Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-02 10:44:40 +12:00

add legendary submodule and rename custom_legendary to legendary in imports

This commit is contained in:
Dummerle 2021-09-06 21:09:00 +02:00
parent 7b0bed5eca
commit 588558c6e9
32 changed files with 11 additions and 6325 deletions

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
[submodule "legendary"]
path = legendary
url = https://github.com/dummerle/legendary
branch = rare

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
__version__ = '0.20.6'
__codename__ = 'Custom'

View file

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
# !/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import logging
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from custom_legendary.models.exceptions import InvalidCredentialsError
class EPCAPI:
_user_agent = 'UELauncher/11.0.1-14907503+++Portal+Release-Live Windows/10.0.19041.1.256.64bit'
# required for the oauth request
_user_basic = '34a02cf8f4414e29b15921876da36f9a'
_pw_basic = 'daafbccc737745039dffe53d94fc76cf'
_oauth_host = 'account-public-service-prod03.ol.epicgames.com'
_launcher_host = 'launcher-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com'
_entitlements_host = 'entitlement-public-service-prod08.ol.epicgames.com'
_catalog_host = 'catalog-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com'
_ecommerce_host = 'ecommerceintegration-public-service-ecomprod02.ol.epicgames.com'
_datastorage_host = 'datastorage-public-service-liveegs.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com'
_library_host = 'library-service.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com'
def __init__(self, lc='en', cc='US'):
self.session = requests.session()
self.log = logging.getLogger('EPCAPI')
self.unauth_session = requests.session()
self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = self._user_agent
self.unauth_session.headers['User-Agent'] = self._user_agent
self._oauth_basic = HTTPBasicAuth(self._user_basic, self._pw_basic)
self.access_token = None
self.user = None
self.language_code = lc
self.country_code = cc
def resume_session(self, session):
self.session.headers['Authorization'] = f'bearer {session["access_token"]}'
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._oauth_host}/account/api/oauth/verify')
if r.status_code >= 500:
j = r.json()
if 'errorMessage' in j:
self.log.warning(f'Login to EGS API failed with errorCode: {j["errorCode"]}')
raise InvalidCredentialsError(j['errorCode'])
# update other data
self.user = session
return self.user
def start_session(self, refresh_token: str = None, exchange_token: str = None) -> dict:
if refresh_token:
params = dict(grant_type='refresh_token',
elif exchange_token:
params = dict(grant_type='exchange_code',
raise ValueError('At least one token type must be specified!')
r = self.session.post(f'https://{self._oauth_host}/account/api/oauth/token',
data=params, auth=self._oauth_basic)
# Only raise HTTP exceptions on server errors
if r.status_code >= 500:
j = r.json()
if 'error' in j:
self.log.warning(f'Login to EGS API failed with errorCode: {j["errorCode"]}')
raise InvalidCredentialsError(j['errorCode'])
self.user = j
self.session.headers['Authorization'] = f'bearer {self.user["access_token"]}'
return self.user
def invalidate_session(self): # unused
r = self.session.delete(f'https://{self._oauth_host}/account/api/oauth/sessions/kill/{self.access_token}')
def get_game_token(self):
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._oauth_host}/account/api/oauth/exchange')
return r.json()
def get_ownership_token(self, namespace, catalog_item_id):
user_id = self.user.get('account_id')
r = self.session.post(f'https://{self._ecommerce_host}/ecommerceintegration/api/public/'
return r.content
def get_game_assets(self, platform='Windows', label='Live'):
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._launcher_host}/launcher/api/public/assets/{platform}',
return r.json()
def get_game_manifest(self, namespace, catalog_item_id, app_name, platform='Windows', label='Live'):
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._launcher_host}/launcher/api/public/assets/v2/platform'
return r.json()
def get_user_entitlements(self):
user_id = self.user.get('account_id')
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._entitlements_host}/entitlement/api/account/{user_id}/entitlements',
params=dict(start=0, count=5000))
return r.json()
def get_game_info(self, namespace, catalog_item_id):
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._catalog_host}/catalog/api/shared/namespace/{namespace}/bulk/items',
params=dict(id=catalog_item_id, includeDLCDetails=True, includeMainGameDetails=True,
country=self.country_code, locale=self.language_code))
return r.json().get(catalog_item_id, None)
def get_library_items(self, include_metadata=True):
records = []
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._library_host}/library/api/public/items',
j = r.json()
# Fetch remaining library entries as long as there is a cursor
while cursor := j['responseMetadata'].get('nextCursor', None):
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._library_host}/library/api/public/items',
params=dict(includeMetadata=include_metadata, cursor=cursor))
j = r.json()
return records
def get_user_cloud_saves(self, app_name='', manifests=False, filenames=None):
if app_name and manifests:
app_name += '/manifests/'
elif app_name:
app_name += '/'
user_id = self.user.get('account_id')
if filenames:
r = self.session.post(f'https://{self._datastorage_host}/api/v1/access/egstore/savesync/'
f'{user_id}/{app_name}', json=dict(files=filenames))
r = self.session.get(f'https://{self._datastorage_host}/api/v1/access/egstore/savesync/'
return r.json()
def create_game_cloud_saves(self, app_name, filenames):
return self.get_user_cloud_saves(app_name, filenames=filenames)
def delete_game_cloud_save_file(self, path):
url = f'https://{self._datastorage_host}/api/v1/data/egstore/{path}'
r = self.session.delete(url)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
# please don't look at this code too hard, it's a mess.
import logging
import os
import time
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque
from logging.handlers import QueueHandler
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Process, Queue as MPQueue
from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
from queue import Empty
from sys import exit
from threading import Condition, Thread
from custom_legendary.downloader.workers import DLWorker, FileWorker
from custom_legendary.models.downloading import *
from custom_legendary.models.manifest import ManifestComparison, Manifest
class DLManager(Process):
def __init__(self, download_dir, base_url, cache_dir=None, status_q=None,
max_workers=0, update_interval=1.0, dl_timeout=10, resume_file=None,
max_shared_memory=1024 * 1024 * 1024):
self.log = logging.getLogger('DLM')
self.proc_debug = False
self.base_url = base_url
self.dl_dir = download_dir
self.cache_dir = cache_dir if cache_dir else os.path.join(download_dir, '.cache')
# All the queues!
self.logging_queue = None
self.dl_worker_queue = None
self.writer_queue = None
self.dl_result_q = None
self.writer_result_q = None
self.max_workers = max_workers if max_workers else min(cpu_count() * 2, 16)
self.dl_timeout = dl_timeout
# Analysis stuff
self.analysis = None
self.tasks = deque()
self.chunks_to_dl = deque()
self.chunk_data_list = None
# shared memory stuff
self.max_shared_memory = max_shared_memory # 1 GiB by default
self.sms = deque()
self.shared_memory = None
# Interval for log updates and pushing updates to the queue
self.update_interval = update_interval
self.status_queue = status_q # queue used to relay status info back to GUI/CLI
# Resume file stuff
self.resume_file = resume_file
self.hash_map = dict()
# cross-thread runtime information
self.running = True
self.active_tasks = 0
self.children = []
self.threads = []
self.conditions = []
# bytes downloaded and decompressed since last report
self.bytes_downloaded_since_last = 0
self.bytes_decompressed_since_last = 0
# bytes written since last report
self.bytes_written_since_last = 0
# bytes read since last report
self.bytes_read_since_last = 0
# chunks written since last report
self.num_processed_since_last = 0
self.num_tasks_processed_since_last = 0
def run_analysis(self, manifest: Manifest, old_manifest: Manifest = None,
patch=True, resume=True, file_prefix_filter=None,
file_exclude_filter=None, file_install_tag=None,
processing_optimization=False) -> AnalysisResult:
Run analysis on manifest and old manifest (if not None) and return a result
with a summary resources required in order to install the provided manifest.
:param manifest: Manifest to install
:param old_manifest: Old manifest to patch from (if applicable)
:param patch: Patch instead of redownloading the entire file
:param resume: Continue based on resume file if it exists
:param file_prefix_filter: Only download files that start with this prefix
:param file_exclude_filter: Exclude files with this prefix from download
:param file_install_tag: Only install files with the specified tag
:param processing_optimization: Attempt to optimize processing order and RAM usage
:return: AnalysisResult
analysis_res = AnalysisResult()
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_chunk = max(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_file_size = max(f.file_size for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
is_1mib = analysis_res.biggest_chunk == 1024 * 1024
self.log.debug(f'Biggest chunk size: {analysis_res.biggest_chunk} bytes (== 1 MiB? {is_1mib})')
self.log.debug(f'Creating manifest comparison...')
mc = ManifestComparison.create(manifest, old_manifest)
analysis_res.manifest_comparison = mc
if resume and self.resume_file and os.path.exists(self.resume_file):
self.log.info('Found previously interrupted download. Download will be resumed if possible.')
missing = 0
mismatch = 0
completed_files = set()
for line in open(self.resume_file).readlines():
file_hash, _, filename = line.strip().partition(':')
_p = os.path.join(self.dl_dir, filename)
if not os.path.exists(_p):
self.log.debug(f'File does not exist but is in resume file: "{_p}"')
missing += 1
elif file_hash != manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(filename).sha_hash.hex():
mismatch += 1
if missing:
self.log.warning(f'{missing} previously completed file(s) are missing, they will be redownloaded.')
if mismatch:
self.log.warning(f'{mismatch} existing file(s) have been changed and will be redownloaded.')
# remove completed files from changed/added and move them to unchanged for the analysis.
mc.added -= completed_files
mc.changed -= completed_files
mc.unchanged |= completed_files
self.log.info(f'Skipping {len(completed_files)} files based on resume data.')
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Reading resume file failed: {e!r}, continuing as normal...')
# Install tags are used for selective downloading, e.g. for language packs
additional_deletion_tasks = []
if file_install_tag is not None:
if isinstance(file_install_tag, str):
file_install_tag = [file_install_tag]
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if not any((fit in i.install_tags) or (not fit and not i.install_tags)
for fit in file_install_tag))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on install tag.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
for fname in sorted(files_to_skip):
additional_deletion_tasks.append(FileTask(fname, delete=True, silent=True))
# if include/exclude prefix has been set: mark all files that are not to be downloaded as unchanged
if file_exclude_filter:
if isinstance(file_exclude_filter, str):
file_exclude_filter = [file_exclude_filter]
file_exclude_filter = [f.lower() for f in file_exclude_filter]
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if
any(i.filename.lower().startswith(pfx) for pfx in file_exclude_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on exclude prefix.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter:
if isinstance(file_prefix_filter, str):
file_prefix_filter = [file_prefix_filter]
file_prefix_filter = [f.lower() for f in file_prefix_filter]
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if not
any(i.filename.lower().startswith(pfx) for pfx in file_prefix_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on include prefix(es)')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter or file_exclude_filter or file_install_tag:
self.log.info(f'Remaining files after filtering: {len(mc.added) + len(mc.changed)}')
# correct install size after filtering
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if fm.filename in mc.added)
if mc.removed:
analysis_res.removed = len(mc.removed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.removed} removed files')
if mc.added:
analysis_res.added = len(mc.added)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.added} added files')
if mc.changed:
analysis_res.changed = len(mc.changed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.changed} changed files')
if mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged = len(mc.unchanged)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.unchanged} unchanged files')
if processing_optimization and len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) > 100_000:
self.log.warning('Manifest contains too many files, processing optimizations will be disabled.')
processing_optimization = False
elif processing_optimization:
self.log.info('Processing order optimization is enabled, analysis may take a few seconds longer...')
# count references to chunks for determining runtime cache size later
references = Counter()
fmlist = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements,
key=lambda a: a.filename.lower())
for fm in fmlist:
self.hash_map[fm.filename] = fm.sha_hash.hex()
# chunks of unchanged files are not downloaded so we can skip them
if fm.filename in mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged += fm.file_size
for cp in fm.chunk_parts:
references[cp.guid_num] += 1
if processing_optimization:
s_time = time.time()
# reorder the file manifest list to group files that share many chunks
# 4 is mostly arbitrary but has shown in testing to be a good choice
min_overlap = 4
# ignore files with less than N chunk parts, this speeds things up dramatically
cp_threshold = 5
remaining_files = {fm.filename: {cp.guid_num for cp in fm.chunk_parts}
for fm in fmlist if fm.filename not in mc.unchanged}
_fmlist = []
# iterate over all files that will be downloaded and pair up those that share the most chunks
for fm in fmlist:
if fm.filename not in remaining_files:
f_chunks = remaining_files.pop(fm.filename)
if len(f_chunks) < cp_threshold:
best_overlap, match = 0, None
for fname, chunks in remaining_files.items():
if len(chunks) < cp_threshold:
overlap = len(f_chunks & chunks)
if overlap > min_overlap and overlap > best_overlap:
best_overlap, match = overlap, fname
if match:
fmlist = _fmlist
opt_delta = time.time() - s_time
self.log.debug(f'Processing optimizations took {opt_delta:.01f} seconds.')
# determine reusable chunks and prepare lookup table for reusable ones
re_usable = defaultdict(dict)
if old_manifest and mc.changed and patch:
self.log.debug('Analyzing manifests for re-usable chunks...')
for changed in mc.changed:
old_file = old_manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
new_file = manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
existing_chunks = defaultdict(list)
off = 0
for cp in old_file.chunk_parts:
existing_chunks[cp.guid_num].append((off, cp.offset, cp.offset + cp.size))
off += cp.size
for cp in new_file.chunk_parts:
key = (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
for file_o, cp_o, cp_end_o in existing_chunks[cp.guid_num]:
# check if new chunk part is wholly contained in the old chunk part
if cp_o <= cp.offset and (cp.offset + cp.size) <= cp_end_o:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
re_usable[changed][key] = file_o + (cp.offset - cp_o)
analysis_res.reuse_size += cp.size
last_cache_size = current_cache_size = 0
# set to determine whether a file is currently cached or not
cached = set()
# Using this secondary set is orders of magnitude faster than checking the deque.
chunks_in_dl_list = set()
# This is just used to count all unique guids that have been cached
dl_cache_guids = set()
# run through the list of files and create the download jobs and also determine minimum
# runtime cache requirement by simulating adding/removing from cache during download.
self.log.debug('Creating filetasks and chunktasks...')
for current_file in fmlist:
# skip unchanged and empty files
if current_file.filename in mc.unchanged:
elif not current_file.chunk_parts:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, empty=True))
existing_chunks = re_usable.get(current_file.filename, None)
chunk_tasks = []
reused = 0
for cp in current_file.chunk_parts:
ct = ChunkTask(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
# re-use the chunk from the existing file if we can
if existing_chunks and (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size) in existing_chunks:
reused += 1
ct.chunk_file = current_file.filename
ct.chunk_offset = existing_chunks[(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)]
# add to DL list if not already in it
if cp.guid_num not in chunks_in_dl_list:
# if chunk has more than one use or is already in cache,
# check if we need to add or remove it again.
if references[cp.guid_num] > 1 or cp.guid_num in cached:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
# delete from cache if no references left
if references[cp.guid_num] < 1:
current_cache_size -= analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
# add to cache if not already cached
elif cp.guid_num not in cached:
current_cache_size += analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
if reused:
self.log.debug(f' + Reusing {reused} chunks from: {current_file.filename}')
# open temporary file that will contain download + old file contents
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', fopen=True))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', close=True))
# delete old file and rename temporary
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, delete=True, rename=True,
temporary_filename=current_file.filename + u'.tmp'))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, fopen=True))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, close=True))
# check if runtime cache size has changed
if current_cache_size > last_cache_size:
self.log.debug(f' * New maximum cache size: {current_cache_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB')
last_cache_size = current_cache_size
self.log.debug(f'Final cache size requirement: {last_cache_size / 1024 / 1024} MiB.')
analysis_res.min_memory = last_cache_size + (1024 * 1024 * 32) # add some padding just to be safe
# Todo implement on-disk caching to avoid this issue.
if analysis_res.min_memory > self.max_shared_memory:
shared_mib = f'{self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
required_mib = f'{analysis_res.min_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
suggested_mib = round(self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024 +
(analysis_res.min_memory - self.max_shared_memory) / 1024 / 1024 + 32)
if processing_optimization:
message = f'Try running legendary with "--enable-reordering --max-shared-memory {suggested_mib:.0f}"'
message = 'Try running legendary with "--enable-reordering" to reduce memory usage, ' \
f'or use "--max-shared-memory {suggested_mib:.0f}" to increase the limit.'
raise MemoryError(f'Current shared memory cache is smaller than required: {shared_mib} < {required_mib}. '
+ message)
# calculate actual dl and patch write size.
analysis_res.dl_size = \
sum(c.file_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
analysis_res.uncompressed_dl_size = \
sum(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
# add jobs to remove files
for fname in mc.removed:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(fname, delete=True))
analysis_res.num_chunks_cache = len(dl_cache_guids)
self.chunk_data_list = manifest.chunk_data_list
self.analysis = analysis_res
return analysis_res
def download_job_manager(self, task_cond: Condition, shm_cond: Condition):
while self.chunks_to_dl and self.running:
while self.active_tasks < self.max_workers * 2 and self.chunks_to_dl:
sms = self.sms.popleft()
no_shm = False
except IndexError: # no free cache
no_shm = True
c_guid = self.chunks_to_dl.popleft()
chunk = self.chunk_data_list.get_chunk_by_guid(c_guid)
self.log.debug(f'Adding {chunk.guid_num} (active: {self.active_tasks})')
self.dl_worker_queue.put(DownloaderTask(url=self.base_url + '/' + chunk.path,
chunk_guid=c_guid, shm=sms),
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to add to download queue: {e!r}')
self.active_tasks += 1
# active tasks limit hit, wait for tasks to finish
with task_cond:
self.log.debug('Waiting for download tasks to complete..')
if no_shm:
# if we break we ran out of shared memory, so wait for that.
with shm_cond:
self.log.debug('Waiting for more shared memory...')
self.log.debug('Download Job Manager quitting...')
def dl_results_handler(self, task_cond: Condition):
in_buffer = dict()
task = self.tasks.popleft()
current_file = ''
while task and self.running:
if isinstance(task, FileTask): # this wasn't necessarily a good idea...
if task.empty:
self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, empty=True), timeout=1.0)
elif task.rename:
self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, rename=True,
elif task.delete:
self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, delete=True, silent=task.silent), timeout=1.0)
elif task.open:
self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, fopen=True), timeout=1.0)
current_file = task.filename
elif task.close:
self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, close=True), timeout=1.0)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Adding to queue failed: {e!r}')
task = self.tasks.popleft()
except IndexError: # finished
while (task.chunk_guid in in_buffer) or task.chunk_file:
res_shm = None
if not task.chunk_file: # not re-using from an old file
res_shm = in_buffer[task.chunk_guid].shm
self.log.debug(f'Adding {task.chunk_guid} to writer queue')
filename=current_file, shared_memory=res_shm,
chunk_offset=task.chunk_offset, chunk_size=task.chunk_size,
chunk_guid=task.chunk_guid, release_memory=task.cleanup,
old_file=task.chunk_file # todo on-disk cache
), timeout=1.0)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Adding to queue failed: {e!r}')
if task.cleanup and not task.chunk_file:
del in_buffer[task.chunk_guid]
task = self.tasks.popleft()
if isinstance(task, FileTask):
except IndexError: # finished
task = None
else: # only enter blocking code if the loop did not break
res = self.dl_result_q.get(timeout=1)
self.active_tasks -= 1
with task_cond:
if res.success:
self.log.debug(f'Download for {res.guid} succeeded, adding to in_buffer...')
in_buffer[res.guid] = res
self.bytes_downloaded_since_last += res.compressed_size
self.bytes_decompressed_since_last += res.size
self.log.error(f'Download for {res.guid} failed, retrying...')
url=res.url, chunk_guid=res.guid, shm=res.shm
), timeout=1.0)
self.active_tasks += 1
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed adding retry task to queue! {e!r}')
# If this failed for whatever reason, put the chunk at the front of the DL list
except Empty:
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Unhandled exception when trying to read download result queue: {e!r}')
self.log.debug('Download result handler quitting...')
def fw_results_handler(self, shm_cond: Condition):
while self.running:
res = self.writer_result_q.get(timeout=1.0)
self.num_tasks_processed_since_last += 1
if res.closed and self.resume_file and res.success:
if res.filename.endswith('.tmp'):
res.filename = res.filename[:-4]
file_hash = self.hash_map[res.filename]
# write last completed file to super simple resume file
with open(self.resume_file, 'ab') as rf:
if res.kill:
self.log.debug('Got termination command in FW result handler')
if not res.success:
# todo make this kill the installation process or at least skip the file and mark it as failed
self.log.fatal(f'Writing for {res.filename} failed!')
if res.release_memory:
with shm_cond:
if res.chunk_guid:
self.bytes_written_since_last += res.size
# if there's no shared memory we must have read from disk.
if not res.shm:
self.bytes_read_since_last += res.size
self.num_processed_since_last += 1
except Empty:
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Exception when trying to read writer result queue: {e!r}')
self.log.debug('Writer result handler quitting...')
def run(self):
if not self.analysis:
raise ValueError('Did not run analysis before trying to run download!')
# Subprocess will use its own root logger that logs to a Queue instead
_root = logging.getLogger()
_root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if self.proc_debug else logging.INFO)
if self.logging_queue:
_root.handlers = []
self.log = logging.getLogger('DLManager')
self.log.info(f'Download Manager running with process-id: {os.getpid()}')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.log.warning('Immediate exit requested!')
self.running = False
# send conditions to unlock threads if they aren't already
for cond in self.conditions:
with cond:
# make sure threads are dead.
for t in self.threads:
if t.is_alive():
self.log.warning(f'Thread did not terminate! {repr(t)}')
# clean up all the queues, otherwise this process won't terminate properly
for name, q in zip(('Download jobs', 'Writer jobs', 'Download results', 'Writer results'),
(self.dl_worker_queue, self.writer_queue, self.dl_result_q, self.writer_result_q)):
self.log.debug(f'Cleaning up queue "{name}"')
while True:
_ = q.get_nowait()
except Empty:
def run_real(self):
self.shared_memory = SharedMemory(create=True, size=self.max_shared_memory)
self.log.debug(f'Created shared memory of size: {self.shared_memory.size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB')
# create the shared memory segments and add them to their respective pools
for i in range(int(self.shared_memory.size / self.analysis.biggest_chunk)):
_sms = SharedMemorySegment(offset=i * self.analysis.biggest_chunk,
end=i * self.analysis.biggest_chunk + self.analysis.biggest_chunk)
self.log.debug(f'Created {len(self.sms)} shared memory segments.')
# Create queues
self.dl_worker_queue = MPQueue(-1)
self.writer_queue = MPQueue(-1)
self.dl_result_q = MPQueue(-1)
self.writer_result_q = MPQueue(-1)
self.log.info(f'Starting download workers...')
for i in range(self.max_workers):
w = DLWorker(f'DLWorker {i + 1}', self.dl_worker_queue, self.dl_result_q,
self.shared_memory.name, logging_queue=self.logging_queue,
self.log.info('Starting file writing worker...')
writer_p = FileWorker(self.writer_queue, self.writer_result_q, self.dl_dir,
self.shared_memory.name, self.cache_dir, self.logging_queue)
num_chunk_tasks = sum(isinstance(t, ChunkTask) for t in self.tasks)
num_dl_tasks = len(self.chunks_to_dl)
num_tasks = len(self.tasks)
num_shared_memory_segments = len(self.sms)
self.log.debug(f'Chunks to download: {num_dl_tasks}, File tasks: {num_tasks}, Chunk tasks: {num_chunk_tasks}')
# active downloader tasks
self.active_tasks = 0
processed_chunks = 0
processed_tasks = 0
total_dl = 0
total_write = 0
# synchronization conditions
shm_cond = Condition()
task_cond = Condition()
self.conditions = [shm_cond, task_cond]
# start threads
s_time = time.time()
self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.download_job_manager, args=(task_cond, shm_cond)))
self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.dl_results_handler, args=(task_cond,)))
self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.fw_results_handler, args=(shm_cond,)))
for t in self.threads:
last_update = time.time()
while processed_tasks < num_tasks:
delta = time.time() - last_update
if not delta:
# update all the things
processed_chunks += self.num_processed_since_last
processed_tasks += self.num_tasks_processed_since_last
total_dl += self.bytes_downloaded_since_last
total_write += self.bytes_written_since_last
dl_speed = self.bytes_downloaded_since_last / delta
dl_unc_speed = self.bytes_decompressed_since_last / delta
w_speed = self.bytes_written_since_last / delta
r_speed = self.bytes_read_since_last / delta
# c_speed = self.num_processed_since_last / delta
# set temporary counters to 0
self.bytes_read_since_last = self.bytes_written_since_last = 0
self.bytes_downloaded_since_last = self.num_processed_since_last = 0
self.bytes_decompressed_since_last = self.num_tasks_processed_since_last = 0
last_update = time.time()
perc = (processed_chunks / num_chunk_tasks) * 100
runtime = time.time() - s_time
total_avail = len(self.sms)
total_used = (num_shared_memory_segments - total_avail) * (self.analysis.biggest_chunk / 1024 / 1024)
average_speed = processed_chunks / runtime
estimate = (num_chunk_tasks - processed_chunks) / average_speed
except ZeroDivisionError:
average_speed = estimate = 0
# TODO set current_filename argument of UIUpdate
# send status update to back to instantiator (if queue exists)
if self.status_queue:
), timeout=1.0)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to send status update to queue: {e!r}')
for i in range(self.max_workers):
self.log.info('Waiting for installation to finish...')
self.writer_queue.put_nowait(WriterTask('', kill=True))
if writer_p.exitcode is None:
self.log.warning(f'Terminating writer process, no exit code!')
# forcibly kill DL workers that are not actually dead yet
for child in self.children:
if child.exitcode is None:
# make sure all the threads are dead.
for t in self.threads:
if t.is_alive():
self.log.warning(f'Thread did not terminate! {repr(t)}')
# clean up resume file
if self.resume_file:
except OSError as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to remove resume file: {e!r}')
# close up shared memory
self.shared_memory = None
self.log.info('All done! Download manager quitting...')
# finally, exit the process.

View file

@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
import logging
import os
import time
from logging.handlers import QueueHandler
from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
from queue import Empty
import requests
from custom_legendary.models.chunk import Chunk
from custom_legendary.models.downloading import DownloaderTaskResult, WriterTaskResult
class DLWorker(Process):
def __init__(self, name, queue, out_queue, shm, max_retries=5,
logging_queue=None, dl_timeout=10):
self.q = queue
self.o_q = out_queue
self.session = requests.session()
'User-Agent': 'EpicGamesLauncher/11.0.1-14907503+++Portal+Release-Live Windows/10.0.19041.1.256.64bit'
self.max_retries = max_retries
self.shm = SharedMemory(name=shm)
self.log_level = logging.getLogger().level
self.logging_queue = logging_queue
self.dl_timeout = float(dl_timeout) if dl_timeout else 10.0
def run(self):
# we have to fix up the logger before we can start
_root = logging.getLogger()
_root.handlers = []
logger = logging.getLogger(self.name)
logger.debug(f'Download worker reporting for duty!')
empty = False
while True:
job = self.q.get(timeout=10.0)
empty = False
except Empty:
if not empty:
logger.debug(f'Queue Empty, waiting for more...')
empty = True
if job.kill: # let worker die
logger.debug(f'Worker received kill signal, shutting down...')
tries = 0
dl_start = dl_end = 0
compressed = 0
chunk = None
while tries < self.max_retries:
# print('Downloading', job.url)
logger.debug(f'Downloading {job.url}')
dl_start = time.time()
r = self.session.get(job.url, timeout=self.dl_timeout)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Chunk download for {job.guid} failed: ({e!r}), retrying...')
dl_end = time.time()
if r.status_code != 200:
logger.warning(f'Chunk download for {job.guid} failed: status {r.status_code}, retrying...')
compressed = len(r.content)
chunk = Chunk.read_buffer(r.content)
raise TimeoutError('Max retries reached')
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'Job for {job.guid} failed with: {e!r}, fetching next one...')
# add failed job to result queue to be requeued
self.o_q.put(DownloaderTaskResult(success=False, chunk_guid=job.guid, shm=job.shm, url=job.url))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.warning('Immediate exit requested, quitting...')
if not chunk:
logger.warning(f'Chunk somehow None?')
self.o_q.put(DownloaderTaskResult(success=False, chunk_guid=job.guid, shm=job.shm, url=job.url))
# decompress stuff
size = len(chunk.data)
if size > job.shm.size:
logger.fatal(f'Downloaded chunk is longer than SharedMemorySegment!')
self.shm.buf[job.shm.offset:job.shm.offset + size] = bytes(chunk.data)
del chunk
self.o_q.put(DownloaderTaskResult(success=True, chunk_guid=job.guid, shm=job.shm,
url=job.url, size=size, compressed_size=compressed,
time_delta=dl_end - dl_start))
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Job for {job.guid} failed with: {e!r}, fetching next one...')
self.o_q.put(DownloaderTaskResult(success=False, chunk_guid=job.guid, shm=job.shm, url=job.url))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.warning('Immediate exit requested, quitting...')
class FileWorker(Process):
def __init__(self, queue, out_queue, base_path, shm, cache_path=None, logging_queue=None):
self.q = queue
self.o_q = out_queue
self.base_path = base_path
self.cache_path = cache_path if cache_path else os.path.join(base_path, '.cache')
self.shm = SharedMemory(name=shm)
self.log_level = logging.getLogger().level
self.logging_queue = logging_queue
def run(self):
# we have to fix up the logger before we can start
_root = logging.getLogger()
_root.handlers = []
logger = logging.getLogger(self.name)
logger.debug(f'Download worker reporting for duty!')
last_filename = ''
current_file = None
while True:
j = self.q.get(timeout=10.0)
except Empty:
logger.warning('Writer queue empty!')
if j.kill:
if current_file:
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=True, kill=True))
# make directories if required
path = os.path.split(j.filename)[0]
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.base_path, path)):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.base_path, path))
full_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, j.filename)
if j.empty: # just create an empty file
open(full_path, 'a').close()
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=True, filename=j.filename))
elif j.open:
if current_file:
logger.warning(f'Opening new file {j.filename} without closing previous! {last_filename}')
current_file = open(full_path, 'wb')
last_filename = j.filename
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=True, filename=j.filename))
elif j.close:
if current_file:
current_file = None
logger.warning(f'Asking to close file that is not open: {j.filename}')
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=True, filename=j.filename, closed=True))
elif j.rename:
if current_file:
logger.warning('Trying to rename file without closing first!')
current_file = None
if j.delete:
except OSError as e:
logger.error(f'Removing file failed: {e!r}')
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=False, filename=j.filename))
os.rename(os.path.join(self.base_path, j.old_filename), full_path)
except OSError as e:
logger.error(f'Renaming file failed: {e!r}')
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=False, filename=j.filename))
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=True, filename=j.filename))
elif j.delete:
if current_file:
logger.warning('Trying to delete file without closing first!')
current_file = None
except OSError as e:
if not j.silent:
logger.error(f'Removing file failed: {e!r}')
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=True, filename=j.filename))
pre_write = post_write = 0
if j.shm:
pre_write = time.time()
shm_offset = j.shm.offset + j.chunk_offset
shm_end = shm_offset + j.chunk_size
post_write = time.time()
elif j.cache_file:
pre_write = time.time()
with open(os.path.join(self.cache_path, j.cache_file), 'rb') as f:
if j.chunk_offset:
post_write = time.time()
elif j.old_file:
pre_write = time.time()
with open(os.path.join(self.base_path, j.old_file), 'rb') as f:
if j.chunk_offset:
post_write = time.time()
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Something in writing a file failed: {e!r}')
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=False, filename=j.filename,
shm=j.shm, size=j.chunk_size,
time_delta=post_write - pre_write))
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=True, filename=j.filename,
shm=j.shm, size=j.chunk_size,
time_delta=post_write - pre_write))
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Job {j.filename} failed with: {e!r}, fetching next one...')
self.o_q.put(WriterTaskResult(success=False, filename=j.filename, chunk_guid=j.chunk_guid))
if current_file:
current_file = None
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'Closing file after error failed: {e!r}')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.warning('Immediate exit requested, quitting...')
if current_file:

View file

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
import configparser
import json
import os
from typing import List
from custom_legendary.models.egl import EGLManifest
class EPCLFS:
def __init__(self):
if os.name == 'nt':
self.appdata_path = os.path.expandvars(
self.programdata_path = os.path.expandvars(
self.appdata_path = self.programdata_path = None
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)
self.config.optionxform = lambda option: option
self.manifests = dict()
def read_config(self):
if not self.appdata_path:
raise ValueError('EGS AppData path is not set')
self.config.read(os.path.join(self.appdata_path, 'GameUserSettings.ini'))
def save_config(self):
if not self.appdata_path:
raise ValueError('EGS AppData path is not set')
with open(os.path.join(self.appdata_path, 'GameUserSettings.ini'), 'w') as f:
self.config.write(f, space_around_delimiters=False)
def read_manifests(self):
if not self.programdata_path:
raise ValueError('EGS ProgramData path is not set')
for f in os.listdir(self.programdata_path):
if f.endswith('.item'):
data = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.programdata_path, f)))
self.manifests[data['AppName']] = data
def get_manifests(self) -> List[EGLManifest]:
if not self.manifests:
return [EGLManifest.from_json(m) for m in self.manifests.values()]
def get_manifest(self, app_name) -> EGLManifest:
if not self.manifests:
if app_name in self.manifests:
return EGLManifest.from_json(self.manifests[app_name])
raise ValueError('Cannot find manifest')
def set_manifest(self, manifest: EGLManifest):
if not self.programdata_path:
raise ValueError('EGS ProgramData path is not set')
manifest_data = manifest.to_json()
self.manifests[manifest.app_name] = manifest_data
with open(os.path.join(self.programdata_path, f'{manifest.installation_guid}.item'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(manifest_data, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def delete_manifest(self, app_name):
if not self.manifests:
if app_name not in self.manifests:
raise ValueError('AppName is not in manifests!')
manifest = EGLManifest.from_json(self.manifests.pop(app_name))
os.remove(os.path.join(self.programdata_path, f'{manifest.installation_guid}.item'))

View file

@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
import configparser
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from custom_legendary.models.game import *
from custom_legendary.utils.lfs import clean_filename
class LGDLFS:
def __init__(self):
self.log = logging.getLogger('LGDLFS')
if config_path := os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME'):
self.path = os.path.join(config_path, 'legendary')
self.path = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/legendary')
# EGS user info
self._user_data = None
# EGS entitlements
self._entitlements = None
# EGS asset data
self._assets = None
# EGS metadata
self._game_metadata = dict()
# Config with game specific settings (e.g. start parameters, env variables)
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes='/', allow_no_value=True)
self.config.optionxform = str
# ensure folders exist.
for f in ['', 'manifests', 'metadata', 'tmp']:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, f)):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path, f))
# if "old" folder exists migrate files and remove it
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', 'old')):
self.log.info('Migrating manifest files from old folders to new, please wait...')
# remove unversioned manifest files
for _f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests')):
if '.manifest' not in _f:
if '_' not in _f or (_f.startswith('UE_') and _f.count('_') < 2):
self.log.debug(f'Deleting "{_f}" ...')
os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', _f))
# move files from "old" to the base folder
for _f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', 'old')):
self.log.debug(f'Renaming "{_f}"')
os.rename(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', 'old', _f),
os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', _f))
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Renaming manifest file "{_f}" failed: {e!r}')
# remove "old" folder
os.removedirs(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', 'old'))
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Removing "{os.path.join(self.path, "manifests", "old")}" folder failed: '
f'{e!r}, please remove manually')
# try loading config
self.config.read(os.path.join(self.path, 'config.ini'))
# make sure "Legendary" section exists
if 'Legendary' not in self.config:
self.config['Legendary'] = dict()
self._installed = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path, 'installed.json')))
except Exception as e: # todo do not do this
self._installed = None
# load existing app metadata
for gm_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, 'metadata')):
_meta = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path, 'metadata', gm_file)))
self._game_metadata[_meta['app_name']] = _meta
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug(f'Loading game meta file "{gm_file}" failed: {e!r}')
def userdata(self):
if self._user_data is not None:
return self._user_data
self._user_data = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path, 'user.json')))
return self._user_data
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug(f'Failed to load user data: {e!r}')
return None
def userdata(self, userdata):
if userdata is None:
raise ValueError('Userdata is none!')
self._user_data = userdata
json.dump(userdata, open(os.path.join(self.path, 'user.json'), 'w'),
indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def invalidate_userdata(self):
self._user_data = None
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, 'user.json')):
os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, 'user.json'))
def entitlements(self):
if self._entitlements is not None:
return self._entitlements
self._entitlements = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path, 'entitlements.json')))
return self._entitlements
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug(f'Failed to load entitlements data: {e!r}')
return None
def entitlements(self, entitlements):
if entitlements is None:
raise ValueError('Entitlements is none!')
self._entitlements = entitlements
json.dump(entitlements, open(os.path.join(self.path, 'entitlements.json'), 'w'),
indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def assets(self):
if self._assets is None:
self._assets = [GameAsset.from_json(a) for a in
json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path, 'assets.json')))]
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug(f'Failed to load assets data: {e!r}')
return None
return self._assets
def assets(self, assets):
if assets is None:
raise ValueError('Assets is none!')
self._assets = assets
json.dump([a.__dict__ for a in self._assets],
open(os.path.join(self.path, 'assets.json'), 'w'),
indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def _get_manifest_filename(self, app_name, version):
fname = clean_filename(f'{app_name}_{version}')
return os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', f'{fname}.manifest')
def load_manifest(self, app_name, version):
return open(self._get_manifest_filename(app_name, version), 'rb').read()
except FileNotFoundError: # all other errors should propagate
return None
def save_manifest(self, app_name, manifest_data, version):
with open(self._get_manifest_filename(app_name, version), 'wb') as f:
def get_game_meta(self, app_name):
_meta = self._game_metadata.get(app_name, None)
if _meta:
return Game.from_json(_meta)
return None
def set_game_meta(self, app_name, meta):
json_meta = meta.__dict__
self._game_metadata[app_name] = json_meta
meta_file = os.path.join(self.path, 'metadata', f'{app_name}.json')
json.dump(json_meta, open(meta_file, 'w'), indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def delete_game_meta(self, app_name):
if app_name in self._game_metadata:
del self._game_metadata[app_name]
meta_file = os.path.join(self.path, 'metadata', f'{app_name}.json')
if os.path.exists(meta_file):
raise ValueError(f'Game {app_name} does not exist in metadata DB!')
def get_tmp_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.path, 'tmp')
def clean_tmp_data(self):
for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, 'tmp')):
os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, 'tmp', f))
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to delete file "{f}": {e!r}')
def clean_metadata(self, app_names):
for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, 'metadata')):
app_name = f.rpartition('.')[0]
if app_name not in app_names:
os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, 'metadata', f))
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to delete file "{f}": {e!r}')
def clean_manifests(self, in_use):
in_use_files = set(f'{clean_filename(f"{app_name}_{version}")}.manifest' for app_name, version in in_use)
for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests')):
if f not in in_use_files:
os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, 'manifests', f))
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to delete file "{f}": {e!r}')
def get_installed_game(self, app_name):
if self._installed is None:
self._installed = json.load(open(os.path.join(self.path, 'installed.json')))
except Exception as e:
self.log.debug(f'Failed to load installed game data: {e!r}')
return None
game_json = self._installed.get(app_name, None)
if game_json:
return InstalledGame.from_json(game_json)
return None
def set_installed_game(self, app_name, install_info):
if self._installed is None:
self._installed = dict()
if app_name in self._installed:
self._installed[app_name] = install_info.__dict__
json.dump(self._installed, open(os.path.join(self.path, 'installed.json'), 'w'),
indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def remove_installed_game(self, app_name):
if self._installed is None:
self.log.warning('Trying to remove a game, but no installed games?!')
if app_name in self._installed:
del self._installed[app_name]
self.log.warning('Trying to remove non-installed game:', app_name)
json.dump(self._installed, open(os.path.join(self.path, 'installed.json'), 'w'),
indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def get_installed_list(self):
if not self._installed:
return []
return [InstalledGame.from_json(i) for i in self._installed.values()]
def save_config(self):
with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'config.ini'), 'w') as cf:
def get_dir_size(self):
return sum(f.stat().st_size for f in Path(self.path).glob('**/*') if f.is_file())

View file

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
import struct
import zlib
from hashlib import sha1
from io import BytesIO
from uuid import uuid4
from custom_legendary.utils.rolling_hash import get_hash
# ToDo do some reworking to make this more memory efficient
class Chunk:
header_magic = 0xB1FE3AA2
def __init__(self):
self.header_version = 3
self.header_size = 0
self.compressed_size = 0
self.hash = 0
self.stored_as = 0
self.guid = struct.unpack('>IIII', uuid4().bytes)
# 0x1 = rolling hash, 0x2 = sha hash, 0x3 = both
self.hash_type = 0
self.sha_hash = None
self.uncompressed_size = 1024 * 1024
self._guid_str = ''
self._guid_num = 0
self._bio = None
self._data = None
def data(self):
if self._data:
return self._data
if self.compressed:
self._data = zlib.decompress(self._bio.read())
self._data = self._bio.read()
# close BytesIO with raw data since we no longer need it
self._bio = None
return self._data
def data(self, value: bytes):
if len(value) > 1024 * 1024:
raise ValueError('Provided data is too large (> 1 MiB)!')
# data is now uncompressed
if self.compressed:
self.stored_as ^= 0x1
# pad data to 1 MiB
if len(value) < 1024 * 1024:
value += b'\x00' * (1024 * 1024 - len(value))
# recalculate hashes
self.hash = get_hash(value)
self.sha_hash = sha1(value).digest()
self.hash_type = 0x3
self._data = value
def guid_str(self):
if not self._guid_str:
self._guid_str = '-'.join('{:08x}'.format(g) for g in self.guid)
return self._guid_str
def guid_num(self):
if not self._guid_num:
self._guid_num = self.guid[3] + (self.guid[2] << 32) + (self.guid[1] << 64) + (self.guid[0] << 96)
return self._guid_num
def compressed(self):
return self.stored_as & 0x1
def read_buffer(cls, data):
_sio = BytesIO(data)
return cls.read(_sio)
def read(cls, bio):
head_start = bio.tell()
if struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0] != cls.header_magic:
raise ValueError('Chunk magic doesn\'t match!')
_chunk = cls()
_chunk._bio = bio
_chunk.header_version = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_chunk.header_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_chunk.compressed_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_chunk.guid = struct.unpack('<IIII', bio.read(16))
_chunk.hash = struct.unpack('<Q', bio.read(8))[0]
_chunk.stored_as = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
if _chunk.header_version >= 2:
_chunk.sha_hash = bio.read(20)
_chunk.hash_type = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
if _chunk.header_version >= 3:
_chunk.uncompressed_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
if bio.tell() - head_start != _chunk.header_size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire chunk header!')
return _chunk
def write(self, fp=None, compress=True):
if not fp:
bio = BytesIO()
bio = fp
self.uncompressed_size = self.compressed_size = len(self.data)
if compress or self.compressed:
self._data = zlib.compress(self.data)
self.stored_as |= 0x1
self.compressed_size = len(self._data)
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.header_magic))
# we only serialize the latest version so version/size are hardcoded to 3/66
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 3))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 66))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.compressed_size))
bio.write(struct.pack('<IIII', *self.guid))
bio.write(struct.pack('<Q', self.hash))
bio.write(struct.pack('<B', self.stored_as))
# header version 2 stuff
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.hash_type))
# header version 3 stuff
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.uncompressed_size))
# finally, add the data
if not fp:
return bio.getvalue()
return bio.tell()

View file

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
class DownloaderTask:
def __init__(self, url=None, chunk_guid=None, shm=None, kill=False):
self.url = url
self.guid = chunk_guid
self.shm = shm
self.kill = kill
class DownloaderTaskResult:
def __init__(self, success, chunk_guid, shm, url, size=None,
compressed_size=None, time_delta=None):
self.success = success
self.shm = shm
self.size = size
self.compressed_size = compressed_size
self.guid = chunk_guid
self.time_delta = time_delta
self.url = url
class WriterTask:
Writing task for FileWorker, including some metadata that is required.
def __init__(self, filename, chunk_offset=0, chunk_size=0, chunk_guid=None, close=False,
shared_memory=None, cache_file='', old_file='', release_memory=False, rename=False,
empty=False, kill=False, delete=False, old_filename='', fopen=False, silent=False):
self.filename = filename
self.empty = empty
self.shm = shared_memory
self.chunk_offset = chunk_offset
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.chunk_guid = chunk_guid
self.release_memory = release_memory
# reading from a cached chunk instead of memory
self.cache_file = cache_file
self.old_file = old_file
self.open = fopen
self.close = close
self.delete = delete
self.rename = rename
self.old_filename = old_filename
self.silent = silent # disable logging
self.kill = kill # final task for worker (quit)
class WriterTaskResult:
def __init__(self, success, filename='', chunk_guid='',
release_memory=False, shm=None, size=0,
kill=False, closed=False, time_delta=None):
self.success = success
self.filename = filename
self.chunk_guid = chunk_guid
self.release_memory = release_memory
self.shm = shm
self.size = size
self.kill = kill
self.closed = closed
self.time_delta = time_delta
class UIUpdate:
Status update object sent from the manager to the CLI/GUI to update status indicators
def __init__(self, progress, runtime, estimated_time_left, processed_chunks, chunk_tasks,
total_downloaded, total_written, cache_usage, active_tasks, download_speed,
download_decompressed_speed, write_speed, read_speed, current_filename=''):
self.progress = progress
self.runtime = runtime
self.estimated_time_left = estimated_time_left
self.processed_chunks = processed_chunks
self.chunk_tasks = chunk_tasks
self.total_downloaded = total_downloaded
self.total_written = total_written
self.cache_usage = cache_usage
self.active_tasks = active_tasks
self.download_speed = download_speed
self.download_decompressed_speed = download_decompressed_speed
self.write_speed = write_speed
self.read_speed = read_speed
self.current_filename = current_filename
class SharedMemorySegment:
Segment of the shared memory used for one Chunk
def __init__(self, offset=0, end=1024 * 1024):
self.offset = offset
self.end = end
def size(self):
return self.end - self.offset
class ChunkTask:
def __init__(self, chunk_guid, chunk_offset=0, chunk_size=0, cleanup=False, chunk_file=None):
Download manager chunk task
:param chunk_guid: GUID of chunk
:param cleanup: whether or not this chunk can be removed from disk/memory after it has been written
:param chunk_offset: Offset into file or shared memory
:param chunk_size: Size to read from file or shared memory
:param chunk_file: Either cache or existing game file this chunk is read from if not using shared memory
self.chunk_guid = chunk_guid
self.cleanup = cleanup
self.chunk_offset = chunk_offset
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.chunk_file = chunk_file
class FileTask:
def __init__(self, filename, delete=False, empty=False, fopen=False, close=False,
rename=False, temporary_filename=None, silent=False):
Download manager Task for a file
:param filename: name of the file
:param delete: if this is a file to be deleted, if rename is true, delete filename before renaming
:param empty: if this is an empty file that just needs to be "touch"-ed (may not have chunk tasks)
:param temporary_filename: If rename is true: Filename to rename from.
self.filename = filename
self.delete = delete
self.empty = empty
self.open = fopen
self.close = close
self.rename = rename
self.temporary_filename = temporary_filename
self.silent = silent
def is_reusing(self):
return self.temporary_filename is not None
class AnalysisResult:
def __init__(self):
self.dl_size = 0
self.uncompressed_dl_size = 0
self.install_size = 0
self.reuse_size = 0
self.biggest_file_size = 0
self.unchanged_size = 0
self.biggest_chunk = 0
self.min_memory = 0
self.num_chunks = 0
self.num_chunks_cache = 0
self.num_files = 0
self.removed = 0
self.added = 0
self.changed = 0
self.unchanged = 0
self.manifest_comparison = None
class ConditionCheckResult:
"""Result object used in Core to identify problems that would prevent an installation from succeeding"""
def __init__(self, failures=None, warnings=None):
self.failures = failures
self.warnings = warnings

View file

@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
from copy import deepcopy
from distutils.util import strtobool
from custom_legendary.models.game import InstalledGame, Game
_template = {
'AppCategories': ['public', 'games', 'applications'],
'AppName': '',
'AppVersionString': '',
'BaseURLs': [],
'BuildLabel': '',
'CatalogItemId': '',
'CatalogNamespace': '',
'ChunkDbs': [],
'CompatibleApps': [],
'DisplayName': '',
'FormatVersion': 0,
'FullAppName': '',
'HostInstallationGuid': '',
'InstallComponents': [],
'InstallLocation': '',
'InstallSessionId': '',
'InstallSize': 0,
'InstallTags': [],
'InstallationGuid': '',
'LaunchCommand': '',
'LaunchExecutable': '',
'MainGameAppName': '',
'MainWindowProcessName': '',
'MandatoryAppFolderName': '',
'ManifestLocation': '',
'OwnershipToken': '',
'PrereqIds': [],
'ProcessNames': [],
'StagingLocation': '',
'TechnicalType': '',
'VaultThumbnailUrl': '',
'VaultTitleText': '',
'bCanRunOffline': True,
'bIsApplication': True,
'bIsExecutable': True,
'bIsIncompleteInstall': False,
'bIsManaged': False,
'bNeedsValidation': False,
'bRequiresAuth': True
class EGLManifest:
def __init__(self):
self.app_name = None
self.app_version_string = None
self.base_urls = None
self.build_label = None
self.catalog_item_id = None
self.namespace = None
self.display_name = None
self.install_location = None
self.install_size = None
self.install_tags = None
self.installation_guid = None
self.launch_command = None
self.executable = None
self.main_game_appname = None
self.app_folder_name = None
self.manifest_location = None
self.ownership_token = None
self.staging_location = None
self.can_run_offline = None
self.is_incomplete_install = None
self.needs_validation = None
self.remainder = dict()
def from_json(cls, json: dict):
json = deepcopy(json)
tmp = cls()
tmp.app_name = json.pop('AppName')
tmp.app_version_string = json.pop('AppVersionString', None)
tmp.base_urls = json.pop('BaseURLs', list())
tmp.build_label = json.pop('BuildLabel', '')
tmp.catalog_item_id = json.pop('CatalogItemId', '')
tmp.namespace = json.pop('CatalogNamespace', '')
tmp.display_name = json.pop('DisplayName', '')
tmp.install_location = json.pop('InstallLocation', '')
tmp.install_size = json.pop('InstallSize', 0)
tmp.install_tags = json.pop('InstallTags', [])
tmp.installation_guid = json.pop('InstallationGuid', '')
tmp.launch_command = json.pop('LaunchCommand', '')
tmp.executable = json.pop('LaunchExecutable', '')
tmp.main_game_appname = json.pop('MainGameAppName', '')
tmp.app_folder_name = json.pop('MandatoryAppFolderName', '')
tmp.manifest_location = json.pop('ManifestLocation', '')
tmp.ownership_token = strtobool(json.pop('OwnershipToken', 'False'))
tmp.staging_location = json.pop('StagingLocation', '')
tmp.can_run_offline = json.pop('bCanRunOffline', True)
tmp.is_incomplete_install = json.pop('bIsIncompleteInstall', False)
tmp.needs_validation = json.pop('bNeedsValidation', False)
tmp.remainder = json.copy()
return tmp
def to_json(self) -> dict:
out = _template.copy()
out['AppName'] = self.app_name
out['AppVersionString'] = self.app_version_string
out['BaseURLs'] = self.base_urls
out['BuildLabel'] = self.build_label
out['CatalogItemId'] = self.catalog_item_id
out['CatalogNamespace'] = self.namespace
out['DisplayName'] = self.display_name
out['InstallLocation'] = self.install_location
out['InstallSize'] = self.install_size
out['InstallTags'] = self.install_tags
out['InstallationGuid'] = self.installation_guid
out['LaunchCommand'] = self.launch_command
out['LaunchExecutable'] = self.executable
out['MainGameAppName'] = self.main_game_appname
out['MandatoryAppFolderName'] = self.app_folder_name
out['ManifestLocation'] = self.manifest_location
out['OwnershipToken'] = str(self.ownership_token).lower()
out['StagingLocation'] = self.staging_location
out['bCanRunOffline'] = self.can_run_offline
out['bIsIncompleteInstall'] = self.is_incomplete_install
out['bNeedsValidation'] = self.needs_validation
return out
def from_lgd_game(cls, game: Game, igame: InstalledGame):
tmp = cls()
tmp.app_name = game.app_name
tmp.app_version_string = igame.version
tmp.base_urls = igame.base_urls
tmp.build_label = 'Live'
tmp.catalog_item_id = game.asset_info.catalog_item_id
tmp.namespace = game.asset_info.namespace
tmp.display_name = igame.title
tmp.install_location = igame.install_path
tmp.install_size = igame.install_size
tmp.install_tags = igame.install_tags
tmp.installation_guid = igame.egl_guid
tmp.launch_command = igame.launch_parameters
tmp.executable = igame.executable
tmp.main_game_appname = game.app_name # todo for DLC support this needs to be the base game
tmp.app_folder_name = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('FolderName', {}).get('value', '')
tmp.manifest_location = igame.install_path + '/.egstore'
tmp.ownership_token = igame.requires_ot
tmp.staging_location = igame.install_path + '/.egstore/bps'
tmp.can_run_offline = igame.can_run_offline
tmp.is_incomplete_install = False
tmp.needs_validation = igame.needs_verification
return tmp
def to_lgd_igame(self) -> InstalledGame:
return InstalledGame(app_name=self.app_name, title=self.display_name, version=self.app_version_string,
base_urls=self.base_urls, install_path=self.install_location, executable=self.executable,
launch_parameters=self.launch_command, can_run_offline=self.can_run_offline,
requires_ot=self.ownership_token, is_dlc=False,
needs_verification=self.needs_validation, install_size=self.install_size,
egl_guid=self.installation_guid, install_tags=self.install_tags)

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
# ToDo more custom exceptions where it makes sense
class CaptchaError(Exception):
"""Raised by core if direct login fails"""
class InvalidCredentialsError(Exception):

View file

@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
from enum import Enum
class GameAsset:
def __init__(self):
self.app_name = ''
self.asset_id = ''
self.build_version = ''
self.catalog_item_id = ''
self.label_name = ''
self.namespace = ''
self.metadata = dict()
def from_egs_json(cls, json):
tmp = cls()
tmp.app_name = json.get('appName', '')
tmp.asset_id = json.get('assetId', '')
tmp.build_version = json.get('buildVersion', '')
tmp.catalog_item_id = json.get('catalogItemId', '')
tmp.label_name = json.get('labelName', '')
tmp.namespace = json.get('namespace', '')
tmp.metadata = json.get('metadata', {})
return tmp
def from_json(cls, json):
tmp = cls()
tmp.app_name = json.get('app_name', '')
tmp.asset_id = json.get('asset_id', '')
tmp.build_version = json.get('build_version', '')
tmp.catalog_item_id = json.get('catalog_item_id', '')
tmp.label_name = json.get('label_name', '')
tmp.namespace = json.get('namespace', '')
tmp.metadata = json.get('metadata', {})
return tmp
class Game:
def __init__(self, app_name='', app_title='', asset_info=None, app_version='', metadata=None):
self.metadata = dict() if metadata is None else metadata # store metadata from EGS
self.asset_info = asset_info if asset_info else GameAsset() # asset info from EGS
self.app_version = app_version
self.app_name = app_name
self.app_title = app_title
self.base_urls = [] # base urls for download, only really used when cached manifest is current
def is_dlc(self):
return self.metadata and 'mainGameItem' in self.metadata
def supports_cloud_saves(self):
return self.metadata and (self.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('CloudSaveFolder') is not None)
def from_json(cls, json):
tmp = cls()
tmp.metadata = json.get('metadata', dict())
tmp.asset_info = GameAsset.from_json(json.get('asset_info', dict()))
tmp.app_name = json.get('app_name', 'undefined')
tmp.app_title = json.get('app_title', 'undefined')
tmp.app_version = json.get('app_version', 'undefined')
tmp.base_urls = json.get('base_urls', list())
return tmp
def __dict__(self):
"""This is just here so asset_info gets turned into a dict as well"""
return dict(metadata=self.metadata, asset_info=self.asset_info.__dict__,
app_name=self.app_name, app_title=self.app_title,
app_version=self.app_version, base_urls=self.base_urls)
class InstalledGame:
def __init__(self, app_name='', title='', version='', manifest_path='', base_urls=None,
install_path='', executable='', launch_parameters='', prereq_info=None,
can_run_offline=False, requires_ot=False, is_dlc=False, save_path=None,
needs_verification=False, install_size=0, egl_guid='', install_tags=None):
self.app_name = app_name
self.title = title
self.version = version
self.manifest_path = manifest_path
self.base_urls = list() if not base_urls else base_urls
self.install_path = install_path
self.executable = executable
self.launch_parameters = launch_parameters
self.prereq_info = prereq_info
self.can_run_offline = can_run_offline
self.requires_ot = requires_ot
self.is_dlc = is_dlc
self.save_path = save_path
self.needs_verification = needs_verification
self.install_size = install_size
self.egl_guid = egl_guid
self.install_tags = install_tags if install_tags else []
def from_json(cls, json):
tmp = cls()
tmp.app_name = json.get('app_name', '')
tmp.version = json.get('version', '')
tmp.title = json.get('title', '')
tmp.manifest_path = json.get('manifest_path', '')
tmp.base_urls = json.get('base_urls', list())
tmp.install_path = json.get('install_path', '')
tmp.executable = json.get('executable', '')
tmp.launch_parameters = json.get('launch_parameters', '')
tmp.prereq_info = json.get('prereq_info', None)
tmp.can_run_offline = json.get('can_run_offline', False)
tmp.requires_ot = json.get('requires_ot', False)
tmp.is_dlc = json.get('is_dlc', False)
tmp.save_path = json.get('save_path', None)
tmp.needs_verification = json.get('needs_verification', False) is True
tmp.install_size = json.get('install_size', 0)
tmp.egl_guid = json.get('egl_guid', '')
tmp.install_tags = json.get('install_tags', [])
return tmp
class SaveGameFile:
def __init__(self, app_name='', filename='', manifest='', datetime=None):
self.app_name = app_name
self.filename = filename
self.manifest_name = manifest
self.datetime = datetime
class SaveGameStatus(Enum):
class VerifyResult(Enum):
x = {'title': 'Frostpunk',
'id': 'b43c1e1e0ca14b6784b323c59c751136', 'namespace': 'd5241c76f178492ea1540fce45616757',
'description': 'Frostpunk', 'effectiveDate': '2099-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', 'offerType': 'OTHERS', 'expiryDate': None,
'status': 'ACTIVE', 'isCodeRedemptionOnly': True, 'keyImages': [{'type': 'VaultClosed',
'url': 'https://cdn1.epicgames.com/d5241c76f178492ea1540fce45616757/offer/EpicVault_Clean_OPEN_V10_LightsON-1920x1080-75e6d0636a6083944570a1c6f94ead4f.png'},
{'type': 'DieselStoreFrontWide',
'url': 'https://cdn1.epicgames.com/salesEvent/salesEvent/EGS_Frostpunk_wide_2560x1440-ef2f4d458120af0839dde35b1a022828'},
{'type': 'DieselStoreFrontTall',
'url': 'https://cdn1.epicgames.com/salesEvent/salesEvent/EGS_Frostpunk_Tall_1200x1600-c71dc27cfe505c6c662c49011b36a0c5'}],
'seller': {'id': 'o-ufmrk5furrrxgsp5tdngefzt5rxdcn', 'name': 'Epic Dev Test Account'}, 'productSlug': 'frostpunk',
'urlSlug': 'free-games-06', 'url': None,
'items': [{'id': '8341d7c7e4534db7848cc428aa4cbe5a', 'namespace': 'd5241c76f178492ea1540fce45616757'}],
'customAttributes': [{'key': 'com.epicgames.app.freegames.vault.close', 'value': '[]'},
{'key': 'com.epicgames.app.blacklist', 'value': '[]'},
{'key': 'com.epicgames.app.freegames.vault.slug',
'value': 'news/the-epic-mega-sale-returns-for-2021'},
{'key': 'publisherName', 'value': '11 bit studios'}, {'key': 'dupe', 'value': '[]'},
{'key': 'com.epicgames.app.freegames.vault.open', 'value': '[]'},
{'key': 'developerName', 'value': '11 bit studios'},
{'key': 'com.epicgames.app.productSlug', 'value': 'frostpunk'}],
'categories': [{'path': 'freegames/vaulted'}, {'path': 'freegames'}, {'path': 'games'}, {'path': 'applications'}],
'tags': [], 'price': {'totalPrice': {'discountPrice': 0, 'originalPrice': 0, 'voucherDiscount': 0, 'discount': 0,
'currencyCode': 'USD', 'currencyInfo': {'decimals': 2},
'fmtPrice': {'originalPrice': '0', 'discountPrice': '0',
'intermediatePrice': '0'}},
'lineOffers': [{'appliedRules': []}]}, 'promotions': {'promotionalOffers': [],
'upcomingPromotionalOffers': [{
'promotionalOffers': [
'startDate': '2021-06-03T15:00:00.000Z',
'endDate': '2021-06-10T15:00:00.000Z',
'discountSetting': {
'discountType': 'PERCENTAGE',
'discountPercentage': 0}}]}]}}

View file

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
import json
import struct
from copy import deepcopy
from custom_legendary.models.manifest import (
Manifest, ManifestMeta, CDL, ChunkPart, ChunkInfo, FML, FileManifest, CustomFields
def blob_to_num(in_str):
The JSON manifest use a rather strange format for storing numbers.
It's essentially %03d for each char concatenated to a string.
...instead of just putting the fucking number in the JSON...
Also it's still little endian so we have to bitshift it.
num = 0
shift = 0
for i in range(0, len(in_str), 3):
num += (int(in_str[i:i + 3]) << shift)
shift += 8
return num
def guid_from_json(in_str):
return struct.unpack('>IIII', bytes.fromhex(in_str))
class JSONManifest(Manifest):
Manifest-compatible reader for JSON based manifests
def __init__(self):
self.json_data = None
def read_all(cls, manifest):
_m = cls.read(manifest)
_tmp = deepcopy(_m.json_data)
_m.meta = JSONManifestMeta.read(_tmp)
_m.chunk_data_list = JSONCDL.read(_tmp, manifest_version=_m.version)
_m.file_manifest_list = JSONFML.read(_tmp)
_m.custom_fields = CustomFields()
_m.custom_fields._dict = _tmp.pop('CustomFields', dict())
if _tmp.keys():
print(f'Did not read JSON keys: {_tmp.keys()}!')
# clear raw data after manifest has been loaded
_m.data = b''
_m.json_data = None
return _m
def read(cls, manifest):
_manifest = cls()
_manifest.data = manifest
_manifest.json_data = json.loads(manifest.decode('utf-8'))
_manifest.stored_as = 0 # never compressed
_manifest.version = blob_to_num(_manifest.json_data.get('ManifestFileVersion', '013000000000'))
return _manifest
def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
# The version here only matters for the manifest header,
# the feature level in meta determines chunk folders etc.
# So all that's required for successful serialization is
# setting it to something high enough to be a binary manifest
self.version = 18
return super().write(*args, **kwargs)
class JSONManifestMeta(ManifestMeta):
def __init__(self):
def read(cls, json_data):
_meta = cls()
_meta.feature_level = blob_to_num(json_data.pop('ManifestFileVersion', '013000000000'))
_meta.is_file_data = json_data.pop('bIsFileData', False)
_meta.app_id = blob_to_num(json_data.pop('AppID', '000000000000'))
_meta.app_name = json_data.pop('AppNameString', '')
_meta.build_version = json_data.pop('BuildVersionString', '')
_meta.launch_exe = json_data.pop('LaunchExeString', '')
_meta.launch_command = json_data.pop('LaunchCommand', '')
_meta.prereq_ids = json_data.pop('PrereqIds', list())
_meta.prereq_name = json_data.pop('PrereqName', '')
_meta.prereq_path = json_data.pop('PrereqPath', '')
_meta.prereq_args = json_data.pop('PrereqArgs', '')
return _meta
def __init__(self):
def read(cls, json_data, manifest_version=13):
_cdl = cls()
_cdl._manifest_version = manifest_version
_cdl.count = len(json_data['ChunkFilesizeList'])
cfl = json_data.pop('ChunkFilesizeList')
chl = json_data.pop('ChunkHashList')
csl = json_data.pop('ChunkShaList')
dgl = json_data.pop('DataGroupList')
_guids = list(cfl.keys())
for guid in _guids:
_ci = ChunkInfo(manifest_version=manifest_version)
_ci.guid = guid_from_json(guid)
_ci.file_size = blob_to_num(cfl.pop(guid))
_ci.hash = blob_to_num(chl.pop(guid))
_ci.sha_hash = bytes.fromhex(csl.pop(guid))
_ci.group_num = blob_to_num(dgl.pop(guid))
_ci.window_size = 1024 * 1024
for _dc in (cfl, chl, csl, dgl):
if _dc:
print(f'Non-consumed CDL stuff: {_dc}')
return _cdl
def __init__(self):
def read(cls, json_data):
_fml = cls()
_fml.count = len(json_data['FileManifestList'])
for _fmj in json_data.pop('FileManifestList'):
_fm = FileManifest()
_fm.filename = _fmj.pop('Filename', '')
_fm.hash = blob_to_num(_fmj.pop('FileHash')).to_bytes(160 // 8, 'little')
_fm.flags |= int(_fmj.pop('bIsReadOnly', False))
_fm.flags |= int(_fmj.pop('bIsCompressed', False)) << 1
_fm.flags |= int(_fmj.pop('bIsUnixExecutable', False)) << 2
_fm.file_size = 0
_fm.chunk_parts = []
_fm.install_tags = _fmj.pop('InstallTags', list())
_offset = 0
for _cpj in _fmj.pop('FileChunkParts'):
_cp = ChunkPart()
_cp.guid = guid_from_json(_cpj.pop('Guid'))
_cp.offset = blob_to_num(_cpj.pop('Offset'))
_cp.size = blob_to_num(_cpj.pop('Size'))
_cp.file_offset = _offset
_fm.file_size += _cp.size
if _cpj:
print(f'Non-read ChunkPart keys: {_cpj.keys()}')
_offset += _cp.size
if _fmj:
print(f'Non-read FileManifest keys: {_fmj.keys()}')
return _fml

View file

@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
import hashlib
import logging
import struct
import zlib
from base64 import b64encode
from io import BytesIO
logger = logging.getLogger('Manifest')
def read_fstring(bio):
length = struct.unpack('<i', bio.read(4))[0]
# if the length is negative the string is UTF-16 encoded, this was a pain to figure out.
if length < 0:
# utf-16 chars are 2 bytes wide but the length is # of characters, not bytes
# todo actually make sure utf-16 characters can't be longer than 2 bytes
length *= -2
s = bio.read(length - 2).decode('utf-16')
bio.seek(2, 1) # utf-16 strings have two byte null terminators
elif length > 0:
s = bio.read(length - 1).decode('ascii')
bio.seek(1, 1) # skip string null terminator
else: # empty string, no terminators or anything
s = ''
return s
def write_fstring(bio, string):
if not string:
bio.write(struct.pack('<i', 0))
s = string.encode('ascii')
bio.write(struct.pack('<i', len(string) + 1))
except UnicodeEncodeError:
s = string.encode('utf-16le')
bio.write(struct.pack('<i', -(len(string) + 1)))
def get_chunk_dir(version):
# The lowest version I've ever seen was 12 (Unreal Tournament), but for completeness sake leave all of them in
if version >= 15:
return 'ChunksV4'
elif version >= 6:
return 'ChunksV3'
elif version >= 3:
return 'ChunksV2'
return 'Chunks'
class Manifest:
header_magic = 0x44BEC00C
def __init__(self):
self.header_size = 41
self.size_compressed = 0
self.size_uncompressed = 0
self.sha_hash = ''
self.stored_as = 0
self.version = 18
self.data = b''
# remainder
self.meta = None
self.chunk_data_list = None
self.file_manifest_list = None
self.custom_fields = None
def compressed(self):
return self.stored_as & 0x1
def read_all(cls, data):
_m = cls.read(data)
_tmp = BytesIO(_m.data)
_m.meta = ManifestMeta.read(_tmp)
_m.chunk_data_list = CDL.read(_tmp, _m.meta.feature_level)
_m.file_manifest_list = FML.read(_tmp)
_m.custom_fields = CustomFields.read(_tmp)
unhandled_data = _tmp.read()
if unhandled_data:
logger.warning(f'Did not read {len(unhandled_data)} remaining bytes in manifest! '
f'This may not be a problem.')
# Throw this away since the raw data is no longer needed
del _tmp
_m.data = b''
return _m
def read(cls, data):
bio = BytesIO(data)
if struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0] != cls.header_magic:
raise ValueError('No header magic!')
_manifest = cls()
_manifest.header_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_manifest.size_uncompressed = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_manifest.size_compressed = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_manifest.sha_hash = bio.read(20)
_manifest.stored_as = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_manifest.version = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
if bio.tell() != _manifest.header_size:
logger.fatal(f'Did not read entire header {bio.tell()} != {_manifest.header_size}! '
f'Header version: {_manifest.version}, please report this on '
f'GitHub along with a sample of the problematic manifest!')
raise ValueError('Did not read complete manifest header!')
data = bio.read()
if _manifest.compressed:
_manifest.data = zlib.decompress(data)
dec_hash = hashlib.sha1(_manifest.data).hexdigest()
if dec_hash != _manifest.sha_hash.hex():
raise ValueError('Hash does not match!')
_manifest.data = data
return _manifest
def write(self, fp=None, compress=True):
body_bio = BytesIO()
self.data = body_bio.getvalue()
self.size_uncompressed = self.size_compressed = len(self.data)
self.sha_hash = hashlib.sha1(self.data).digest()
if self.compressed or compress:
self.stored_as |= 0x1
self.data = zlib.compress(self.data)
self.size_compressed = len(self.data)
if not fp:
bio = BytesIO()
bio = fp
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.header_magic))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.header_size))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.size_uncompressed))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.size_compressed))
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.stored_as))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.version))
if not fp:
return bio.getvalue()
return bio.tell()
class ManifestMeta:
def __init__(self):
self.meta_size = 0
self.data_version = 0
self.feature_level = 18
self.is_file_data = False
self.app_id = 0
self.app_name = ''
self.build_version = ''
self.launch_exe = ''
self.launch_command = ''
self.prereq_ids = []
self.prereq_name = ''
self.prereq_path = ''
self.prereq_args = ''
# this build id is used for something called "delta file" which I guess I'll have to implement eventually
self._build_id = ''
def build_id(self):
if self._build_id:
return self._build_id
# this took a while to figure out and get right and I'm still not sure if it'll work for all games :x
s = hashlib.sha1()
s.update(struct.pack('<I', self.app_id))
self._build_id = b64encode(s.digest()).decode('ascii').replace('+', '-').replace('/', '_').replace('=', '')
return self._build_id
def read(cls, bio):
_meta = cls()
_meta.meta_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_meta.data_version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
# Usually same as manifest version, but can be different
# e.g. if JSON manifest has been converted to binary manifest.
_meta.feature_level = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
# As far as I can tell this was used for very old manifests that didn't use chunks at all
_meta.is_file_data = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0] == 1
# 0 for most apps, generally not used
_meta.app_id = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_meta.app_name = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.build_version = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.launch_exe = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.launch_command = read_fstring(bio)
# This is a list though I've never seen more than one entry
entries = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
for i in range(entries):
_meta.prereq_name = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.prereq_path = read_fstring(bio)
_meta.prereq_args = read_fstring(bio)
# apparently there's a newer version that actually stores *a* build id.
if _meta.data_version > 0:
_meta._build_id = read_fstring(bio)
if bio.tell() != _meta.meta_size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire meta!')
return _meta
def write(self, bio):
meta_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.data_version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.feature_level))
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.is_file_data))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', self.app_id))
write_fstring(bio, self.app_name)
write_fstring(bio, self.build_version)
write_fstring(bio, self.launch_exe)
write_fstring(bio, self.launch_command)
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.prereq_ids)))
for preqre_id in self.prereq_ids:
write_fstring(bio, preqre_id)
write_fstring(bio, self.prereq_name)
write_fstring(bio, self.prereq_path)
write_fstring(bio, self.prereq_args)
if self.data_version > 0:
write_fstring(bio, self.build_id)
meta_end = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', meta_end - meta_start))
class CDL:
def __init__(self):
self.version = 0
self.size = 0
self.count = 0
self.elements = []
self._manifest_version = 18
self._guid_map = None
self._guid_int_map = None
self._path_map = None
def get_chunk_by_path(self, path):
if not self._path_map:
self._path_map = dict()
for index, chunk in enumerate(self.elements):
self._path_map[chunk.path] = index
index = self._path_map.get(path, None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid path! "{path}"')
return self.elements[index]
def get_chunk_by_guid(self, guid):
Get chunk by GUID string or number, creates index of chunks on first call
Integer GUIDs are usually faster and require less memory, use those when possible.
:param guid:
if isinstance(guid, int):
return self.get_chunk_by_guid_num(guid)
return self.get_chunk_by_guid_str(guid)
def get_chunk_by_guid_str(self, guid):
if not self._guid_map:
self._guid_map = dict()
for index, chunk in enumerate(self.elements):
self._guid_map[chunk.guid_str] = index
index = self._guid_map.get(guid.lower(), None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid GUID! {guid}')
return self.elements[index]
def get_chunk_by_guid_num(self, guid_int):
if not self._guid_int_map:
self._guid_int_map = dict()
for index, chunk in enumerate(self.elements):
self._guid_int_map[chunk.guid_num] = index
index = self._guid_int_map.get(guid_int, None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid GUID! {hex(guid_int)}')
return self.elements[index]
def read(cls, bio, manifest_version=18):
cdl_start = bio.tell()
_cdl = cls()
_cdl._manifest_version = manifest_version
_cdl.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_cdl.version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_cdl.count = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
# the way this data is stored is rather odd, maybe there's a nicer way to write this...
for i in range(_cdl.count):
# guid, doesn't seem to be a standard like UUID but is fairly straightfoward, 4 bytes, 128 bit.
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.guid = struct.unpack('<IIII', bio.read(16))
# hash is a 64 bit integer, no idea how it's calculated but we don't need to know that.
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.hash = struct.unpack('<Q', bio.read(8))[0]
# sha1 hash
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.sha_hash = bio.read(20)
# group number, seems to be part of the download path
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.group_num = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
# window size is the uncompressed size
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.window_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
# file size is the compressed size that will need to be downloaded
for chunk in _cdl.elements:
chunk.file_size = struct.unpack('<q', bio.read(8))[0]
if bio.tell() - cdl_start != _cdl.size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire chunk data list!')
return _cdl
def write(self, bio):
cdl_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.elements)))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<IIII', *chunk.guid))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<Q', chunk.hash))
for chunk in self.elements:
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('B', chunk.group_num))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', chunk.window_size))
for chunk in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<q', chunk.file_size))
cdl_end = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cdl_end - cdl_start))
class ChunkInfo:
def __init__(self, manifest_version=18):
self.guid = None
self.hash = 0
self.sha_hash = b''
self.window_size = 0
self.file_size = 0
self._manifest_version = manifest_version
# caches for things that are "expensive" to compute
self._group_num = None
self._guid_str = None
self._guid_num = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<ChunkInfo (guid={}, hash={}, sha_hash={}, group_num={}, window_size={}, file_size={})>'.format(
self.guid_str, self.hash, self.sha_hash.hex(), self.group_num, self.window_size, self.file_size
def guid_str(self):
if not self._guid_str:
self._guid_str = '-'.join('{:08x}'.format(g) for g in self.guid)
return self._guid_str
def guid_num(self):
if not self._guid_num:
self._guid_num = self.guid[3] + (self.guid[2] << 32) + (self.guid[1] << 64) + (self.guid[0] << 96)
return self._guid_num
def group_num(self):
if self._guid_num is not None:
return self._group_num
self._group_num = (zlib.crc32(
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[0]) +
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[1]) +
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[2]) +
struct.pack('<I', self.guid[3])
) & 0xffffffff) % 100
return self._group_num
def group_num(self, value):
self._group_num = value
def path(self):
return '{}/{:02d}/{:016X}_{}.chunk'.format(
get_chunk_dir(self._manifest_version), self.group_num,
self.hash, ''.join('{:08X}'.format(g) for g in self.guid))
class FML:
def __init__(self):
self.version = 0
self.size = 0
self.count = 0
self.elements = []
self._path_map = dict()
def get_file_by_path(self, path):
if not self._path_map:
self._path_map = dict()
for index, fm in enumerate(self.elements):
self._path_map[fm.filename] = index
index = self._path_map.get(path, None)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid path! {path}')
return self.elements[index]
def read(cls, bio):
fml_start = bio.tell()
_fml = cls()
_fml.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_fml.version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_fml.count = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
for i in range(_fml.count):
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.filename = read_fstring(bio)
# never seen this used in any of the manifests I checked but can't wait for something to break because of it
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.symlink_target = read_fstring(bio)
# For files this is actually the SHA1 instead of whatever it is for chunks...
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.hash = bio.read(20)
# Flags, the only one I've seen is for executables
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.flags = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
# install tags, no idea what they do, I've only seen them in the Fortnite manifest
for fm in _fml.elements:
_elem = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
for i in range(_elem):
# Each file is made up of "Chunk Parts" that can be spread across the "chunk stream"
for fm in _fml.elements:
_elem = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_offset = 0
for i in range(_elem):
chunkp = ChunkPart()
_start = bio.tell()
_size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
chunkp.guid = struct.unpack('<IIII', bio.read(16))
chunkp.offset = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
chunkp.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
chunkp.file_offset = _offset
_offset += chunkp.size
if (diff := (bio.tell() - _start - _size)) > 0:
logger.warning(f'Did not read {diff} bytes from chunk part!')
# we have to calculate the actual file size ourselves
for fm in _fml.elements:
fm.file_size = sum(c.size for c in fm.chunk_parts)
if bio.tell() - fml_start != _fml.size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire chunk data list!')
return _fml
def write(self, bio):
fml_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self.elements)))
for fm in self.elements:
write_fstring(bio, fm.filename)
for fm in self.elements:
write_fstring(bio, fm.symlink_target)
for fm in self.elements:
for fm in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('B', fm.flags))
for fm in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(fm.install_tags)))
for tag in fm.install_tags:
write_fstring(bio, tag)
# finally, write the chunk parts
for fm in self.elements:
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(fm.chunk_parts)))
for cp in fm.chunk_parts:
# size is always 28 bytes (4 size + 16 guid + 4 offset + 4 size)
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 28))
bio.write(struct.pack('<IIII', *cp.guid))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cp.offset))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cp.size))
fml_end = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', fml_end - fml_start))
class FileManifest:
def __init__(self):
self.filename = ''
self.symlink_target = ''
self.hash = b''
self.flags = 0
self.install_tags = []
self.chunk_parts = []
self.file_size = 0
def read_only(self):
return self.flags & 0x1
def compressed(self):
return self.flags & 0x2
def executable(self):
return self.flags & 0x4
def sha_hash(self):
return self.hash
def __repr__(self):
if len(self.chunk_parts) <= 20:
cp_repr = ', '.join(repr(c) for c in self.chunk_parts)
_cp = [repr(cp) for cp in self.chunk_parts[:20]]
cp_repr = ', '.join(_cp)
return '<FileManifest (filename="{}", symlink_target="{}", hash={}, flags={}, ' \
'install_tags=[{}], chunk_parts=[{}], file_size={})>'.format(
self.filename, self.symlink_target, self.hash.hex(), self.flags,
', '.join(self.install_tags), cp_repr, self.file_size
class ChunkPart:
def __init__(self, guid=None, offset=0, size=0, file_offset=0):
self.guid = guid
self.offset = offset
self.size = size
self.file_offset = file_offset
# caches for things that are "expensive" to compute
self._guid_str = None
self._guid_num = None
def guid_str(self):
if not self._guid_str:
self._guid_str = '-'.join('{:08x}'.format(g) for g in self.guid)
return self._guid_str
def guid_num(self):
if not self._guid_num:
self._guid_num = self.guid[3] + (self.guid[2] << 32) + (self.guid[1] << 64) + (self.guid[0] << 96)
return self._guid_num
def __repr__(self):
guid_readable = '-'.join('{:08x}'.format(g) for g in self.guid)
return '<ChunkPart (guid={}, offset={}, size={}, file_offset={})>'.format(
guid_readable, self.offset, self.size, self.file_offset)
class CustomFields:
def __init__(self):
self.size = 0
self.version = 0
self.count = 0
self._dict = dict()
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._dict.get(item, None)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._dict[key] = value
def __str__(self):
return str(self._dict)
def items(self):
return self._dict.items()
def keys(self):
return self._dict.keys()
def values(self):
return self._dict.values()
def read(cls, bio):
_cf = cls()
cf_start = bio.tell()
_cf.size = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_cf.version = struct.unpack('B', bio.read(1))[0]
_cf.count = struct.unpack('<I', bio.read(4))[0]
_keys = []
_values = []
for i in range(_cf.count):
for i in range(_cf.count):
_cf._dict = dict(zip(_keys, _values))
if bio.tell() - cf_start != _cf.size:
raise ValueError('Did not read entire custom fields list!')
return _cf
def write(self, bio):
cf_start = bio.tell()
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) # placeholder size
bio.write(struct.pack('B', self.version))
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', len(self._dict)))
for key in self.keys():
write_fstring(bio, key)
for value in self.values():
write_fstring(bio, value)
cf_end = bio.tell()
# write proper size
bio.write(struct.pack('<I', cf_end - cf_start))
class ManifestComparison:
def __init__(self):
self.added = set()
self.removed = set()
self.changed = set()
self.unchanged = set()
def create(cls, manifest, old_manifest=None):
comp = cls()
if not old_manifest:
comp.added = set(fm.filename for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
return comp
old_files = {fm.filename: fm.hash for fm in old_manifest.file_manifest_list.elements}
for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements:
old_file_hash = old_files.pop(fm.filename, None)
if old_file_hash:
if fm.hash == old_file_hash:
# any remaining old files were removed
if old_files:
comp.removed = set(old_files.keys())
return comp

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
from custom_legendary.utils.selective_dl import games
def get_boolean_choice(prompt, default=True):
if default:
yn = 'Y/n'
yn = 'y/N'
choice = input(f'{prompt} [{yn}]: ')
if not choice:
return default
elif choice[0].lower() == 'y':
return True
return False
def sdl_prompt(app_name, title):
tags = ['']
if '__required' in games[app_name]:
print(f'You are about to install {title}, this game supports selective downloads.')
print('The following optional packs are available:')
for tag, info in games[app_name].items():
if tag == '__required':
print(' *', tag, '-', info['name'])
print('Please enter a comma-separated list of optional packs to install (leave blank for defaults)')
examples = ','.join([g for g in games[app_name].keys() if g != '__required'][:2])
choices = input(f'Additional packs [e.g. {examples}]: ')
if not choices:
return tags
for c in choices.split(','):
c = c.strip()
if c in games[app_name]:
print('Invalid tag:', c)
return tags

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
import argparse
# reference: https://gist.github.com/sampsyo/471779#gistcomment-2886157
class AliasedSubParsersAction(argparse._SubParsersAction):
class _AliasedPseudoAction(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, name, aliases, help):
dest = name
if aliases:
dest += ' (%s)' % ','.join(aliases)
sup = super(AliasedSubParsersAction._AliasedPseudoAction, self)
sup.__init__(option_strings=[], dest=dest, help=help)
def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs):
aliases = kwargs.pop('aliases', [])
parser = super(AliasedSubParsersAction, self).add_parser(name, **kwargs)
# Make the aliases work.
for alias in aliases:
self._name_parser_map[alias] = parser
# Make the help text reflect them, first removing old help entry.
if 'help' in kwargs:
help = kwargs.pop('help')
pseudo_action = self._AliasedPseudoAction(name, aliases, help)
return parser

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
# games where the download order optimizations are enabled by default
# a set() of versions can be specified, empty set means all versions.
_optimize_default = {
'wombat': {}, # world war z
'snapdragon': {}, # metro exodus
'honeycreeper': {}, # diabotical
'bcc75c246fe04e45b0c1f1c3fd52503a': { # pillars of eternity
'1.0.2' # problematic version
def is_opt_enabled(app_name, version):
if (versions := _optimize_default.get(app_name.lower())) is not None:
if version in versions or not versions:
return True
return False

View file

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import shutil
from typing import List, Iterator
from custom_legendary.models.game import VerifyResult
logger = logging.getLogger('LFS Utils')
def delete_folder(path: str, recursive=True) -> bool:
logger.debug(f'Deleting "{path}", recursive={recursive}...')
if not recursive:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'Failed deleting files with {e!r}')
return False
return True
def delete_filelist(path: str, filenames: List[str],
delete_root_directory: bool = False,
silent: bool = False) -> bool:
dirs = set()
no_error = True
# delete all files that were installed
for filename in filenames:
_dir, _fn = os.path.split(filename)
if _dir:
os.remove(os.path.join(path, _dir, _fn))
except Exception as e:
if not silent:
logger.error(f'Failed deleting file {filename} with {e!r}')
no_error = False
# add intermediate directories that would have been missed otherwise
for _dir in sorted(dirs):
head, _ = os.path.split(_dir)
while head:
head, _ = os.path.split(head)
# remove all directories
for _dir in sorted(dirs, key=len, reverse=True):
os.rmdir(os.path.join(path, _dir))
except FileNotFoundError:
# directory has already been deleted, ignore that
except Exception as e:
if not silent:
logger.error(f'Failed removing directory "{_dir}" with {e!r}')
no_error = False
if delete_root_directory:
except Exception as e:
if not silent:
logger.error(f'Removing game directory failed with {e!r}')
return no_error
def validate_files(base_path: str, filelist: List[tuple], hash_type='sha1') -> Iterator[tuple]:
Validates the files in filelist in path against the provided hashes
:param base_path: path in which the files are located
:param filelist: list of tuples in format (path, hash [hex])
:param hash_type: (optional) type of hash, default is sha1
:return: list of files that failed hash check
if not filelist:
raise ValueError('No files to validate!')
if not os.path.exists(base_path):
raise OSError('Path does not exist')
for file_path, file_hash in filelist:
full_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_path)
# logger.debug(f'Checking "{file_path}"...')
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
yield VerifyResult.FILE_MISSING, file_path, ''
with open(full_path, 'rb') as f:
real_file_hash = hashlib.new(hash_type)
while chunk := f.read(1024 * 1024):
result_hash = real_file_hash.hexdigest()
if file_hash != result_hash:
yield VerifyResult.HASH_MISMATCH, file_path, result_hash
yield VerifyResult.HASH_MATCH, file_path, result_hash
except Exception as e:
logger.fatal(f'Could not verify "{file_path}"; opening failed with: {e!r}')
yield VerifyResult.OTHER_ERROR, file_path, ''
def clean_filename(filename):
return ''.join(i for i in filename if i not in '<>:"/\\|?*')

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
from custom_legendary.models.manifest import Manifest
def combine_manifests(base_manifest: Manifest, delta_manifest: Manifest):
added = set()
# overwrite file elements with the ones from the delta manifest
for idx, file_elem in enumerate(base_manifest.file_manifest_list.elements):
delta_file = delta_manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(file_elem.filename)
base_manifest.file_manifest_list.elements[idx] = delta_file
except ValueError:
# add other files that may be missing
for delta_file in delta_manifest.file_manifest_list.elements:
if delta_file.filename not in added:
# update count and clear map
base_manifest.file_manifest_list.count = len(base_manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
base_manifest.file_manifest_list._path_map = None
# ensure guid map exists
# add new chunks from delta manifest to main manifest and again clear maps and update count
existing_chunk_guids = base_manifest.chunk_data_list._guid_int_map.keys()
for chunk in delta_manifest.chunk_data_list.elements:
if chunk.guid_num not in existing_chunk_guids:
base_manifest.chunk_data_list.count = len(base_manifest.chunk_data_list.elements)
base_manifest.chunk_data_list._guid_map = None
base_manifest.chunk_data_list._guid_int_map = None
base_manifest.chunk_data_list._path_map = None

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# this is the rolling hash Epic uses, it appears to be a variation on CRC-64-ECMA
hash_poly = 0xC96C5795D7870F42
hash_table = []
def _init():
for i in range(256):
for _ in range(8):
if i & 1:
i >>= 1
i ^= hash_poly
i >>= 1
def get_hash(data):
if not hash_table:
h = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
h = ((h << 1 | h >> 63) ^ hash_table[data[i]]) & 0xffffffffffffffff
return h

View file

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from hashlib import sha1
from io import BytesIO
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
from custom_legendary.models.chunk import Chunk
from custom_legendary.models.manifest import \
Manifest, ManifestMeta, CDL, FML, CustomFields, FileManifest, ChunkPart, ChunkInfo
def _filename_matches(filename, patterns):
Helper to determine if a filename matches the filter patterns
:param filename: name of the file
:param patterns: list of patterns to match against
for pattern in patterns:
if pattern.endswith('/'):
# pat is a directory, check if path starts with it
if filename.startswith(pattern):
return True
elif fnmatch(filename, pattern):
return True
return False
class SaveGameHelper:
def __init__(self):
self.files = dict()
self.log = logging.getLogger('SGH')
def finalize_chunk(self, chunk: Chunk):
ci = ChunkInfo()
ci.guid = chunk.guid
ci.hash = chunk.hash
ci.sha_hash = chunk.sha_hash
# use a temporary file for uploading
_tmp_file = TemporaryFile()
self.files[ci.path] = _tmp_file
# write() returns file size and also sets the uncompressed size
ci.file_size = chunk.write(_tmp_file)
ci.window_size = chunk.uncompressed_size
return ci
def package_savegame(self, input_folder: str, app_name: str = '',
epic_id: str = '', cloud_folder: str = '',
include_filter: list = None,
exclude_filter: list = None,
manifest_dt: datetime = None):
:param input_folder: Folder to be packaged into chunks/manifest
:param app_name: App name for savegame being stored
:param epic_id: Epic account ID
:param cloud_folder: Folder the savegame resides in (based on game metadata)
:param include_filter: list of patterns for files to include (excludes all others)
:param exclude_filter: list of patterns for files to exclude (includes all others)
:param manifest_dt: datetime for the manifest name (optional)
m = Manifest()
m.meta = ManifestMeta()
m.chunk_data_list = CDL()
m.file_manifest_list = FML()
m.custom_fields = CustomFields()
# create metadata for savegame
m.meta.app_name = f'{app_name}{epic_id}'
if not manifest_dt:
manifest_dt = datetime.utcnow()
m.meta.build_version = manifest_dt.strftime('%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S')
m.custom_fields['CloudSaveFolder'] = cloud_folder
self.log.info(f'Packing savegame for "{app_name}", input folder: {input_folder}')
files = []
for _dir, _, _files in os.walk(input_folder):
for _file in _files:
_file_path = os.path.join(_dir, _file)
_file_path_rel = os.path.relpath(_file_path, input_folder).replace('\\', '/')
if include_filter and not _filename_matches(_file_path_rel, include_filter):
self.log.debug(f'Excluding "{_file_path_rel}" (does not match include filter)')
elif exclude_filter and _filename_matches(_file_path_rel, exclude_filter):
self.log.debug(f'Excluding "{_file_path_rel}" (does match exclude filter)')
if not files:
if exclude_filter or include_filter:
self.log.warning('No save files matching the specified filters have been found.')
return self.files
chunk_num = 0
cur_chunk = None
cur_buffer = None
for _file in sorted(files, key=str.casefold):
s = os.stat(_file)
f = FileManifest()
# get relative path for manifest
f.filename = os.path.relpath(_file, input_folder).replace('\\', '/')
self.log.debug(f'Processing file "{f.filename}"')
f.file_size = s.st_size
fhash = sha1()
with open(_file, 'rb') as cf:
while remaining := s.st_size - cf.tell():
if not cur_chunk: # create new chunk
cur_chunk = Chunk()
if cur_buffer:
cur_buffer = BytesIO()
chunk_num += 1
# create chunk part and write it to chunk buffer
cp = ChunkPart(guid=cur_chunk.guid, offset=cur_buffer.tell(),
size=min(remaining, 1024 * 1024 - cur_buffer.tell()),
_tmp = cf.read(cp.size)
if not _tmp:
self.log.warning(f'Got EOF for "{f.filename}" with {remaining} bytes remaining! '
f'File may have been corrupted/modified.')
fhash.update(_tmp) # update sha1 hash with new data
if cur_buffer.tell() >= 1024 * 1024:
cur_chunk.data = cur_buffer.getvalue()
ci = self.finalize_chunk(cur_chunk)
self.log.info(f'Chunk #{chunk_num} "{ci.path}" created')
# add chunk to CDL
cur_chunk = None
f.hash = fhash.digest()
# write remaining chunk if it exists
if cur_chunk:
cur_chunk.data = cur_buffer.getvalue()
ci = self.finalize_chunk(cur_chunk)
self.log.info(f'Chunk #{chunk_num} "{ci.path}" created')
# Finally write/serialize manifest into another temporary file
_m_filename = f'manifests/{m.meta.build_version}.manifest'
_tmp_file = TemporaryFile()
_m_size = m.write(_tmp_file)
self.log.info(f'Manifest "{_m_filename}" written ({_m_size} bytes)')
self.files[_m_filename] = _tmp_file
# return dict with created files for uploading/whatever
return self.files

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# This file contains definitions for selective downloading for supported games
# coding: utf-8
_cyberpunk_sdl = {
'de': {'tags': ['voice_de_de'], 'name': 'Deutsch'},
'es': {'tags': ['voice_es_es'], 'name': 'español (España)'},
'fr': {'tags': ['voice_fr_fr'], 'name': 'français'},
'it': {'tags': ['voice_it_it'], 'name': 'italiano'},
'ja': {'tags': ['voice_ja_jp'], 'name': '日本語'},
'ko': {'tags': ['voice_ko_kr'], 'name': '한국어'},
'pl': {'tags': ['voice_pl_pl'], 'name': 'polski'},
'pt': {'tags': ['voice_pt_br'], 'name': 'português brasileiro'},
'ru': {'tags': ['voice_ru_ru'], 'name': 'русский'},
'cn': {'tags': ['voice_zh_cn'], 'name': '中文(中国)'}
_fortnite_sdl = {
'__required': {'tags': ['chunk0', 'chunk10'], 'name': 'Fortnite Core'},
'stw': {'tags': ['chunk11', 'chunk11optional'], 'name': 'Fortnite Save the World'},
'hd_textures': {'tags': ['chunk10optional'], 'name': 'High Resolution Textures'},
'lang_de': {'tags': ['chunk2'], 'name': '(Language Pack) Deutsch'},
'lang_fr': {'tags': ['chunk5'], 'name': '(Language Pack) français'},
'lang_pl': {'tags': ['chunk7'], 'name': '(Language Pack) polski'},
'lang_ru': {'tags': ['chunk8'], 'name': '(Language Pack) русский'},
'lang_cn': {'tags': ['chunk9'], 'name': '(Language Pack) 中文(中国)'}
games = {
'Fortnite': _fortnite_sdl,
'Ginger': _cyberpunk_sdl
def get_sdl_appname(app_name):
for k in games.keys():
if app_name.startswith(k):
return k
return None

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import configparser
import os
def read_registry(wine_pfx):
reg = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes=(';', '#', '/', 'WINE'), allow_no_value=True)
reg.optionxform = str
reg.read(os.path.join(wine_pfx, 'user.reg'))
return reg
def get_shell_folders(registry, wine_pfx):
folders = dict()
for k, v in registry['Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Explorer\\\\Shell Folders'].items():
path_cleaned = v.strip('"').strip().replace('\\\\', '/').replace('C:/', '')
folders[k.strip('"').strip()] = os.path.join(wine_pfx, 'drive_c', path_cleaned)
return folders

legendary Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit a561cd8f0d7316867e3b3d20dfdb47c8208f63f4

View file

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from rare import __version__, data_dir
from rare.utils import singleton, utils
from rare.utils import singleton
def main():
# CLI Options
parser = ArgumentParser()
@ -30,9 +31,11 @@ def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.desktop_shortcut:
from rare.utils import utils
print("Link created")
if args.startmenu_shortcut:
from rare.utils import utils
print("link created")
@ -67,5 +70,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
import multiprocessing
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute(), "legendary"))