Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-05 12:43:13 +13:00
2023-08-11 15:34:57 +02:00

412 lines
15 KiB

require_once __DIR__ . '/../worker.php';
use Appwrite\Event\Usage;
use Utopia\Queue\Message;
use Appwrite\Event\Event;
use Appwrite\Event\Func;
use Appwrite\Messaging\Adapter\Realtime;
use Appwrite\Utopia\Response\Model\Execution;
use Executor\Executor;
use Utopia\App;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Config\Config;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\DateTime;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\ID;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\Permission;
use Utopia\Database\Query;
use Utopia\Database\Validator\Authorization;
use Utopia\Logger\Log;
use Utopia\Queue\Server;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\Role;
Server::setResource('execute', function () {
return function (
Log $log,
Func $queueForFunctions,
Database $dbForProject,
Usage $queueForUsage,
Document $project,
Document $function,
string $trigger,
string $data = null,
string $path,
string $method,
array $headers,
?Document $user = null,
string $jwt = null,
string $event = null,
string $eventData = null,
string $executionId = null,
) {
$user ??= new Document();
$functionId = $function->getId();
$functionInternalId = $function->getInternalId();
$deploymentId = $function->getAttribute('deployment', '');
$log->addTag('functionId', $functionId);
$log->addTag('projectId', $project->getId());
/** Check if deployment exists */
$deployment = $dbForProject->getDocument('deployments', $deploymentId);
$deploymentInternalId = $deployment->getInternalId();
if ($deployment->getAttribute('resourceId') !== $functionId) {
throw new Exception('Deployment not found. Create deployment before trying to execute a function');
if ($deployment->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Deployment not found. Create deployment before trying to execute a function');
/** Check if build has exists */
$build = $dbForProject->getDocument('builds', $deployment->getAttribute('buildId', ''));
if ($build->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Build not found');
if ($build->getAttribute('status') !== 'ready') {
throw new Exception('Build not ready');
/** Check if runtime is supported */
$runtimes = Config::getParam('runtimes', []);
if (!\array_key_exists($function->getAttribute('runtime'), $runtimes)) {
throw new Exception('Runtime "' . $function->getAttribute('runtime', '') . '" is not supported');
$runtime = $runtimes[$function->getAttribute('runtime')];
$headers['x-appwrite-trigger'] = $trigger;
$headers['x-appwrite-event'] = $event ?? '';
$headers['x-appwrite-user-id'] = $user->getId() ?? '';
$headers['x-appwrite-user-jwt'] = $jwt ?? '';
/** Create execution or update execution status */
$execution = $dbForProject->getDocument('executions', $executionId ?? '');
if ($execution->isEmpty()) {
$headersFiltered = [];
foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
if (\in_array(\strtolower($key), FUNCTION_ALLOWLIST_HEADERS_REQUEST)) {
$headersFiltered[] = [ 'name' => $key, 'value' => $value ];
$executionId = ID::unique();
$execution = new Document([
'$id' => $executionId,
'$permissions' => $user->isEmpty() ? [] : [Permission::read(Role::user($user->getId()))],
'functionInternalId' => $function->getInternalId(),
'functionId' => $function->getId(),
'deploymentInternalId' => $deployment->getInternalId(),
'deploymentId' => $deployment->getId(),
'trigger' => 'http',
'status' => 'processing',
'responseStatusCode' => 0,
'responseHeaders' => [],
'requestPath' => $path,
'requestMethod' => $method,
'requestHeaders' => $headersFiltered,
'errors' => '',
'logs' => '',
'duration' => 0.0,
'search' => implode(' ', [$functionId, $executionId]),
if ($function->getAttribute('logging')) {
$execution = $dbForProject->createDocument('executions', $execution);
// TODO: @Meldiron Trigger executions.create event here
if ($execution->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Failed to create or read execution');
* Usage
->addMetric(METRIC_EXECUTIONS, 1) // per project
->addMetric(str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $function->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_EXECUTIONS), 1); // per function
if ($execution->getAttribute('status') !== 'processing') {
$execution->setAttribute('status', 'processing');
if ($function->getAttribute('logging')) {
$execution = $dbForProject->updateDocument('executions', $executionId, $execution);
$durationStart = \microtime(true);
$vars = [];
// Shared vars
$varsShared = $project->getAttribute('variables', []);
$vars = \array_merge($vars, \array_reduce($varsShared, function (array $carry, Document $var) {
$carry[$var->getAttribute('key')] = $var->getAttribute('value') ?? '';
return $carry;
}, []));
// Function vars
$vars = \array_merge($vars, array_reduce($function->getAttribute('vars', []), function (array $carry, Document $var) {
$carry[$var->getAttribute('key')] = $var->getAttribute('value');
return $carry;
}, []));
// Appwrite vars
$vars = \array_merge($vars, [
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_ID' => $functionId,
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_NAME' => $function->getAttribute('name'),
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID' => $project->getId(),
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_NAME' => $runtime['name'] ?? '',
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_VERSION' => $runtime['version'] ?? '',
$body = $eventData ?? '';
if (empty($body)) {
$body = $data ?? '';
/** Execute function */
try {
$command = $runtime['startCommand'];
$executor = new Executor(App::getEnv('_APP_EXECUTOR_HOST'));
$executionResponse = $executor->createExecution(
projectId: $project->getId(),
deploymentId: $deploymentId,
version: $function->getAttribute('version'),
body: \strlen($body) > 0 ? $body : null,
variables: $vars,
timeout: $function->getAttribute('timeout', 0),
image: $runtime['image'],
source: $build->getAttribute('path', ''),
entrypoint: $deployment->getAttribute('entrypoint', ''),
path: $path,
method: $method,
headers: $headers,
runtimeEntrypoint: 'cp /tmp/code.tar.gz /mnt/code/code.tar.gz && nohup helpers/start.sh "' . $command . '"'
$status = $executionResponse['statusCode'] >= 400 ? 'failed' : 'completed';
$headersFiltered = [];
foreach ($executionResponse['headers'] as $key => $value) {
if (\in_array(\strtolower($key), FUNCTION_ALLOWLIST_HEADERS_RESPONSE)) {
$headersFiltered[] = [ 'name' => $key, 'value' => $value ];
/** Update execution status */
->setAttribute('status', $status)
->setAttribute('responseStatusCode', $executionResponse['statusCode'])
->setAttribute('responseHeaders', $headersFiltered)
->setAttribute('logs', $executionResponse['logs'])
->setAttribute('errors', $executionResponse['errors'])
->setAttribute('duration', $executionResponse['duration']);
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$durationEnd = \microtime(true);
->setAttribute('duration', $durationEnd - $durationStart)
->setAttribute('status', 'failed')
->setAttribute('responseStatusCode', 500)
->setAttribute('errors', $th->getMessage() . '\nError Code: ' . $th->getCode());
$error = $th->getMessage();
$errorCode = $th->getCode();
if ($function->getAttribute('logging')) {
$execution = $dbForProject->updateDocument('executions', $executionId, $execution);
/** Trigger Webhook */
$executionModel = new Execution();
$executionUpdate = new Event(Event::WEBHOOK_QUEUE_NAME, Event::WEBHOOK_CLASS_NAME);
->setParam('functionId', $function->getId())
->setParam('executionId', $execution->getId())
/** Trigger Functions */
/** Trigger realtime event */
$allEvents = Event::generateEvents('functions.[functionId].executions.[executionId].update', [
'functionId' => $function->getId(),
'executionId' => $execution->getId()
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $allEvents[0],
payload: $execution
projectId: 'console',
payload: $execution->getArrayCopy(),
events: $allEvents,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles']
projectId: $project->getId(),
payload: $execution->getArrayCopy(),
events: $allEvents,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles']
/** Trigger usage queue */
->addMetric(METRIC_EXECUTIONS_COMPUTE, (int)($execution->getAttribute('duration') * 1000))// per project
->addMetric(str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $function->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_EXECUTIONS_COMPUTE), (int)($execution->getAttribute('duration') * 1000))
->action(function (Message $message, Database $dbForProject, Func $queueForFunctions, Usage $queueForUsage, callable $execute, Log $log) {
$payload = $message->getPayload() ?? [];
if (empty($payload)) {
throw new Exception('Missing payload');
$type = $payload['type'] ?? '';
$events = $payload['events'] ?? [];
$data = $payload['body'] ?? '';
$eventData = $payload['payload'] ?? '';
$project = new Document($payload['project'] ?? []);
$function = new Document($payload['function'] ?? []);
$user = new Document($payload['user'] ?? []);
if ($project->getId() === 'console') {
if (!empty($events)) {
$limit = 30;
$sum = 30;
$offset = 0;
$functions = [];
/** @var Document[] $functions */
while ($sum >= $limit) {
$functions = $dbForProject->find('functions', [
$sum = \count($functions);
$offset = $offset + $limit;
Console::log('Fetched ' . $sum . ' functions...');
foreach ($functions as $function) {
if (!array_intersect($events, $function->getAttribute('events', []))) {
Console::success('Iterating function: ' . $function->getAttribute('name'));
queueForUsage: $queueForUsage,
dbForProject: $dbForProject,
project: $project,
function: $function,
queueForFunctions: $queueForFunctions,
trigger: 'event',
event: $events[0],
eventData: \is_string($eventData) ? $eventData : \json_encode($eventData),
user: $user,
data: null,
executionId: null,
jwt: null,
path: '/',
method: 'POST',
headers: [
'user-agent' => 'Appwrite/' . APP_VERSION_STABLE
Console::success('Triggered function: ' . $events[0]);
* Handle Schedule and HTTP execution.
switch ($type) {
case 'http':
$jwt = $payload['jwt'] ?? '';
$execution = new Document($payload['execution'] ?? []);
$user = new Document($payload['user'] ?? []);
log: $log,
project: $project,
function: $function,
dbForProject: $dbForProject,
queueForFunctions: $queueForFunctions,
trigger: 'http',
executionId: $execution->getId(),
event: null,
eventData: null,
data: $data,
user: $user,
jwt: $jwt,
path: $payload['path'],
method: $payload['method'],
headers: $payload['headers'],
queueForUsage: $queueForUsage,
case 'schedule':
log: $log,
project: $project,
function: $function,
dbForProject: $dbForProject,
queueForFunctions: $queueForFunctions,
trigger: 'schedule',
executionId: null,
event: null,
eventData: null,
data: null,
user: null,
jwt: null,
path: $payload['path'],
method: $payload['method'],
headers: $payload['headers'],
queueForUsage: $queueForUsage,