Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-01 18:39:57 +12:00
2024-03-06 18:34:21 +01:00

638 lines
29 KiB

namespace Appwrite\Platform\Workers;
use Appwrite\Event\Event;
use Appwrite\Event\Func;
use Appwrite\Event\Usage;
use Appwrite\Messaging\Adapter\Realtime;
use Appwrite\Utopia\Response\Model\Deployment;
use Appwrite\Vcs\Comment;
use Executor\Executor;
use Swoole\Coroutine as Co;
use Utopia\App;
use Utopia\Cache\Cache;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Config\Config;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\DateTime;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Database\Exception\Conflict;
use Utopia\Database\Exception\Restricted;
use Utopia\Database\Exception\Structure;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\ID;
use Utopia\Database\Validator\Authorization;
use Utopia\Logger\Log;
use Utopia\Platform\Action;
use Utopia\Queue\Message;
use Utopia\Storage\Device;
use Utopia\Storage\Device\Local;
use Utopia\VCS\Adapter\Git\GitHub;
class Builds extends Action
public static function getName(): string
return 'builds';
* @throws Exception
public function __construct()
->desc('Builds worker')
->callback(fn ($message, Database $dbForConsole, Event $queueForEvents, Func $queueForFunctions, Usage $usage, Cache $cache, Database $dbForProject, Device $deviceForFunctions, Log $log) => $this->action($message, $dbForConsole, $queueForEvents, $queueForFunctions, $usage, $cache, $dbForProject, $deviceForFunctions, $log));
* @param Message $message
* @param Database $dbForConsole
* @param Event $queueForEvents
* @param Func $queueForFunctions
* @param Usage $queueForUsage
* @param Cache $cache
* @param Database $dbForProject
* @param Device $deviceForFunctions
* @param Log $log
* @return void
* @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception
public function action(Message $message, Database $dbForConsole, Event $queueForEvents, Func $queueForFunctions, Usage $queueForUsage, Cache $cache, Database $dbForProject, Device $deviceForFunctions, Log $log): void
$payload = $message->getPayload() ?? [];
if (empty($payload)) {
throw new Exception('Missing payload');
$type = $payload['type'] ?? '';
$project = new Document($payload['project'] ?? []);
$resource = new Document($payload['resource'] ?? []);
$deployment = new Document($payload['deployment'] ?? []);
$template = new Document($payload['template'] ?? []);
$log->addTag('projectId', $project->getId());
$log->addTag('type', $type);
switch ($type) {
Console::info('Creating build for deployment: ' . $deployment->getId());
$github = new GitHub($cache);
$this->buildDeployment($deviceForFunctions, $queueForFunctions, $queueForEvents, $queueForUsage, $dbForConsole, $dbForProject, $github, $project, $resource, $deployment, $template, $log);
throw new \Exception('Invalid build type');
* @param Device $deviceForFunctions
* @param Func $queueForFunctions
* @param Event $queueForEvents
* @param Usage $queueForUsage
* @param Database $dbForConsole
* @param Database $dbForProject
* @param GitHub $github
* @param Document $project
* @param Document $function
* @param Document $deployment
* @param Document $template
* @param Log $log
* @return void
* @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception
* @throws Exception
protected function buildDeployment(Device $deviceForFunctions, Func $queueForFunctions, Event $queueForEvents, Usage $queueForUsage, Database $dbForConsole, Database $dbForProject, GitHub $github, Document $project, Document $function, Document $deployment, Document $template, Log $log): void
$executor = new Executor(App::getEnv('_APP_EXECUTOR_HOST'));
$functionId = $function->getId();
$log->addTag('functionId', $function->getId());
$function = $dbForProject->getDocument('functions', $functionId);
if ($function->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Function not found', 404);
$deploymentId = $deployment->getId();
$log->addTag('deploymentId', $deploymentId);
$deployment = $dbForProject->getDocument('deployments', $deploymentId);
if ($deployment->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Deployment not found', 404);
if (empty($deployment->getAttribute('entrypoint', ''))) {
throw new Exception('Entrypoint for your Appwrite Function is missing. Please specify it when making deployment or update the entrypoint under your function\'s "Settings" > "Configuration" > "Entrypoint".', 500);
$version = $function->getAttribute('version', 'v2');
$runtimes = Config::getParam($version === 'v2' ? 'runtimes-v2' : 'runtimes', []);
$key = $function->getAttribute('runtime');
$runtime = $runtimes[$key] ?? null;
if (\is_null($runtime)) {
throw new Exception('Runtime "' . $function->getAttribute('runtime', '') . '" is not supported');
// Realtime preparation
$allEvents = Event::generateEvents('functions.[functionId].deployments.[deploymentId].update', [
'functionId' => $function->getId(),
'deploymentId' => $deployment->getId()
$startTime = DateTime::now();
$durationStart = \microtime(true);
$buildId = $deployment->getAttribute('buildId', '');
$isNewBuild = empty($buildId);
if ($isNewBuild) {
$buildId = ID::unique();
$build = $dbForProject->createDocument('builds', new Document([
'$id' => $buildId,
'$permissions' => [],
'startTime' => $startTime,
'deploymentInternalId' => $deployment->getInternalId(),
'deploymentId' => $deployment->getId(),
'status' => 'processing',
'path' => '',
'runtime' => $function->getAttribute('runtime'),
'source' => $deployment->getAttribute('path', ''),
'sourceType' => strtolower($deviceForFunctions->getType()),
'logs' => '',
'endTime' => null,
'duration' => 0,
'size' => 0
$deployment->setAttribute('buildId', $build->getId());
$deployment->setAttribute('buildInternalId', $build->getInternalId());
$deployment = $dbForProject->updateDocument('deployments', $deployment->getId(), $deployment);
} else {
$build = $dbForProject->getDocument('builds', $buildId);
$source = $deployment->getAttribute('path', '');
$installationId = $deployment->getAttribute('installationId', '');
$providerRepositoryId = $deployment->getAttribute('providerRepositoryId', '');
$providerCommitHash = $deployment->getAttribute('providerCommitHash', '');
$isVcsEnabled = !empty($providerRepositoryId);
$owner = '';
$repositoryName = '';
if ($isVcsEnabled) {
$installation = $dbForConsole->getDocument('installations', $installationId);
$providerInstallationId = $installation->getAttribute('providerInstallationId');
$privateKey = App::getEnv('_APP_VCS_GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY');
$githubAppId = App::getEnv('_APP_VCS_GITHUB_APP_ID');
$github->initializeVariables($providerInstallationId, $privateKey, $githubAppId);
try {
if ($isNewBuild && $isVcsEnabled) {
$tmpDirectory = '/tmp/builds/' . $buildId . '/code';
$rootDirectory = $function->getAttribute('providerRootDirectory', '');
$rootDirectory = \rtrim($rootDirectory, '/');
$rootDirectory = \ltrim($rootDirectory, '.');
$rootDirectory = \ltrim($rootDirectory, '/');
$owner = $github->getOwnerName($providerInstallationId);
$repositoryName = $github->getRepositoryName($providerRepositoryId);
$cloneOwner = $deployment->getAttribute('providerRepositoryOwner', $owner);
$cloneRepository = $deployment->getAttribute('providerRepositoryName', $repositoryName);
$branchName = $deployment->getAttribute('providerBranch');
$commitHash = $deployment->getAttribute('providerCommitHash', '');
$gitCloneCommand = $github->generateCloneCommand($cloneOwner, $cloneRepository, $branchName, $tmpDirectory, $rootDirectory, $commitHash);
$stdout = '';
$stderr = '';
Console::execute('mkdir -p /tmp/builds/' . \escapeshellcmd($buildId), '', $stdout, $stderr);
$exit = Console::execute($gitCloneCommand, '', $stdout, $stderr);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new \Exception('Unable to clone code repository: ' . $stderr);
// Build from template
$templateRepositoryName = $template->getAttribute('repositoryName', '');
$templateOwnerName = $template->getAttribute('ownerName', '');
$templateBranch = $template->getAttribute('branch', '');
$templateRootDirectory = $template->getAttribute('rootDirectory', '');
$templateRootDirectory = \rtrim($templateRootDirectory, '/');
$templateRootDirectory = \ltrim($templateRootDirectory, '.');
$templateRootDirectory = \ltrim($templateRootDirectory, '/');
if (!empty($templateRepositoryName) && !empty($templateOwnerName) && !empty($templateBranch)) {
// Clone template repo
$tmpTemplateDirectory = '/tmp/builds/' . \escapeshellcmd($buildId) . '/template';
$gitCloneCommandForTemplate = $github->generateCloneCommand($templateOwnerName, $templateRepositoryName, $templateBranch, $tmpTemplateDirectory, $templateRootDirectory);
$exit = Console::execute($gitCloneCommandForTemplate, '', $stdout, $stderr);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new \Exception('Unable to clone code repository: ' . $stderr);
// Ensure directories
Console::execute('mkdir -p ' . $tmpTemplateDirectory . '/' . $templateRootDirectory, '', $stdout, $stderr);
Console::execute('mkdir -p ' . $tmpDirectory . '/' . $rootDirectory, '', $stdout, $stderr);
// Merge template into user repo
Console::execute('cp -rfn ' . $tmpTemplateDirectory . '/' . $templateRootDirectory . '/* ' . $tmpDirectory . '/' . $rootDirectory, '', $stdout, $stderr);
// Commit and push
$exit = Console::execute('git config --global user.email "team@appwrite.io" && git config --global user.name "Appwrite" && cd ' . $tmpDirectory . ' && git add . && git commit -m "Create \'' . \escapeshellcmd($function->getAttribute('name', '')) . '\' function" && git push origin ' . \escapeshellcmd($branchName), '', $stdout, $stderr);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new \Exception('Unable to push code repository: ' . $stderr);
$exit = Console::execute('cd ' . $tmpDirectory . ' && git rev-parse HEAD', '', $stdout, $stderr);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new \Exception('Unable to get vcs commit SHA: ' . $stderr);
$providerCommitHash = \trim($stdout);
$authorUrl = "https://github.com/$cloneOwner";
$deployment->setAttribute('providerCommitHash', $providerCommitHash ?? '');
$deployment->setAttribute('providerCommitAuthorUrl', $authorUrl);
$deployment->setAttribute('providerCommitAuthor', 'Appwrite');
$deployment->setAttribute('providerCommitMessage', "Create '" . $function->getAttribute('name', '') . "' function");
$deployment->setAttribute('providerCommitUrl', "https://github.com/$cloneOwner/$cloneRepository/commit/$providerCommitHash");
$deployment = $dbForProject->updateDocument('deployments', $deployment->getId(), $deployment);
* Send realtime Event
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $allEvents[0],
payload: $build,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $build->getArrayCopy(),
events: $allEvents,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles']
$tmpPath = '/tmp/builds/' . \escapeshellcmd($buildId);
$tmpPathFile = $tmpPath . '/code.tar.gz';
$localDevice = new Local();
if (substr($tmpDirectory, -1) !== '/') {
$tmpDirectory .= '/';
$directorySize = $localDevice->getDirectorySize($tmpDirectory);
$functionsSizeLimit = (int) App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_SIZE_LIMIT', '30000000');
if ($directorySize > $functionsSizeLimit) {
throw new Exception('Repository directory size should be less than ' . number_format($functionsSizeLimit / 1048576, 2) . ' MBs.');
Console::execute('tar --exclude code.tar.gz -czf ' . $tmpPathFile . ' -C /tmp/builds/' . \escapeshellcmd($buildId) . '/code' . (empty($rootDirectory) ? '' : '/' . $rootDirectory) . ' .', '', $stdout, $stderr);
$path = $deviceForFunctions->getPath($deployment->getId() . '.' . \pathinfo('code.tar.gz', PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$result = $localDevice->transfer($tmpPathFile, $path, $deviceForFunctions);
if (!$result) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to move file");
Console::execute('rm -rf ' . $tmpPath, '', $stdout, $stderr);
$source = $path;
$build = $dbForProject->updateDocument('builds', $build->getId(), $build->setAttribute('source', $source));
$this->runGitAction('processing', $github, $providerCommitHash, $owner, $repositoryName, $project, $function, $deployment->getId(), $dbForProject, $dbForConsole);
/** Request the executor to build the code... */
$build->setAttribute('status', 'building');
$build = $dbForProject->updateDocument('builds', $buildId, $build);
if ($isVcsEnabled) {
$this->runGitAction('building', $github, $providerCommitHash, $owner, $repositoryName, $project, $function, $deployment->getId(), $dbForProject, $dbForConsole);
/** Trigger Webhook */
$deploymentModel = new Deployment();
$deploymentUpdate =
->setParam('functionId', $function->getId())
->setParam('deploymentId', $deployment->getId())
/** Trigger Functions */
/** Trigger Realtime */
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $allEvents[0],
payload: $build,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $build->getArrayCopy(),
events: $allEvents,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles']
$vars = [];
// Shared vars
foreach ($function->getAttribute('varsProject', []) as $var) {
$vars[$var->getAttribute('key')] = $var->getAttribute('value', '');
// Function vars
foreach ($function->getAttribute('vars', []) as $var) {
$vars[$var->getAttribute('key')] = $var->getAttribute('value', '');
// Appwrite vars
$vars = \array_merge($vars, [
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_ID' => $function->getId(),
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_NAME' => $function->getAttribute('name'),
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_DEPLOYMENT' => $deployment->getId(),
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID' => $project->getId(),
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_NAME' => $runtime['name'] ?? '',
'APPWRITE_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_VERSION' => $runtime['version'] ?? '',
$command = $deployment->getAttribute('commands', '');
$command = \str_replace('"', '\\"', $command);
$response = null;
$err = null;
Co\go(function () use ($executor, &$response, $project, $deployment, $source, $function, $runtime, $vars, $command, &$err) {
try {
$version = $function->getAttribute('version', 'v2');
$command = $version === 'v2' ? 'tar -zxf /tmp/code.tar.gz -C /usr/code && cd /usr/local/src/ && ./build.sh' : 'tar -zxf /tmp/code.tar.gz -C /mnt/code && helpers/build.sh "' . $command . '"';
$response = $executor->createRuntime(
deploymentId: $deployment->getId(),
projectId: $project->getId(),
source: $source,
image: $runtime['image'],
version: $version,
remove: true,
entrypoint: $deployment->getAttribute('entrypoint'),
destination: APP_STORAGE_BUILDS . "/app-{$project->getId()}",
variables: $vars,
command: $command
} catch (\Throwable $error) {
$err = $error;
Co\go(function () use ($executor, $project, $deployment, &$response, &$build, $dbForProject, $allEvents, &$err) {
try {
deploymentId: $deployment->getId(),
projectId: $project->getId(),
callback: function ($logs) use (&$response, &$build, $dbForProject, $allEvents, $project) {
if ($response === null) {
$build = $dbForProject->getDocument('builds', $build->getId());
if ($build->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Build not found', 404);
$build = $build->setAttribute('logs', $build->getAttribute('logs', '') . $logs);
$build = $dbForProject->updateDocument('builds', $build->getId(), $build);
* Send realtime Event
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $allEvents[0],
payload: $build,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $build->getArrayCopy(),
events: $allEvents,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles']
} catch (\Throwable $error) {
if (empty($err)) {
$err = $error;
if ($err) {
throw $err;
$endTime = DateTime::now();
$durationEnd = \microtime(true);
/** Update the build document */
$build->setAttribute('startTime', DateTime::format((new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($response['startTime'])));
$build->setAttribute('endTime', $endTime);
$build->setAttribute('duration', \intval(\ceil($durationEnd - $durationStart)));
$build->setAttribute('status', 'ready');
$build->setAttribute('path', $response['path']);
$build->setAttribute('size', $response['size']);
$build->setAttribute('logs', $response['output']);
if ($isVcsEnabled) {
$this->runGitAction('ready', $github, $providerCommitHash, $owner, $repositoryName, $project, $function, $deployment->getId(), $dbForProject, $dbForConsole);
Console::success("Build id: $buildId created");
/** Set auto deploy */
if ($deployment->getAttribute('activate') === true) {
$function->setAttribute('deploymentInternalId', $deployment->getInternalId());
$function->setAttribute('deployment', $deployment->getId());
$function->setAttribute('live', true);
$function = $dbForProject->updateDocument('functions', $function->getId(), $function);
/** Update function schedule */
// Inform scheduler if function is still active
$schedule = $dbForConsole->getDocument('schedules', $function->getAttribute('scheduleId'));
->setAttribute('resourceUpdatedAt', DateTime::now())
->setAttribute('schedule', $function->getAttribute('schedule'))
->setAttribute('active', !empty($function->getAttribute('schedule')) && !empty($function->getAttribute('deployment')));
Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForConsole->updateDocument('schedules', $schedule->getId(), $schedule));
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$endTime = DateTime::now();
$durationEnd = \microtime(true);
$build->setAttribute('endTime', $endTime);
$build->setAttribute('duration', \intval(\ceil($durationEnd - $durationStart)));
$build->setAttribute('status', 'failed');
$build->setAttribute('logs', $th->getMessage() . "\n" . $th->getFile() . ':' . $th->getLine() . "\n" . $th->getTraceAsString());
if ($isVcsEnabled) {
$this->runGitAction('failed', $github, $providerCommitHash, $owner, $repositoryName, $project, $function, $deployment->getId(), $dbForProject, $dbForConsole);
} finally {
$build = $dbForProject->updateDocument('builds', $buildId, $build);
* Send realtime Event
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $allEvents[0],
payload: $build,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $build->getArrayCopy(),
events: $allEvents,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles']
/** Trigger usage queue */
->addMetric(METRIC_BUILDS, 1) // per project
->addMetric(METRIC_BUILDS_STORAGE, $build->getAttribute('size', 0))
->addMetric(METRIC_BUILDS_COMPUTE, (int)$build->getAttribute('duration', 0) * 1000)
->addMetric(str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $function->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_BUILDS), 1) // per function
->addMetric(str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $function->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_BUILDS_STORAGE), $build->getAttribute('size', 0))
->addMetric(str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $function->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_BUILDS_COMPUTE), (int)$build->getAttribute('duration', 0) * 1000)
* @param string $status
* @param GitHub $github
* @param string $providerCommitHash
* @param string $owner
* @param string $repositoryName
* @param Document $project
* @param Document $function
* @param string $deploymentId
* @param Database $dbForProject
* @param Database $dbForConsole
* @return void
* @throws Structure
* @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception
* @throws Authorization
* @throws Conflict
* @throws Restricted
protected function runGitAction(string $status, GitHub $github, string $providerCommitHash, string $owner, string $repositoryName, Document $project, Document $function, string $deploymentId, Database $dbForProject, Database $dbForConsole): void
if ($function->getAttribute('providerSilentMode', false) === true) {
$deployment = $dbForProject->getDocument('deployments', $deploymentId);
$commentId = $deployment->getAttribute('providerCommentId', '');
if (!empty($providerCommitHash)) {
$message = match ($status) {
'ready' => 'Build succeeded.',
'failed' => 'Build failed.',
'processing' => 'Building...',
default => $status
$state = match ($status) {
'ready' => 'success',
'failed' => 'failure',
'processing' => 'pending',
default => $status
$functionName = $function->getAttribute('name');
$projectName = $project->getAttribute('name');
$name = "{$functionName} ({$projectName})";
$protocol = App::getEnv('_APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS') == 'disabled' ? 'http' : 'https';
$hostname = App::getEnv('_APP_DOMAIN');
$functionId = $function->getId();
$projectId = $project->getId();
$providerTargetUrl = $protocol . '://' . $hostname . "/console/project-$projectId/functions/function-$functionId";
$github->updateCommitStatus($repositoryName, $providerCommitHash, $owner, $state, $message, $providerTargetUrl, $name);
if (!empty($commentId)) {
$retries = 0;
while (true) {
try {
$dbForConsole->createDocument('vcsCommentLocks', new Document([
'$id' => $commentId
} catch (\Throwable $err) {
if ($retries >= 9) {
throw $err;
// Wrap in try/finally to ensure lock file gets deleted
try {
$comment = new Comment();
$comment->parseComment($github->getComment($owner, $repositoryName, $commentId));
$comment->addBuild($project, $function, $status, $deployment->getId(), ['type' => 'logs']);
$github->updateComment($owner, $repositoryName, $commentId, $comment->generateComment());
} finally {
$dbForConsole->deleteDocument('vcsCommentLocks', $commentId);