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namespace Appwrite\Vcs;
use Utopia\App;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
class Comment
protected array $tips = [
'Appwrite has a Discord community with over 16 000 members. [Come join us!](https://appwrite.io/discord)',
'You can use [Avatars API](https://appwrite.io/docs/client/avatars?sdk=web-default#avatarsGetQR) to generate QR code for any text or URLs',
'[Cursor pagination](https://appwrite.io/docs/pagination#cursor-pagination) performs better than offset pagination when loading further pages',
protected string $statePrefix = '[appwrite]: #';
* @var mixed[] $builds
protected array $builds = [];
public function isEmpty(): bool
return \count($this->builds) === 0;
public function addBuild(Document $project, Document $function, string $buildStatus, string $deploymentId, array $action): void
// Unique index
$id = $project->getId() . '_' . $function->getId();
$this->builds[$id] = [
'projectName' => $project->getAttribute('name'),
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'functionName' => $function->getAttribute('name'),
'functionId' => $function->getId(),
'buildStatus' => $buildStatus,
'deploymentId' => $deploymentId,
'action' => $action,
public function generateComment(): string
$json = \json_encode($this->builds);
$text = $this->statePrefix . \base64_encode($json) . "\n\n";
$projects = [];
foreach ($this->builds as $id => $build) {
if (!\array_key_exists($build['projectId'], $projects)) {
$projects[$build['projectId']] = [
'name' => $build['projectName'],
'functions' => []
$projects[$build['projectId']]['functions'][$build['functionId']] = [
'name' => $build['functionName'],
'status' => $build['buildStatus'],
'deploymentId' => $build['deploymentId'],
'action' => $build['action'],
//TODO: Update link to documentation
$text .= "**Your function has been automatically deployed.** Learn more about Appwrite [Function Deployments](https://appwrite.io/docs/functions).\n\n";
foreach ($projects as $projectId => $project) {
$text .= "**{$project['name']}** `{$projectId}`\n\n";
$text .= "| Function | ID | Status | Action |\n";
$text .= "| :- | :- | :- | :- |\n";
$protocol = App::getEnv('_APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS') == 'disabled' ? 'http' : 'https';
$hostname = App::getEnv('_APP_DOMAIN');
foreach ($project['functions'] as $functionId => $function) {
$generateImage = function (string $status) use ($protocol, $hostname) {
$extention = $status === 'building' ? 'gif' : 'png';
$imagesUrl = $protocol . '://' . $hostname . '/images/vcs/';
$imageUrl = '<picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="' . $imagesUrl . 'status-' . $status . '-dark.' . $extention . '"><img alt="' . $status . '" height="25" align="center" src="' . $imagesUrl . 'status-' . $status . '-light.' . $extention . '"></picture>';
return $imageUrl;
$status = match ($function['status']) {
'waiting' => $generateImage('waiting') . ' Waiting to build',
'processing' => $generateImage('processing') . ' Processing',
'building' => $generateImage('building') . ' Building',
'ready' => $generateImage('ready') . ' Ready',
'failed' => $generateImage('failed') . ' Failed',
if ($function['action']['type'] === 'logs') {
$action = '[View Logs](' . $protocol . '://' . $hostname . '/console/project-' . $projectId . '/functions/function-' . $functionId . '/deployment-' . $function['deploymentId'] . ')';
} else {
$action = '[Authorize](' . $function['action']['url'] . ')';
$text .= "| {$function['name']} | `{$functionId}` | {$status} | {$action} |\n";
$text .= "\n\n";
//TODO: Update did you know section
$tip = $this->tips[array_rand($this->tips)];
$text .= "> **💡 Did you know?** \n " . $tip . "\n\n";
return $text;
public function parseComment(string $comment): self
$state = \explode("\n", $comment)[0] ?? '';
$state = substr($state, strlen($this->statePrefix));
$json = \base64_decode($state);
$builds = \json_decode($json, true);
$this->builds = $builds;
return $this;