Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-01 09:47:29 +13:00
Stelios Tsampas 1c296474c5 Add a bunch of accumulated fixes.
Shared: Require an argument to initialize the each singleton, if it is called uninitialized, raise a RuntimeError
InstallDialog: Use QCheckBox label for the information text and remove the layout
LaunchDialog: Minor code clarity improvements
Console: add a Dialog with the process's environment variables
GameUtils: Inherit the system's environment and not a clean one
ImportGroup: Add the ability to automatically import all games in a folder
RareStyle: Use rgb values, remove hex codes and rgba values
IndicatorLineEdit/PathEdit: Infer object names from class name, don't override layout method
Models: Type fields as Optional (`Union[<something>, None]`)
Paths: Use pathlib for everything

Signed-off-by: Stelios Tsampas <loathingkernel@gmail.com>
2022-05-05 13:27:39 +03:00

226 lines
8.5 KiB

import os
import platform
import shutil
from logging import getLogger
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QCoreApplication, QObject, QRunnable, QStandardPaths
from legendary.core import LegendaryCore
from legendary.models.game import VerifyResult
from legendary.utils.lfs import validate_files
from rare.shared import LegendaryCoreSingleton
from rare.utils import config_helper
logger = getLogger("Legendary Utils")
def uninstall(app_name: str, core: LegendaryCore, options=None):
if not options:
options = {"keep_files": False}
igame = core.get_installed_game(app_name)
# remove shortcuts link
desktop = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DesktopLocation)
applications = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.ApplicationsLocation)
if platform.system() == "Linux":
desktop_shortcut = os.path.join(desktop, f"{igame.title}.desktop")
if os.path.exists(desktop_shortcut):
applications_shortcut = os.path.join(applications, f"{igame.title}.desktop")
if os.path.exists(applications_shortcut):
elif platform.system() == "Windows":
game_title = igame.title.split(":")[0]
desktop_shortcut = os.path.join(desktop, f"{game_title}.lnk")
if os.path.exists(desktop_shortcut):
start_menu_shortcut = os.path.join(applications, "..", f"{game_title}.lnk")
if os.path.exists(start_menu_shortcut):
# Remove DLC first so directory is empty when game uninstall runs
dlcs = core.get_dlc_for_game(app_name)
for dlc in dlcs:
if (idlc := core.get_installed_game(dlc.app_name)) is not None:
logger.info(f'Uninstalling DLC "{dlc.app_name}"...')
core.uninstall_game(idlc, delete_files=not options["keep_files"])
logger.info(f'Removing "{igame.title}" from "{igame.install_path}"...')
igame, delete_files=not options["keep_files"], delete_root_directory=True
logger.info("Game has been uninstalled.")
if not options["keep_files"]:
except Exception as e:
f"Removing game failed: {e!r}, please remove {igame.install_path} manually."
logger.info("Removing sections in config file")
def update_manifest(app_name: str, core: LegendaryCore):
game = core.get_game(app_name)
logger.info(f"Reloading game manifest of {game.app_title}")
new_manifest_data, base_urls = core.get_cdn_manifest(game)
# overwrite base urls in metadata with current ones to avoid using old/dead CDNs
game.base_urls = base_urls
# save base urls to game metadata
core.lgd.set_game_meta(game.app_name, game)
new_manifest = core.load_manifest(new_manifest_data)
logger.debug(f"Base urls: {base_urls}")
# save manifest with version name as well for testing/downgrading/etc.
game.app_name, new_manifest_data, version=new_manifest.meta.build_version
class VerifySignals(QObject):
status = pyqtSignal(int, int, str)
summary = pyqtSignal(int, int, str)
class VerifyWorker(QRunnable):
num: int = 0
total: int = 1 # set default to 1 to avoid DivisionByZero before it is initialized
def __init__(self, app_name):
super(VerifyWorker, self).__init__()
self.signals = VerifySignals()
self.core = LegendaryCoreSingleton()
self.app_name = app_name
def run(self):
if not self.core.is_installed(self.app_name):
logger.error(f'Game "{self.app_name}" is not installed')
logger.info(f'Loading installed manifest for "{self.app_name}"')
igame = self.core.get_installed_game(self.app_name)
manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(self.app_name)
manifest = self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data)
files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements,
key=lambda a: a.filename.lower())
# build list of hashes
file_list = [(f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files]
total = len(file_list)
num = 0
failed = []
missing = []
logger.info(f'Verifying "{igame.title}" version "{manifest.meta.build_version}"')
repair_file = []
for result, path, result_hash, _ in validate_files(igame.install_path, file_list):
num += 1
self.signals.status.emit(num, total, self.app_name)
if result == VerifyResult.HASH_MATCH:
elif result == VerifyResult.HASH_MISMATCH:
logger.error(f'File does not match hash: "{path}"')
elif result == VerifyResult.FILE_MISSING:
logger.error(f'File is missing: "{path}"')
logger.error(f'Other failure (see log), treating file as missing: "{path}"')
# always write repair file, even if all match
if repair_file:
repair_filename = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{self.app_name}.repair')
with open(repair_filename, 'w') as f:
logger.debug(f'Written repair file to "{repair_filename}"')
if not missing and not failed:
logger.info('Verification finished successfully.')
f'Verification failed, {len(failed)} file(s) corrupted, {len(missing)} file(s) are missing.')
self.signals.summary.emit(len(failed), len(missing), self.app_name)
# FIXME: lk: ah ef me sideways, we can't even import this thing properly
# FIXME: lk: so copy it here
def resolve_aliases(core: LegendaryCore, name):
# make sure aliases exist if not yet created
name = name.strip()
# resolve alias (if any) to real app name
return core.lgd.config.get(
section='Legendary.aliases', option=name,
fallback=core.lgd.aliases.get(name.lower(), name)
def import_game(core: LegendaryCore, app_name: str, path: str) -> str:
_tr = QCoreApplication.translate
logger.info(f"Import {app_name}")
game = core.get_game(app_name, update_meta=False)
if not game:
return _tr("LgdUtils", "Could not get game for {}").format(app_name)
if core.is_installed(app_name):
logger.error(f"{game.app_title} is already installed")
return _tr("LgdUtils", "{} is already installed").format(game.app_title)
if not os.path.exists(path):
logger.error("Path does not exist")
return _tr("LgdUtils", "Path does not exist")
manifest, igame = core.import_game(game, path)
exe_path = os.path.join(path, manifest.meta.launch_exe.lstrip("/"))
if not os.path.exists(exe_path):
logger.error(f"Launch Executable of {game.app_title} does not exist")
return _tr("LgdUtils", "Launch executable of {} does not exist").format(
if game.is_dlc:
release_info = game.metadata.get("mainGameItem", {}).get("releaseInfo")
if release_info:
main_game_appname = release_info[0]["appId"]
main_game_title = game.metadata["mainGameItem"]["title"]
if not core.is_installed(main_game_appname):
return _tr("LgdUtils", "Game is a DLC, but {} is not installed").format(
return _tr("LgdUtils", "Unable to get base game information for DLC")
total = len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
found = sum(
os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, f.filename))
for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
ratio = found / total
if ratio < 0.9:
"Game files are missing. It may be not the latest version or it is corrupt"
# return False
if igame.needs_verification:
logger.info(f"{igame.title} needs verification")
logger.info(f"Successfully imported Game: {game.app_title}")
return ""