Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-09-17 01:47:57 +12:00
Eldad Fux c6c7734c29 Merge pull request #6496 from appwrite/fix-readme-cn
Update logo in README-CN.md

Thank you for sending the PR! We appreciate you spending the time to work on these changes.

Help us understand your motivation by explaining why you decided to make this change.

You can learn more about contributing to appwrite here: https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

Happy contributing!


## What does this PR do?

(Provide a description of what this PR does and why it's needed.)

## Test Plan

(Write your test plan here. If you changed any code, please provide us with clear instructions on how you verified your changes work. Screenshots may also be helpful.)

## Related PRs and Issues

- (Related PR or issue)

## Checklist

- [ ] Have you read the [Contributing Guidelines on issues](https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)?
- [ ] If the PR includes a change to an API's metadata (desc, label, params, etc.), does it also include updated API specs and example docs?
2023-10-11 22:01:01 +02:00

356 lines
13 KiB

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Appwrite\Utopia\Response;
use Swoole\Process;
use Swoole\Http\Server;
use Swoole\Http\Request as SwooleRequest;
use Swoole\Http\Response as SwooleResponse;
use Utopia\App;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Config\Config;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\ID;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\Permission;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\Role;
use Utopia\Database\Validator\Authorization;
use Utopia\Audit\Audit;
use Utopia\Abuse\Adapters\TimeLimit;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Swoole\Files;
use Appwrite\Utopia\Request;
use Utopia\Logger\Log;
use Utopia\Logger\Log\User;
use Utopia\Pools\Group;
$http = new Server("", App::getEnv('PORT', 80));
$payloadSize = 6 * (1024 * 1024); // 6MB
$workerNumber = swoole_cpu_num() * intval(App::getEnv('_APP_WORKER_PER_CORE', 6));
'worker_num' => $workerNumber,
'open_http2_protocol' => true,
// 'document_root' => __DIR__.'/../public',
// 'enable_static_handler' => true,
'http_compression' => true,
'http_compression_level' => 6,
'package_max_length' => $payloadSize,
'buffer_output_size' => $payloadSize,
$http->on('WorkerStart', function ($server, $workerId) {
Console::success('Worker ' . ++$workerId . ' started successfully');
$http->on('BeforeReload', function ($server, $workerId) {
Console::success('Starting reload...');
$http->on('AfterReload', function ($server, $workerId) {
Console::success('Reload completed...');
Files::load(__DIR__ . '/../console');
include __DIR__ . '/controllers/general.php';
$http->on('start', function (Server $http) use ($payloadSize, $register) {
$app = new App('UTC');
go(function () use ($register, $app) {
$pools = $register->get('pools');
/** @var Group $pools */
App::setResource('pools', fn () => $pools);
// wait for database to be ready
$attempts = 0;
$max = 10;
$sleep = 1;
do {
try {
$dbForConsole = $app->getResource('dbForConsole');
/** @var Utopia\Database\Database $dbForConsole */
break; // leave the do-while if successful
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Console::warning("Database not ready. Retrying connection ({$attempts})...");
if ($attempts >= $max) {
throw new \Exception('Failed to connect to database: ' . $e->getMessage());
} while ($attempts < $max);
Console::success('[Setup] - Server database init started...');
try {
Console::success('[Setup] - Creating database: appwrite...');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Console::success('[Setup] - Skip: metadata table already exists');
if ($dbForConsole->getCollection(Audit::COLLECTION)->isEmpty()) {
$audit = new Audit($dbForConsole);
if ($dbForConsole->getCollection(TimeLimit::COLLECTION)->isEmpty()) {
$adapter = new TimeLimit("", 0, 1, $dbForConsole);
/** @var array $collections */
$collections = Config::getParam('collections', []);
$consoleCollections = $collections['console'];
foreach ($consoleCollections as $key => $collection) {
if (($collection['$collection'] ?? '') !== Database::METADATA) {
if (!$dbForConsole->getCollection($key)->isEmpty()) {
Console::success('[Setup] - Creating collection: ' . $collection['$id'] . '...');
$attributes = [];
$indexes = [];
foreach ($collection['attributes'] as $attribute) {
$attributes[] = new Document([
'$id' => ID::custom($attribute['$id']),
'type' => $attribute['type'],
'size' => $attribute['size'],
'required' => $attribute['required'],
'signed' => $attribute['signed'],
'array' => $attribute['array'],
'filters' => $attribute['filters'],
'default' => $attribute['default'] ?? null,
'format' => $attribute['format'] ?? ''
foreach ($collection['indexes'] as $index) {
$indexes[] = new Document([
'$id' => ID::custom($index['$id']),
'type' => $index['type'],
'attributes' => $index['attributes'],
'lengths' => $index['lengths'],
'orders' => $index['orders'],
$dbForConsole->createCollection($key, $attributes, $indexes);
if ($dbForConsole->getDocument('buckets', 'default')->isEmpty() && !$dbForConsole->exists($dbForConsole->getDefaultDatabase(), 'bucket_1')) {
Console::success('[Setup] - Creating default bucket...');
$dbForConsole->createDocument('buckets', new Document([
'$id' => ID::custom('default'),
'$collection' => ID::custom('buckets'),
'name' => 'Default',
'maximumFileSize' => (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0), // 10MB
'allowedFileExtensions' => [],
'enabled' => true,
'compression' => 'gzip',
'encryption' => true,
'antivirus' => true,
'fileSecurity' => true,
'$permissions' => [
'search' => 'buckets Default',
$bucket = $dbForConsole->getDocument('buckets', 'default');
Console::success('[Setup] - Creating files collection for default bucket...');
$files = $collections['buckets']['files'] ?? [];
if (empty($files)) {
throw new Exception('Files collection is not configured.');
$attributes = [];
$indexes = [];
foreach ($files['attributes'] as $attribute) {
$attributes[] = new Document([
'$id' => ID::custom($attribute['$id']),
'type' => $attribute['type'],
'size' => $attribute['size'],
'required' => $attribute['required'],
'signed' => $attribute['signed'],
'array' => $attribute['array'],
'filters' => $attribute['filters'],
'default' => $attribute['default'] ?? null,
'format' => $attribute['format'] ?? ''
foreach ($files['indexes'] as $index) {
$indexes[] = new Document([
'$id' => ID::custom($index['$id']),
'type' => $index['type'],
'attributes' => $index['attributes'],
'lengths' => $index['lengths'],
'orders' => $index['orders'],
$dbForConsole->createCollection('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $attributes, $indexes);
Console::success('[Setup] - Server database init completed...');
Console::success('Server started successfully (max payload is ' . number_format($payloadSize) . ' bytes)');
Console::info("Master pid {$http->master_pid}, manager pid {$http->manager_pid}");
// listen ctrl + c
Process::signal(2, function () use ($http) {
Console::log('Stop by Ctrl+C');
$http->on('request', function (SwooleRequest $swooleRequest, SwooleResponse $swooleResponse) use ($register) {
App::setResource('swooleRequest', fn () => $swooleRequest);
App::setResource('swooleResponse', fn () => $swooleResponse);
$request = new Request($swooleRequest);
$response = new Response($swooleResponse);
if (Files::isFileLoaded($request->getURI())) {
$time = (60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2); // 45 days cache
->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=' . $time)
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + $time) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache
$app = new App('UTC');
$pools = $register->get('pools');
App::setResource('pools', fn () => $pools);
try {
$app->run($request, $response);
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$version = App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN');
$logger = $app->getResource("logger");
if ($logger) {
try {
/** @var Utopia\Database\Document $user */
$user = $app->getResource('user');
} catch (\Throwable $_th) {
// All good, user is optional information for logger
$loggerBreadcrumbs = $app->getResource("loggerBreadcrumbs");
$route = $app->getRoute();
$log = new Utopia\Logger\Log();
if (isset($user) && !$user->isEmpty()) {
$log->setUser(new User($user->getId()));
$log->addTag('method', $route->getMethod());
$log->addTag('url', $route->getPath());
$log->addTag('verboseType', get_class($th));
$log->addTag('code', $th->getCode());
// $log->addTag('projectId', $project->getId()); // TODO: Figure out how to get ProjectID, if it becomes relevant
$log->addTag('hostname', $request->getHostname());
$log->addTag('locale', (string)$request->getParam('locale', $request->getHeader('x-appwrite-locale', '')));
$log->addExtra('file', $th->getFile());
$log->addExtra('line', $th->getLine());
$log->addExtra('trace', $th->getTraceAsString());
$log->addExtra('detailedTrace', $th->getTrace());
$log->addExtra('roles', Authorization::getRoles());
$action = $route->getLabel("sdk.namespace", "UNKNOWN_NAMESPACE") . '.' . $route->getLabel("sdk.method", "UNKNOWN_METHOD");
$isProduction = App::getEnv('_APP_ENV', 'development') === 'production';
$log->setEnvironment($isProduction ? Log::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION : Log::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING);
foreach ($loggerBreadcrumbs as $loggerBreadcrumb) {
$responseCode = $logger->addLog($log);
Console::info('Log pushed with status code: ' . $responseCode);
Console::error('[Error] Type: ' . get_class($th));
Console::error('[Error] Message: ' . $th->getMessage());
Console::error('[Error] File: ' . $th->getFile());
Console::error('[Error] Line: ' . $th->getLine());
$output = ((App::isDevelopment())) ? [
'message' => 'Error: ' . $th->getMessage(),
'code' => 500,
'file' => $th->getFile(),
'line' => $th->getLine(),
'trace' => $th->getTrace(),
'version' => $version,
] : [
'message' => 'Error: Server Error',
'code' => 500,
'version' => $version,
} finally {
$connectionForConsole = $app->getResource('connectionForConsole');
$connectionForProject = $app->getResource('connectionForProject');
$connectionForQueue = $app->getResource('connectionForQueue');
$connectionsForCache = $app->getResource('connectionsForCache');
if(!is_null($connectionForConsole)) {
if(!is_null($connectionForProject)) {
if(!is_null($connectionForQueue)) {
if(!empty($connectionsForCache)) {
foreach ($connectionsForCache as $connection) {