2022-05-23 16:13:15 +00:00

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Getting started


To start, open Quickstart page localhost:8020 for quick access to all the tools

From the quicklaunch page you can open workspace tools, such as code editor or terminal

Demo: Workspace UI


The code editor in this workspace is Code-server

Demo: Code-server

Code-server demo

Workspace has full-size browser-base terminal

Base-Workspace terminal


Check Node.js and npm versions

node -v
npm -v


NOTE: nvm does not work from the Codeserver embedded terminal.

Use another version of Node.js

nvm install 16.0.0
nvm use 16.0.0



Check npm version

npm -v

Install latest version of npm

npm install -g npm@latest


Yarn is a package manager for Node. js that focuses on speed, security, and consistency. It was originally created to address some issues with the popular NPM package manager.

npm install --global yarn
yarn --version


Node.js virtual environment - a tool to create isolated node.js environments.

It creates an environment that has its own installation directories, that doesnt share libraries with other node.js virtual environments.

Create folder and vrtual ennvironment in it

mkdir /home/project/venv-test 
cd /home/project/venv-test
nodeenv --node=12.18.3 env && . env/bin/activate 

Check Nnode.js version

node -v
npm -v

Simple example

Clone example project

cd /home/project
git clone 
cd the-example-app.nodejs

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start app

export PORT=8030
npm run start:dev

Open browser on localhost:8030