Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-05 12:43:13 +13:00

443 lines
17 KiB

global $utopia, $response, $projectDB, $providers;
use Auth\Auth;
use Auth\Validator\Password;
use Utopia\Exception;
use Utopia\Response;
use Utopia\Validator\WhiteList;
use Utopia\Validator\Email;
use Utopia\Validator\Text;
use Utopia\Validator\Range;
use Utopia\Locale\Locale;
use Database\Database;
use Database\Validator\Authorization;
use Database\Validator\UID;
use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;
use GeoIp2\Database\Reader;
->desc('List Users')
->label('scope', 'users.read')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'listUsers')
->label('sdk.description', 'Get a list of all the project users. You can use the query params to filter your results.')
->param('search', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Search term to filter your list results.', true)
->param('limit', 25, function () { return new Range(0, 100); }, 'Results limit value. By default will return maximum 25 results. Maximum of 100 results allowed per request.', true)
->param('offset', 0, function () { return new Range(0, 2000); }, 'Results offset. The default value is 0. Use this param to manage pagination.', true)
->param('orderType', 'ASC', function () { return new WhiteList(['ASC', 'DESC']); }, 'Order result by ASC or DESC order.', true)
function ($search, $limit, $offset, $orderType) use ($response, $projectDB, $providers) {
$results = $projectDB->getCollection([
'limit' => $limit,
'offset' => $offset,
'orderField' => 'registration',
'orderType' => $orderType,
'orderCast' => 'int',
'search' => $search,
'filters' => [
$oauthKeys = [];
foreach ($providers as $key => $provider) {
if (!$provider['enabled']) {
$oauthKeys[] = 'oauth'.ucfirst($key);
$oauthKeys[] = 'oauth'.ucfirst($key).'AccessToken';
$results = array_map(function ($value) use ($oauthKeys) { /* @var $value \Database\Document */
return $value->getArrayCopy(array_merge(
}, $results);
$response->json(['sum' => $projectDB->getSum(), 'users' => $results]);
->desc('Get User')
->label('scope', 'users.read')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'getUser')
->label('sdk.description', 'Get user by its unique ID.')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
function ($userId) use ($response, $projectDB, $providers) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$oauthKeys = [];
foreach ($providers as $key => $provider) {
if (!$provider['enabled']) {
$oauthKeys[] = 'oauth'.ucfirst($key);
$oauthKeys[] = 'oauth'.ucfirst($key).'AccessToken';
)), ['roles' => Authorization::getRoles()]));
->desc('Get User Prefs')
->label('scope', 'users.read')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'getUserPrefs')
->label('sdk.description', 'Get user preferences by its unique ID.')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
function ($userId) use ($response, $projectDB) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$prefs = $user->getAttribute('prefs', '');
if (empty($prefs)) {
$prefs = '[]';
try {
$prefs = json_decode($prefs, true);
} catch (\Exception $error) {
throw new Exception('Failed to parse prefs', 500);
->desc('Get User Sessions')
->label('scope', 'users.read')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'getUserSessions')
->label('sdk.description', 'Get user sessions list by its unique ID.')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
function ($userId) use ($response, $projectDB) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []);
$reader = new Reader(__DIR__.'/../db/GeoLite2/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb');
$sessions = [];
$index = 0;
$countries = Locale::getText('countries');
foreach ($tokens as $token) { /* @var $token Document */
if (Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN != $token->getAttribute('type')) {
$userAgent = (!empty($token->getAttribute('userAgent'))) ? $token->getAttribute('userAgent') : 'UNKNOWN';
$dd = new DeviceDetector($userAgent);
// OPTIONAL: If called, bot detection will completely be skipped (bots will be detected as regular devices then)
// $dd->skipBotDetection();
$sessions[$index] = [
'$uid' => $token->getUid(),
'OS' => $dd->getOs(),
'client' => $dd->getClient(),
'device' => $dd->getDevice(),
'brand' => $dd->getBrand(),
'model' => $dd->getModel(),
'ip' => $token->getAttribute('ip', ''),
'geo' => [],
try {
$record = $reader->country($token->getAttribute('ip', ''));
$sessions[$index]['geo']['isoCode'] = strtolower($record->country->isoCode);
$sessions[$index]['geo']['country'] = (isset($countries[$record->country->isoCode])) ? $countries[$record->country->isoCode] : Locale::getText('locale.country.unknown');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$sessions[$index]['geo']['isoCode'] = '--';
$sessions[$index]['geo']['country'] = Locale::getText('locale.country.unknown');
->desc('Get User Logs')
->label('scope', 'users.read')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'getUserLogs')
->label('sdk.description', 'Get user activity logs list by its unique ID.')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
function ($userId) use ($response, $register, $projectDB, $project) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$ad = new \Audit\Adapter\MySQL($register->get('db'));
$au = new \Audit\Audit($ad, $user->getUid(), $user->getAttribute('type'), '', '', '');
$countries = Locale::getText('countries');
$logs = $au->getLogsByUser($user->getUid(), $user->getAttribute('type', 0));
$reader = new Reader(__DIR__.'/../db/GeoLite2/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb');
$output = [];
foreach ($logs as $i => &$log) {
$log['userAgent'] = (!empty($log['userAgent'])) ? $log['userAgent'] : 'UNKNOWN';
$dd = new DeviceDetector($log['userAgent']);
$dd->skipBotDetection(); // OPTIONAL: If called, bot detection will completely be skipped (bots will be detected as regular devices then)
$output[$i] = [
'event' => $log['event'],
'ip' => $log['ip'],
'time' => strtotime($log['time']),
'OS' => $dd->getOs(),
'client' => $dd->getClient(),
'device' => $dd->getDevice(),
'brand' => $dd->getBrand(),
'model' => $dd->getModel(),
'geo' => [],
try {
$record = $reader->country($log['ip']);
$output[$i]['geo']['isoCode'] = strtolower($record->country->isoCode);
$output[$i]['geo']['country'] = $record->country->name;
$output[$i]['geo']['country'] = (isset($countries[$record->country->isoCode])) ? $countries[$record->country->isoCode] : Locale::getText('locale.country.unknown');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$output[$i]['geo']['isoCode'] = '--';
$output[$i]['geo']['country'] = Locale::getText('locale.country.unknown');
->desc('Create User')
->label('scope', 'users.write')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'createUser')
->label('sdk.description', 'Create a new user.')
->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'User account email.')
->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'User account password.')
->param('name', '', function () { return new Text(100); }, 'User account name.', true)
function ($email, $password, $name) use ($response, $register, $projectDB, $providers) {
$profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address
'limit' => 1,
'first' => true,
'filters' => [
if (!empty($profile)) {
throw new Exception('User already registered', 400);
$user = $projectDB->createDocument([
'$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS,
'$permissions' => [
'read' => ['*'],
'write' => ['user:{self}'],
'email' => $email,
'password' => Auth::passwordHash($password),
'password-update' => time(),
'registration' => time(),
'confirm' => false,
'reset' => false,
'name' => $name,
$oauthKeys = [];
foreach ($providers as $key => $provider) {
if (!$provider['enabled']) {
$oauthKeys[] = 'oauth'.ucfirst($key);
$oauthKeys[] = 'oauth'.ucfirst($key).'AccessToken';
], $oauthKeys)), ['roles' => Authorization::getRoles()]));
->desc('Update user status')
->label('scope', 'users.write')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'updateUserStatus')
->label('sdk.description', 'Update user status by its unique ID.')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
->param('status', '', function () { return new WhiteList([Auth::USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED, Auth::USER_STATUS_BLOCKED, Auth::USER_STATUS_UNACTIVATED]); }, 'User Status code. To activate the user pass '.Auth::USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED.', to blocking the user pass '.Auth::USER_STATUS_BLOCKED.' and for disabling the user pass '.Auth::USER_STATUS_UNACTIVATED)
function ($userId, $status) use ($response, $projectDB) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$user = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(), [
'status' => $status,
if (false === $user) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->desc('Update Account Prefs')
->label('scope', 'users.write')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'updateUserPrefs')
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
->param('prefs', '', function () { return new \Utopia\Validator\Mock(); }, 'Prefs key-value JSON object string.')
->label('sdk.description', 'Update user preferences by its unique ID. You can pass only the specific settings you wish to update.')
function ($userId, $prefs) use ($response, $projectDB) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$user = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(), [
'prefs' => json_encode(array_merge(json_decode($user->getAttribute('prefs', '{}'), true), $prefs)),
if (false === $user) {
throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500);
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->desc('Delete User Session')
->label('scope', 'users.write')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'deleteUsersSession')
->label('sdk.description', 'Delete user sessions by its unique ID.')
->label('abuse-limit', 100)
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
->param('sessionId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique session ID.')
function ($userId, $sessionId) use ($response, $request, $projectDB) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []);
foreach ($tokens as $token) { /* @var $token Document */
if ($sessionId == $token->getUid()) {
if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token->getUid())) {
throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500);
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));
->desc('Delete User Sessions')
->label('scope', 'users.write')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'users')
->label('sdk.method', 'deleteUserSessions')
->label('sdk.description', 'Delete all user sessions by its unique ID.')
->label('abuse-limit', 100)
->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.')
function ($userId) use ($response, $request, $projectDB) {
$user = $projectDB->getDocument($userId);
if (empty($user->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS != $user->getCollection()) {
throw new Exception('User not found', 404);
$tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []);
foreach ($tokens as $token) { /* @var $token Document */
if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token->getUid())) {
throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500);
$response->json(array('result' => 'success'));