Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-01 18:39:57 +12:00

databases worker

This commit is contained in:
shimon 2023-06-04 19:25:56 +03:00
parent 0d2987620c
commit d820d93ac7
10 changed files with 1026 additions and 58 deletions

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ use MaxMind\Db\Reader;
* @return Document Newly created attribute document
* @throws Exception
function createAttribute(string $databaseId, string $collectionId, Document $attribute, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, EventDatabase $database, Event $queueForEvents): Document
function createAttribute(string $databaseId, string $collectionId, Document $attribute, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, EventDatabase $queueForDatabase, Event $queueForEvents): Document
$key = $attribute->getAttribute('key');
$type = $attribute->getAttribute('type', '');
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ function createAttribute(string $databaseId, string $collectionId, Document $att
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $db->getInternalId(), $collectionId);
$dbForProject->deleteCachedCollection('database_' . $db->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId());

View file

@ -172,27 +172,6 @@ function getCache(): Cache
return new Cache(new Sharding($adapters));
Server::setResource('getProjectDB', function (Registry $register, Database $dbForConsole) {
return function (Document $project) use ($register, $dbForConsole) {
/** @var Group $pools */
$pools = $register->get('pools');
if ($project->isEmpty() || $project->getId() === 'console') {
return $dbForConsole;
$dbAdapter = $pools
$database = new Database($dbAdapter, getCache());
$database->setNamespace('_' . $project->getInternalId());
return $database;
}, ['register']);
* Get Functions Storage Device
* @param string $projectId of the project
@ -234,7 +213,7 @@ try {
$platform->init(Service::TYPE_WORKER, [
'workersNum' => swoole_cpu_num() * intval(App::getEnv('_APP_WORKER_PER_CORE', 6)),
'connection' => $pools->get('queue')->pop()->getResource(),
'workerName' => $workerName ?? null,
'workerName' => strtolower($workerName) ?? null,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Console::error($e->getMessage() . ', File: ' . $e->getFile() . ', Line: ' . $e->getLine());
@ -255,17 +234,13 @@ $worker
->action(function (Throwable $error, Logger|null $logger) {
if ($logger === null) {
$version = App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN');
if ($error instanceof PDOException) {
throw $error;
if ($error->getCode() >= 500 || $error->getCode() === 0) {
if (($error->getCode() >= 500 || $error->getCode() === 0) && !empty($logger)) {
$log = new Log();
@ -294,5 +269,8 @@ $worker
Console::error('[Error] Line: ' . $error->getLine());
->action(function () use ($workerName) {
Console::info("Worker $workerName started");

View file

@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
if [ -z "$_APP_REDIS_USER" ] && [ -z "$_APP_REDIS_PASS" ]
INTERVAL=1 QUEUE='v1-certificates' APP_INCLUDE='/usr/src/code/app/workers/certificates.php' php /usr/src/code/vendor/bin/resque -dopcache.preload=opcache.preload=/usr/src/code/app/preload.php
php /usr/src/code/app/worker.php certificates $@

View file

@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
if [ -z "$_APP_REDIS_USER" ] && [ -z "$_APP_REDIS_PASS" ]
INTERVAL=0.1 QUEUE='v1-database' APP_INCLUDE='/usr/src/code/app/workers/databases.php' php /usr/src/code/vendor/bin/resque -dopcache.preload=opcache.preload=/usr/src/code/app/preload.php
php /usr/src/code/app/worker.php databases $@

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use Utopia\Queue\Connection;
class Event
public const DATABASE_QUEUE_NAME = 'v1-database';
public const DATABASE_QUEUE_NAME = 'v1-databases';
public const DATABASE_CLASS_NAME = 'DatabaseV1';
public const DELETE_QUEUE_NAME = 'v1-deletes';

View file

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ use Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Audits;
use Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Webhooks;
use Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Mails;
use Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Messaging;
use Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Certificates;
use Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Databases;
use Appwrite\Platform\Workers\Usage;
class Workers extends Service
@ -18,6 +21,9 @@ class Workers extends Service
->addAction(Webhooks::getName(), new Webhooks())
->addAction(Mails::getName(), new Mails())
->addAction(Messaging::getName(), new Messaging())
->addAction(Certificates::getName(), new Certificates())
->addAction(Databases::getName(), new Databases())
//->addAction(Usage::getName(), new Usage())

View file

@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
namespace Appwrite\Platform\Workers;
use Appwrite\Event\Mail;
use Appwrite\Network\Validator\CNAME;
use Appwrite\Template\Template;
use Exception;
use Throwable;
use Utopia\App;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\DateTime;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Database\Helpers\ID;
use Utopia\Database\Query;
use Utopia\Domains\Domain;
use Utopia\Locale\Locale;
use Utopia\Platform\Action;
use Utopia\Queue\Message;
class Certificates extends Action
public static function getName(): string
return 'certificates';
* @throws Exception
public function __construct()
->desc('Certificates worker')
->callback(fn($message, $dbForConsole, $queueForMail) => $this->action($message, $dbForConsole, $queueForMail));
* @throws Exception|Throwable
public function action(Message $message, Database $dbForConsole, Mail $queueForMail): void
$payload = $message->getPayload() ?? [];
if (empty($payload)) {
throw new Exception('Missing payload');
$document = new Document($payload['domain'] ?? []);
$domain = new Domain($document->getAttribute('domain', ''));
$skipRenewCheck = $payload['skipRenewCheck'] ?? false;
$this->execute($domain, $dbForConsole, $queueForMail, $skipRenewCheck);
* @throws Exception|Throwable
private function execute(Domain $domain, Database $dbForConsole, Mail $queueForMail, bool $skipRenewCheck = false): void
* 1. Read arguments and validate domain
* 2. Get main domain
* 3. Validate CNAME DNS if parameter is not main domain (meaning it's custom domain)
* 4. Validate security email. Cannot be empty, required by LetsEncrypt
* 5. Validate renew date with certificate file, unless requested to skip by parameter
* 6. Issue a certificate using certbot CLI
* 7. Update 'log' attribute on certificate document with Certbot message
* 8. Create storage folder for certificate, if not ready already
* 9. Move certificates from Certbot location to our Storage
* 10. Create/Update our Storage with new Traefik config with new certificate paths
* 11. Read certificate file and update 'renewDate' on certificate document
* 12. Update 'issueDate' and 'attempts' on certificate
* If at any point unexpected error occurs, program stops without applying changes to document, and error is thrown into worker
* If code stops with expected error:
* 1. 'log' attribute on document is updated with error message
* 2. 'attempts' amount is increased
* 3. Console log is shown
* 4. Email is sent to security email
* Unless unexpected error occurs, at the end, we:
* 1. Update 'updated' attribute on document
* 2. Save document to database
* 3. Update all domains documents with current certificate ID
* Note: Renewals are checked and scheduled from maintenence worker
// Get current certificate
$certificate = $dbForConsole->findOne('certificates', [Query::equal('domain', [$domain->get()])]);
// If we don't have certificate for domain yet, let's create new document. At the end we save it
if (!$certificate) {
$certificate = new Document();
$certificate->setAttribute('domain', $domain->get());
try {
// Email for alerts is required by LetsEncrypt
if (empty($email)) {
throw new Exception('You must set a valid security email address (_APP_SYSTEM_SECURITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS) to issue an SSL certificate.');
// Validate domain and DNS records. Skip if job is forced
if (!$skipRenewCheck) {
$mainDomain = $this->getMainDomain($dbForConsole);
$isMainDomain = !isset($mainDomain) || $domain->get() === $mainDomain;
$this->validateDomain($domain, $isMainDomain);
// If certificate exists already, double-check expiry date. Skip if job is forced
if (!$skipRenewCheck && !$this->isRenewRequired($domain->get())) {
throw new Exception('Renew isn\'t required.');
// Prepare folder name for certbot. Using this helps prevent miss-match in LetsEncrypt configuration when renewing certificate
$folder = ID::unique();
// Generate certificate files using Let's Encrypt
$letsEncryptData = $this->issueCertificate($folder, $domain->get(), $email);
// Command succeeded, store all data into document
// We store stderr too, because it may include warnings
$certificate->setAttribute('log', \json_encode([
'stdout' => $letsEncryptData['stdout'],
'stderr' => $letsEncryptData['stderr'],
// Give certificates to Traefik
$this->applyCertificateFiles($folder, $domain->get(), $letsEncryptData);
// Update certificate info stored in database
$certificate->setAttribute('renewDate', $this->getRenewDate($domain->get()));
$certificate->setAttribute('attempts', 0);
$certificate->setAttribute('issueDate', DateTime::now());
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// Set exception as log in certificate document
$certificate->setAttribute('log', $e->getMessage());
// Increase attempts count
$attempts = $certificate->getAttribute('attempts', 0) + 1;
$certificate->setAttribute('attempts', $attempts);
// Store cuttent time as renew date to ensure another attempt in next maintenance cycle
$certificate->setAttribute('renewDate', DateTime::now());
// Send email to security email
$this->notifyError($domain->get(), $e->getMessage(), $attempts, $queueForMail);
} finally {
// All actions result in new updatedAt date
$certificate->setAttribute('updated', DateTime::now());
// Save all changes we made to certificate document into database
$this->saveCertificateDocument($domain->get(), $certificate, $dbForConsole);
* Get main domain. Needed as we do different checks for main and non-main domains.
* @return null|string Returns main domain. If null, there is no main domain yet.
* @throws Exception
private function getMainDomain(Database $dbForConsole): ?string
$envDomain = App::getEnv('_APP_DOMAIN', '');
if (!empty($envDomain) && $envDomain !== 'localhost') {
return $envDomain;
} else {
$domainDocument = $dbForConsole->findOne('domains', [Query::orderAsc('_id')]);
if ($domainDocument) {
return $domainDocument->getAttribute('domain');
return null;
* Internal domain validation functionality to prevent unnecessary attempts failed from Let's Encrypt side. We check:
* - Domain needs to be public and valid (prevents NFT domains that are not supported by Let's Encrypt)
* - Domain must have proper DNS record
* @param Domain $domain Domain which we validate
* @param bool $isMainDomain In case of master domain, we look for different DNS configurations
* @return void
* @throws Exception
private function validateDomain(Domain $domain, bool $isMainDomain): void
if (empty($domain->get())) {
throw new Exception('Missing certificate domain.');
if (!$domain->isKnown() || $domain->isTest()) {
throw new Exception('Unknown public suffix for domain.');
if (!$isMainDomain) {
// TODO: Would be awesome to also support A/AAAA records here. Maybe dry run?
// Validate if domain target is properly configured
$target = new Domain(App::getEnv('_APP_DOMAIN_TARGET', ''));
if (!$target->isKnown() || $target->isTest()) {
throw new Exception('Unreachable CNAME target (' . $target->get() . '), please use a domain with a public suffix.');
// Verify domain with DNS records
$validator = new CNAME($target->get());
if (!$validator->isValid($domain->get())) {
throw new Exception('Failed to verify domain DNS records.');
} else {
// Main domain validation
// TODO: Would be awesome to check A/AAAA record here. Maybe dry run?
* Reads expiry date of certificate from file and decides if renewal is required or not.
* @param string $domain Domain for which we check certificate file
* @return bool True, if certificate needs to be renewed
* @throws Exception
private function isRenewRequired(string $domain): bool
$certPath = APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES . '/' . $domain . '/cert.pem';
if (\file_exists($certPath)) {
$validTo = null;
$certData = openssl_x509_parse(file_get_contents($certPath));
$validTo = $certData['validTo_time_t'] ?? 0;
if (empty($validTo)) {
throw new Exception('Unable to read certificate file (cert.pem).');
// LetsEncrypt allows renewal 30 days before expiry
$expiryInAdvance = (60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
if ($validTo - $expiryInAdvance > \time()) {
return false;
return true;
* LetsEncrypt communication to issue certificate (using certbot CLI)
* @param string $folder Folder into which certificates should be generated
* @param string $domain Domain to generate certificate for
* @return array Named array with keys 'stdout' and 'stderr', both string
* @throws Exception
private function issueCertificate(string $folder, string $domain, string $email): array
$stdout = '';
$stderr = '';
$staging = (App::isProduction()) ? '' : ' --dry-run';
$exit = Console::execute("certbot certonly --webroot --noninteractive --agree-tos{$staging}"
. " --email " . $email
. " --cert-name " . $folder
. " -d {$domain}", '', $stdout, $stderr);
// Unexpected error, usually 5XX, API limits, ...
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new Exception('Failed to issue a certificate with message: ' . $stderr);
return [
'stdout' => $stdout,
'stderr' => $stderr
* Method to take files from Let's Encrypt, and put it into Traefik.
* @param string $domain Domain which certificate was generated for
* @param string $folder Folder in which certificates were generated
* @param array $letsEncryptData Let's Encrypt logs to use for additional info when throwing error
* @return void
* @throws Exception
private function applyCertificateFiles(string $folder, string $domain, array $letsEncryptData): void
// Prepare folder in storage for domain
$path = APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES . '/' . $domain;
if (!\is_readable($path)) {
if (!\mkdir($path, 0755, true)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to create path for certificate.');
// Move generated files
if (!@\rename('/etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $folder . '/cert.pem', APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES . '/' . $domain . '/cert.pem')) {
throw new Exception('Failed to rename certificate cert.pem. Let\'s Encrypt log: ' . $letsEncryptData['stderr'] . ' ; ' . $letsEncryptData['stdout']);
if (!@\rename('/etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $folder . '/chain.pem', APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES . '/' . $domain . '/chain.pem')) {
throw new Exception('Failed to rename certificate chain.pem. Let\'s Encrypt log: ' . $letsEncryptData['stderr'] . ' ; ' . $letsEncryptData['stdout']);
if (!@\rename('/etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $folder . '/fullchain.pem', APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES . '/' . $domain . '/fullchain.pem')) {
throw new Exception('Failed to rename certificate fullchain.pem. Let\'s Encrypt log: ' . $letsEncryptData['stderr'] . ' ; ' . $letsEncryptData['stdout']);
if (!@\rename('/etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $folder . '/privkey.pem', APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES . '/' . $domain . '/privkey.pem')) {
throw new Exception('Failed to rename certificate privkey.pem. Let\'s Encrypt log: ' . $letsEncryptData['stderr'] . ' ; ' . $letsEncryptData['stdout']);
$config = \implode(PHP_EOL, [
" certificates:",
" - certFile: /storage/certificates/{$domain}/fullchain.pem",
" keyFile: /storage/certificates/{$domain}/privkey.pem"
// Save configuration into Traefik using our new cert files
if (!\file_put_contents(APP_STORAGE_CONFIG . '/' . $domain . '.yml', $config)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to save Traefik configuration.');
* Method to make sure information about error is delivered to admnistrator.
* @param string $domain Domain that caused the error
* @param string $errorMessage Verbose error message
* @param int $attempt How many times it failed already
* @param Mail $queueForMail
* @return void
* @throws Exception
private function notifyError(string $domain, string $errorMessage, int $attempt, Mail $queueForMail): void
// Log error into console
Console::warning('Cannot renew domain (' . $domain . ') on attempt no. ' . $attempt . ' certificate: ' . $errorMessage);
// Send mail to administrator mail
$locale = new Locale(App::getEnv('_APP_LOCALE', 'en'));
if (!$locale->getText('emails.sender') || !$locale->getText("emails.certificate.hello") || !$locale->getText("emails.certificate.subject") || !$locale->getText("emails.certificate.body") || !$locale->getText("emails.certificate.footer") || !$locale->getText("emails.certificate.thanks") || !$locale->getText("emails.certificate.signature")) {
$body = Template::fromFile(__DIR__ . '/../../config/locale/templates/email-base.tpl');
$subject = \sprintf($locale->getText("emails.certificate.subject"), $domain);
$body->setParam('{{domain}}', $domain);
$body->setParam('{{error}}', $errorMessage);
$body->setParam('{{attempt}}', $attempt);
->setParam('{{subject}}', $subject)
->setParam('{{hello}}', $locale->getText("emails.certificate.hello"))
->setParam('{{body}}', $locale->getText("emails.certificate.body"))
->setParam('{{redirect}}', 'https://' . $domain)
->setParam('{{footer}}', $locale->getText("emails.certificate.footer"))
->setParam('{{thanks}}', $locale->getText("emails.certificate.thanks"))
->setParam('{{signature}}', $locale->getText("emails.certificate.signature"))
->setParam('{{project}}', 'Console')
->setParam('{{direction}}', $locale->getText('settings.direction'))
->setParam('{{bg-body}}', '#f7f7f7')
->setParam('{{bg-content}}', '#ffffff')
->setParam('{{text-content}}', '#000000');
->setName('Appwrite Administrator')
* Update all existing domain documents so they have relation to correct certificate document.
* This solved issues:
* - when adding a domain for which there is already a certificate
* - when renew creates new document? It might?
* - overall makes it more reliable
* @param string $certificateId ID of a new or updated certificate document
* @param string $domain Domain that is affected by new certificate
* @param Database $dbForConsole Database instance for console
* @return void
* @throws Exception
private function updateDomainDocuments(string $certificateId, string $domain, Database $dbForConsole): void
$domains = $dbForConsole->find('domains', [
Query::equal('domain', [$domain]),
foreach ($domains as $domainDocument) {
$domainDocument->setAttribute('updated', DateTime::now());
$domainDocument->setAttribute('certificateId', $certificateId);
$dbForConsole->updateDocument('domains', $domainDocument->getId(), $domainDocument);
if ($domainDocument->getAttribute('projectId')) {
$dbForConsole->deleteCachedDocument('projects', $domainDocument->getAttribute('projectId'));
* Save certificate data into database.
* @param string $domain Domain name that certificate is for
* @param Document $certificate Certificate document that we need to save
* @param Database $dbForConsole Database connection for console
* @return void
* @throws Exception|\Throwable
private function saveCertificateDocument(string $domain, Document $certificate, Database $dbForConsole): void
// Check if update or insert required
$certificateDocument = $dbForConsole->findOne('certificates', [Query::equal('domain', [$domain])]);
if (!empty($certificateDocument) && !$certificateDocument->isEmpty()) {
// Merge new data with current data
$certificate = new Document(\array_merge($certificateDocument->getArrayCopy(), $certificate->getArrayCopy()));
$certificate = $dbForConsole->updateDocument('certificates', $certificate->getId(), $certificate);
} else {
$certificate = $dbForConsole->createDocument('certificates', $certificate);
$certificateId = $certificate->getId();
$this->updateDomainDocuments($certificateId, $domain, $dbForConsole);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
namespace Appwrite\Platform\Workers;
use Appwrite\Event\Event;
use Appwrite\Messaging\Adapter\Realtime;
use Exception;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Database\Exception\Authorization;
use Utopia\Platform\Action;
use Utopia\Queue\Message;
class Databases extends Action
public static function getName(): string
return 'databases';
* @throws Exception
public function __construct()
->desc('Databases worker')
->callback(fn($message, $dbForConsole, $dbForProject) => $this->action($message, $dbForConsole, $dbForProject));
* @throws Exception
public function action(Message $message, Database $dbForConsole, Database $dbForProject): void
$payload = $message->getPayload() ?? [];
if (empty($payload)) {
throw new Exception('Missing payload');
$type = $payload['type'];
$project = new Document($payload['project']);
$collection = new Document($payload['collection'] ?? []);
$document = new Document($payload['document'] ?? []);
$database = new Document($payload['database'] ?? []);
if ($collection->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Missing collection');
if ($document->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Missing document');
match (strval($type)) {
DATABASE_TYPE_CREATE_ATTRIBUTE => $this->createAttribute($database, $collection, $document, $project, $dbForProject),
DATABASE_TYPE_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE => $this->deleteAttribute($database, $collection, $document, $project, $dbForConsole, $dbForProject),
DATABASE_TYPE_CREATE_INDEX => $this->createIndex($database, $collection, $document, $project, $dbForProject),
DATABASE_TYPE_DELETE_INDEX => $this->deleteIndex($database, $collection, $document, $project, $dbForProject),
default => Console::error('No database operation for type: ' . $type),
private function createAttribute(Document $database, Document $collection, Document $attribute, Document $project, $dbForProject): void
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].attributes.[attributeId].update', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'attributeId' => $attribute->getId()
* Fetch attribute from the database, since with Resque float values are loosing informations.
$attribute = $dbForProject->getDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId());
$collectionId = $collection->getId();
$key = $attribute->getAttribute('key', '');
$type = $attribute->getAttribute('type', '');
$size = $attribute->getAttribute('size', 0);
$required = $attribute->getAttribute('required', false);
$default = $attribute->getAttribute('default', null);
$signed = $attribute->getAttribute('signed', true);
$array = $attribute->getAttribute('array', false);
$format = $attribute->getAttribute('format', '');
$formatOptions = $attribute->getAttribute('formatOptions', []);
$filters = $attribute->getAttribute('filters', []);
try {
if (!$dbForProject->createAttribute('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key, $type, $size, $required, $default, $signed, $array, $format, $formatOptions, $filters)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to create Attribute');
$dbForProject->updateDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId(), $attribute->setAttribute('status', 'available'));
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId(), $attribute->setAttribute('status', 'failed'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $attribute,
project: $project,
projectId: 'console',
payload: $attribute->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collectionId);
* @throws Authorization
private function deleteAttribute(Document $database, Document $collection, Document $attribute, Document $project, Database $dbForConsole, Database $dbForProject)
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].attributes.[attributeId].delete', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'attributeId' => $attribute->getId()
$collectionId = $collection->getId();
$key = $attribute->getAttribute('key', '');
$status = $attribute->getAttribute('status', '');
// possible states at this point:
// - available: should not land in queue; controller flips these to 'deleting'
// - processing: hasn't finished creating
// - deleting: was available, in deletion queue for first time
// - failed: attribute was never created
// - stuck: attribute was available but cannot be removed
try {
if ($status !== 'failed' && !$dbForProject->deleteAttribute('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to delete Attribute');
$dbForProject->deleteDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId());
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('attributes', $attribute->getId(), $attribute->setAttribute('status', 'stuck'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $attribute,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $attribute->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
// The underlying database removes/rebuilds indexes when attribute is removed
// Update indexes table with changes
/** @var Document[] $indexes */
$indexes = $collection->getAttribute('indexes', []);
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
/** @var string[] $attributes */
$attributes = $index->getAttribute('attributes');
$lengths = $index->getAttribute('lengths');
$orders = $index->getAttribute('orders');
$found = \array_search($key, $attributes);
if ($found !== false) {
// If found, remove entry from attributes, lengths, and orders
// array_values wraps array_diff to reindex array keys
// when found attribute is removed from array
$attributes = \array_values(\array_diff($attributes, [$attributes[$found]]));
$lengths = \array_values(\array_diff($lengths, [$lengths[$found]]));
$orders = \array_values(\array_diff($orders, [$orders[$found]]));
if (empty($attributes)) {
$dbForProject->deleteDocument('indexes', $index->getId());
} else {
->setAttribute('attributes', $attributes, Document::SET_TYPE_ASSIGN)
->setAttribute('lengths', $lengths, Document::SET_TYPE_ASSIGN)
->setAttribute('orders', $orders, Document::SET_TYPE_ASSIGN);
// Check if an index exists with the same attributes and orders
$exists = false;
foreach ($indexes as $existing) {
if (
$existing->getAttribute('key') !== $index->getAttribute('key') // Ignore itself
&& $existing->getAttribute('attributes') === $index->getAttribute('attributes')
&& $existing->getAttribute('orders') === $index->getAttribute('orders')
) {
$exists = true;
if ($exists) { // Delete the duplicate if created, else update in db
$this->deleteIndex($database, $collection, $index, $project, $dbForConsole);
} else {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index);
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collectionId);
$dbForProject->deleteCachedCollection('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId());
private function createIndex(Document $database, Document $collection, Document $index, Document $project, Database $dbForProject)
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].indexes.[indexId].update', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'indexId' => $index->getId()
$collectionId = $collection->getId();
$key = $index->getAttribute('key', '');
$type = $index->getAttribute('type', '');
$attributes = $index->getAttribute('attributes', []);
$lengths = $index->getAttribute('lengths', []);
$orders = $index->getAttribute('orders', []);
try {
if (!$dbForProject->createIndex('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key, $type, $attributes, $lengths, $orders)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to create Index');
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index->setAttribute('status', 'available'));
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index->setAttribute('status', 'failed'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $index,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $index->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collectionId);
private function deleteIndex(Document $database, Document $collection, Document $index, Document $project, Database $dbForProject)
$events = Event::generateEvents('databases.[databaseId].collections.[collectionId].indexes.[indexId].delete', [
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId(),
'indexId' => $index->getId()
$key = $index->getAttribute('key');
$status = $index->getAttribute('status', '');
try {
if ($status !== 'failed' && !$dbForProject->deleteIndex('database_' . $database->getInternalId() . '_collection_' . $collection->getInternalId(), $key)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to delete index');
$dbForProject->deleteDocument('indexes', $index->getId());
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
$dbForProject->updateDocument('indexes', $index->getId(), $index->setAttribute('status', 'stuck'));
} finally {
$target = Realtime::fromPayload(
// Pass first, most verbose event pattern
event: $events[0],
payload: $index,
project: $project
projectId: 'console',
payload: $index->getArrayCopy(),
events: $events,
channels: $target['channels'],
roles: $target['roles'],
options: [
'projectId' => $project->getId(),
'databaseId' => $database->getId(),
'collectionId' => $collection->getId()
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('database_' . $database->getInternalId(), $collection->getId());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
namespace Appwrite\Platform\Workers;
use Exception;
use Utopia\CLI\Console;
use Utopia\Database\Database;
use Utopia\Database\Document;
use Utopia\Platform\Action;
use Utopia\Queue\Message;
class Usage extends Action
private $stats = [];
private array $periods = [
'1h' => 'Y-m-d H:00',
'1d' => 'Y-m-d 00:00',
'inf' => '0000-00-00 00:00'
const INFINITY_PERIOD = '_inf_';
public static function getName(): string
return 'usage';
* @throws Exception
public function __construct()
->desc('Usage worker')
->callback(function ($message, $pools, $cache) use (&$stats) {
$this->action($message, $pools, $cache);
* @throws Exception
public function action(Message $message, $pools, $cache): void
$payload = $message->getPayload() ?? [];
if (empty($payload)) {
throw new Exception('Missing payload');
$payload = $message->getPayload() ?? [];
$project = new Document($payload['project'] ?? []);
$projectId = $project->getInternalId();
foreach ($payload['reduce'] ?? [] as $document) {
if (empty($document)) {
database: $project->getAttribute('database'),
projectInternalId: $project->getInternalId(),
document: new Document($document),
metrics: $payload['metrics'],
pools: $pools,
cache: $cache
$stats[$projectId]['database'] = $project->getAttribute('database');
foreach ($payload['metrics'] ?? [] as $metric) {
if (!isset($stats[$projectId]['keys'][$metric['key']])) {
$stats[$projectId]['keys'][$metric['key']] = $metric['value'];
$stats[$projectId]['keys'][$metric['key']] += $metric['value'];
* On Documents that tied by relations like functions>deployments>build || documents>collection>database || buckets>files.
* When we remove a parent document we need to deduct his children aggregation from the project scope.
private function reduce($database, $projectInternalId, Document $document, array &$metrics, $pools, $cache)
try {
$dbForProject = new Database(
$dbForProject->setNamespace('_' . $projectInternalId);
switch (true) {
case $document->getCollection() === 'users': // users
$sessions = count($document->getAttribute(METRIC_SESSIONS, 0));
if (!empty($sessions)) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($sessions * -1),
case $document->getCollection() === 'databases': // databases
$collections = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{databaseInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_DATABASE_ID_COLLECTIONS)));
$documents = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{databaseInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_DATABASE_ID_DOCUMENTS)));
if (!empty($collections['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($collections['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($documents['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($documents['value'] * -1),
case str_starts_with($document->getCollection(), 'database_') && !str_contains($document->getCollection(), 'collection'): //collections
$parts = explode('_', $document->getCollection());
$databaseInternalId = $parts[1] ?? 0;
$documents = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace(['{databaseInternalId}', '{collectionInternalId}'], [$databaseInternalId, $document->getInternalId()], METRIC_DATABASE_ID_COLLECTION_ID_DOCUMENTS)));
if (!empty($documents['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($documents['value'] * -1),
$metrics[] = [
'key' => str_replace('{databaseInternalId}', $databaseInternalId, METRIC_DATABASE_ID_DOCUMENTS),
'value' => ($documents['value'] * -1),
case $document->getCollection() === 'buckets':
$files = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{bucketInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_BUCKET_ID_FILES)));
$storage = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{bucketInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_BUCKET_ID_FILES_STORAGE)));
if (!empty($files['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'key' => METRIC_FILES,
'value' => ($files['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($storage['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($storage['value'] * -1),
case $document->getCollection() === 'functions':
$deployments = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace(['{resourceType}', '{resourceInternalId}'], ['functions', $document->getInternalId()], METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_DEPLOYMENTS)));
$deploymentsStorage = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace(['{resourceType}', '{resourceInternalId}'], ['functions', $document->getInternalId()], METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_DEPLOYMENTS_STORAGE)));
$builds = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_BUILDS)));
$buildsStorage = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_BUILDS_STORAGE)));
$buildsCompute = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_BUILDS_COMPUTE)));
$executions = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_EXECUTIONS)));
$executionsCompute = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5(self::INFINITY_PERIOD . str_replace('{functionInternalId}', $document->getInternalId(), METRIC_FUNCTION_ID_EXECUTIONS_COMPUTE)));
if (!empty($deployments['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($deployments['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($deploymentsStorage['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($deploymentsStorage['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($builds['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($builds['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($buildsStorage['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($buildsStorage['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($buildsCompute['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($buildsCompute['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($executions['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($executions['value'] * -1),
if (!empty($executionsCompute['value'])) {
$metrics[] = [
'value' => ($executionsCompute['value'] * -1),
} catch (\Exception $e) {
console::error("[reducer] " . " {DateTime::now()} " . " {$projectInternalId} " . " {$e->getMessage()}");
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
} finally {

View file

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ class Webhooks extends Action
return 'webhooks';
* @throws Exception
public function __construct()
@ -34,26 +37,27 @@ class Webhooks extends Action
if (empty($payload)) {
throw new Exception('Missing payload');
$events = $payload['events'];
$webhookPayload = json_encode($payload['payload']);
$project = new Document($payload['project']);
$user = new Document($payload['user'] ?? []);
$events = $payload['events'];
$webhookPayload = json_encode($payload['payload']);
$project = new Document($payload['project']);
$user = new Document($payload['user'] ?? []);
foreach ($project->getAttribute('webhooks', []) as $webhook) {
if (array_intersect($webhook->getAttribute('events', []), $events)) {
foreach ($project->getAttribute('webhooks', []) as $webhook) {
if (array_intersect($webhook->getAttribute('events', []), $events)) {
$this->execute($events, $webhookPayload, $webhook, $user, $project);
if (!empty($errors)) {
throw new Exception(\implode(" / \n\n", $errors));
if (!empty($errors)) {
throw new Exception(\implode(" / \n\n", $errors));
$this->errors = [];
private function execute(array $events, string $payload, Document $webhook, Document $user, Document $project): void
$url = \rawurldecode($webhook->getAttribute('url'));