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mirror of synced 2024-07-02 05:00:33 +12:00
Steven Nguyen 4171c86d22
fix(messaging): change SMS verification message to only have the code
Some providers have a limit on the length of the content. For example,
MSG91 has a 30 character limit and passing a longer value wil result
in an error:

     DLT Template variable exceeded max length

As such, we're going to change the content back to how we had it before
1.5 when were were only sending the code by itself until we decide on
a better solution.


* https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/issues/7823#issuecomment-1994618488
2024-04-03 11:53:21 -07:00

245 lines
9.8 KiB

"settings.inspire": "\"De kunst om wijs te zijn is de kunst om te weten wat over het hoofd gezien moet worden.\"",
"settings.locale": "nl",
"settings.direction": "ltr",
"emails.sender": "%s Team",
"emails.verification.subject": "Account Verificatie",
"emails.verification.hello": "Hoi {{user}}",
"emails.verification.body": "Volg deze link om uw e-mail te verifieren",
"emails.verification.footer": "Als u geen aanvraag voor verificatie heeft gemaakt, kan u deze mail negeren",
"emails.verification.thanks": "Bedankt",
"emails.verification.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.magicSession.subject": "Login",
"emails.magicSession.hello": "Hoi,",
"emails.magicSession.body": "Volg deze link om in te loggen",
"emails.magicSession.footer": "Als u geen aanvraag heeft gemaakt om met deze mail in te loggen, kan u deze mail negeren",
"emails.magicSession.thanks": "Bedankt",
"emails.magicSession.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.recovery.subject": "Wachtwoord Herinstellen",
"emails.recovery.hello": "Hallo {{user}}",
"emails.recovery.body": "Volg deze link om het wachtwoord van uw project {{project}} te wijzigen",
"emails.recovery.footer": "Als u geen aanvraag heeft gemaakt om uw wachtwoord te wijzigen, kan u deze mail negeren",
"emails.recovery.thanks": "Bedankt",
"emails.recovery.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.invitation.subject": "Uitnodiging van %s Team uit %s",
"emails.invitation.hello": "Hallo,",
"emails.invitation.body": "U ontvangt deze mail want u was uitgenodig door {{owner}} om lid van het {{team}} team te worden in {{project}} ",
"emails.invitation.footer": "Als u niet geintereseerd bent, kan u deze mail negeren.",
"emails.invitation.thanks": "Bedankt",
"emails.invitation.signature": "{{project}} team",
"locale.country.unknown": "Onbekend",
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"countries.ae": "Verenigde Arabische Emiraten",
"countries.ar": "Argentinië",
"countries.am": "Armenië",
"countries.ag": "Antigua en Barbuda",
"countries.au": "Australië",
"countries.at": "Oostenrijk",
"countries.az": "Azerbeidzjan",
"countries.bi": "Boeroendi",
"countries.be": "België",
"countries.bj": "Benin",
"countries.bf": "Burkina Faso",
"countries.bd": "Bangladesh",
"countries.bg": "Bulgarije",
"countries.bh": "Bahrain",
"countries.bs": "Bahamas",
"countries.ba": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"countries.by": "Wit-Rusland",
"countries.bz": "Belize",
"countries.bo": "Bolivia",
"countries.br": "Brazilië",
"countries.bb": "Barbados",
"countries.bn": "Brunei",
"countries.bt": "Bhutan",
"countries.bw": "Botswana",
"countries.cf": "Central African Republic",
"countries.ca": "Canada",
"countries.ch": "Zwitserland",
"countries.cl": "Chili",
"countries.cn": "China",
"countries.ci": "Ivoorkust",
"countries.cm": "Kameroen",
"countries.cd": "DR Congo",
"countries.cg": "Republiek Congo",
"countries.co": "Colombia",
"countries.km": "Comoren",
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"countries.dz": "Algerije",
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"countries.kn": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
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"countries.kp": "Noord Korea",
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"countries.sa": "Saoedi-Arabië",
"countries.sd": "Sudan",
"countries.sn": "Senegal",
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"countries.sb": "Solomon eilanden",
"countries.sl": "Sierra Leone",
"countries.sv": "El Salvador",
"countries.sm": "San Marino",
"countries.so": "Somalië",
"countries.rs": "Servië",
"countries.ss": "Zuid Soedan",
"countries.st": "São Tomé and Príncipe",
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"countries.tg": "Togo",
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"countries.tm": "Turkmenistan",
"countries.tl": "Timor-Leste",
"countries.to": "Tonga",
"countries.tt": "Trinidad en Tobago",
"countries.tn": "Tunesië",
"countries.tr": "Turkijë",
"countries.tv": "Tuvalu",
"countries.tz": "Tanzania",
"countries.ug": "Oeganda",
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"countries.uy": "Uruguay",
"countries.us": "Verenigde Staten",
"countries.uz": "Oezbekistan",
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"countries.vc": "Saint Vincent en de Grenadines",
"countries.ve": "Venezuela",
"countries.vn": "Vietnam",
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"countries.ws": "Samoa",
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"countries.za": "Zuid-Afrika",
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"continents.af": "Afrika",
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"continents.as": "Azië",
"continents.eu": "Europa",
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"continents.oc": "Oceanië",
"continents.sa": "Zuid Amerika",
"emails.magicSession.optionButton": "Klik op de knop hieronder om veilig in te loggen op uw {{project}} account. Deze zal verlopen over 1 uur.",
"emails.magicSession.buttonText": "Meld u aan bij {{project}}",
"emails.magicSession.clientInfo": "Deze aanmelding is aangevraagd met {{agentClient}} op {{agentDevice}} {{agentOs}}. Als u de aanmelding niet hebt aangevraagd, kunt u deze e-mail gerust negeren.",
"sms.verification.body": "{{secret}}",
"emails.magicSession.securityPhrase": "De beveiligingszin voor deze e-mail is {{phrase}}. U kunt deze e-mail vertrouwen als deze zin overeenkomt met de zin die getoond werd tijdens het aanmelden.",
"emails.magicSession.optionUrl": "Als u zich niet kunt aanmelden via de bovenstaande knop, bezoekt u dan de volgende link:",
"emails.otpSession.subject": "{{project}} Inloggen",
"emails.otpSession.hello": "Hallo,",
"emails.otpSession.description": "Voer de volgende verificatiecode in wanneer je wordt gevraagd om veilig in te loggen op je {{project}} account. Deze verloopt over 15 minuten.",
"emails.otpSession.clientInfo": "Deze aanmelding is aangevraagd met {{agentClient}} op {{agentDevice}} {{agentOs}}. Als u de aanmelding niet heeft aangevraagd, kunt u deze e-mail veilig negeren.",
"emails.otpSession.securityPhrase": "De beveiligingszin voor deze e-mail is {{phrase}}. U kunt deze e-mail vertrouwen als deze zin overeenkomt met de zin die wordt getoond tijdens het inloggen.",
"emails.otpSession.thanks": "Bedankt,",
"emails.otpSession.signature": "{{project}} team"