2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

1146 lines
34 KiB
Executable file

// Cronicle Web App
// Author: Joseph Huckaby
// Copyright (c) 2015 Joseph Huckaby and
if (! throw new Error("App Framework is not present.");
name: '',
preload_images: ['loading.gif'],
activeJobs: {},
eventQueue: {},
state: null,
plain_text_post: true,
clock_visible: false,
scroll_time_visible: false,
default_prefs: {
schedule_group_by: 'category'
receiveConfig: function(resp) {
// receive config from server
if (resp.code) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Waiting for master server..." );
setTimeout( function() { load_script( '/api/app/config?callback=app.receiveConfig' ); }, 1000 );
delete resp.code;
window.config = resp.config;
for (var key in resp) {
this[key] = resp[key];
// allow visible app name to be changed in config =;
$('#d_header_title').html( '<b>' + + '</b>' );
// hit the master server directly from now on
this.setMasterHostname( resp.master_hostname );
this.config.Page = [
{ ID: 'Home' },
{ ID: 'Login' },
{ ID: 'Schedule' },
{ ID: 'History' },
{ ID: 'JobDetails' },
{ ID: 'MyAccount' },
{ ID: 'Admin' }
this.config.DefaultPage = 'Home';
// did we try to init and fail? if so, try again now
if (this.initReady) {
delete this.initReady;
init: function() {
// initialize application
if (this.abort) return; // fatal error, do not initialize app
if (!this.config) {
// must be in master server wait loop
this.initReady = true;
if (!this.servers) this.servers = {};
this.server_groups = [];
// timezone support = jstz.determine().name();
this.zones =;
// preload a few essential images
for (var idx = 0, len = this.preload_images.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var filename = '' + this.preload_images[idx];
var img = new Image();
img.src = '/images/'+filename;
// populate prefs for first time user
for (var key in this.default_prefs) {
if (!(key in window.localStorage)) {
window.localStorage[key] = this.default_prefs[key];
// pop version into footer
$('#d_footer_version').html( "Version " + this.version || 0 );
// some css classing for browser-specific adjustments
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if (ua.match(/Safari/) && !ua.match(/(Chrome|Opera)/)) {
else if (ua.match(/Chrome/)) {
else if (ua.match(/Firefox/)) {
// follow scroll so we can fade in/out the scroll time widget
window.addEventListener( "scroll", function() {
}, false );
this.page_manager = new PageManager( always_array(config.Page) );
// this.setHeaderClock();
// Nav.init();
updateHeaderInfo: function() {
// update top-right display
var html = '';
html += '<div id="d_header_divider" class="right" style="margin-right:0;"></div>';
html += '<div class="header_option logout right" onMouseUp="app.doUserLogout()"><i class="fa fa-power-off fa-lg">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Logout</div>';
html += '<div id="d_header_divider" class="right"></div>';
html += '<div id="d_header_user_bar" class="right" style="background-image:url(' + this.getUserAvatarURL( this.retina ? 64 : 32 ) + ')" onMouseUp="app.doMyAccount()">' + (this.user.full_name || app.username).replace(/\s+.+$/, '') + '</div>';
$('#d_header_user_container').html( html );
doUserLogin: function(resp) {
// user login, called from login page, or session recover
// overriding this from base.js, so we can pass the session ID to the websocket
delete resp.code;
for (var key in resp) {
this[key] = resp[key];
if (this.isCategoryLimited() || this.isGroupLimited()) {
this.setPref('username', resp.username);
this.setPref('session_id', resp.session_id);
// update clock
this.setHeaderClock( this.epoch );
// show scheduler master switch
if (this.hasPrivilege('state_update')) $('#d_tab_master').addClass('active');
// show admin tab if user is worthy
if (this.isAdmin()) $('#tab_Admin').show();
else $('#tab_Admin').hide();
// authenticate websocket
this.socket.emit( 'authenticate', { token: resp.session_id } );
doUserLogout: function(bad_cookie) {
// log user out and redirect to login screen
var self = this;
if (!bad_cookie) {
// user explicitly logging out
this.showProgress(1.0, "Logging out...");
this.setPref('username', '');
} 'user/logout', {
session_id: this.getPref('session_id')
function(resp, tx) {
delete self.user;
delete self.username;
delete self.user_info;
if (self.socket) self.socket.emit( 'logout', {} );
self.setPref('session_id', '');
$('#d_header_user_container').html( '' );
$('#d_tab_master').html( '' );
$('div.header_clock_layer').fadeTo( 1000, 0 );
$('#d_tab_time > span').html( '' );
self.clock_visible = false;
if (app.config.external_users) {
// external user api
Debug.trace("User session cookie was deleted, querying external user API");
setTimeout( function() {
if (bad_cookie) app.doExternalLogin();
else app.doExternalLogout();
}, 250 );
else {
Debug.trace("User session cookie was deleted, redirecting to login page");
setTimeout( function() {
if (!app.config.external_users) {
if (bad_cookie) self.showMessage('error', "Your session has expired. Please log in again.");
else self.showMessage('success', "You were logged out successfully.");
self.activeJobs = {};
delete self.servers;
delete self.schedule;
delete self.categories;
delete self.plugins;
delete self.server_groups;
delete self.epoch;
}, 150 );
} );
doExternalLogin: function() {
// login using external user management system
// Force API to hit current page hostname vs. master server, so login redirect URL reflects it '/api/user/external_login', { cookie: document.cookie }, function(resp) {
if (resp.user) {
Debug.trace("User Session Resume: " + resp.username + ": " + resp.session_id);
app.doUserLogin( resp );
else if (resp.location) {
Debug.trace("External User API requires redirect");
app.showProgress(1.0, "Logging in...");
setTimeout( function() { window.location = resp.location; }, 250 );
else app.doError(resp.description || "Unknown login error.");
} );
doExternalLogout: function() {
// redirect to external user management system for logout
var url = app.config.external_user_api;
url += (url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + 'logout=1';
Debug.trace("External User API requires redirect");
app.showProgress(1.0, "Logging out...");
setTimeout( function() { window.location = url; }, 250 );
socketConnect: function() {
// init client
var self = this;
var url = this.proto + this.masterHostname + ':' + this.port;
if (!config.web_socket_use_hostnames && this.servers && this.servers[this.masterHostname] && this.servers[this.masterHostname].ip) {
// use ip instead of hostname if available
url = this.proto + this.servers[this.masterHostname].ip + ':' + this.port;
if (!config.web_direct_connect) {
url = this.proto +;
Debug.trace("Websocket Connect: " + url);
if (this.socket) {
Debug.trace("Destroying previous socket");
if (this.socket.connected) this.socket.disconnect();
this.socket = null;
var socket = this.socket = io( url, {
// forceNew: true,
transports: config.socket_io_transports || ['websocket'],
reconnection: false,
reconnectionDelay: 1000,
reconnectionDelayMax: 2000,
reconnectionAttempts: 9999,
timeout: 3000
} );
socket.on('connect', function() {
if (!Nav.inited) Nav.init();
Debug.trace(" connected successfully");
// if (self.progress) self.hideProgress();
// if we are already logged in, authenticate websocket now
var session_id = app.getPref('session_id');
if (session_id) socket.emit( 'authenticate', { token: session_id } );
} );
socket.on('connect_error', function(err) {
Debug.trace(" connect error: " + err);
} );
socket.on('connect_timeout', function(err) {
Debug.trace(" connect timeout");
} );
socket.on('reconnecting', function() {
Debug.trace(" reconnecting...");
// self.showProgress( 0.5, "Reconnecting to server..." );
} );
socket.on('reconnect', function() {
Debug.trace(" reconnected successfully");
// if (self.progress) self.hideProgress();
} );
socket.on('reconnect_failed', function() {
Debug.trace(" has given up -- we must refresh");
} );
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
// unexpected disconnection
Debug.trace(" disconnected unexpectedly");
} );
socket.on('status', function(data) {
if (!data.master) {
// OMG we're not talking to master anymore?
else {
// connected to master
self.epoch = data.epoch;
self.servers = data.servers;
self.setHeaderClock( data.epoch );
// update active jobs
self.updateActiveJobs( data );
// notify current page
var id = self.page_manager.current_page_id;
var page = self.page_manager.find(id);
if (page && page.onStatusUpdate) page.onStatusUpdate(data);
// remove dialog if present
if (self.waitingForMaster && self.progress) {
delete self.waitingForMaster;
} // master
} );
socket.on('update', function(data) {
// receive data update (global list contents)
var limited_user = self.isCategoryLimited() || self.isGroupLimited();
for (var key in data) {
self[key] = data[key];
if (limited_user) {
if (key == 'schedule') self.pruneSchedule();
else if (key == 'categories') self.pruneCategories();
var id = self.page_manager.current_page_id;
var page = self.page_manager.find(id);
if (page && page.onDataUpdate) page.onDataUpdate(key, data[key]);
// update master switch (once per minute)
if (data.state) self.updateMasterSwitch();
// clear event autosave data if schedule was updated
if (data.schedule) delete self.autosave_event;
} );
// --- Keep connected forever ---
// This is the worst hack in history, but
// is simply not behaving, and I have tried EVERYTHING ELSE.
setInterval( function() {
if (socket && !socket.connected) {
Debug.trace("Forcing socket to reconnect");
}, 5000 );
updateActiveJobs: function(data) {
// update active jobs
var jobs = data.active_jobs;
var changed = false;
// determine if jobs have been added or deleted
for (var id in jobs) {
// check for new jobs added
if (!this.activeJobs[id]) changed = true;
for (var id in this.activeJobs) {
// check for jobs completed
if (!jobs[id]) changed = true;
this.activeJobs = jobs;
if (this.isCategoryLimited() || this.isGroupLimited()) this.pruneActiveJobs();
data.jobs_changed = changed;
pruneActiveJobs: function() {
// remove active jobs that the user should not see, due to category/group privs
if (!this.activeJobs) return;
for (var id in this.activeJobs) {
var job = this.activeJobs[id];
if (!this.hasCategoryAccess(job.category) || !this.hasGroupAccess( {
delete this.activeJobs[id];
pruneSchedule: function() {
// remove schedule items that the user should not see, due to category/group privs
if (!this.schedule || !this.schedule.length) return;
var new_items = [];
for (var idx = 0, len = this.schedule.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var item = this.schedule[idx];
if (this.hasCategoryAccess(item.category) && this.hasGroupAccess( {
this.schedule = new_items;
pruneCategories: function() {
// remove categories that the user should not see, due to category privs
if (!this.categories || !this.categories.length) return;
var new_items = [];
for (var idx = 0, len = this.categories.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var item = this.categories[idx];
if (this.hasCategoryAccess( new_items.push(item);
this.categories = new_items;
isCategoryLimited: function() {
// return true if user is limited to specific categories, false otherwise
if (this.isAdmin()) return false;
return( app.user && app.user.privileges && app.user.privileges.cat_limit );
isGroupLimited: function() {
// return true if user is limited to specific server groups, false otherwise
if (this.isAdmin()) return false;
return( app.user && app.user.privileges && app.user.privileges.grp_limit );
hasCategoryAccess: function(cat_id) {
// check if user has access to specific category
if (!app.user || !app.user.privileges) return false;
if (app.user.privileges.admin) return true;
if (!app.user.privileges.cat_limit) return true;
var priv_id = 'cat_' + cat_id;
return( !!app.user.privileges[priv_id] );
hasGroupAccess: function(grp_id) {
// check if user has access to specific server group
if (!app.user || !app.user.privileges) return false;
if (app.user.privileges.admin) return true;
if (!app.user.privileges.grp_limit) return true;
var priv_id = 'grp_' + grp_id;
var result = !!app.user.privileges[priv_id];
if (result) return true;
// make sure grp_id is a hostname from this point on
if (find_object(app.server_groups, { id: grp_id })) return false;
var groups = app.server_groups.filter( function(group) {
return grp_id.match( group.regexp );
} );
// we just need one group to match, then the user has permission to target the server
for (var idx = 0, len = groups.length; idx < len; idx++) {
priv_id = 'grp_' + groups[idx].id;
result = !!app.user.privileges[priv_id];
if (result) return true;
return false;
hasPrivilege: function(priv_id) {
// check if user has privilege
if (!app.user || !app.user.privileges) return false;
if (app.user.privileges.admin) return true;
return( !!app.user.privileges[priv_id] );
recalculateMaster: function(data) {
// Oops, we're connected to a slave! Master must have been restarted.
// If slave knows who is master, switch now, otherwise go into wait loop
var self = this;
this.showProgress( 1.0, "Waiting for master server..." );
this.waitingForMaster = true;
if (data.master_hostname) {
// reload browser which should connect to master
setMasterHostname: function(hostname) {
// set new master hostname, update stuff
Debug.trace("New Master Hostname: " + hostname);
this.masterHostname = hostname;
if (config.web_direct_connect) {
this.base_api_url = this.proto + this.masterHostname + ':' + this.port + config.base_api_uri;
if (!config.web_socket_use_hostnames && this.servers && this.servers[this.masterHostname] && this.servers[this.masterHostname].ip) {
// use ip instead of hostname if available
this.base_api_url = this.proto + this.servers[this.masterHostname].ip + ':' + this.port + config.base_api_uri;
else {
this.base_api_url = this.proto + + config.base_api_uri;
Debug.trace("API calls now going to: " + this.base_api_url);
setHeaderClock: function(when) {
// move the header clock hands to the selected time
if (!when) when = time_now();
var dargs = get_date_args( when );
// hour hand
var hour = (((dargs.hour + (dargs.min / 60)) % 12) / 12) * 360;
transform: 'rotateZ('+hour+'deg)',
'-webkit-transform': 'rotateZ('+hour+'deg)'
// minute hand
var min = ((dargs.min + (dargs.sec / 60)) / 60) * 360;
transform: 'rotateZ('+min+'deg)',
'-webkit-transform': 'rotateZ('+min+'deg)'
// second hand
var sec = (dargs.sec / 60) * 360;
transform: 'rotateZ('+sec+'deg)',
'-webkit-transform': 'rotateZ('+sec+'deg)'
// show clock if needed
if (!this.clock_visible) {
this.clock_visible = true;
$('div.header_clock_layer, #d_tab_time').fadeTo( 1000, 1.0 );
// date/time in tab bar
// $('#d_tab_time, #d_scroll_time > span').html( get_nice_date_time( when, true, true ) );
var num_active = num_keys( app.activeJobs || {} );
var nice_active = commify(num_active) + ' ' + pluralize('Job', num_active);
if (!num_active) nice_active = "Idle";
$('#d_tab_time > span, #d_scroll_time > span').html(
// get_nice_date_time( when, true, true ) + ' ' +
get_nice_time(when, true) + ' ' + when * 1000,"z") + ' - ' +
updateMasterSwitch: function() {
// update master switch display
var html = '';
if (this.hasPrivilege('state_update')) {
html = '<i '+(this.state.enabled ? 'class="fa fa-check-square-o">' : 'class="fa fa-square-o">')+'</i>&nbsp;<b>Scheduler Enabled</b>';
else {
if (this.state.enabled) html = '<i class="fa fa-check">&nbsp;</i><b>Scheduler Enabled</b>';
else html = '<i class="fa fa-times">&nbsp;</i><b>Scheduler Disabled</b>';
.css( 'color', this.state.enabled ? '#3f7ed5' : '#777' )
.html( html );
toggleMasterSwitch: function() {
// toggle master scheduler switch on/off
var self = this;
var enabled = this.state.enabled ? 0 : 1;
if (!this.hasPrivilege('state_update')) return;
// $('#d_tab_master > i').removeClass().addClass('fa fa-spin fa-spinner'); 'app/update_master_state', { enabled: enabled }, function(resp) {
app.showMessage('success', "Scheduler has been " + (enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') + ".");
self.state.enabled = enabled;
} );
checkScrollTime: function() {
// check page scroll, see if we need to fade in/out the scroll time widget
var pos = get_scroll_xy();
var y = pos.y;
var min_y = 70;
if ((y >= min_y) && this.clock_visible) {
if (!this.scroll_time_visible) {
// time to fade it in
$('#d_scroll_time').stop().css('top', '0px').fadeTo( 1000, 1.0 );
this.scroll_time_visible = true;
else {
if (this.scroll_time_visible) {
// time to fade it out
$('#d_scroll_time').stop().fadeTo( 500, 0, function() {
$(this).css('top', '-30px');
} );
this.scroll_time_visible = false;
get_password_type: function() {
// get user's pref for password field type, defaulting to config
return this.getPref('password_type') || config.default_password_type || 'password';
get_password_toggle_html: function() {
// get html for a password toggle control
var text = (this.get_password_type() == 'password') ? 'Show' : 'Hide';
return '<span class="link password_toggle" onMouseUp="app.toggle_password_field(this)">' + text + '</span>';
toggle_password_field: function(span) {
// toggle password field visible / masked
var $span = $(span);
var $field = $span.prev();
if ($field.attr('type') == 'password') {
$field.attr('type', 'text');
$span.html( 'Hide' );
this.setPref('password_type', 'text');
else {
$field.attr('type', 'password');
$span.html( 'Show' );
this.setPref('password_type', 'password');
password_strengthify: function(sel) {
// add password strength meter (text field should be wrapped by div)
var $field = $(sel);
var $div = $field.parent();
var $cont = $('<div class="psi_container" title="Password strength indicator" onClick="\'\')"></div>');
$cont.css('width', $field[0].offsetWidth );
$cont.html( '<div class="psi_bar"></div>' );
$div.append( $cont );
$field.keyup( function() {
setTimeout( function() {
app.update_password_strength($field, $cont);
}, 1 );
} );
if (!window.zxcvbn) load_script('js/external/zxcvbn.js');
update_password_strength: function($field, $cont) {
// update password strength indicator after keypress
if (window.zxcvbn) {
var password = $field.val();
var result = zxcvbn( password );
// Debug.trace("Password score: " + password + ": " + result.score);
var $bar = $cont.find('div.psi_bar');
$bar.removeClass('str0 str1 str2 str3 str4');
if (password.length) $bar.addClass('str' + result.score);
app.last_password_strength = result;
get_password_warning: function() {
// return string of text used for bad password dialog
var est_length = app.last_password_strength.crack_time_display;
if (est_length == 'instant') est_length = 'instantly';
else est_length = 'in about ' + est_length;
return "The password you entered is <b>insecure</b>, and could be easily compromised by hackers. Our anaysis indicates that it could be cracked via brute force " + est_length + ". For more details see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">this article</a>.<br/><br/>Do you really want to use this password?";
get_color_checkbox_html: function(id, label, checked) {
// get html for color label checkbox, with built-in handlers to toggle state
if (checked === true) checked = "checked";
else if (checked === false) checked = "";
return '<span id="'+id+'" class="color_label checkbox ' + checked + '" onMouseUp="app.toggle_color_checkbox(this)"><i class="fa '+(checked.match(/\bchecked\b/) ? 'fa-check-square-o' : 'fa-square-o')+'">&nbsp;</i>'+label+'</span>';
toggle_color_checkbox: function(elem) {
// toggle color checkbox state
var $elem = $(elem);
if ($elem.hasClass('checked')) {
// uncheck
else {
// check
}); // app
function get_pretty_int_list(arr, ranges) {
// compose int array to string using commas + spaces, and
// the english "and" to group the final two elements.
// also detect sequences and collapse those into dashed ranges
if (!arr || !arr.length) return '';
if (arr.length == 1) return arr[0].toString();
arr = deep_copy_object(arr).sort( function(a, b) { return a - b; } );
// check for ranges and collapse them
if (ranges) {
var groups = [];
var group = [];
for (var idx = 0, len = arr.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var elem = arr[idx];
if (!group.length || (elem == group[group.length - 1] + 1)) group.push(elem);
else { groups.push(group); group = [elem]; }
if (group.length) groups.push(group);
arr = [];
for (var idx = 0, len = groups.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var group = groups[idx];
if (group.length == 1) arr.push( group[0] );
else if (group.length == 2) {
arr.push( group[0] );
arr.push( group[1] );
else {
arr.push( group[0] + ' - ' + group[group.length - 1] );
} // ranges
if (arr.length == 1) return arr[0].toString();
return arr.slice(0, arr.length - 1).join(', ') + ' and ' + arr[ arr.length - 1 ];
function summarize_event_timing(timing, timezone) {
// summarize event timing into human-readable string
if (!timing) return "On demand";
// years
var year_str = '';
if (timing.years && timing.years.length) {
year_str = get_pretty_int_list(timing.years, true);
// months
var mon_str = '';
if (timing.months && timing.months.length) {
mon_str = get_pretty_int_list(timing.months, true).replace(/(\d+)/g, function(m_all, m_g1) {
return _months[ parseInt(m_g1) - 1 ][1];
// days
var mday_str = '';
if (timing.days && timing.days.length) {
mday_str = get_pretty_int_list(timing.days, true).replace(/(\d+)/g, function(m_all, m_g1) {
return m_g1 + _number_suffixes[ parseInt( m_g1.substring(m_g1.length - 1) ) ];
// weekdays
var wday_str = '';
if (timing.weekdays && timing.weekdays.length) {
wday_str = get_pretty_int_list(timing.weekdays, true).replace(/(\d+)/g, function(m_all, m_g1) {
return _day_names[ parseInt(m_g1) ] + 's';
wday_str = wday_str.replace(/Mondays\s+\-\s+Fridays/, 'weekdays');
// hours
var hour_str = '';
if (timing.hours && timing.hours.length) {
hour_str = get_pretty_int_list(timing.hours, true).replace(/(\d+)/g, function(m_all, m_g1) {
return _hour_names[ parseInt(m_g1) ];
// minutes
var min_str = '';
if (timing.minutes && timing.minutes.length) {
min_str = get_pretty_int_list(timing.minutes, false).replace(/(\d+)/g, function(m_all, m_g1) {
return ':' + ((m_g1.length == 1) ? ('0'+m_g1) : m_g1);
// construct final string
var groups = [];
var mday_compressed = false;
if (year_str) {
groups.push( 'in ' + year_str );
if (mon_str) groups.push( mon_str );
else if (mon_str) {
// compress single month + single day
if (timing.months && timing.months.length == 1 && timing.days && timing.days.length == 1) {
groups.push( 'on ' + mon_str + ' ' + mday_str );
mday_compressed = true;
else {
groups.push( 'in ' + mon_str );
if (mday_str && !mday_compressed) {
if (mon_str || wday_str) groups.push( 'on the ' + mday_str );
else groups.push( 'monthly on the ' + mday_str );
if (wday_str) groups.push( 'on ' + wday_str );
// compress single hour + single minute
if (timing.hours && timing.hours.length == 1 && timing.minutes && timing.minutes.length == 1) {
var hr = RegExp.$1;
var ampm = RegExp.$2;
var new_str = hr + min_str + ampm;
if (mday_str || wday_str) groups.push( 'at ' + new_str );
else groups.push( 'daily at ' + new_str );
else {
var min_added = false;
if (hour_str) {
if (mday_str || wday_str) groups.push( 'at ' + hour_str );
else groups.push( 'daily at ' + hour_str );
else {
// check for repeating minute pattern
if (timing.minutes && timing.minutes.length) {
var interval = detect_num_interval( timing.minutes, 60 );
if (interval) {
var new_str = 'every ' + interval + ' minutes';
if (timing.minutes[0] > 0) {
var m_g1 = timing.minutes[0].toString();
new_str += ' starting on the :' + ((m_g1.length == 1) ? ('0'+m_g1) : m_g1);
groups.push( new_str );
min_added = true;
if (!min_added) {
if (min_str) groups.push( 'hourly' );
if (!min_added) {
if (min_str) groups.push( 'on the ' + min_str.replace(/\:00/, 'hour').replace(/\:30/, 'half-hour') );
else groups.push( 'every minute' );
var text = groups.join(', ');
var output = text.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + text.substring(1, text.length);
if (timezone && (timezone != {
// get tz abbreviation
output += ' (' + (new Date()).getTime() ) + ')';
return output;
function detect_num_interval(arr, max) {
// detect interval between array elements, return if found
// all elements must have same interval between them
if (arr.length < 2) return false;
// if (arr[0] > 0) return false;
var interval = arr[1] - arr[0];
for (var idx = 1, len = arr.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var temp = arr[idx] - arr[idx - 1];
if (temp != interval) return false;
// if max is provided, final element + interval must equal max
// if (max && (arr[arr.length - 1] + interval != max)) return false;
if (max && ((arr[arr.length - 1] + interval) % max != arr[0])) return false;
return interval;
// Crontab Parsing Tools
// by Joseph Huckaby, (c) 2015, MIT License
var cron_aliases = {
jan: 1,
feb: 2,
mar: 3,
apr: 4,
may: 5,
jun: 6,
jul: 7,
aug: 8,
sep: 9,
oct: 10,
nov: 11,
dec: 12,
sun: 0,
mon: 1,
tue: 2,
wed: 3,
thu: 4,
fri: 5,
sat: 6
var cron_alias_re = new RegExp("\\b(" + hash_keys_to_array(cron_aliases).join('|') + ")\\b", "g");
function parse_crontab_part(timing, raw, key, min, max, rand_seed) {
// parse one crontab part, e.g. 1,2,3,5,20-25,30-35,59
// can contain single number, and/or list and/or ranges and/or these things: */5 or 10-50/5
if (raw == '*') { return; } // wildcard
if (raw == 'h') {
// unique value over accepted range, but locked to random seed
raw = min + (parseInt( hex_md5(rand_seed), 16 ) % ((max - min) + 1));
raw = '' + raw;
if (!raw.match(/^[\w\-\,\/\*]+$/)) { throw new Error("Invalid crontab format: " + raw); }
var values = {};
var bits = raw.split(/\,/);
for (var idx = 0, len = bits.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var bit = bits[idx];
if (bit.match(/^\d+$/)) {
// simple number, easy
values[bit] = 1;
else if (bit.match(/^(\d+)\-(\d+)$/)) {
// simple range, e.g. 25-30
var start = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
var end = parseInt( RegExp.$2 );
for (var idy = start; idy <= end; idy++) { values[idy] = 1; }
else if (bit.match(/^\*\/(\d+)$/)) {
// simple step interval, e.g. */5
var step = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
var start = min;
var end = max;
for (var idy = start; idy <= end; idy += step) { values[idy] = 1; }
else if (bit.match(/^(\d+)\-(\d+)\/(\d+)$/)) {
// range step inverval, e.g. 1-31/5
var start = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
var end = parseInt( RegExp.$2 );
var step = parseInt( RegExp.$3 );
for (var idy = start; idy <= end; idy += step) { values[idy] = 1; }
else {
throw new Error("Invalid crontab format: " + bit + " (" + raw + ")");
// min max
var to_add = {};
var to_del = {};
for (var value in values) {
value = parseInt( value );
if (value < min) {
to_del[value] = 1;
to_add[min] = 1;
else if (value > max) {
to_del[value] = 1;
value -= min;
value = value % ((max - min) + 1); // max is inclusive
value += min;
to_add[value] = 1;
for (var value in to_del) delete values[value];
for (var value in to_add) values[value] = 1;
// convert to sorted array
var list = hash_keys_to_array(values);
for (var idx = 0, len = list.length; idx < len; idx++) {
list[idx] = parseInt( list[idx] );
list = list.sort( function(a, b) { return a - b; } );
if (list.length) timing[key] = list;
function parse_crontab(raw, rand_seed) {
// parse standard crontab syntax, return timing object
// e.g. 1,2,3,5,20-25,30-35,59 23 31 12 * *
// optional 6th element == years
if (!rand_seed) rand_seed = get_unique_id();
var timing = {};
// resolve all @shortcuts
raw = trim(raw).toLowerCase();
if (raw.match(/\@(yearly|annually)/)) raw = '0 0 1 1 *';
else if (raw == '@monthly') raw = '0 0 1 * *';
else if (raw == '@weekly') raw = '0 0 * * 0';
else if (raw == '@daily') raw = '0 0 * * *';
else if (raw == '@hourly') raw = '0 * * * *';
// expand all month/wday aliases
raw = raw.replace(cron_alias_re, function(m_all, m_g1) {
return cron_aliases[m_g1];
} );
// at this point string should not contain any alpha characters or '@', except for 'h'
if (raw.match(/([a-gi-z\@]+)/i)) throw new Error("Invalid crontab keyword: " + RegExp.$1);
// split into parts
var parts = raw.split(/\s+/);
if (parts.length > 6) throw new Error("Invalid crontab format: " + parts.slice(6).join(' '));
if (!parts[0].length) throw new Error("Invalid crontab format");
// parse each part
if ((parts.length > 0) && parts[0].length) parse_crontab_part( timing, parts[0], 'minutes', 0, 59, rand_seed );
if ((parts.length > 1) && parts[1].length) parse_crontab_part( timing, parts[1], 'hours', 0, 23, rand_seed );
if ((parts.length > 2) && parts[2].length) parse_crontab_part( timing, parts[2], 'days', 1, 31, rand_seed );
if ((parts.length > 3) && parts[3].length) parse_crontab_part( timing, parts[3], 'months', 1, 12, rand_seed );
if ((parts.length > 4) && parts[4].length) parse_crontab_part( timing, parts[4], 'weekdays', 0, 6, rand_seed );
if ((parts.length > 5) && parts[5].length) parse_crontab_part( timing, parts[5], 'years', 1970, 3000, rand_seed );
return timing;
// TAB handling code from
// Hacked to do my bidding - JH 2008-09-15
function setSelectionRange(input, selectionStart, selectionEnd) {
if (input.setSelectionRange) {
input.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
else if (input.createTextRange) {
var range = input.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', selectionEnd);
range.moveStart('character', selectionStart);;
function replaceSelection (input, replaceString) {
var oldScroll = input.scrollTop;
if (input.setSelectionRange) {
var selectionStart = input.selectionStart;
var selectionEnd = input.selectionEnd;
input.value = input.value.substring(0, selectionStart)+ replaceString + input.value.substring(selectionEnd);
if (selectionStart != selectionEnd){
setSelectionRange(input, selectionStart, selectionStart + replaceString.length);
setSelectionRange(input, selectionStart + replaceString.length, selectionStart + replaceString.length);
}else if (document.selection) {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
if (range.parentElement() == input) {
var isCollapsed = range.text == '';
range.text = replaceString;
if (!isCollapsed) {
range.moveStart('character', -replaceString.length);;
input.scrollTop = oldScroll;
function catchTab(item,e){
var c = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;
if (c == 9){
return false;
function get_text_from_seconds_round_custom(sec, abbrev) {
// convert raw seconds to human-readable relative time
// round to nearest instead of floor, but allow one decimal point if under 10 units
var neg = '';
if (sec < 0) { sec =- sec; neg = '-'; }
var text = abbrev ? "sec" : "second";
var amt = sec;
if (sec > 59) {
var min = sec / 60;
text = abbrev ? "min" : "minute";
amt = min;
if (min > 59) {
var hour = min / 60;
text = abbrev ? "hr" : "hour";
amt = hour;
if (hour > 23) {
var day = hour / 24;
text = "day";
amt = day;
} // hour>23
} // min>59
} // sec>59
if (amt < 10) amt = Math.round(amt * 10) / 10;
else amt = Math.round(amt);
var text = "" + amt + " " + text;
if ((amt != 1) && !abbrev) text += "s";
return(neg + text);