file_name {
"" => "results.txt".to_string(),
k => k.to_string(),
let mut file = match File::create(&file_name) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
self.infos.errors.push("Failed to create file ".to_string() + file_name.as_str());
match file.write_all(b"Results of searching\n\n") {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => {
self.infos.errors.push("Failed to save results to file ".to_string() + file_name.as_str());
if !self.files_with_identical_size.is_empty() {
file.write_all(b"-------------------------------------------------Files with same size-------------------------------------------------\n").unwrap();
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
("Found ".to_string()
+ self.infos.number_of_duplicated_files_by_size.to_string().as_str()
+ " duplicated files which in "
+ self.infos.number_of_groups_by_size.to_string().as_str()
+ " groups which takes "
+ &*self.infos.lost_space_by_size.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap()
+ ".\n")
for (size, files) in self.files_with_identical_size.iter().rev() {
file.write_all(b"\n---- Size ").unwrap();
file.write_all((" (".to_string() + size.to_string().as_str() + ")").as_bytes()).unwrap();
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
file.write_all((" - ".to_string() + files.len().to_string().as_str() + " files").as_bytes()).unwrap();
for file_entry in files {
file.write_all((file_entry.path.clone() + "\n").as_bytes()).unwrap();
if !self.files_with_identical_hashes.is_empty() {
file.write_all(b"-------------------------------------------------Files with same hashes-------------------------------------------------\n").unwrap();
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
("Found ".to_string()
+ self.infos.number_of_duplicated_files_by_hash.to_string().as_str()
+ " duplicated files which in "
+ self.infos.number_of_groups_by_hash.to_string().as_str()
+ " groups which takes "
+ &*self.infos.lost_space_by_hash.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap()
+ ".\n")
for (size, files) in self.files_with_identical_hashes.iter().rev() {
for vector in files {
file.write_all(b"\n---- Size ").unwrap();
file.write_all((" (".to_string() + size.to_string().as_str() + ")").as_bytes()).unwrap();
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
file.write_all((" - ".to_string() + vector.len().to_string().as_str() + " files").as_bytes()).unwrap();
for file_entry in vector {
file.write_all((file_entry.path.clone() + "\n").as_bytes()).unwrap();
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "save_results_to_file".to_string());
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
/// Remove files which have unique size
fn remove_files_with_unique_size(&mut self) {
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let mut new_map: BTreeMap<u64, Vec<FileEntry>> = Default::default();
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
self.infos.number_of_duplicated_files_by_size = 0;
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
for (size, vector) in &self.files_with_identical_size {
if vector.len() > 1 {
self.infos.number_of_duplicated_files_by_size += vector.len() - 1;
self.infos.number_of_groups_by_size += 1;
self.infos.lost_space_by_size += (vector.len() as u64 - 1) * size;
new_map.insert(*size, vector.clone());
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
self.files_with_identical_size = new_map;
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "remove_files_with_unique_size".to_string());
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
/// Should be slower than checking in different ways, but still needs to be checked
fn check_files_hash(&mut self) {
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let mut file_handler: File;
let mut hashmap_with_hash: HashMap<String, Vec<FileEntry>>;
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
for entry in &self.files_with_identical_size {
hashmap_with_hash = Default::default();
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
for file_entry in entry.1.iter().enumerate() {
file_handler = match File::open(&file_entry.1.path) {
Ok(t) => t,
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
Err(_) => {
self.infos.warnings.push("Unable to check hash of file ".to_string() + &*file_entry.1.path);
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
let mut error_reading_file: bool = false;
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
let mut hasher: blake3::Hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
let mut buffer = [0u8; 16384];
loop {
let n = match file_handler.read(&mut buffer) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {
self.infos.warnings.push("Error happened when checking hash of file ".to_string() + &*file_entry.1.path);
error_reading_file = true;
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
if n == 0 {
if !error_reading_file {
let hash_string: String = hasher.finalize().to_hex().to_string();
for hash_entry in hashmap_with_hash {
if hash_entry.1.len() > 1 {
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
for (size, vector) in &self.files_with_identical_hashes {
for vec_file_entry in vector {
self.infos.number_of_duplicated_files_by_hash += vec_file_entry.len() - 1;
self.infos.number_of_groups_by_hash += 1;
self.infos.lost_space_by_hash += (vec_file_entry.len() as u64 - 1) * size;
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "check_files_hash".to_string());
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
/// Setting include directories, panics when there is not directories available
fn debug_print(&self) {
2020-09-08 19:41:22 +12:00
println!("---------------DEBUG PRINT---------------");
println!("### Infos");
println!("Errors size - {}", self.infos.errors.len());
println!("Warnings size - {}", self.infos.warnings.len());
println!("Messages size - {}", self.infos.messages.len());
println!("Number of checked files - {}", self.infos.number_of_checked_files);
println!("Number of checked folders - {}", self.infos.number_of_checked_folders);
println!("Number of ignored files - {}", self.infos.number_of_ignored_files);
println!("Number of ignored things(like symbolic links) - {}", self.infos.number_of_ignored_things);
println!("Number of duplicated files by size(in groups) - {} ({})", self.infos.number_of_duplicated_files_by_size, self.infos.number_of_groups_by_size);
println!("Number of duplicated files by hash(in groups) - {} ({})", self.infos.number_of_duplicated_files_by_hash, self.infos.number_of_groups_by_hash);
println!("Lost space by size - {} ({} bytes)", self.infos.lost_space_by_size.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap(), self.infos.lost_space_by_size);
println!("Lost space by hash - {} ({} bytes)", self.infos.lost_space_by_hash.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap(), self.infos.lost_space_by_hash);
println!("Gained space by removing duplicated entries - {} ({} bytes)", self.infos.gained_space.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap(), self.infos.gained_space);
println!("Number of removed files - {}", self.infos.number_of_removed_files);
println!("Number of failed to remove files - {}", self.infos.number_of_failed_to_remove_files);
println!("### Other");
println!("Files list size - {}", self.files_with_identical_size.len());
println!("Hashed Files list size - {}", self.files_with_identical_hashes.len());
println!("Allowed extensions - {:?}", self.allowed_extensions);
println!("Excluded items - {:?}", self.excluded_items);
2020-09-08 19:41:22 +12:00
println!("Excluded directories - {:?}", self.excluded_directories);
println!("Recursive search - {}", self.recursive_search.to_string());
println!("Minimum file size - {:?}", self.min_file_size);
2020-09-08 19:41:22 +12:00
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
/// Print information about duplicated entries
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
pub fn print_duplicated_entries(&self) {
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let mut number_of_files: u64 = 0;
let mut number_of_groups: u64 = 0;
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
match self.check_method {
CheckingMethod::HASH => {
for (_size, vector) in self.files_with_identical_hashes.iter() {
for j in vector {
number_of_files += j.len() as u64;
number_of_groups += 1;
2020-09-02 03:10:54 +12:00
"Found {} duplicated files in {} groups with same content which took {}:",
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
for (size, vector) in self.files_with_identical_hashes.iter().rev() {
for j in vector {
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
println!("Size - {} ({}) - {} files ", size.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap(), size, j.len());
for k in j {
println!("{}", k.path);
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
CheckingMethod::SIZE => {
for i in &self.files_with_identical_size {
number_of_files += i.1.len() as u64;
number_of_groups += 1;
"Found {} files in {} groups with same size(may have different content) which took {}:",
2020-09-17 23:35:11 +12:00
for (size, vector) in &self.files_with_identical_size {
println!("Size - {} ({}) - {} files ", size.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap(), size, vector.len());
for j in vector {
2020-08-31 03:18:04 +12:00
println!("{}", j.path);
CheckingMethod::NONE => {
panic!("Checking Method shouldn't be ever set to NONE");
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "print_duplicated_entries".to_string());
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
/// Remove unused entries when included or excluded overlaps with each other or are duplicated
fn optimize_directories(&mut self) -> bool {
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
let mut optimized_included: Vec<String> = Vec::<String>::new();
let mut optimized_excluded: Vec<String> = Vec::<String>::new();
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
// Remove duplicated entries like: "/", "/"
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
// Optimize for duplicated included directories - "/", "/home". "/home/Pulpit" to "/"
if self.recursive_search {
// This is only point which can't be done when recursive search is disabled.
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
let mut is_inside: bool;
for ed_checked in &self.excluded_directories {
is_inside = false;
for ed_help in &self.excluded_directories {
if ed_checked == ed_help {
// We checking same element
if ed_checked.starts_with(ed_help) {
is_inside = true;
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
if !is_inside {
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
for id_checked in &self.included_directories {
is_inside = false;
for id_help in &self.included_directories {
if id_checked == id_help {
// We checking same element
if id_checked.starts_with(id_help) {
is_inside = true;
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
if !is_inside {
2020-09-12 23:25:23 +12:00
self.included_directories = optimized_included;
optimized_included = Vec::<String>::new();
self.excluded_directories = optimized_excluded;
optimized_excluded = Vec::<String>::new();
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
// Remove include directories which are inside any exclude directory
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
for id in &self.included_directories {
let mut is_inside: bool = false;
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
if id.starts_with(ed) {
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
is_inside = true;
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
if !is_inside {
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
self.included_directories = optimized_included;
optimized_included = Vec::<String>::new();
// Remove non existed directories
for id in &self.included_directories {
let path = Path::new(id);
if path.exists() {
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
let path = Path::new(ed);
if path.exists() {
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
self.included_directories = optimized_included;
// optimized_included = Vec::<String>::new();
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
self.excluded_directories = optimized_excluded;
optimized_excluded = Vec::<String>::new();
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
// Excluded paths must are inside include path, because
2020-08-28 04:57:56 +12:00
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
let mut is_inside: bool = false;
for id in &self.included_directories {
if ed.starts_with(id) {
is_inside = true;
if is_inside {
self.excluded_directories = optimized_excluded;
// optimized_excluded = Vec::<String>::new();
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
2020-08-29 06:30:22 +12:00
if self.included_directories.is_empty() {
self.infos.errors.push("Optimize Directories ERROR: Excluded directories overlaps all included directories.".to_string());
return false;
2020-08-27 08:24:02 +12:00
// Not needed, but better is to have sorted everything
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "optimize_directories".to_string());
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
fn delete_files(&mut self) {
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
match self.check_method {
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
CheckingMethod::HASH => {
for entry in &self.files_with_identical_hashes {
for vector in entry.1 {
let tuple: (u64, usize, usize) = delete_files(&vector, &self.delete_method, &mut self.infos.warnings);
self.infos.gained_space += tuple.0;
self.infos.number_of_removed_files += tuple.1;
self.infos.number_of_failed_to_remove_files += tuple.2;
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
CheckingMethod::SIZE => {
for entry in &self.files_with_identical_size {
let tuple: (u64, usize, usize) = delete_files(&entry.1, &self.delete_method, &mut self.infos.warnings);
self.infos.gained_space += tuple.0;
self.infos.number_of_removed_files += tuple.1;
self.infos.number_of_failed_to_remove_files += tuple.2;
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
CheckingMethod::NONE => {
//Just do nothing
panic!("Checking method should never be none.");
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
2020-09-01 05:37:30 +12:00
Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "delete_files".to_string());
2020-08-30 05:11:55 +12:00
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00
impl Default for DuplicateFinder {
fn default() -> Self {
fn delete_files(vector: &[FileEntry], delete_method: &DeleteMethod, warnings: &mut Vec<String>) -> (u64, usize, usize) {
assert!(vector.len() > 1, "Vector length must be bigger than 1(This should be done in previous steps).");
let mut q_index: usize = 0;
let mut q_time: u64 = 0;
let mut gained_space: u64 = 0;
let mut removed_files: usize = 0;
let mut failed_to_remove_files: usize = 0;
match delete_method {
DeleteMethod::OneOldest => {
for files in vector.iter().enumerate() {
let time_since_epoch = files.1.created_date.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Invalid file date").as_secs();
if q_time == 0 || q_time > time_since_epoch {
q_time = time_since_epoch;
q_index = files.0;
match fs::remove_file(vector[q_index].path.clone()) {
Ok(_) => {
removed_files += 1;
gained_space += vector[q_index].size;
Err(_) => {
failed_to_remove_files += 1;
warnings.push("Failed to delete".to_string() + &*vector[q_index].path);
DeleteMethod::OneNewest => {
for files in vector.iter().enumerate() {
let time_since_epoch = files.1.created_date.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Invalid file date").as_secs();
if q_time == 0 || q_time < time_since_epoch {
q_time = time_since_epoch;
q_index = files.0;
match fs::remove_file(vector[q_index].path.clone()) {
Ok(_) => {
removed_files += 1;
gained_space += vector[q_index].size;
Err(_) => {
failed_to_remove_files += 1;
warnings.push("Failed to delete".to_string() + &*vector[q_index].path);
DeleteMethod::AllExceptOldest => {
for files in vector.iter().enumerate() {
let time_since_epoch = files.1.created_date.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Invalid file date").as_secs();
if q_time == 0 || q_time > time_since_epoch {
q_time = time_since_epoch;
q_index = files.0;
for files in vector.iter().enumerate() {
if q_index != files.0 {
match fs::remove_file(vector[files.0].path.clone()) {
Ok(_) => {
removed_files += 1;
gained_space += vector[files.0].size;
Err(_) => {
failed_to_remove_files += 1;
warnings.push("Failed to delete".to_string() + &*vector[files.0].path);
DeleteMethod::AllExceptNewest => {
for files in vector.iter().enumerate() {
let time_since_epoch = files.1.created_date.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Invalid file date").as_secs();
if q_time == 0 || q_time < time_since_epoch {
q_time = time_since_epoch;
q_index = files.0;
for files in vector.iter().enumerate() {
if q_index != files.0 {
match fs::remove_file(vector[files.0].path.clone()) {
Ok(_) => {
removed_files += 1;
gained_space += vector[files.0].size;
Err(_) => {
failed_to_remove_files += 1;
warnings.push("Failed to delete".to_string() + &*vector[files.0].path);
DeleteMethod::None => {
// Just don't remove files
(gained_space, removed_files, failed_to_remove_files)
2020-08-27 06:50:07 +12:00