Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-05 12:43:13 +13:00

822 lines
36 KiB

global $utopia, $register, $request, $response, $user, $audit, $webhook, $project, $domain, $projectDB, $providers, $clients;
use Utopia\Exception;
use Utopia\Validator\WhiteList;
use Utopia\Validator\ArrayList;
use Utopia\Validator\Text;
use Utopia\Validator\Email;
use Utopia\Validator\Host;
use Utopia\Validator\URL;
use Utopia\Locale\Locale;
use Auth\Auth;
use Auth\Validator\Password;
use Database\Database;
use Database\Document;
use Database\Validator\Authorization;
use Database\Validator\UID;
use Template\Template;
use OpenSSL\OpenSSL;
include_once __DIR__ . '/../shared/api.php';
->label('webhook', 'auth.register')
->label('scope', 'auth')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'register')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/register.md')
->label('sdk.cookies', true)
->label('abuse-limit', 10)
->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'Account email')
->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'User password')
->param('confirm', '', function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'Confirmation URL to redirect user after confirm token has been sent to user email') // TODO add our own built-in confirm page
->param('success', null, function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'Redirect when registration succeed', true)
->param('failure', null, function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'Redirect when registration failed', true)
->param('name', '', function () { return new Text(100); }, 'User name', true)
function ($email, $password, $confirm, $success, $failure, $name) use ($request, $response, $register, $audit, $projectDB, $project, $webhook) {
if ('console' === $project->getUid()) {
$whitlistEmails = $project->getAttribute('authWhitelistEmails');
$whitlistIPs = $project->getAttribute('authWhitelistIPs');
$whitlistDomains = $project->getAttribute('authWhitelistDomains');
if (!empty($whitlistEmails) && !in_array($email, $whitlistEmails)) {
throw new Exception('Console registration is restricted to specific emails. Contact your administrator for more information.', 401);
if (!empty($whitlistIPs) && !in_array($request->getIP(), $whitlistIPs)) {
throw new Exception('Console registration is restricted to specific IPs. Contact your administrator for more information.', 401);
if (!empty($whitlistDomains) && !in_array(substr(strrchr($email, '@'), 1), $whitlistDomains)) {
throw new Exception('Console registration is restricted to specific domains. Contact your administrator for more information.', 401);
$profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
if (!empty($profile)) {
if ($failure) {
$response->redirect($failure); // .'?message=User already registered'
throw new Exception('User already registered', 400);
$expiry = time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LONG;
$confirmSecret = Auth::tokenGenerator();
$loginSecret = Auth::tokenGenerator();
$user = $projectDB->createDocument([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS,
'$permissions' => [
'read' => ['*'],
'write' => ['user:{self}'],
'email' => $email,
'password' => Auth::passwordHash($password),
'password-update' => time(),
'registration' => time(),
'confirm' => false,
'reset' => false,
'name' => $name,
if (false === $user) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
->setAttribute('tokens', new Document([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS,
'$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$user->getUid()], 'write' => ['user:'.$user->getUid()]],
'secret' => Auth::hash($confirmSecret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak
'expire' => time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_CONFIRM,
'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'),
'ip' => $request->getIP(),
]), Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND)
->setAttribute('tokens', new Document([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS,
'$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$user->getUid()], 'write' => ['user:'.$user->getUid()]],
'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN,
'secret' => Auth::hash($loginSecret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak
'expire' => $expiry,
'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'),
'ip' => $request->getIP(),
]), Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND)
$user = $projectDB->createDocument($user->getArrayCopy());
if (false === $user) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving tokens to DB', 500);
// Send email address confirmation email
$confirm = Template::parseURL($confirm);
$confirm['query'] = Template::mergeQuery(((isset($confirm['query'])) ? $confirm['query'] : ''), ['userId' => $user->getUid(), 'token' => $confirmSecret]);
$confirm = Template::unParseURL($confirm);
$body = new Template(__DIR__.'/../../config/locales/templates/'.Locale::getText('auth.emails.confirm.body'));
->setParam('{{direction}}', Locale::getText('settings.direction'))
->setParam('{{project}}', $project->getAttribute('name', ['[APP-NAME]']))
->setParam('{{name}}', $name)
->setParam('{{redirect}}', $confirm)
$mail = $register->get('smtp'); /* @var $mail \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer */
$mail->addAddress($email, $name);
$mail->Subject = Locale::getText('auth.emails.confirm.title');
$mail->Body = $body->render();
$mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body->render());
try {
} catch (\Exception $error) {
// if($failure) {
// $response->redirect($failure);
// return;
// }
// throw new Exception('Problem sending mail: ' . $error->getMessage(), 500);
->setParam('payload', [
'name' => $name,
'email' => $email,
->setParam('userId', $user->getUid())
->setParam('event', 'auth.register')
->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, Auth::encodeSession($user->getUid(), $loginSecret), $expiry, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https')), true, null);
if ($success) {
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->label('webhook', 'auth.confirm')
->label('scope', 'public')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'confirm')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/confirm.md')
->label('abuse-limit', 10)
->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},userId:{param-userId}')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID')
->param('token', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Confirmation secret token')
function ($userId, $token) use ($response, $request, $projectDB, $audit) {
$profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
if (empty($profile)) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404); // TODO maybe hide this
$token = Auth::tokenVerify($profile->getAttribute('tokens', []), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_VERIFICATION, $token);
if (!$token) {
throw new Exception('Confirmation token is not valid', 401);
$profile = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($profile->getArrayCopy(), [
'status' => Auth::USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED,
'confirm' => true,
if (false === $profile) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500);
$audit->setParam('event', 'auth.confirm');
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->desc('Resend Confirmation')
->label('scope', 'account')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'confirmResend')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/confirm-resend.md')
->label('abuse-limit', 10)
->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},userId:{param-userId}')
->param('confirm', '', function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'Confirmation URL to redirect user to your app after confirm token has been sent to user email.')
function ($confirm) use ($response, $request, $projectDB, $user, $register, $project) {
if ($user->getAttribute('confirm', false)) {
throw new Exception('Email address is already confirmed', 400);
$secret = Auth::tokenGenerator();
$user->setAttribute('tokens', new Document([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS,
'$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$user->getUid()], 'write' => ['user:'.$user->getUid()]],
'secret' => Auth::hash($secret), // One way hash encryption to protect DB leak
'expire' => time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_CONFIRM,
'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'),
'ip' => $request->getIP(),
]), Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND);
$user = $projectDB->updateDocument($user->getArrayCopy());
if (false === $user) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
$confirm = Template::parseURL($confirm);
$confirm['query'] = Template::mergeQuery(((isset($confirm['query'])) ? $confirm['query'] : ''), ['userId' => $user->getUid(), 'token' => $secret]);
$confirm = Template::unParseURL($confirm);
$body = new Template(__DIR__.'/../../config/locales/templates/'.Locale::getText('auth.emails.confirm.body'));
->setParam('{{direction}}', Locale::getText('settings.direction'))
->setParam('{{project}}', $project->getAttribute('name', ['[APP-NAME]']))
->setParam('{{name}}', $user->getAttribute('name'))
->setParam('{{redirect}}', $confirm)
$mail = $register->get('smtp'); /* @var $mail \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer */
$mail->addAddress($user->getAttribute('email'), $user->getAttribute('name'));
$mail->Subject = Locale::getText('auth.emails.confirm.title');
$mail->Body = $body->render();
$mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body->render());
try {
} catch (\Exception $error) {
//throw new Exception('Problem sending mail: ' . $error->getMessage(), 500);
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->label('webhook', 'auth.login')
->label('scope', 'auth')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'login')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/login.md')
->label('sdk.cookies', true)
->label('abuse-limit', 10)
->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},email:{param-email}')
->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'User account email address')
->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'User account password')
->param('success', null, function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect back to your app after a successful login attempt.', true)
->param('failure', null, function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect back to your app after a failed login attempt.', true)
function ($email, $password, $success, $failure) use ($response, $request, $projectDB, $audit, $webhook) {
$profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
if (!$profile || !Auth::passwordVerify($password, $profile->getAttribute('password'))) {
//->setParam('userId', $profile->getUid())
->setParam('event', 'auth.failure')
if ($failure) {
throw new Exception('Invalid credentials', 401); // Wrong password or username
$expiry = time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LONG;
$secret = Auth::tokenGenerator();
$profile->setAttribute('tokens', new Document([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS,
'$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$profile->getUid()], 'write' => ['user:'.$profile->getUid()]],
'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN,
'secret' => Auth::hash($secret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak
'expire' => $expiry,
'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'),
'ip' => $request->getIP(),
]), Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND);
$profile = $projectDB->updateDocument($profile->getArrayCopy());
if (false === $profile) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
->setParam('payload', [
'name' => $profile->getAttribute('name', ''),
'email' => $profile->getAttribute('email', ''),
->setParam('userId', $profile->getUid())
->setParam('event', 'auth.login')
->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, Auth::encodeSession($profile->getUid(), $secret), $expiry, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https')), true, null);
if ($success) {
->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->desc('Login with OAuth')
->label('error', __DIR__.'/../views/general/error.phtml')
->label('scope', 'auth')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'oauth')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/login-oauth.md')
->label('sdk.location', true)
->label('sdk.cookies', true)
->label('abuse-limit', 50)
->label('abuse-key', 'ip:{ip}')
->param('provider', '', function () use ($providers) { return new WhiteList(array_keys($providers)); }, 'OAuth Provider. Currently, supported providers are: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($providers)))
->param('success', '', function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect back to your app after a successful login attempt.')
->param('failure', '', function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect back to your app after a failed login attempt.')
->param('scopes', [], function () { return new ArrayList(new Text(128)); }, 'An array of string where each can be max 128 chars', true)
function ($provider, $success, $failure, $scopes) use ($response, $request, $project) {
$callback = $request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https').'://'.$request->getServer('HTTP_HOST').'/v1/auth/login/oauth/callback/'.$provider.'/'.$project->getUid();
$appId = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Appid', '');
$appSecret = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', '{}');
$appSecret = json_decode($appSecret, true);
if (!empty($appSecret) && isset($appSecret['version'])) {
$key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$appSecret['version']);
$appSecret = OpenSSL::decrypt($appSecret['data'], $appSecret['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($appSecret['iv']), hex2bin($appSecret['tag']));
if (empty($appId) || empty($appSecret)) {
throw new Exception('Provider is undefined, configure provider app ID and app secret key to continue', 412);
$classname = 'Auth\\OAuth\\'.ucfirst($provider);
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
throw new Exception('Provider is not supported', 501);
$oauth = new $classname($appId, $appSecret, $callback, ['success' => $success, 'failure' => $failure], $scopes);
->desc('OAuth Callback')
->label('error', __DIR__.'/../../views/general/error.phtml')
->label('scope', 'auth')
->label('docs', false)
->param('projectId', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'Project unique ID')
->param('provider', '', function () use ($providers) { return new WhiteList(array_keys($providers)); }, 'OAuth provider')
->param('code', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'OAuth code')
->param('state', '', function () { return new Text(2048); }, 'Login state params', true)
function ($projectId, $provider, $code, $state) use ($response, $request, $domain) {
$response->redirect($request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https').'://'.$domain.'/v1/auth/login/oauth/'.$provider.'/redirect?'
.http_build_query(['project' => $projectId, 'code' => $code, 'state' => $state]));
->desc('OAuth Redirect')
->label('error', __DIR__.'/../../views/general/error.phtml')
->label('webhook', 'auth.oauth')
->label('scope', 'auth')
->label('abuse-limit', 50)
->label('abuse-key', 'ip:{ip}')
->label('docs', false)
->param('provider', '', function () use ($providers) { return new WhiteList(array_keys($providers)); }, 'OAuth provider')
->param('code', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'OAuth code')
->param('state', '', function () { return new Text(2048); }, 'OAuth state params', true)
function ($provider, $code, $state) use ($response, $request, $user, $projectDB, $project, $audit) {
$callback = $request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https').'://'.$request->getServer('HTTP_HOST').'/v1/auth/login/oauth/callback/'.$provider.'/'.$project->getUid();
$defaultState = ['success' => $project->getAttribute('url', ''), 'failure' => ''];
$validateURL = new URL();
$appId = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Appid', '');
$appSecret = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', '{}');
$appSecret = json_decode($appSecret, true);
if (!empty($appSecret) && isset($appSecret['version'])) {
$key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$appSecret['version']);
$appSecret = OpenSSL::decrypt($appSecret['data'], $appSecret['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($appSecret['iv']), hex2bin($appSecret['tag']));
$classname = 'Auth\\OAuth\\'.ucfirst($provider);
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
throw new Exception('Provider is not supported', 501);
$oauth = new $classname($appId, $appSecret, $callback);
if (!empty($state)) {
try {
$state = array_merge($defaultState, $oauth->parseState($state));
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
throw new Exception('Failed to parse login state params as passed from OAuth provider');
} else {
$state = $defaultState;
if (!$validateURL->isValid($state['success'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid redirect URL for success login', 400);
if (!empty($state['failure']) && !$validateURL->isValid($state['failure'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid redirect URL for failure login', 400);
$accessToken = $oauth->getAccessToken($code);
if (empty($accessToken)) {
if (!empty($state['failure'])) {
$response->redirect($state['failure'], 301, 0);
throw new Exception('Failed to obtain access token');
$oauthID = $oauth->getUserID($accessToken);
if (empty($oauthID)) {
if (!empty($state['failure'])) {
$response->redirect($state['failure'], 301, 0);
throw new Exception('Missing ID from OAuth provider', 400);
$current = Auth::tokenVerify($user->getAttribute('tokens', []), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN, Auth::$secret);
if ($current) {
$projectDB->deleteDocument($current); //throw new Exception('User already logged in', 401);
$user = (empty($user->getUid())) ? $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by provider id
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
]) : $user;
if (empty($user)) { // No user logged in or with oauth provider ID, create new one or connect with account with same email
$name = $oauth->getUserName($accessToken);
$email = $oauth->getUserEmail($accessToken);
$user = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by provider email address
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
if (!$user || empty($user->getUid())) { // Last option -> create user alone, generate random password
$user = $projectDB->createDocument([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS,
'$permissions' => ['read' => ['*'], 'write' => ['user:{self}']],
'email' => $email,
'status' => Auth::USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED, // Email should already be authenticated by OAuth provider
'password' => Auth::passwordHash(Auth::passwordGenerator()),
'password-update' => time(),
'registration' => time(),
'confirm' => true,
'reset' => false,
'name' => $name,
if (false === $user) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
// Create login token, confirm user account and update OAuth ID and Access Token
$secret = Auth::tokenGenerator();
$expiry = time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LONG;
->setAttribute('oauth'.ucfirst($provider), $oauthID)
->setAttribute('oauth'.ucfirst($provider).'AccessToken', $accessToken)
->setAttribute('status', Auth::USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED)
->setAttribute('tokens', new Document([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS,
'$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$user['$uid']], 'write' => ['user:'.$user['$uid']]],
'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN,
'secret' => Auth::hash($secret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak
'expire' => $expiry,
'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'),
'ip' => $request->getIP(),
]), Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND)
$user = $projectDB->updateDocument($user->getArrayCopy());
if (false === $user) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
->setParam('userId', $user->getUid())
->setParam('event', 'auth.oauth.login')
->setParam('data', ['provider' => $provider])
->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, Auth::encodeSession($user->getUid(), $secret), $expiry, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https')), true, null)
->desc('Logout Current Session')
->label('webhook', 'auth.logout')
->label('scope', 'account')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'logout')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/logout.md')
->label('abuse-limit', 100)
function () use ($response, $request, $user, $projectDB, $audit, $webhook) {
$token = Auth::tokenVerify($user->getAttribute('tokens'), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN, Auth::$secret);
if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500);
->setParam('payload', [
'name' => $user->getAttribute('name', ''),
'email' => $user->getAttribute('email', ''),
$audit->setParam('event', 'auth.logout');
->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https')), true, null)
->json(array('result' => 'success'))
->desc('Logout Specific Session')
->label('scope', 'account')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'logoutBySession')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/logout-by-session.md')
->label('abuse-limit', 100)
->param('id', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'User specific session unique ID number. if 0 delete all sessions.')
function ($id) use ($response, $request, $user, $projectDB, $audit) {
$tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []);
foreach ($tokens as $token) { /* @var $token Document */
if (($id == $token->getUid() || ($id == 0)) && Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN == $token->getAttribute('type')) {
if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token->getUid())) {
throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500);
->setParam('event', 'auth.logout')
->setParam('resource', '/auth/token/'.$token->getUid())
if ($token->getAttribute('secret') == Auth::hash(Auth::$secret)) { // If current session delete cookies
$response->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $request->getServer('REQUEST_SCHEME', 'https')), true, null);
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->desc('Password Recovery')
->label('scope', 'auth')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'recovery')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/recovery.md')
->label('abuse-limit', 10)
->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},email:{param-email}')
->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'User account email address.')
->param('reset', '', function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'Reset URL in your app to redirect the user after the reset token has been sent to the user email.')
function ($email, $reset) use ($request, $response, $projectDB, $register, $audit, $project) {
$profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
if (empty($profile)) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404); // TODO maybe hide this
$secret = Auth::tokenGenerator();
$profile->setAttribute('tokens', new Document([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS,
'$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$profile->getUid()], 'write' => ['user:'.$profile->getUid()]],
'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_RECOVERY,
'secret' => Auth::hash($secret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak
'expire' => time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_RECOVERY,
'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'),
'ip' => $request->getIP(),
]), Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND);
$profile = $projectDB->updateDocument($profile->getArrayCopy());
if (false === $profile) {
throw new Exception('Failed to save user to DB', 500);
$reset = Template::parseURL($reset);
$reset['query'] = Template::mergeQuery(((isset($reset['query'])) ? $reset['query'] : ''), ['userId' => $profile->getUid(), 'token' => $secret]);
$reset = Template::unParseURL($reset);
$body = new Template(__DIR__.'/../../config/locales/templates/'.Locale::getText('auth.emails.recovery.body'));
->setParam('{{direction}}', Locale::getText('settings.direction'))
->setParam('{{project}}', $project->getAttribute('name', ['[APP-NAME]']))
->setParam('{{name}}', $profile->getAttribute('name'))
->setParam('{{redirect}}', $reset)
$mail = $register->get('smtp'); /* @var $mail \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer */
$mail->addAddress($profile->getAttribute('email', ''), $profile->getAttribute('name', ''));
$mail->Subject = Locale::getText('auth.emails.recovery.title');
$mail->Body = $body->render();
$mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body->render());
try {
} catch (\Exception $error) {
//throw new Exception('Problem sending mail: ' . $error->getMessage(), 500);
->setParam('userId', $profile->getUid())
->setParam('event', 'auth.recovery')
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->desc('Password Reset')
->label('scope', 'auth')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'auth')
->label('sdk.method', 'recoveryReset')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/auth/recovery-reset.md')
->label('abuse-limit', 10)
->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},userId:{param-userId}')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User account email address.')
->param('token', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Valid reset token.')
->param('password-a', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'New password.')
->param('password-b', '', function () {return new Password(); }, 'New password again.')
function ($userId, $token, $passwordA, $passwordB) use ($response, $projectDB, $audit) {
if ($passwordA !== $passwordB) {
throw new Exception('Passwords must match', 400);
$profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
if (empty($profile)) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404); // TODO maybe hide this
$token = Auth::tokenVerify($profile->getAttribute('tokens', []), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_RECOVERY, $token);
if (!$token) {
throw new Exception('Recovery token is not valid', 401);
$profile = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($profile->getArrayCopy(), [
'password' => Auth::passwordHash($passwordA),
'password-update' => time(),
'confirm' => true,
if (false === $profile) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500);
->setParam('userId', $profile->getUid())
->setParam('event', 'auth.recovery.reset')
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));