Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-01 17:58:02 +13:00
2023-05-23 16:43:03 +03:00

380 lines
15 KiB

use Appwrite\Event\Event;
use Appwrite\Event\Mail;
use Appwrite\Messaging\Adapter\Realtime;
use Utopia\App;
use Utopia\Cache\Cache;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Database\Validator\Authorization;
use Utopia\Queue\Message;
use Utopia\Cache\Adapter\Redis as RedisCache;
use Utopia\Cache\Adapter\Sharding;
use Utopia\Config\Config;
use Utopia\Database\Adapter\MariaDB;
use Utopia\Queue\Server;
use function Swoole\Coroutine\Http\get;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../worker.php';
const DATABASE_PROJECT = 'project';
const DATABASE_CONSOLE = 'console';
* @param Document $database
* @param Document $collection
* @param Document $attribute
* @param Document $project
Server::setResource('createDBAttribute', function (Database $dbForConsole, Database $dbForProject) {
return function (
Document $project,
Document $database,
Document $collection,
Document $attribute,
) use (
) {
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].attributes.[attributeId].update', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'attributeId' => $attribute->getId()
* Fetch attribute from the database, since with Resque float values are loosing informations.
$attribute = $dbForProject->getDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId());
$collectionId = $collection->getId();
$key = $attribute->getAttribute('key', '');
$type = $attribute->getAttribute('type', '');
$size = $attribute->getAttribute('size', 0);
$required = $attribute->getAttribute('required', false);
$default = $attribute->getAttribute('default', null);
$signed = $attribute->getAttribute('signed', true);
$array = $attribute->getAttribute('array', false);
$format = $attribute->getAttribute('format', '');
$formatOptions = $attribute->getAttribute('formatOptions', []);
$filters = $attribute->getAttribute('filters', []);
try {
if (!$dbForProject->createAttribute('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key, $type, $size, $required, $default, $signed, $array, $format, $formatOptions, $filters)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to create Attribute');
$dbForProject->updateDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId(), $attribute->setAttribute('status', 'available'));
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId(), $attribute->setAttribute('status', 'failed'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $attribute,
project: $project,
projectId: 'console',
payload: $attribute->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collectionId);
}, ['dbForConsole, dbForProject']);
* @param Document $database
* @param Document $collection
* @param Document $attribute
* @param Document $project
* @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception\Authorization
Server::setResource('deleteDBAttribute', function (Database $dbForConsole, Database $dbForProject) {
return function (
Document $project,
Document $database,
Document $collection,
Document $attribute,
) use (
) {
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].attributes.[attributeId].delete', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'attributeId' => $attribute->getId()
$collectionId = $collection->getId();
$key = $attribute->getAttribute('key', '');
$status = $attribute->getAttribute('status', '');
// possible states at this point:
// - available: should not land in queue; controller flips these to 'deleting'
// - processing: hasn't finished creating
// - deleting: was available, in deletion queue for first time
// - failed: attribute was never created
// - stuck: attribute was available but cannot be removed
try {
if ($status !== 'failed' && !$dbForProject->deleteAttribute('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to delete Attribute');
$dbForProject->deleteDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId());
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId(), $attribute->setAttribute('status', 'stuck'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $attribute,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $attribute->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
// The underlying database removes/rebuilds indexes when attribute is removed
// Update indexes table with changes
/** @var Document[] $indexes */
$indexes = $collection->getAttribute('indexes', []);
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
/** @var string[] $attributes */
$attributes = $index->getAttribute('attributes');
$lengths = $index->getAttribute('lengths');
$orders = $index->getAttribute('orders');
$found = \array_search($key, $attributes);
if ($found !== false) {
// If found, remove entry from attributes, lengths, and orders
// array_values wraps array_diff to reindex array keys
// when found attribute is removed from array
$attributes = \array_values(\array_diff($attributes, [$attributes[$found]]));
$lengths = \array_values(\array_diff($lengths, [$lengths[$found]]));
$orders = \array_values(\array_diff($orders, [$orders[$found]]));
if (empty($attributes)) {
$dbForProject->deleteDocument('indexes', $index->getId());
} else {
->setAttribute('attributes', $attributes, Document::SET_TYPE_ASSIGN)
->setAttribute('lengths', $lengths, Document::SET_TYPE_ASSIGN)
->setAttribute('orders', $orders, Document::SET_TYPE_ASSIGN);
// Check if an index exists with the same attributes and orders
$exists = false;
foreach ($indexes as $existing) {
if (
$existing->getAttribute('key') !== $index->getAttribute('key') // Ignore itself
&& $existing->getAttribute('attributes') === $index->getAttribute('attributes')
&& $existing->getAttribute('orders') === $index->getAttribute('orders')
) {
$exists = true;
if ($exists) { // Delete the duplicate if created, else update in db
deleteIndex($database, $collection, $index, $project, $dbForConsole);
} else {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index);
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collectionId);
$dbForProject->deleteCachedCollection('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId());
}, ['dbForConsole, dbForProject']);
* @param Document $database
* @param Document $collection
* @param Document $index
* @param Document $project
Server::setResource('createIndex', function (Database $dbForConsole, Database $dbForProject) {
return function (
Document $project,
Document $database,
Document $collection,
Document $index,
) use (
) {
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].indexes.[indexId].update', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'indexId' => $index->getId()
$collectionId = $collection->getId();
$key = $index->getAttribute('key', '');
$type = $index->getAttribute('type', '');
$attributes = $index->getAttribute('attributes', []);
$lengths = $index->getAttribute('lengths', []);
$orders = $index->getAttribute('orders', []);
try {
if (!$dbForProject->createIndex('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key, $type, $attributes, $lengths, $orders)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to create Index');
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index->setAttribute('status', 'available'));
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index->setAttribute('status', 'failed'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $index,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $index->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collectionId);
}, ['dbForConsole, dbForProject']);
* @param Document $database
* @param Document $collection
* @param Document $index
* @param Database $dbForConsole
* @param Document $project
Server::setResource('deleteIndex', function (Database $dbForConsole, Database $dbForProject) {
return function (
Document $project,
Document $database,
Document $collection,
Document $index,
) use (
) {
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].indexes.[indexId].delete', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'indexId' => $index->getId()
$key = $index->getAttribute('key');
$status = $index->getAttribute('status', '');
try {
if ($status !== 'failed' && !$dbForProject->deleteIndex('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to delete index');
$dbForProject->deleteDocument('indexes', $index->getId());
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index->setAttribute('status', 'stuck'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $index,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $index->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collection->getId());
}, ['dbForConsole, dbForProject']);
->action(function (Message $message, callable $createDBAttribute, callable $deleteDBAttribute, callable $createIndex, callable $deleteIndex) {
$payload = $message->getPayload() ?? [];
if (empty($payload)) {
throw new Exception('Missing payload');
$type = $payload['type'];
$project = new Document($payload['project']);
$collection = new Document($payload['collection'] ?? []);
$document = new Document($payload['document'] ?? []);
$database = new Document($payload['database'] ?? []);
if ($collection->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Missing collection');
if ($document->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Missing document');
match (strval($type)) {
DATABASE_TYPE_CREATE_ATTRIBUTE => $createDBAttribute($database, $collection, $document, $project),
DATABASE_TYPE_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE => $deleteDBAttribute($database, $collection, $document, $project),
DATABASE_TYPE_CREATE_INDEX => $createIndex($database, $collection, $document, $project),
DATABASE_TYPE_DELETE_INDEX => $deleteIndex($database, $collection, $document, $project),
default => Console::error('No database operation for type: ' . $type),