2022-07-30 15:09:09 +00:00

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<img src="./img/python-circle.svg" alt="Python logo" width="150">
# Python-automate workspace
Containerized development and execution environment to automate various tasks with Python.
Includes Python, python tooling, browser-based IDE, file browser, git manager, visual job scheduler, static server.
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<img src="img/python-wid-collage-sm.jpg" alt="Collage" width="750">
## Why this images
1. You need an environment where you can write and schedule Python code to automate all kinds of tasks and operation.
2. If you need isolated dev environment where you can code and install packages and apps without affecting the base operating system.
3. If you need self-hosted remote development and execution environment.
3. If you need to be just one command away from coding in Python and optimize manual work.
## Start
docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8040:8020-8040 alnoda/python-automate-workspace
and open [localhost:8020](http://localhost:8020) in browser.
## Features
**Python tools:**
- [IPython](
- [Pdoc3](
- [Pytest-html-reporter](
- [SnakeViz](
- [Vprof](
- [Pyinstrument](
- [Flameprof](
- [Pylint-json2html](
- [Pre-commit](
- [Flake8](
- [Poetry](
- [Black](
- [**Eclipse Theia**]( - open source version of popular Visual Studio Code IDE. Theia is trully open-source, has
VS-Code extensions and works in browser. This means it can run inside a docker container on local machine or in cloud. A lot of beautiful color themes and many common plugins are already installed to save time.
- [**Terminal**]( - secure browser-based terminal.
- [**FileBrowser**]( - manage files and folders inside the workspace, and exchange data between local environment and the workspace
- [**Cronicle**]( - task scheduler and runner, with a web based front-end UI. It handles both scheduled, repeating and on-demand jobs, targeting any number of worker servers, with real-time stats and live log viewer.
- [**Static File Server**]( - view any static html sites as easy as if you do it on your local machine. Serve static websites easily.
- [**Ungit**]( - rings user friendliness to git without sacrificing the versatility of it.
- [**MkDocs**]( - create awesome documentation for your project with only markdown.
- [**Midnight Commander**]( - Feature rich visual file manager with internal text viewer and editor.
- [**Process Monitor**]( - Monitor running process and resource utilization.
- Quicklaunch UI with getting started tutorial
- **Ubuntu 20.4** with the following CLI apps
- [Zsh](, [Oh my Zsh](
- Python 3, Pip
- Node/nodeenv
- curl, wget, telnet, jq
- **Git:** git, git-flow
- **File browsers:** mc
- **Text editors:** nano, vim, mcedit
- **System monitors:** ncdu, htop, glances, vizex
- **Process Control:** supervisord
- **Job scheduler:** cron
- **Terminal multiplexer:** tmux
## Docs
See our guides on
- [**getting started**](
- [**workspace tutorial**](
- [**project docs**](
## Demo
<div align="center" style="font-style: italic;">
Demo: Python workspace
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<img src="img/python-wid.gif" alt="postgres-wid-demo" width="750">