2021-07-30 16:51:26 +00:00
Cronicle-0.8.61 initial commit - opensourcing project 2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00
mkdocs initial commit - opensourcing project 2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00
cronicle-config.json initial commit - opensourcing project 2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00
Dockerfile ubuntu-workspace docs how to use remote. Install apache2 in wrk 2021-07-30 16:51:26 +00:00
filebrowser.json initial commit - opensourcing project 2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00
mkdocs-requirements.txt initial commit - opensourcing project 2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00 initial commit - opensourcing project 2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00
supervisord-workspace-base.conf initial commit - opensourcing project 2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00


Base-Workspace is an enhanced docker image with Ubuntu and additional tools set up in order to develop applications directly inside docker container, and have your dependencies, configuration and credential files, ssh keys and data isolated from other environments.



Base-Workspace was created as an intermediary step between ubuntu-workspace that has only terminal-based tools and workspace-in-docker that includes a set of WEB-UI tools which trannsform docker into the full-power development environment.

Base-workspace does not include IDE, and serves as a building base for other workspaces with different IDEs.


Being an extension of ubuntu-workspace-in-docker this image has all the features that ubuntu-workspace has.

Workspace includes several open-source tools with Web GUI:

  • FileBrowser - manage files and folders inside the workspace, and exchange data between local environment and the workspace
  • Cronicle - task scheduler and runner, with a web based front-end UI. It handles both scheduled, repeating and on-demand jobs, targeting any number of worker servers, with real-time stats and live log viewer.
  • Static File Server - view any static html sites as easy as if you do it on your local machine. Serve static websites easily.
  • Ungit - rings user friendliness to git without sacrificing the versatility of it.
  • MkDocs - create documentation for your workspace or project with only markdown.

Despite having WEB UI tools, Base-Workspace does not include IDE. This workspace serves eitehr of 2 use-cases:

  • for those who prefer coding in terminal-based editors (emacs, vim, nano etc.)
  • for customization and adding IDE of chioce or closed-source ide

Launch Workspace

In order to avoid confusion, the following convention is adopted:

command to execute outside of the workspace

command to execute inside the workspace (after entering running docker container)

To start Base Workspace simply execute in terminal

docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8030:8020-8030 alnoda/base-workspace

Workspace terminal

enter into the running workspace container

docker exec -it space-1 /bin/zsh

If you don't want to use z-shell

docker exec -it space-1 /bin/bash

You can work in Ubuntu terminal now. Execute the followinng command to know your workspace user


Multiple workspaces

Every workspace requires range of ports. If one workspace is up and running, the ports 8020-8030 are taken.

In order to start another workspace it is necessary either to stop currently runnning workspace, or to run another workspace on the different port range.

If you are planning to run multiple workspaces at the same time, you can run second workspace with different port range

docker run --name space-2 -d -p 8040-8050:8020-8030 -e ENTRY_PORT=8040 alnoda/base-workspace

Notice that in addition we need to set environmental variable ENTRY_PORT, which should be equal to the first port in the new range. This is needed for the documentation main page to set up correct links to other tools (Filebrowser, Cronicle etc.)

Open more ports

We started workspace container with a port range mapped "-p 8020-8030". If you are planning to expose more applications from inside of a container, add additional port mapping, for example

docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8030:8020-8030 -p 8080:8080 alnoda/base-workspace

You can add multiple port mappings:

docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8030:8020-8030 -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 alnoda/base-workspace

NOTE: It is not a problem if you don't expose any ports, but later on realise you need them - you will just create new image, and run it exposing the required port (look in the section Create new image)

Run as root

The default user is abc with passwordless sudo to install packages. If you'd rather work as root, then you should ssh into running container as

docker exec -it --user=root space-1 /bin/zsh

You can of course open several terminals to the same running containner as both abc and root users at the same time.

Docker in docker

It is possible to work with docker directly from the workspace.

docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8030:8020-8030 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock alnoda/base-workspace

NOTE: in order to use docker in docker you need to or enter into the workspace container as root

docker exec -it --user=root space-1 /bin/zsh

Run on remote server

Because workspace is just a docker image, running it in cloud is as easy as running it on local laptop. There are only 3 steps:

  • get virtual server on your favourite cloud (Digital Ocean, Linode, AWS, GC, Azure ...)
  • install docker on this server
  • ssh to the remote server and start workspace. Add envronmental variable -e WRK_HOST="<ip-of-your-remote-server>"
docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8030:8020-8030 -e WRK_HOST="<ip-of-your-remote-server>" alnoda/base-workspace

if docker-in-docker needed then

docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8030:8020-8030 -e WRK_HOST="<ip-of-your-remote-server>" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock alnoda/base-workspace

Open in your browser <ip-of-your-remote-server>:8020

Use Workspace

The common actions inside the workspace include

  • installation of new applications and runtimes
  • edit files, write code, scripts
  • build, compile and execute code
  • start/stop applications and services
  • schedule tasks and scripts
  • process data

Install new packages

Install new packages with sudo apt install. The default abc user is allowed to install packages.

For example, in order to install Emacs text editor make sure you have entered running docker container (of the workspace), and execute in terminal

sudo apt install emacs

Schedule jobs with Cron

Schedule execution of any task with cron - a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems.

In order to create scheduled job enter running docker container, and execute in terminal

crontab -e

(chose [1] nano as editor on the first time) In the end of the opened file add line

* * * * * echo $(whoami) >> /home/cron.txt

This will print every minute username to file /home/cron.txt . (Hit Ctrl+X to exit nano)

Hint: example of cron job definition:

.---------------- minute (0 - 59)   
|  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
|  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
|  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
|  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
|  |  |  |  |
*  *  *  *  *  command to be executed

NOTE you can disconnect from the image and close terminal - cron will continue working.

In addition to the commonly known cron scheduler you can use Cronicle - the tool with Web UI and great features which is bundeled together with the Base-Workspace.


Python and Pip are installed. To start python console, enter running docker container, and execute in terminal


install python package with pip, for

pip install pandas

If you are planning to work with python, we recommend to install IPython, that provides a rich toolkit to help you make the most of using Python interactively. Install and start ipython

pip install ipython


We recommend to use nodeenv to create different node environments.

For example, create folder npmgui, and activate environment with node v. 12.18.3 and npm v.6.0.0 (make sure you are inside workspace docker container)

cd /home
mkdir npmgui; cd npmgui
nodeenv --node=12.18.3 --npm=6.0.0 env

Let's install package and start node application

. env/bin/activate && npm i -g npm-gui

Open your browser on http://localhost:8030/

NOTE: If you close terminal, the application will stop. See how to start applications that reamin live after closing a workspace terminal

Run applications and services inside the workspace

If you want application to keep running after terminal is closed start it with "&!" at the end.

For example, enter into the running workspace container, and start the example node application from the previous section:

cd /home/npmgui
. env/bin/activate && npm i -g npm-gui &!

Now, if you disconnect from the workspace and close terminal, the application will still continue running in the workspace, untill workspace is stopped.

If you want application to start automatically each time workspaces is restarted, or the new workspace is created, see running applications permanently

Manage workspaces

Workspace is just a docker container. You can start, stop, delete and do anything you can do with docker images and containers.

There are two concepts to keep in mind: images and containers. Images are workspace blueprints. For example, alnoda/base-workspace - is an image. When you execute this command

docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8030:8020-8030 alnoda/base-workspace

you create container called space-1 from the image alnoda/base-workspace. You can create any number of containers, but you need to map different ports to each of them.

Container - is your workspace. You can start, stop and delete them. You can run multiple workspace containers at the same time, or work with one workspace at a time.

From the workspace (which is a container) you can create new image. This is called commit docker image. Essentially, this means "take my workspace and create new image with all the changes I've done in my workspace"

Start and stop workspaces

The workspace started in daemon mode will continue working in the background.

See all the running docker containers

docker ps

Stop workspace

docker stop space-1 

Workspace is stopped. All the processes and cron jobs are not running.

See all docker conntainers, including stopped

docker ps -a

Start workspace again. Processes and cron jobs are resumed.

docker start space-1 

Delete workspace container (all work will be lost)

docker rm space-1 

Create new workspace image

Having made changes, you can commit them creating new image of the workspace. In order to create new workspace image with the name "space-image" and version "0.2" execute

docker commit space-1 space-image:0.2

Run new workspace with

docker run --name space2 -d space-image:0.2

The new workspace accommodates all the changes that you've made in your space-1. Hence you can have versions of your workspaces. Create different versions before the important changes.

Manage workspace images

See all docker images

docker images

Delete workspace image entirely

docker rmi -f alnoda/base-workspace

NOTE: you cannot delete image if there is a running container created from it. Stop container first.

Save and load workspace images

After you commit workspace container, and create new image out of it, you can push it to your docker registry or save it as a file.


Assuming you created new image space-image:0.4 from your workspace, you can save it as a tar file

docker save space-image:0.4 > space-image-0.4.tar

We can delete the image with

docker rmi -f space-image:0.4

And restore it from the tar file

docker load < space-image-0.4.tar


A better way to manage images is docker registries. You can use docker registries in multiple clouds. They are cheap annd very convenient.
Check out for example, Registry in DigitalOcean or in Scaleway container registry. There are more.

Pushing image to registry is merely 2 extra commands: 1) tag image; 2) push image

You will be able to pull image on any device, local or cloud.