Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-01 17:58:02 +13:00

1247 lines
54 KiB

use Appwrite\Extend\Exception;
use Appwrite\URL\URL as URLParse;
use Appwrite\Utopia\Response;
use Utopia\App;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Config\Config;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\DateTime;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Database\Validator\Authorization;
use Utopia\Database\Validator\UID;
use Utopia\Domains\Domain;
use Utopia\Image\Image;
use Utopia\Logger\Log;
use Utopia\Logger\Logger;
use Utopia\Validator\Boolean;
use Utopia\Validator\HexColor;
use Utopia\Validator\Range;
use Utopia\Validator\Text;
use Utopia\Validator\URL;
use Utopia\Validator\WhiteList;
use chillerlan\QRCode\QRCode;
use chillerlan\QRCode\QROptions;
$avatarCallback = function (string $type, string $code, int $width, int $height, int $quality, Response $response) {
$code = \strtolower($code);
$type = \strtolower($type);
$set = Config::getParam('avatar-' . $type, []);
if (empty($set)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_SET_NOT_FOUND);
if (!\array_key_exists($code, $set)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_NOT_FOUND);
if (!\extension_loaded('imagick')) {
throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Imagick extension is missing');
$output = 'png';
$path = $set[$code]['path'];
$type = 'png';
if (!\is_readable($path)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'File not readable in ' . $path);
$image = new Image(\file_get_contents($path));
$image->crop((int) $width, (int) $height);
$output = (empty($output)) ? $type : $output;
$data = $image->output($output, $quality);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) . ' GMT')
$getUserGitHub = function (string $userId, Document $project, Database $dbForProject, Database $dbForConsole, ?Logger $logger) {
try {
$user = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForConsole->getDocument('users', $userId));
$sessions = $user->getAttribute('sessions', []);
$gitHubSession = null;
foreach ($sessions as $session) {
if ($session->getAttribute('provider', '') === 'github') {
$gitHubSession = $session;
if (empty($gitHubSession)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_UNKNOWN, 'GitHub session not found.');
$provider = $gitHubSession->getAttribute('provider', '');
$accessToken = $gitHubSession->getAttribute('providerAccessToken');
$accessTokenExpiry = $gitHubSession->getAttribute('providerAccessTokenExpiry');
$refreshToken = $gitHubSession->getAttribute('providerRefreshToken');
$appId = $project->getAttribute('authProviders', [])[$provider . 'Appid'] ?? '';
$appSecret = $project->getAttribute('authProviders', [])[$provider . 'Secret'] ?? '{}';
$className = 'Appwrite\\Auth\\OAuth2\\' . \ucfirst($provider);
if (!\class_exists($className)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::PROJECT_PROVIDER_UNSUPPORTED);
$oauth2 = new $className($appId, $appSecret, '', [], []);
$isExpired = new \DateTime($accessTokenExpiry) < new \DateTime('now');
if ($isExpired) {
try {
$accessToken = $oauth2->getAccessToken('');
$refreshToken = $oauth2->getRefreshToken('');
$verificationId = $oauth2->getUserID($accessToken);
if (empty($verificationId)) {
throw new \Exception("Locked tokens."); // Race codition, handeled in catch
->setAttribute('providerAccessToken', $accessToken)
->setAttribute('providerRefreshToken', $refreshToken)
->setAttribute('providerAccessTokenExpiry', DateTime::addSeconds(new \DateTime(), (int)$oauth2->getAccessTokenExpiry('')));
Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->updateDocument('sessions', $gitHubSession->getId(), $gitHubSession));
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('users', $user->getId());
} catch (Throwable $err) {
$index = 0;
do {
$previousAccessToken = $gitHubSession->getAttribute('providerAccessToken');
$user = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForConsole->getDocument('users', $userId));
$sessions = $user->getAttribute('sessions', []);
$gitHubSession = new Document();
foreach ($sessions as $session) {
if ($session->getAttribute('provider', '') === 'github') {
$gitHubSession = $session;
$accessToken = $gitHubSession->getAttribute('providerAccessToken');
if ($accessToken !== $previousAccessToken) {
} while ($index < 10);
$oauth2 = new $className($appId, $appSecret, '', [], []);
$githubUser = $oauth2->getUserSlug($accessToken);
$githubId = $oauth2->getUserID($accessToken);
return [
'name' => $githubUser,
'id' => $githubId
} catch (Exception $error) {
if ($logger) {
$version = App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN');
$log = new Log();
$log->addTag('code', $error->getCode());
$log->addTag('verboseType', get_class($error));
$log->addExtra('file', $error->getFile());
$log->addExtra('line', $error->getLine());
$log->addExtra('trace', $error->getTraceAsString());
$log->addExtra('detailedTrace', $error->getTrace());
$isProduction = App::getEnv('_APP_ENV', 'development') === 'production';
$log->setEnvironment($isProduction ? Log::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION : Log::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING);
$responseCode = $logger->addLog($log);
Console::info('GitHub error log pushed with status code: ' . $responseCode);
Console::warning("Failed: {$error->getMessage()}");
return [];
return [];
->desc('Get credit card icon')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resource', 'avatar/credit-card')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'avatars')
->label('sdk.method', 'getCreditCard')
->label('sdk.methodType', 'location')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/avatars/get-credit-card.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG)
->param('code', '', new WhiteList(\array_keys(Config::getParam('avatar-credit-cards'))), 'Credit Card Code. Possible values: ' . \implode(', ', \array_keys(Config::getParam('avatar-credit-cards'))) . '.')
->param('width', 100, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image width. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('height', 100, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image height. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('quality', 100, new Range(0, 100), 'Image quality. Pass an integer between 0 to 100. Defaults to 100.', true)
->action(fn (string $code, int $width, int $height, int $quality, Response $response) => $avatarCallback('credit-cards', $code, $width, $height, $quality, $response));
->desc('Get browser icon')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resource', 'avatar/browser')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'avatars')
->label('sdk.method', 'getBrowser')
->label('sdk.methodType', 'location')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/avatars/get-browser.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG)
->param('code', '', new WhiteList(\array_keys(Config::getParam('avatar-browsers'))), 'Browser Code.')
->param('width', 100, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image width. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('height', 100, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image height. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('quality', 100, new Range(0, 100), 'Image quality. Pass an integer between 0 to 100. Defaults to 100.', true)
->action(fn (string $code, int $width, int $height, int $quality, Response $response) => $avatarCallback('browsers', $code, $width, $height, $quality, $response));
->desc('Get country flag')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resource', 'avatar/flag')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'avatars')
->label('sdk.method', 'getFlag')
->label('sdk.methodType', 'location')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/avatars/get-flag.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG)
->param('code', '', new WhiteList(\array_keys(Config::getParam('avatar-flags'))), 'Country Code. ISO Alpha-2 country code format.')
->param('width', 100, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image width. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('height', 100, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image height. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('quality', 100, new Range(0, 100), 'Image quality. Pass an integer between 0 to 100. Defaults to 100.', true)
->action(fn (string $code, int $width, int $height, int $quality, Response $response) => $avatarCallback('flags', $code, $width, $height, $quality, $response));
->desc('Get image from URL')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resource', 'avatar/image')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'avatars')
->label('sdk.method', 'getImage')
->label('sdk.methodType', 'location')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/avatars/get-image.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE)
->param('url', '', new URL(['http', 'https']), 'Image URL which you want to crop.')
->param('width', 400, new Range(0, 2000), 'Resize preview image width, Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 400.', true)
->param('height', 400, new Range(0, 2000), 'Resize preview image height, Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 400.', true)
->action(function (string $url, int $width, int $height, Response $response) {
$quality = 80;
$output = 'png';
$type = 'png';
if (!\extension_loaded('imagick')) {
throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Imagick extension is missing');
$domain = new Domain(\parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST));
if (!$domain->isKnown()) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_REMOTE_URL_FAILED);
$fetch = @\file_get_contents($url);
if (!$fetch) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND);
try {
$image = new Image($fetch);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Unable to parse image');
$image->crop((int) $width, (int) $height);
$output = (empty($output)) ? $type : $output;
$data = $image->output($output, $quality);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) . ' GMT')
->desc('Get favicon')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resource', 'avatar/favicon')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'avatars')
->label('sdk.method', 'getFavicon')
->label('sdk.methodType', 'location')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/avatars/get-favicon.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE)
->param('url', '', new URL(['http', 'https']), 'Website URL which you want to fetch the favicon from.')
->action(function (string $url, Response $response) {
$width = 56;
$height = 56;
$quality = 80;
$output = 'png';
$type = 'png';
if (!\extension_loaded('imagick')) {
throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Imagick extension is missing');
$domain = new Domain(\parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST));
if (!$domain->isKnown()) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_REMOTE_URL_FAILED);
$curl = \curl_init();
\curl_setopt_array($curl, [
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN'),
$html = \curl_exec($curl);
if (!$html) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_REMOTE_URL_FAILED);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$links = $doc->getElementsByTagName('link');
$outputHref = '';
$outputExt = '';
$space = 0;
foreach ($links as $link) { /* @var $link DOMElement */
$href = $link->getAttribute('href');
$rel = $link->getAttribute('rel');
$sizes = $link->getAttribute('sizes');
$absolute = URLParse::unparse(\array_merge(\parse_url($url), \parse_url($href)));
switch (\strtolower($rel)) {
case 'icon':
case 'shortcut icon':
//case 'apple-touch-icon':
$ext = \pathinfo(\parse_url($absolute, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
switch ($ext) {
case 'ico':
case 'png':
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
$size = \explode('x', \strtolower($sizes));
$sizeWidth = (int) ($size[0] ?? 0);
$sizeHeight = (int) ($size[1] ?? 0);
if (($sizeWidth * $sizeHeight) >= $space) {
$space = $sizeWidth * $sizeHeight;
$outputHref = $absolute;
$outputExt = $ext;
if (empty($outputHref) || empty($outputExt)) {
$default = \parse_url($url);
$outputHref = $default['scheme'] . '://' . $default['host'] . '/favicon.ico';
$outputExt = 'ico';
$domain = new Domain(\parse_url($outputHref, PHP_URL_HOST));
if (!$domain->isKnown()) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_REMOTE_URL_FAILED);
if ('ico' == $outputExt) { // Skip crop, Imagick isn\'t supporting icon files
$data = @\file_get_contents($outputHref, false);
if (empty($data) || (\mb_substr($data, 0, 5) === '<html') || \mb_substr($data, 0, 5) === '<!doc') {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_ICON_NOT_FOUND, 'Favicon not found');
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) . ' GMT')
$fetch = @\file_get_contents($outputHref, false);
if (!$fetch) {
throw new Exception(Exception::AVATAR_ICON_NOT_FOUND);
$image = new Image($fetch);
$image->crop((int) $width, (int) $height);
$output = (empty($output)) ? $type : $output;
$data = $image->output($output, $quality);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) . ' GMT')
->desc('Get QR code')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'avatars')
->label('sdk.method', 'getQR')
->label('sdk.methodType', 'location')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/avatars/get-qr.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG)
->param('text', '', new Text(512), 'Plain text to be converted to QR code image.')
->param('size', 400, new Range(1, 1000), 'QR code size. Pass an integer between 1 to 1000. Defaults to 400.', true)
->param('margin', 1, new Range(0, 10), 'Margin from edge. Pass an integer between 0 to 10. Defaults to 1.', true)
->param('download', false, new Boolean(true), 'Return resulting image with \'Content-Disposition: attachment \' headers for the browser to start downloading it. Pass 0 for no header, or 1 for otherwise. Default value is set to 0.', true)
->action(function (string $text, int $size, int $margin, bool $download, Response $response) {
$download = ($download === '1' || $download === 'true' || $download === 1 || $download === true);
$options = new QROptions([
'addQuietzone' => true,
'quietzoneSize' => $margin,
'outputType' => QRCode::OUTPUT_IMAGICK,
$qrcode = new QRCode($options);
if ($download) {
$response->addHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="qr.png"');
$image = new Image($qrcode->render($text));
$image->crop((int) $size, (int) $size);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 45)) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache
->send($image->output('png', 9));
->desc('Get user initials')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache.resource', 'avatar/initials')
->label('sdk.namespace', 'avatars')
->label('sdk.method', 'getInitials')
->label('sdk.methodType', 'location')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/avatars/get-initials.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG)
->param('name', '', new Text(128), 'Full Name. When empty, current user name or email will be used. Max length: 128 chars.', true)
->param('width', 500, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image width. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('height', 500, new Range(0, 2000), 'Image height. Pass an integer between 0 to 2000. Defaults to 100.', true)
->param('background', '', new HexColor(), 'Changes background color. By default a random color will be picked and stay will persistent to the given name.', true)
->action(function (string $name, int $width, int $height, string $background, Response $response, Document $user) {
$themes = [
['background' => '#FD366E'], // Default (Pink)
['background' => '#FE9567'], // Orange
['background' => '#7C67FE'], // Purple
['background' => '#68A3FE'], // Blue
['background' => '#85DBD8'], // Mint
$name = (!empty($name)) ? $name : $user->getAttribute('name', $user->getAttribute('email', ''));
$words = \explode(' ', \strtoupper($name));
// if there is no space, try to split by `_` underscore
$words = (count($words) == 1) ? \explode('_', \strtoupper($name)) : $words;
$initials = null;
$code = 0;
foreach ($words as $key => $w) {
if (ctype_alnum($w[0] ?? '')) {
$initials .= $w[0];
$code += ord($w[0]);
if ($key == 1) {
$rand = \substr($code, -1);
// Wrap rand value to avoid out of range
$rand = ($rand > \count($themes) - 1) ? $rand % \count($themes) : $rand;
$background = (!empty($background)) ? '#' . $background : $themes[$rand]['background'];
$image = new \Imagick();
$punch = new \Imagick();
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$fontSize = \min($width, $height) / 2;
$punch->newImage($width, $height, 'transparent');
$draw->setFont(__DIR__ . "/../../assets/fonts/inter-v8-latin-regular.woff2");
$image->setFont(__DIR__ . "/../../assets/fonts/inter-v8-latin-regular.woff2");
$draw->setFillColor(new ImagickPixel('black'));
$draw->annotation($width / 1.97, ($height / 2) + ($fontSize / 3), $initials);
$punch->negateImage(true, Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
$image->newImage($width, $height, $background);
$image->compositeImage($punch, Imagick::COMPOSITE_COPYOPACITY, 0, 0);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 45)) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache
->desc('Get Front Of Cloud Card')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resourceType', 'cards/cloud')
->label('cache.resource', 'card/{request.userId}')
->label('docs', false)
->label('origin', '*')
->param('userId', '', new UID(), 'User ID.', true)
->param('mock', '', new WhiteList(['employee', 'employee-2digit', 'hero', 'contributor', 'normal', 'platinum', 'normal-no-github', 'normal-long']), 'Mocking behaviour.', true)
->param('width', 0, new Range(0, 512), 'Resize image width, Pass an integer between 0 to 512.', true)
->param('height', 0, new Range(0, 320), 'Resize image height, Pass an integer between 0 to 320.', true)
->action(function (string $userId, string $mock, int $width, int $height, Document $user, Document $project, Database $dbForProject, Database $dbForConsole, Response $response, array $heroes, array $contributors, array $employees, ?Logger $logger) use ($getUserGitHub) {
$user = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForConsole->getDocument('users', $userId));
if ($user->isEmpty() && empty($mock)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::USER_NOT_FOUND);
if (!$mock) {
$name = $user->getAttribute('name', 'Anonymous');
$email = $user->getAttribute('email', '');
$createdAt = new \DateTime($user->getCreatedAt());
$gitHub = $getUserGitHub($user->getId(), $project, $dbForProject, $dbForConsole, $logger);
$githubName = $gitHub['name'] ?? '';
$githubId = $gitHub['id'] ?? '';
$isHero = \array_key_exists($email, $heroes);
$isContributor = \in_array($githubId, $contributors);
$isEmployee = \array_key_exists($email, $employees);
$employeeNumber = $isEmployee ? $employees[$email]['spot'] : '';
if ($isHero) {
$createdAt = new \DateTime($heroes[$email]['memberSince'] ?? '');
} elseif ($isEmployee) {
$createdAt = new \DateTime($employees[$email]['memberSince'] ?? '');
if (!$isEmployee && !empty($githubName)) {
$employeeGitHub = \array_search(\strtolower($githubName), \array_map(fn ($employee) => \strtolower($employee['gitHub']) ?? '', $employees));
if (!empty($employeeGitHub)) {
$isEmployee = true;
$employeeNumber = $isEmployee ? $employees[$employeeGitHub]['spot'] : '';
$createdAt = new \DateTime($employees[$employeeGitHub]['memberSince'] ?? '');
$isPlatinum = $user->getInternalId() % 100 === 0;
} else {
$name = $mock === 'normal-long' ? 'Sir First Walter O\'Brian Junior' : 'Walter O\'Brian';
$createdAt = new \DateTime('now');
$githubName = $mock === 'normal-no-github' ? '' : ($mock === 'normal-long' ? 'sir-first-walterobrian-junior' : 'walterobrian');
$isHero = $mock === 'hero';
$isContributor = $mock === 'contributor';
$isEmployee = \str_starts_with($mock, 'employee');
$employeeNumber = match ($mock) {
'employee' => '1',
'employee-2digit' => '18',
default => ''
$isPlatinum = $mock === 'platinum';
if ($isEmployee) {
$isContributor = false;
$isHero = false;
if ($isHero) {
$isContributor = false;
$isEmployee = false;
if ($isContributor) {
$isHero = false;
$isEmployee = false;
$isGolden = $isEmployee || $isHero || $isContributor;
$isPlatinum = $isGolden ? false : $isPlatinum;
$memberSince = \strtoupper('Member since ' . $createdAt->format('M') . ' ' . $createdAt->format('d') . ', ' . $createdAt->format('o'));
$imagePath = $isGolden ? 'front-golden.png' : ($isPlatinum ? 'front-platinum.png' : 'front.png');
$baseImage = new \Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/' . $imagePath);
if ($isEmployee) {
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/employee.png');
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 793, 35);
$text = new \ImagickDraw();
$text->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf');
$text->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFADF'));
$text->setFontSize(\strlen($employeeNumber) <= 2 ? 54 : 48);
$metricsText = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($text, $employeeNumber);
$hashtag = new \ImagickDraw();
$hashtag->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf');
$hashtag->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFADF'));
$metricsHashtag = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($hashtag, '#');
$startX = 898;
$totalWidth = $metricsHashtag['textWidth'] + 12 + $metricsText['textWidth'];
$hashtagX = ($metricsHashtag['textWidth'] / 2);
$textX = $hashtagX + 12 + ($metricsText['textWidth'] / 2);
$hashtagX -= $totalWidth / 2;
$textX -= $totalWidth / 2;
$hashtagX += $startX;
$textX += $startX;
$baseImage->annotateImage($hashtag, $hashtagX, 150, 0, '#');
$baseImage->annotateImage($text, $textX, 150, 0, $employeeNumber);
if ($isContributor) {
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/contributor.png');
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 793, 34);
if ($isHero) {
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/hero.png');
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 793, 34);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
// $name = \iconv("utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT", $name);
// $memberSince = \iconv("utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT", $memberSince);
// $githubName = \iconv("utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT", $githubName);
$text = new \ImagickDraw();
$text->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf');
$text->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFFFF'));
if (\strlen($name) > 32) {
$name = \substr($name, 0, 32);
if (\strlen($name) <= 23) {
$scalingDown = false;
} else {
$scalingDown = true;
$baseImage->annotateImage($text, 512, 477, 0, $name);
$text = new \ImagickDraw();
$text->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-SemiBold.ttf');
$text->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel($isGolden || $isPlatinum ? '#FFFFFF' : '#FFB9CC'));
$baseImage->annotateImage($text, 512, 541, 0, \strtoupper($memberSince));
if (!empty($githubName)) {
$text = new \ImagickDraw();
$text->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Regular.ttf');
$text->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFFFF'));
$text->setFontSize($scalingDown ? 28 : 32);
$metrics = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($text, $githubName);
$baseImage->annotateImage($text, 512 + 20 + 4, 373 + ($scalingDown ? 2 : 0), 0, $githubName);
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/github.png');
$precisionFix = 5;
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 512 - ($metrics['textWidth'] / 2) - 20 - 4, 373 - ($metrics['textHeight'] - $precisionFix));
if (!empty($width) || !empty($height)) {
$baseImage->resizeImage($width, $height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 45)) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache
->desc('Get Back Of Cloud Card')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resourceType', 'cards/cloud-back')
->label('cache.resource', 'card-back/{request.userId}')
->label('docs', false)
->label('origin', '*')
->param('userId', '', new UID(), 'User ID.', true)
->param('mock', '', new WhiteList(['golden', 'normal', 'platinum']), 'Mocking behaviour.', true)
->param('width', 0, new Range(0, 512), 'Resize image width, Pass an integer between 0 to 512.', true)
->param('height', 0, new Range(0, 320), 'Resize image height, Pass an integer between 0 to 320.', true)
->action(function (string $userId, string $mock, int $width, int $height, Document $user, Document $project, Database $dbForProject, Database $dbForConsole, Response $response, array $heroes, array $contributors, array $employees, ?Logger $logger) use ($getUserGitHub) {
$user = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForConsole->getDocument('users', $userId));
if ($user->isEmpty() && empty($mock)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::USER_NOT_FOUND);
if (!$mock) {
$userId = $user->getId();
$email = $user->getAttribute('email', '');
$gitHub = $getUserGitHub($user->getId(), $project, $dbForProject, $dbForConsole, $logger);
$githubId = $gitHub['id'] ?? '';
$isHero = \array_key_exists($email, $heroes);
$isContributor = \in_array($githubId, $contributors);
$isEmployee = \array_key_exists($email, $employees);
$isGolden = $isEmployee || $isHero || $isContributor;
$isPlatinum = $user->getInternalId() % 100 === 0;
} else {
$userId = '63e0bcf3c3eb803ba530';
$isGolden = $mock === 'golden';
$isPlatinum = $mock === 'platinum';
$userId = 'UID ' . $userId;
$isPlatinum = $isGolden ? false : $isPlatinum;
$imagePath = $isGolden ? 'back-golden.png' : ($isPlatinum ? 'back-platinum.png' : 'back.png');
$baseImage = new \Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/' . $imagePath);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
// $userId = \iconv("utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT", $userId);
$text = new \ImagickDraw();
$text->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf');
$text->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel($isGolden ? '#664A1E' : ($isPlatinum ? '#555555' : '#E8E9F0')));
$baseImage->annotateImage($text, 512, 596, 0, $userId);
if (!empty($width) || !empty($height)) {
$baseImage->resizeImage($width, $height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 45)) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache
->desc('Get OG Image From Cloud Card')
->groups(['api', 'avatars'])
->label('scope', 'avatars.read')
->label('cache', true)
->label('cache.resourceType', 'cards/cloud-og')
->label('cache.resource', 'card-og/{request.userId}')
->label('docs', false)
->label('origin', '*')
->param('userId', '', new UID(), 'User ID.', true)
->param('mock', '', new WhiteList(['employee', 'employee-2digit', 'hero', 'contributor', 'normal', 'platinum', 'normal-no-github', 'normal-long', 'normal-long-right', 'normal-long-middle', 'normal-bg2', 'normal-bg3', 'normal-right', 'normal-middle', 'platinum-right', 'platinum-middle', 'hero-middle', 'hero-right', 'contributor-right', 'employee-right', 'contributor-middle', 'employee-middle', 'employee-2digit-middle', 'employee-2digit-right']), 'Mocking behaviour.', true)
->param('width', 0, new Range(0, 1024), 'Resize image card width, Pass an integer between 0 to 1024.', true)
->param('height', 0, new Range(0, 1024), 'Resize image card height, Pass an integer between 0 to 1024.', true)
->action(function (string $userId, string $mock, int $width, int $height, Document $user, Document $project, Database $dbForProject, Database $dbForConsole, Response $response, array $heroes, array $contributors, array $employees, ?Logger $logger) use ($getUserGitHub) {
$user = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForConsole->getDocument('users', $userId));
if ($user->isEmpty() && empty($mock)) {
throw new Exception(Exception::USER_NOT_FOUND);
if (!$mock) {
$internalId = $user->getInternalId();
$bgVariation = $internalId % 3 === 0 ? '1' : ($internalId % 3 === 1 ? '2' : '3');
$cardVariation = $internalId % 3 === 0 ? '1' : ($internalId % 3 === 1 ? '2' : '3');
$name = $user->getAttribute('name', 'Anonymous');
$email = $user->getAttribute('email', '');
$createdAt = new \DateTime($user->getCreatedAt());
$gitHub = $getUserGitHub($user->getId(), $project, $dbForProject, $dbForConsole, $logger);
$githubName = $gitHub['name'] ?? '';
$githubId = $gitHub['id'] ?? '';
$isHero = \array_key_exists($email, $heroes);
$isContributor = \in_array($githubId, $contributors);
$isEmployee = \array_key_exists($email, $employees);
$employeeNumber = $isEmployee ? $employees[$email]['spot'] : '';
if ($isHero) {
$createdAt = new \DateTime($heroes[$email]['memberSince'] ?? '');
} elseif ($isEmployee) {
$createdAt = new \DateTime($employees[$email]['memberSince'] ?? '');
if (!$isEmployee && !empty($githubName)) {
$employeeGitHub = \array_search(\strtolower($githubName), \array_map(fn ($employee) => \strtolower($employee['gitHub']) ?? '', $employees));
if (!empty($employeeGitHub)) {
$isEmployee = true;
$employeeNumber = $isEmployee ? $employees[$employeeGitHub]['spot'] : '';
$createdAt = new \DateTime($employees[$employeeGitHub]['memberSince'] ?? '');
$isPlatinum = $user->getInternalId() % 100 === 0;
} else {
$bgVariation = \str_ends_with($mock, '-bg2') ? '2' : (\str_ends_with($mock, '-bg3') ? '3' : '1');
$cardVariation = \str_ends_with($mock, '-right') ? '2' : (\str_ends_with($mock, '-middle') ? '3' : '1');
$name = \str_starts_with($mock, 'normal-long') ? 'Sir First Walter O\'Brian Junior' : 'Walter O\'Brian';
$createdAt = new \DateTime('now');
$githubName = $mock === 'normal-no-github' ? '' : (\str_starts_with($mock, 'normal-long') ? 'sir-first-walterobrian-junior' : 'walterobrian');
$isHero = \str_starts_with($mock, 'hero');
$isContributor = \str_starts_with($mock, 'contributor');
$isEmployee = \str_starts_with($mock, 'employee');
$employeeNumber = match ($mock) {
'employee' => '1',
'employee-right' => '1',
'employee-middle' => '1',
'employee-2digit' => '18',
'employee-2digit-right' => '18',
'employee-2digit-middle' => '18',
default => ''
$isPlatinum = \str_starts_with($mock, 'platinum');
if ($isEmployee) {
$isContributor = false;
$isHero = false;
if ($isHero) {
$isContributor = false;
$isEmployee = false;
if ($isContributor) {
$isHero = false;
$isEmployee = false;
$isGolden = $isEmployee || $isHero || $isContributor;
$isPlatinum = $isGolden ? false : $isPlatinum;
$memberSince = \strtoupper('Member since ' . $createdAt->format('M') . ' ' . $createdAt->format('d') . ', ' . $createdAt->format('o'));
$baseImage = new \Imagick(__DIR__ . "/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/og-background{$bgVariation}.png");
$cardType = $isGolden ? '-golden' : ($isPlatinum ? '-platinum' : '');
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . "/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/og-card{$cardType}{$cardVariation}.png");
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 1008 / 2 - $image->getImageWidth() / 2, 1008 / 2 - $image->getImageHeight() / 2);
$imageLogo = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/og-background-logo.png');
$imageShadow = new Imagick(__DIR__ . "/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/og-shadow{$cardType}.png");
if ($cardVariation === '1') {
$baseImage->compositeImage($imageLogo, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 32, 1008 - $imageLogo->getImageHeight() - 32);
$baseImage->compositeImage($imageShadow, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, -450, 700);
} elseif ($cardVariation === '2') {
$baseImage->compositeImage($imageLogo, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 1008 - $imageLogo->getImageWidth() - 32, 1008 - $imageLogo->getImageHeight() - 32);
$baseImage->compositeImage($imageShadow, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, -20, 710);
} else {
$baseImage->compositeImage($imageLogo, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 1008 - $imageLogo->getImageWidth() - 32, 1008 - $imageLogo->getImageHeight() - 32);
$baseImage->compositeImage($imageShadow, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, -135, 710);
if ($isEmployee) {
$file = $cardVariation === '3' ? 'employee-skew.png' : 'employee.png';
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/' . $file);
$hashtag = new \ImagickDraw();
$hashtag->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf');
$hashtag->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFADF'));
$text = new \ImagickDraw();
$text->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf');
$text->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFADF'));
$text->setFontSize(\strlen($employeeNumber) <= 1 ? 36 : 28);
if ($cardVariation === '3') {
$text->setFontSize(\strlen($employeeNumber) <= 1 ? 30 : 26);
$metricsHashtag = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($hashtag, '#');
$metricsText = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($text, $employeeNumber);
$group = new Imagick();
$groupWidth = $metricsHashtag['textWidth'] + 6 + $metricsText['textWidth'];
if ($cardVariation === '1') {
$group->newImage($groupWidth, $metricsText['textHeight'], '#00000000');
$group->annotateImage($hashtag, 0, $metricsText['textHeight'], 0, '#');
$group->annotateImage($text, $metricsHashtag['textWidth'] + 6, $metricsText['textHeight'], 0, $employeeNumber);
$image->resizeImage(120, 120, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), -20);
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 612, 203);
$group->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), -22);
if (\strlen($employeeNumber) <= 1) {
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 660, 245);
} else {
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 655, 247);
} elseif ($cardVariation === '2') {
$group->newImage($groupWidth, $metricsText['textHeight'], '#00000000');
$group->annotateImage($hashtag, 0, $metricsText['textHeight'], 0, '#');
$group->annotateImage($text, $metricsHashtag['textWidth'] + 6, $metricsText['textHeight'], 0, $employeeNumber);
$image->resizeImage(120, 120, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), 30);
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 715, 425);
$group->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), 32);
if (\strlen($employeeNumber) <= 1) {
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 775, 465);
} else {
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 767, 470);
} else {
$group->newImage(300, 300, '#00000000');
$hashtag->annotation(0, $metricsText['textHeight'], '#');
$text->annotation($metricsHashtag['textWidth'] + 2, $metricsText['textHeight'], $employeeNumber);
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 640, 293);
if (\strlen($employeeNumber) <= 1) {
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 670, 317);
} else {
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 663, 322);
if ($isContributor) {
$file = $cardVariation === '3' ? 'contributor-skew.png' : 'contributor.png';
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/' . $file);
if ($cardVariation === '1') {
$image->resizeImage(120, 120, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), -20);
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 612, 203);
} elseif ($cardVariation === '2') {
$image->resizeImage(120, 120, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), 30);
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 715, 425);
} else {
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 640, 293);
if ($isHero) {
$file = $cardVariation === '3' ? 'hero-skew.png' : 'hero.png';
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/' . $file);
if ($cardVariation === '1') {
$image->resizeImage(120, 120, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), -20);
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 612, 203);
} elseif ($cardVariation === '2') {
$image->resizeImage(120, 120, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), 30);
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 715, 425);
} else {
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 640, 293);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
// $name = \iconv("utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT", $name);
// $memberSince = \iconv("utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT", $memberSince);
// $githubName = \iconv("utf-8", "ascii//TRANSLIT", $githubName);
$textName = new \ImagickDraw();
$textName->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf');
$textName->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFFFF'));
if (\strlen($name) > 32) {
$name = \substr($name, 0, 32);
if ($cardVariation === '1') {
if (\strlen($name) <= 23) {
$scalingDown = false;
} else {
$scalingDown = true;
} elseif ($cardVariation === '2') {
if (\strlen($name) <= 23) {
$scalingDown = false;
} else {
$scalingDown = true;
} else {
if (\strlen($name) <= 23) {
$scalingDown = false;
} else {
$scalingDown = true;
$textMember = new \ImagickDraw();
$textMember->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf');
$textMember->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel($isGolden || $isPlatinum ? '#FFFFFF' : '#FFB9CC'));
if ($cardVariation === '1') {
$baseImage->annotateImage($textName, 550, 600, -22, $name);
$baseImage->annotateImage($textMember, 585, 635, -22, $memberSince);
} elseif ($cardVariation === '2') {
$baseImage->annotateImage($textName, 435, 590, 31.37, $name);
$baseImage->annotateImage($textMember, 412, 628, 31.37, $memberSince);
} else {
$textName->annotation(320, 700, $name);
$textMember->annotation(330, 735, $memberSince);
if (!empty($githubName)) {
$text = new \ImagickDraw();
$text->setFont(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/fonts/Inter-Regular.ttf');
$text->setFillColor(new \ImagickPixel('#FFFFFF'));
$text->setFontSize($scalingDown ? 16 : 20);
if ($cardVariation === '1') {
$metrics = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($text, $githubName);
$group = new Imagick();
$groupWidth = $metrics['textWidth'] + 32 + 4;
$group->newImage($groupWidth, $metrics['textHeight'] + 10, '#00000000');
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/github.png');
$image->resizeImage(32, 32, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$precisionFix = -1;
$group->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0);
$group->annotateImage($text, 32 + 4, $metrics['textHeight'] - $precisionFix, 0, $githubName);
$group->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), -22);
$x = 510 - $group->getImageWidth() / 2;
$y = 530 - $group->getImageHeight() / 2;
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y);
} elseif ($cardVariation === '2') {
$metrics = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($text, $githubName);
$group = new Imagick();
$groupWidth = $metrics['textWidth'] + 32 + 4;
$group->newImage($groupWidth, $metrics['textHeight'] + 10, '#00000000');
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/github.png');
$image->resizeImage(32, 32, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$precisionFix = -1;
$group->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0);
$group->annotateImage($text, 32 + 4, $metrics['textHeight'] - $precisionFix, 0, $githubName);
$group->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('#00000000'), 31.11);
$x = 485 - $group->getImageWidth() / 2;
$y = 530 - $group->getImageHeight() / 2;
$baseImage->compositeImage($group, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y);
} else {
$text->annotation(320 + 15 + 2, 640, $githubName);
$metrics = $baseImage->queryFontMetrics($text, $githubName);
$image = new Imagick(__DIR__ . '/../../../public/images/cards/cloud/github-skew.png');
$baseImage->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 512 - ($metrics['textWidth'] / 2), 518 + \strlen($githubName) * 1.3);
if (!empty($width) || !empty($height)) {
$baseImage->resizeImage($width, $height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 45)) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache