emacs cleani

This commit is contained in:
bluxmit 2022-11-03 20:13:27 +00:00
parent 2d96563e10
commit c6ff5d6d91
2 changed files with 0 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
FROM alnoda/base-devspace:4.0
RUN echo "------------------------------------------------------ emacs" \
&& sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:kelleyk/emacs \
&& sudo apt-get -y update \
&& sudo apt-get install -y emacs28 \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ spacemacs" \
&& git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs $HOME/.emacs.d

View file

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
# mandatory
name: Spacemacs workspace
doc_url: https://github.com/bluxmit/alnoda-workspaces/blob/main/workspaces/spacevim-workspace/README.md
author: bluxmit
version: 4.0
repository: https://github.com/bluxmit/alnoda-workspaces/tree/main/workspaces/spacevim-workspace
description: |
Workspace with browser-based SpaceVim IDE
tags: web-ide, vim, spacevim
logo: vim-circle-white.svg
favicon: vim-circle.svg
font: Anonymous Pro
primary: "#282828"
accent: "#729665"
background: "#d6d3ce"
code_text: "#282828"
code_background: "#729665"
primary: "#504945"
accent: "#B8BB26"
background: "#282828"
title: "#F1FA8C"
text: "#EBDBB2"
code_text: "#282828"
code_background: "#F97D18"
header: "#FFFFFF"
nav: "#F97D18"
- name: IDE
port: 8021
path: /
title: IDE
description: "Browser-based full-featured SpaceVim IDE"
image: spacevim.jpg
- name: M.Commander
port: 8025
title: M.Commander
description: Feature rich visual file manager with internal text viewer and editor
image: mc.jpg
- name: SpaceVim
folder: /home/
cmd: ttyd -p 8021 -P 15 /bin/zsh -c 'nvim'
- cmd: i
description: enter insert mode, allows editing file
- cmd: Esc
description: exit insert mode, enter command mode
- cmd: y
description: copy (yank) selected text
- cmd: p
description: paste copied (yank) text
- cmd: d
description: delete selected lines
- cmd: u
description: undo all changes in the last insert mode
- cmd: 2u
description: undo all changes done in 2 last insert modes
- cmd: Ctrl + r
description: redo (undone changes)
- cmd: Space
description: menu to manage files, windows, togglers, options and more
- cmd: Space + b + d
description: close current tab
- cmd: s
description: manage tabs, screens
- cmd: g
description: editor and navigation menu
- cmd: /
description: search in file
- cmd: n
description: find next (when searching)
- cmd: N
description: find previous (when searching)
- cmd: :w
description: save file changes
- cmd: :wq
description: save and exit
- cmd: :q!
description: trash all changes
- cmd: r
description: refresh file tree folders (if focused on file tree folder)
- cmd: .
description: show hidden files (if focused on file tree)
- cmd: N
description: create new folder or file (if focused on file tree)
- cmd: m
description: manage (rename, delete, copy, move) folder or file (if focused on file tree)
- cmd: d
description: delete folder or file (if focused on file tree)
- cmd: i
description: open the selected file in a horizontal split window (if focused on file tree)
- cmd: s
description: open the selected file in a vertical split window (if focused on file tree)
Developer help:
- url: "https://spacevim.org/"
name: "SpaceVim"
description: "SpaceVim community website"