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mirror of synced 2024-10-05 12:43:13 +13:00
2024-01-11 22:49:33 +05:30

244 lines
11 KiB

"settings.inspire": "\"Kunsten å væra klok er kunsten å vita kva man skal oversjå.\"",
"settings.locale": "nn",
"settings.direction": "ltr",
"emails.sender": "%s Team",
"emails.verification.subject": "Kontostadfesting",
"emails.verification.hello": "Hallo {{user}}",
"emails.verification.body": "Følg denne lenkja for å bekrefta din e-postadresse.",
"emails.verification.footer": "Om du ikkje bad om å bekrefta e-postadressa, kan du ignorera denne meldinga.",
"emails.verification.thanks": "Takk",
"emails.verification.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.magicSession.subject": "Pålogging",
"emails.magicSession.hello": "Hei,",
"emails.magicSession.body": "Følg denne lenkja for å logge på.",
"emails.magicSession.footer": "Om du ikkje ba om å logge på med denne e-postadressa, kan du ignorera denne meldinga.",
"emails.magicSession.thanks": "Takk",
"emails.magicSession.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.recovery.subject": "Nullstilla passord",
"emails.recovery.hello": "Hallo {{user}}",
"emails.recovery.body": "Følg denne lenkja for å nullstilla ditt {{project}} passord.",
"emails.recovery.footer": "Om du ikkje ba om å nullstilla passordet ditt, kan du ignorera denne meldinga.",
"emails.recovery.thanks": "Takk",
"emails.recovery.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.invitation.subject": "Innbyding til %s Team ved %s",
"emails.invitation.hello": "Hallo",
"emails.invitation.body": "Denne meldinga ble sendt til deg fordi {{owner}} ynskja å invitera deg til å bli medlem av {{team}} team i {{project}}.",
"emails.invitation.footer": "Om du ikkje er interessert, kan du ignorera denne meldinga.",
"emails.invitation.thanks": "Takk",
"emails.invitation.signature": "{{project}} team",
"locale.country.unknown": "Ukjend",
"countries.af": "Afghanistan",
"countries.ao": "Angola",
"countries.al": "Albania",
"countries.ad": "Andorra",
"countries.ae": "Dei sameinte arabiske emirata",
"countries.ar": "Argentina",
"countries.am": "Armenia",
"countries.ag": "Antigua og Barbuda",
"countries.au": "Australia",
"countries.at": "Austerrike",
"countries.az": "Aserbajdsjan",
"countries.bi": "Burundi",
"countries.be": "Belgia",
"countries.bj": "Benin",
"countries.bf": "Burkina Faso",
"countries.bd": "Bangladesh",
"countries.bg": "Bulgaria",
"countries.bh": "Bahrain",
"countries.bs": "Bahamas",
"countries.ba": "Bosnia-Hercegovina",
"countries.by": "Kviterussland",
"countries.bz": "Belize",
"countries.bo": "Bolivia",
"countries.br": "Brasil",
"countries.bb": "Barbados",
"countries.bn": "Brunei Darussalam",
"countries.bt": "Bhutan",
"countries.bw": "Botswana",
"countries.cf": "Den sentralafrikanske republikken",
"countries.ca": "Canada",
"countries.ch": "Sveits",
"countries.cl": "Chile",
"countries.cn": "Kina",
"countries.ci": "Elfenbeinskysten",
"countries.cm": "Kamerun",
"countries.cd": "Den demokratiske republikken Kongo",
"countries.cg": "Republikken Kongo",
"countries.co": "Colombia",
"countries.km": "Komorane",
"countries.cv": "Kapp Verde",
"countries.cr": "Costa Rica",
"countries.cu": "Cuba",
"countries.cy": "Kypros",
"countries.cz": "Tjekkia",
"countries.de": "Tyskland",
"countries.dj": "Djibouti",
"countries.dm": "Dominica",
"countries.dk": "Danmark",
"countries.do": "Den dominikanske republikk",
"countries.dz": "Algerie",
"countries.ec": "Ecuador",
"countries.eg": "Egypt",
"countries.er": "Eritrea",
"countries.es": "Spania",
"countries.ee": "Estland",
"countries.et": "Etiopia",
"countries.fi": "Finland",
"countries.fj": "Fiji",
"countries.fr": "Frankrike",
"countries.fm": "Mikronesia",
"countries.ga": "Gabon",
"countries.gb": "Storbritannia",
"countries.ge": "Georgia",
"countries.gh": "Ghana",
"countries.gn": "Guinea",
"countries.gm": "Gambia",
"countries.gw": "Guinea-Bissau",
"countries.gq": "Ekvatorial-Guinea",
"countries.gr": "Hellas",
"countries.gd": "Grenada",
"countries.gt": "Guatemala",
"countries.gy": "Guyana",
"countries.hn": "Honduras",
"countries.hr": "Kroatia",
"countries.ht": "Haiti",
"countries.hu": "Ungarn",
"countries.id": "Indonesia",
"countries.in": "India",
"countries.ie": "Irland",
"countries.ir": "Iran",
"countries.iq": "Irak",
"countries.is": "Island",
"countries.il": "Israel",
"countries.it": "Italia",
"countries.jm": "Jamaica",
"countries.jo": "Jordan",
"countries.jp": "Japan",
"countries.kz": "Kasakhstan",
"countries.ke": "Kenya",
"countries.kg": "Kirgisistan",
"countries.kh": "Kambodsja",
"countries.ki": "Kiribati",
"countries.kn": "Saint Kitts og Nevis",
"countries.kr": "Sør-Korea",
"countries.kw": "Kuwait",
"countries.la": "Laos",
"countries.lb": "Libanon",
"countries.lr": "Liberia",
"countries.ly": "Libya",
"countries.lc": "Saint Lucia",
"countries.li": "Liechtenstein",
"countries.lk": "Sri Lanka",
"countries.ls": "Lesotho",
"countries.lt": "Litauen",
"countries.lu": "Luxembourg",
"countries.lv": "Latvia",
"countries.ma": "Marokko",
"countries.mc": "Monaco",
"countries.md": "Moldova",
"countries.mg": "Madagaskar",
"countries.mv": "Maldivene",
"countries.mx": "Mexico",
"countries.mh": "Marshalløyane",
"countries.mk": "Nord-Makedonia",
"countries.ml": "Mali",
"countries.mt": "Malta",
"countries.mm": "Myanmar",
"countries.me": "Montenegro",
"countries.mn": "Mongolia",
"countries.mz": "Mozambik",
"countries.mr": "Mauritania",
"countries.mu": "Mauritius",
"countries.mw": "Malawi",
"countries.my": "Malaysia",
"countries.na": "Namibia",
"countries.ne": "Niger",
"countries.ng": "Nigeria",
"countries.ni": "Nicaragua",
"countries.nl": "Nederland",
"countries.no": "Norge",
"countries.np": "Nepal",
"countries.nr": "Nauru",
"countries.nz": "New Zealand",
"countries.om": "Oman",
"countries.pk": "Pakistan",
"countries.pa": "Panama",
"countries.pe": "Peru",
"countries.ph": "Filippinene",
"countries.pw": "Palau",
"countries.pg": "Papua Ny-Guinea",
"countries.pl": "Polen",
"countries.kp": "Nord-Korea",
"countries.pt": "Portugal",
"countries.py": "Paraguay",
"countries.qa": "Qatar",
"countries.ro": "Romania",
"countries.ru": "Russland",
"countries.rw": "Rwanda",
"countries.sa": "Saudi-Arabia",
"countries.sd": "Sudan",
"countries.sn": "Senegal",
"countries.sg": "Singapore",
"countries.sb": "Solomonøyene",
"countries.sl": "Sierra Leone",
"countries.sv": "El Salvador",
"countries.sm": "San Marino",
"countries.so": "Somalia",
"countries.rs": "Serbia",
"countries.ss": "Sør-Sudan",
"countries.st": "São Tomé og Príncipe",
"countries.sr": "Surinam",
"countries.sk": "Slovakia",
"countries.si": "Slovenia",
"countries.se": "Sverige",
"countries.sz": "Swaziland",
"countries.sc": "Seychellene",
"countries.sy": "Syria",
"countries.td": "Tsjad",
"countries.tg": "Togo",
"countries.th": "Thailand",
"countries.tj": "Tajikistan",
"countries.tm": "Turkmenistan",
"countries.tl": "Aust-Timor",
"countries.to": "Tonga",
"countries.tt": "Trinidad og Tobago",
"countries.tn": "Tunisia",
"countries.tr": "Tyrkia",
"countries.tv": "Tuvalu",
"countries.tz": "Tanzania",
"countries.ug": "Uganda",
"countries.ua": "Ukraina",
"countries.uy": "Uruguay",
"countries.us": "Amerikas forente stater",
"countries.uz": "Usbekistan",
"countries.va": "Vatikanstaten",
"countries.vc": "Saint Vincent og Grenadinene",
"countries.ve": "Venezuela",
"countries.vn": "Vietnam",
"countries.vu": "Vanuatu",
"countries.ws": "Samoa",
"countries.ye": "Jemen",
"countries.za": "Sør-Africa",
"countries.zm": "Zambia",
"countries.zw": "Zimbabwe",
"continents.af": "Afrika",
"continents.an": "Antarktis",
"continents.as": "Asia",
"continents.eu": "Europa",
"continents.na": "Nord-Amerika",
"continents.oc": "Oseania",
"continents.sa": "Sør-Amerika",
"emails.magicSession.optionButton": "Klikk på knappen under for å trygt logge inn på din {{project}}-konto. Den vil utløpe om 1 time.",
"emails.magicSession.buttonText": "Innlogging til {{project}}",
"emails.magicSession.clientInfo": "Denne innloggingen ble forespurt ved hjelp av {{agentClient}} på {{agentDevice}} {{agentOs}}. Hvis du ikke ba om innloggingen, kan du trygt se bort fra denne e-posten.",
"emails.certificate.subject": "Unfortunately, the country code \"nn\" is ambiguous, as it doesn't correspond to a recognized ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. However, “nn” often refers to “Nynorsk,” one of the written standards of the Norwegian language. If you intended to translate the sentence into Nynorsk (Norwegian), here is the translation:\n\n\"Seritifikatsvikt for %s\"",
"emails.certificate.hello": "In order to translate the message to the target language corresponding to the country code \"nn,\" I need to clarify that \"nn\" is not a valid ISO country code. However, if you intended \"nn\" to stand for Nynorsk, which is one of the written standards of the Norwegian language (not to be confused with a country code), then the translation would be:\n\nHallo",
"emails.certificate.body": "Sertifikat for domenet ditt '{{domain}}' kunne ikke genereres. Dette er forsøk nr. {{attempt}}, og mislykkelsen ble forårsaket av: {{error}}",
"emails.certificate.footer": "Ditt førre sertifikat vil vere gyldig i 30 dagar etter den første feilen. Vi rår sterkt til å undersøke denne saka, elles vil domenet ditt ende opp utan ein gyldig SSL-kommunikasjon.",
"emails.certificate.thanks": "The country code \"nn\" provided is not sufficient to determine the target language as it does not correspond to an official ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Please provide more context or the specific target language you need the translation for.",
"emails.certificate.signature": "{{project}} lag",
"sms.verification.body": "Hemmelig er din prosjekt verifiseringskode.",
"emails.magicSession.securityPhrase": "For the country code \"nn\", there is no officially designated language. The country code \"NN\" is typically used as a placeholder in documentation for a country that is not specified. Please provide a valid country code or specify the target language for the translation.",
"emails.magicSession.optionUrl": "Dersom du ikkje klarer å logge inn ved å bruke knappen over, kan du gå til følgjande lenke:"