Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-10-06 05:03:23 +13:00
2021-03-18 12:45:59 +01:00

739 lines
24 KiB

# coding: utf-8
import hashlib
import logging
import struct
import zlib
from base64 import b64encode
from io import BytesIO
logger = logging.getLogger('Manifest')
def read_fstring(bio):
length = struct.unpack('<i', bio.read(4))[0]
# if the length is negative the string is UTF-16 encoded, this was a pain to figure out.
if length < 0:
# utf-16 chars are 2 bytes wide but the length is # of characters, not bytes
# todo actually make sure utf-16 characters can't be longer than 2 bytes
length *= -2
s = bio.read(length - 2).decode('utf-16')
bio.seek(2, 1) # utf-16 strings have two byte null terminators
elif length > 0:
s = bio.read(length - 1).decode('ascii')
bio.seek(1, 1) # skip string null terminator
else: # empty string, no terminators or anything
s = ''
return s
def write_fstring(bio, string):
if not string:
bio.write(struct.pack('<i', 0))
s = string.encode('ascii')
bio.write(struct.pack('<i', len(string) + 1))
except UnicodeEncodeError:
s = string.encode('utf-16le')
bio.write(struct.pack('<i', -(len(string) + 1)))
def get_chunk_dir(version):
# The lowest version I've ever seen was 12 (Unreal Tournament), but for completeness sake leave all of them in
if version >= 15:
return 'ChunksV4'
elif version >= 6:
return 'ChunksV3'
elif version >= 3:
return 'ChunksV2'
return 'Chunks'
class Manifest:
header_magic = 0x44BEC00C
def __init__(self):
self.header_size = 41
self.size_compressed = 0
self.size_uncompressed = 0
self.sha_hash = ''
self.stored_as = 0
self.version = 18
self.data = b''
# remainder
self.meta = None
self.chunk_data_list = None
self.file_manifest_list = None
self.custom_fields = None
def compressed(self):
return self.stored_as & 0x1
def read_all(cls, data):
_m = cls.read(data)
_tmp = BytesIO(_m.data)
_m.meta = ManifestMeta.read(_tmp)
_m.chunk_data_list = CDL.read(_tmp, _m.meta.feature_level)
_m.file_manifest_list = FML.read(_tmp)
_m.custom_fields = CustomFields.read(_tmp)
unhandled_data = _tmp.read()
if unhandled_data:
logger.warning(f'Did not read {len(unhandled_data)} remaining bytes in manifest! '
f'This may not be a problem.')
# Throw this away since the raw data is no longer needed
del _tmp
_m.data = b''
return _m
def read(cls, data):
bio = BytesIO(data)
if struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0] != cls.header_magic:
raise ValueError('No header magic!')
_manifest = cls()
_manifest.header_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_manifest.size_uncompressed = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_manifest.size_compressed = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_manifest.sha_hash = bio.read(20)
_manifest.stored_as = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_manifest.version = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
if bio.tell() != _manifest.header_size:
logger.fatal(f'Did not read entire header {bio.tell()} != {_manifest.header_size}! '
f'Header version: {_manifest.version}, please report this on '
f'GitHub along with a sample of the problematic manifest!')
raise ValueError('Did not read complete manifest header!')
data = bio.read()
if _manifest.compressed:
_manifest.data = zlib.decompress(data)
dec_hash = hashlib.sha1(_manifest.data).hexdigest()
if dec_hash != _manifest.sha_hash.hex():
raise ValueError('Hash does not match!')
_manifest.data = data
return _manifest
def write(self, fp=None, compress=True):
body_bio = BytesIO()
self.data = body_bio.getvalue()
self.size_uncompressed = self.size_compressed = len(self.data)
self.sha_hash = hashlib.sha1(self.data).digest()
if self.compressed or compress:
self.stored_as |= 0x1
self.data = zlib.compress(self.data)
self.size_compressed = len(self.data)
if not fp:
bio = BytesIO()
bio = fp
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.header_magic))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.header_size))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.size_uncompressed))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.size_compressed))
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.stored_as))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.version))
if not fp:
return bio.getvalue()
return bio.tell()
class ManifestMeta:
def __init__(self):
self.meta_size = 0
self.data_version = 0
self.feature_level = 18
self.is_file_data = False
self.app_id = 0
self.app_name = ''
self.build_version = ''
self.launch_exe = ''
self.launch_command = ''
self.prereq_ids = []
self.prereq_name = ''
self.prereq_path = ''
self.prereq_args = ''
# this build id is used for something called "delta file" which I guess I'll have to implement eventually
self._build_id = ''
def build_id(self):
if self._build_id:
return self._build_id
# this took a while to figure out and get right and I'm still not sure if it'll work for all games :x
s = hashlib.sha1()
s.update(struct.pack('<I', self.app_id))
self._build_id = b64encode(s.digest()).decode('ascii').replace('+', '-').replace('/', '_').replace('=', '')
return self._build_id
def read(cls, bio):
_meta = cls()
_meta.meta_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_meta.data_version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
# Usually same as manifest version, but can be different
# e.g. if JSON manifest has been converted to binary manifest.
_meta.feature_level = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
# As far as I can tell this was used for very old manifests that didn't use chunks at all
_meta.is_file_data = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0] == 1
# 0 for most apps, generally not used
_meta.app_id = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_meta.app_name = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.build_version = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.launch_exe = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.launch_command = read_fstring(bio)
# This is a list though I've never seen more than one entry
entries = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
for i in range(entries):
_meta.prereq_name = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.prereq_path = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.prereq_args = read_fstring(bio)
# apparently there's a newer version that actually stores *a* build id.
if _meta.data_version > 0:
_meta._build_id = read_fstring(bio)
if bio.tell() != _meta.meta_size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire meta!')
return _meta
def write(self, bio):
meta_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.data_version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.feature_level))
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.is_file_data))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.app_id))
write_fstring(bio, self.app_name)
write_fstring(bio, self.build_version)
write_fstring(bio, self.launch_exe)
write_fstring(bio, self.launch_command)
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.prereq_ids)))
for preqre_id in self.prereq_ids:
write_fstring(bio, preqre_id)
write_fstring(bio, self.prereq_name)
write_fstring(bio, self.prereq_path)
write_fstring(bio, self.prereq_args)
if self.data_version > 0:
write_fstring(bio, self.build_id)
meta_end = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', meta_end - meta_start))
class CDL:
def __init__(self):
self.version = 0
self.size = 0
self.count = 0
self.elements = []
self._manifest_version = 18
self._guid_map = None
self._guid_int_map = None
self._path_map = None
def get_chunk_by_path(self, path):
if not self._path_map:
self._path_map = dict()
for index, chunk in enumerate(self.elements):
self._path_map[chunk.path] = index
index = self._path_map.get(path, None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid path! "{path}"')
return self.elements[index]
def get_chunk_by_guid(self, guid):
Get chunk by GUID string or number, creates index of chunks on first call
Integer GUIDs are usually faster and require less memory, use those when possible.
:param guid:
if isinstance(guid, int):
return self.get_chunk_by_guid_num(guid)
return self.get_chunk_by_guid_str(guid)
def get_chunk_by_guid_str(self, guid):
if not self._guid_map:
self._guid_map = dict()
for index, chunk in enumerate(self.elements):
self._guid_map[chunk.guid_str] = index
index = self._guid_map.get(guid.lower(), None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid GUID! {guid}')
return self.elements[index]
def get_chunk_by_guid_num(self, guid_int):
if not self._guid_int_map:
self._guid_int_map = dict()
for index, chunk in enumerate(self.elements):
self._guid_int_map[chunk.guid_num] = index
index = self._guid_int_map.get(guid_int, None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid GUID! {hex(guid_int)}')
return self.elements[index]
def read(cls, bio, manifest_version=18):
cdl_start = bio.tell()
_cdl = cls()
_cdl._manifest_version = manifest_version
_cdl.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_cdl.version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_cdl.count = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
# the way this data is stored is rather odd, maybe there's a nicer way to write this...
for i in range(_cdl.count):
# guid, doesn't seem to be a standard like UUID but is fairly straightfoward, 4 bytes, 128 bit.
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.guid = struct.unpack('<IIII', bio.read(16))
# hash is a 64 bit integer, no idea how it's calculated but we don't need to know that.
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.hash = struct.unpack('<Q', bio.read(8))[0]
# sha1 hash
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.sha_hash = bio.read(20)
# group number, seems to be part of the download path
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.group_num = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
# window size is the uncompressed size
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.window_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
# file size is the compressed size that will need to be downloaded
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.file_size = struct.unpack('<q', bio.read(8))[0]
if bio.tell() - cdl_start != _cdl.size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire chunk data list!')
return _cdl
def write(self, bio):
cdl_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.elements)))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<IIII', *chunk.guid))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<Q', chunk.hash))
for chunk in self.elements:
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('B', chunk.group_num))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', chunk.window_size))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<q', chunk.file_size))
cdl_end = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cdl_end - cdl_start))
class ChunkInfo:
def __init__(self, manifest_version=18):
self.guid = None
self.hash = 0
self.sha_hash = b''
self.window_size = 0
self.file_size = 0
self._manifest_version = manifest_version
# caches for things that are "expensive" to compute
self._group_num = None
self._guid_str = None
self._guid_num = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<ChunkInfo (guid={}, hash={}, sha_hash={}, group_num={}, window_size={}, file_size={})>'.format(
self.guid_str, self.hash, self.sha_hash.hex(), self.group_num, self.window_size, self.file_size
def guid_str(self):
if not self._guid_str:
self._guid_str = '-'.join('{:08x}'.format(g) for g in self.guid)
return self._guid_str
def guid_num(self):
if not self._guid_num:
self._guid_num = self.guid[3] + (self.guid[2] << 32) + (self.guid[1] << 64) + (self.guid[0] << 96)
return self._guid_num
def group_num(self):
if self._guid_num is not None:
return self._group_num
self._group_num = (zlib.crc32(
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[0]) +
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[1]) +
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[2]) +
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[3])
) & 0xffffffff) % 100
return self._group_num
def group_num(self, value):
self._group_num = value
def path(self):
return '{}/{:02d}/{:016X}_{}.chunk'.format(
get_chunk_dir(self._manifest_version), self.group_num,
self.hash, ''.join('{:08X}'.format(g) for g in self.guid))
class FML:
def __init__(self):
self.version = 0
self.size = 0
self.count = 0
self.elements = []
self._path_map = dict()
def get_file_by_path(self, path):
if not self._path_map:
self._path_map = dict()
for index, fm in enumerate(self.elements):
self._path_map[fm.filename] = index
index = self._path_map.get(path, None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid path! {path}')
return self.elements[index]
def read(cls, bio):
fml_start = bio.tell()
_fml = cls()
_fml.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_fml.version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_fml.count = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
for i in range(_fml.count):
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.filename = read_fstring(bio)
# never seen this used in any of the manifests I checked but can't wait for something to break because of it
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.symlink_target = read_fstring(bio)
# For files this is actually the SHA1 instead of whatever it is for chunks...
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.hash = bio.read(20)
# Flags, the only one I've seen is for executables
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.flags = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
# install tags, no idea what they do, I've only seen them in the Fortnite manifest
for fm in _fml.elements:
_elem = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
for i in range(_elem):
# Each file is made up of "Chunk Parts" that can be spread across the "chunk stream"
for fm in _fml.elements:
_elem = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_offset = 0
for i in range(_elem):
chunkp = ChunkPart()
_start = bio.tell()
_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
chunkp.guid = struct.unpack('<IIII', bio.read(16))
chunkp.offset = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
chunkp.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
chunkp.file_offset = _offset
_offset += chunkp.size
if (diff := (bio.tell() - _start - _size)) > 0:
logger.warning(f'Did not read {diff} bytes from chunk part!')
# we have to calculate the actual file size ourselves
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.file_size = sum(c.size for c in fm.chunk_parts)
if bio.tell() - fml_start != _fml.size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire chunk data list!')
return _fml
def write(self, bio):
fml_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.elements)))
for fm in self.elements:
write_fstring(bio, fm.filename)
for fm in self.elements:
write_fstring(bio, fm.symlink_target)
for fm in self.elements:
for fm in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('B', fm.flags))
for fm in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(fm.install_tags)))
for tag in fm.install_tags:
write_fstring(bio, tag)
# finally, write the chunk parts
for fm in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(fm.chunk_parts)))
for cp in fm.chunk_parts:
# size is always 28 bytes (4 size + 16 guid + 4 offset + 4 size)
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 28))
bio.write(struct.pack('<IIII', *cp.guid))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cp.offset))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cp.size))
fml_end = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', fml_end - fml_start))
class FileManifest:
def __init__(self):
self.filename = ''
self.symlink_target = ''
self.hash = b''
self.flags = 0
self.install_tags = []
self.chunk_parts = []
self.file_size = 0
def read_only(self):
return self.flags & 0x1
def compressed(self):
return self.flags & 0x2
def executable(self):
return self.flags & 0x4
def sha_hash(self):
return self.hash
def __repr__(self):
if len(self.chunk_parts) <= 20:
cp_repr = ', '.join(repr(c) for c in self.chunk_parts)
_cp = [repr(cp) for cp in self.chunk_parts[:20]]
cp_repr = ', '.join(_cp)
return '<FileManifest (filename="{}", symlink_target="{}", hash={}, flags={}, ' \
'install_tags=[{}], chunk_parts=[{}], file_size={})>'.format(
self.filename, self.symlink_target, self.hash.hex(), self.flags,
', '.join(self.install_tags), cp_repr, self.file_size
class ChunkPart:
def __init__(self, guid=None, offset=0, size=0, file_offset=0):
self.guid = guid
self.offset = offset
self.size = size
self.file_offset = file_offset
# caches for things that are "expensive" to compute
self._guid_str = None
self._guid_num = None
def guid_str(self):
if not self._guid_str:
self._guid_str = '-'.join('{:08x}'.format(g) for g in self.guid)
return self._guid_str
def guid_num(self):
if not self._guid_num:
self._guid_num = self.guid[3] + (self.guid[2] << 32) + (self.guid[1] << 64) + (self.guid[0] << 96)
return self._guid_num
def __repr__(self):
guid_readable = '-'.join('{:08x}'.format(g) for g in self.guid)
return '<ChunkPart (guid={}, offset={}, size={}, file_offset={})>'.format(
guid_readable, self.offset, self.size, self.file_offset)
class CustomFields:
def __init__(self):
self.size = 0
self.version = 0
self.count = 0
self._dict = dict()
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._dict.get(item, None)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._dict[key] = value
def __str__(self):
return str(self._dict)
def items(self):
return self._dict.items()
def keys(self):
return self._dict.keys()
def values(self):
return self._dict.values()
def read(cls, bio):
_cf = cls()
cf_start = bio.tell()
_cf.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_cf.version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_cf.count = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_keys = []
_values = []
for i in range(_cf.count):
for i in range(_cf.count):
_cf._dict = dict(zip(_keys, _values))
if bio.tell() - cf_start != _cf.size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire custom fields list!')
return _cf
def write(self, bio):
cf_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self._dict)))
for key in self.keys():
write_fstring(bio, key)
for value in self.values():
write_fstring(bio, value)
cf_end = bio.tell()
# write proper size
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cf_end - cf_start))
class ManifestComparison:
def __init__(self):
self.added = set()
self.removed = set()
self.changed = set()
self.unchanged = set()
def create(cls, manifest, old_manifest=None):
comp = cls()
if not old_manifest:
comp.added = set(fm.filename for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
return comp
old_files = {fm.filename: fm.hash for fm in old_manifest.file_manifest_list.elements}
for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements:
old_file_hash = old_files.pop(fm.filename, None)
if old_file_hash:
if fm.hash == old_file_hash:
# any remaining old files were removed
if old_files:
comp.removed = set(old_files.keys())
return comp