Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-04-26 00:32:07 +12:00

Added simple files adding to HashMap

This commit is contained in:
Rafał Mikrut 2020-08-27 18:57:56 +02:00
parent d3dee0dd10
commit 752ee0d7c7
3 changed files with 146 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
newline_style = "Unix"
max_width = 120
max_width = 200
remove_nested_parens = true

View file

@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
// Todo, należy upewnić się, że ma wystarczające uprawnienia do odczytu i usuwania
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::process;
use std::fs::Metadata;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::{fs, process};
pub struct DuplicateFinder {
number_of_checked_files: u64,
number_of_checked_folders: u64,
number_of_ignored_things: u64,
number_of_files_which_has_duplicated_entries: u64,
number_of_duplicated_files: u64,
// files : Vec<HashMap<FileEntry, Vec<FileEntry>>>,
files: HashMap<u64, Vec<FileEntry>>,
files: HashMap<u64, FileEntry>,
files_with_duplicated_entries: HashMap<u64, FileEntry>,
// duplicated_entries // Same as files, but only with 2+ entries
// files : Vec<Vec<FileEntry>>,
excluded_directories: Vec<String>,
included_directories: Vec<String>,
@ -17,22 +24,88 @@ impl DuplicateFinder {
pub fn new() -> DuplicateFinder {
DuplicateFinder {
number_of_checked_files: 0,
number_of_checked_folders: 0,
number_of_ignored_things: 0,
number_of_files_which_has_duplicated_entries: 0,
number_of_duplicated_files: 0,
files: Default::default(),
files_with_duplicated_entries: Default::default(),
excluded_directories: vec![],
included_directories: vec![],
// pub fn clear(&mut self) {
// self.number_of_checked_files = 0;
// self.number_of_checked_folders = 0;
// self.number_of_ignored_things = 0;
// self.number_of_files_which_has_duplicated_entries = 0;
// self.number_of_duplicated_files = 0;
// self.files.clear();
// self.excluded_directories.clear();
// self.included_directories.clear();
// }
// pub fn find_duplicates(&mut self) {}
pub fn find_duplicates(&mut self) {
//let mut path;
let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
let mut folders_to_check: Vec<String> = Vec::with_capacity(1024 * 16); // This should be small enough too not see to big difference and big enough to store most of paths without needing to resize vector
// Add root folders for finding
for id in &self.included_directories {
let mut current_folder: String;
let mut next_folder: String;
while !folders_to_check.is_empty() {
current_folder = folders_to_check.pop().unwrap();
let read_dir = fs::read_dir(&current_folder);
let read_dir = match read_dir {
Ok(t) => t,
_ => continue,
for entry in read_dir {
let entry_data = entry.unwrap();
let metadata: Metadata = entry_data.metadata().unwrap();
if metadata.is_dir() {
let mut is_excluded_dir = false;
next_folder = "".to_owned() + &current_folder + &entry_data.file_name().into_string().unwrap() + "/";
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
if next_folder == ed.to_string() {
is_excluded_dir = true;
if !is_excluded_dir {
self.number_of_checked_folders += 1;
//println!("Directory\t - {:?}", next_folder); // DEBUG
} else if metadata.is_file() {
let current_file_name = "".to_owned() + &current_folder + &entry_data.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
let fe: FileEntry = FileEntry {
path: current_file_name,
size: metadata.len(),
created_date: metadata.created().unwrap(),
modified_date: metadata.modified().unwrap(),
self.files.insert(metadata.len(), fe);
self.number_of_checked_files += 1;
// println!("File\t\t - {:?}", current_file); // DEBUG
} else {
// Probably this is symbolic links so we are free to ignore this
// println!("Found another type of file {} {:?}","".to_owned() + &current_folder + &entry_data.file_name().into_string().unwrap(), metadata) //DEBUG
self.number_of_ignored_things += 1;
let end_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now();
println!("Duration of finding duplicates {:?}", end_time.duration_since(start_time).expect("a"));
// pub fn save_to_file(&self) {}
/// Setting include directories, panics when there is not directories available
@ -61,6 +134,14 @@ impl DuplicateFinder {
println!("Include Directory ERROR: Relative path are not supported.");
if !Path::new(&directory).exists() {
println!("Include Directory ERROR: Path {} doens't exists.", directory);
if !Path::new(&directory).exists() {
println!("Include Directory ERROR: {} isn't folder.", directory);
// directory must end with /, due to possiblity of incorrect assumption, that e.g. /home/rafal is top folder to /home/rafalinho
if !directory.ends_with("/") {
@ -105,6 +186,14 @@ impl DuplicateFinder {
println!("Exclude Directory ERROR: Relative path are not supported.");
if !Path::new(&directory).exists() {
println!("Exclude Directory ERROR: Path {} doens't exists.", directory);
if !Path::new(&directory).exists() {
println!("Exclude Directory ERROR: {} isn't folder.", directory);
// directory must end with /, due to possiblity of incorrect assumption, that e.g. /home/rafal is top folder to /home/rafalinho
if !directory.ends_with("/") {
@ -122,10 +211,9 @@ impl DuplicateFinder {
pub fn debug_print(&self) {
println!("---------------DEBUG PRINT---------------");
println!("Number of all checked files - {}", self.number_of_checked_files);
"Number of all files with duplicates - {}",
println!("Number of all checked folders - {}", self.number_of_checked_folders);
println!("Number of all ignored things - {}", self.number_of_ignored_things);
println!("Number of all files with duplicates - {}", self.number_of_files_which_has_duplicated_entries);
println!("Number of duplicated files - {}", self.number_of_duplicated_files);
println!("Files list - {}", self.files.len());
println!("Excluded directories - {:?}", self.excluded_directories);
@ -186,19 +274,60 @@ impl DuplicateFinder {
self.included_directories = optimized_included;
optimized_included = Vec::<String>::new();
self.excluded_directories = optimized_excluded;
// optimized_excluded = Vec::<String>::new();
optimized_excluded = Vec::<String>::new();
// Remove include directories which are inside any exclude directory
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
for id in &self.included_directories {
for id in &self.included_directories {
let mut is_inside: bool = false;
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
if id.starts_with(ed) {
is_inside = true;
if !is_inside {
self.included_directories = optimized_included;
optimized_included = Vec::<String>::new();
// Remove non existed directories
for id in &self.included_directories {
let path = Path::new(id);
if path.exists() {
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
let path = Path::new(ed);
if path.exists() {
self.included_directories = optimized_included;
// optimized_included = Vec::<String>::new();
self.excluded_directories = optimized_excluded;
optimized_excluded = Vec::<String>::new();
// Excluded paths must are inside include path, because TODO
for ed in &self.excluded_directories {
let mut is_inside: bool = false;
for id in &self.included_directories {
if ed.starts_with(id) {
is_inside = true;
if is_inside {
self.excluded_directories = optimized_excluded;
// optimized_excluded = Vec::<String>::new();
if self.included_directories.len() == 0 {
println!("Optimize Directories ERROR: Excluded directories overlaps all included directories.");
@ -212,6 +341,8 @@ impl DuplicateFinder {
struct FileEntry {
file_path: String,
file_size: u64,
pub path: String,
pub size: u64,
pub created_date: SystemTime,
pub modified_date: SystemTime,

View file

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ fn main() {
argum => println!("{} argument is not supported, check help for more info.", argum),