Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-05 12:43:13 +13:00
2022-07-15 13:26:12 +04:00

242 lines
9.7 KiB

global $cli;
use Appwrite\Auth\Auth;
use Appwrite\Docker\Compose;
use Appwrite\Docker\Env;
use Appwrite\Utopia\View;
use Utopia\Analytics\GoogleAnalytics;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Config\Config;
use Utopia\Validator\Text;
->desc('Install Appwrite')
->param('httpPort', '', new Text(4), 'Server HTTP port', true)
->param('httpsPort', '', new Text(4), 'Server HTTPS port', true)
->param('organization', 'appwrite', new Text(0), 'Docker Registry organization', true)
->param('image', 'appwrite', new Text(0), 'Main appwrite docker image', true)
->param('interactive', 'Y', new Text(1), 'Run an interactive session', true)
->action(function ($httpPort, $httpsPort, $organization, $image, $interactive) {
* 1. Start - DONE
* 2. Check for older setup and get older version - DONE
* 2.1 If older version is equal or bigger(?) than current version, **stop setup**
* 2.2. Get ENV vars - DONE
* 2.2.1 Fetch from older docker-compose.yml file
* 2.2.2 Fetch from older .env file (manually parse)
* 2.3 Use old ENV vars as default values
* 2.4 Ask for all required vars not given as CLI args and if in interactive mode
* Otherwise, just use default vars. - DONE
* 3. Ask user to backup important volumes, env vars, and SQL tables
* In th future we can try and automate this for smaller/medium size setups
* 4. Drop new docker-compose.yml setup (located inside the container, no network dependencies with appwrite.io) - DONE
* 5. Run docker compose up -d - DONE
* 6. Run data migration
$config = Config::getParam('variables');
$path = '/usr/src/code/appwrite';
$defaultHTTPPort = '80';
$defaultHTTPSPort = '443';
$vars = [];
* We are using a random value every execution for identification.
* This allows us to collect information without invading the privacy of our users.
$analytics = new GoogleAnalytics('UA-26264668-9', uniqid('server.', true));
foreach ($config as $category) {
foreach ($category['variables'] ?? [] as $var) {
$vars[] = $var;
Console::success('Starting Appwrite installation...');
// Create directory with write permissions
if (null !== $path && !\file_exists(\dirname($path))) {
if (!@\mkdir(\dirname($path), 0755, true)) {
Console::error('Can\'t create directory ' . \dirname($path));
$data = @file_get_contents($path . '/docker-compose.yml');
if ($data !== false) {
$time = \time();
Console::info('Compose file found, creating backup: docker-compose.yml.' . $time . '.backup');
file_put_contents($path . '/docker-compose.yml.' . $time . '.backup', $data);
$compose = new Compose($data);
$appwrite = $compose->getService('appwrite');
$oldVersion = ($appwrite) ? $appwrite->getImageVersion() : null;
try {
$ports = $compose->getService('traefik')->getPorts();
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$ports = [
$defaultHTTPPort => $defaultHTTPPort,
$defaultHTTPSPort => $defaultHTTPSPort
Console::warning('Traefik not found. Falling back to default ports.');
if ($oldVersion) {
foreach ($compose->getServices() as $service) { // Fetch all env vars from previous compose file
if (!$service) {
$env = $service->getEnvironment()->list();
foreach ($env as $key => $value) {
if (is_null($value)) {
foreach ($vars as &$var) {
if ($var['name'] === $key) {
$var['default'] = $value;
$data = @file_get_contents($path . '/.env');
if ($data !== false) { // Fetch all env vars from previous .env file
Console::info('Env file found, creating backup: .env.' . $time . '.backup');
file_put_contents($path . '/.env.' . $time . '.backup', $data);
$env = new Env($data);
foreach ($env->list() as $key => $value) {
if (is_null($value)) {
foreach ($vars as &$var) {
if ($var['name'] === $key) {
$var['default'] = $value;
foreach ($ports as $key => $value) {
if ($value === $defaultHTTPPort) {
$defaultHTTPPort = $key;
if ($value === $defaultHTTPSPort) {
$defaultHTTPSPort = $key;
if (empty($httpPort)) {
$httpPort = Console::confirm('Choose your server HTTP port: (default: ' . $defaultHTTPPort . ')');
$httpPort = ($httpPort) ? $httpPort : $defaultHTTPPort;
if (empty($httpsPort)) {
$httpsPort = Console::confirm('Choose your server HTTPS port: (default: ' . $defaultHTTPSPort . ')');
$httpsPort = ($httpsPort) ? $httpsPort : $defaultHTTPSPort;
$input = [];
foreach ($vars as $key => $var) {
if (!empty($var['filter']) && ($interactive !== 'Y' || !Console::isInteractive())) {
if ($data && $var['default'] !== null) {
$input[$var['name']] = $var['default'];
if ($var['filter'] === 'token') {
$input[$var['name']] = Auth::tokenGenerator();
if ($var['filter'] === 'password') {
$input[$var['name']] = Auth::passwordGenerator();
if (!$var['required'] || !Console::isInteractive() || $interactive !== 'Y') {
$input[$var['name']] = $var['default'];
$input[$var['name']] = Console::confirm($var['question'] . ' (default: \'' . $var['default'] . '\')');
if (empty($input[$var['name']])) {
$input[$var['name']] = $var['default'];
if ($var['filter'] === 'domainTarget') {
if ($input[$var['name']] !== 'localhost') {
Console::warning("\nIf you haven't already done so, set the following record for {$input[$var['name']]} on your DNS provider:\n");
$mask = "%-15.15s %-10.10s %-30.30s\n";
printf($mask, "Type", "Name", "Value");
printf($mask, "A or AAAA", "@", "<YOUR PUBLIC IP>");
Console::warning("\nUse 'AAAA' if you're using an IPv6 address and 'A' if you're using an IPv4 address.\n");
$templateForCompose = new View(__DIR__ . '/../views/install/compose.phtml');
$templateForEnv = new View(__DIR__ . '/../views/install/env.phtml');
->setParam('httpPort', $httpPort)
->setParam('httpsPort', $httpsPort)
->setParam('version', APP_VERSION_STABLE)
->setParam('organization', $organization)
->setParam('image', $image)
->setParam('vars', $input)
if (!file_put_contents($path . '/docker-compose.yml', $templateForCompose->render(false))) {
$message = 'Failed to save Docker Compose file';
$analytics->createEvent('install/server', 'install', APP_VERSION_STABLE . ' - ' . $message);
if (!file_put_contents($path . '/.env', $templateForEnv->render(false))) {
$message = 'Failed to save environment variables file';
$analytics->createEvent('install/server', 'install', APP_VERSION_STABLE . ' - ' . $message);
$env = '';
$stdout = '';
$stderr = '';
foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
if ($value) {
$env .= $key . '=' . \escapeshellarg($value) . ' ';
Console::log("Running \"docker compose -f {$path}/docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans --renew-anon-volumes\"");
$exit = Console::execute("${env} docker compose -f {$path}/docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans --renew-anon-volumes", '', $stdout, $stderr);
if ($exit !== 0) {
$message = 'Failed to install Appwrite dockers';
$analytics->createEvent('install/server', 'install', APP_VERSION_STABLE . ' - ' . $message);
} else {
$message = 'Appwrite installed successfully';
$analytics->createEvent('install/server', 'install', APP_VERSION_STABLE . ' - ' . $message);