2023-07-08 18:26:55 +00:00

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Erlang-elixir workspace

Containerized isolated development environment for Erlang and Elixir programming languages.

Why this images

  1. If you need self-hosted remote development environment.
  2. If you want to be one command away from coding in Erlang, Elixir.


docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8040:8020-8040 --restart=always alnoda/erlang-elixir-workspace

and open localhost:8020 in browser.


Alnoda docs
Alnoda Hub


Erlang shell

Erlang shell is used for testing of expressions. Start the Erlang shell from a command prompt with the command erl

having started shell, evaluate the following expressions

2 + 5.
(42 + 77) * 66 / 3.

Str = "abcd".
L = length(Str).

Hello world

Go to the Quickstart page, open VS-Code and create file hello.erl with the following code


hello_world() ->
  io:format("Hello, World!~n", []).

Now open Terminal, start Erlang shell with erl and execute



Elixir shell

iex is a command which stands for Interactive Elixir.

Openn terminal, start interactive Elixir shell with iex and evaluate

40 + 8
"hello" <> " world"


Open IDE and create file hello.exs with the following code

IO.puts("Hello world from Elixir")

In terminal execute

elixir hello.exs

Manage Elixir versions with Kiex

List installed versions

kiex list

List known releases

kiex list releases

Install a known release

kiex install 1.13.0

Use specific elixir version

kiex use 1.13.0