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import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from . import utils
import re
import asyncio
class Stats:
"""Leaderboard/stats related commands"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.donators = []
async def donator_task(self):
while True:
await self.get_donators()
await asyncio.sleep(60)
async def get_donators(self):
# Set our base URL for the pagination task
url = "https://api.patreon.com/oauth2/api/campaigns/{}/pledges".format(utils.patreon_id)
# Set our headers with our bearer token
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(utils.patreon_key)}
# We need the names of all of them, and the names are embeded a bit so lets append while looping
names = []
# We need to page through, so lets create a loop and break when we find out we're done
while True:
# Simply get data based on the URL
data = await utils.request(url, headers=headers, force_content_type_json=True)
# First check if the data failed to retrieve, if so just return
if data is None:
# Loop through the includes, as that's all we need
for include in data['included']:
# We only carry about the user's
if include['type'] != 'user':
# This check checks the user's connected campaign (should only exist for *our* user) and checks if it
# matches
if include.get('relationshipos', {}).get('campaign', {}).get('data', {}).get('id', {}) == str(
# Otherwise the only way this user was included, was if they are a patron, so include them
name = include['attributes']['full_name']
if name:
# Now, lets get our "next" link and request that
url = data['links'].get('next')
# If there is no None, that means there should only be a "first" and our pagination is done
if url is None:
# Now just set the names
self.donators = names
async def serverinfo(self, ctx):
"""Provides information about the server
EXAMPLE: !serverinfo
RESULT: Information about your server!"""
server = ctx.message.guild
# Create our embed that we'll use for the information
embed = discord.Embed(title=server.name, description="Created on: {}".format(server.created_at.date()))
# Make sure we only set the icon url if it has been set
if server.icon_url != "":
# Add our fields, these are self-explanatory
embed.add_field(name='Region', value=str(server.region))
embed.add_field(name='Total Emojis', value=len(server.emojis))
# Get the amount of online members
online_members = [m for m in server.members if str(m.status) == 'online']
embed.add_field(name='Total members', value='{}/{}'.format(len(online_members), server.member_count))
embed.add_field(name='Roles', value=len(server.roles))
# Split channels into voice and text channels
voice_channels = [c for c in server.channels if type(c) is discord.VoiceChannel]
text_channels = [c for c in server.channels if type(c) is discord.TextChannel]
embed.add_field(name='Channels', value='{} text, {} voice'.format(len(text_channels), len(voice_channels)))
embed.add_field(name='Owner', value=server.owner.display_name)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def command(self):
async def command_stats(self, ctx, *, command):
"""This command can be used to view some usage stats about a specific command
EXAMPLE: !command stats play
RESULT: The realization that this is the only reason people use me ;-;"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
cmd = self.bot.get_command(command)
if cmd is None:
await ctx.send("`{}` is not a valid command".format(command))
command_stats = self.bot.db.load('command_usage', key=cmd.qualified_name)
if command_stats is None:
await ctx.send("That command has never been used! You know I worked hard on that! :c")
total_usage = command_stats['total_usage']
member_usage = command_stats['member_usage'].get(str(ctx.message.author.id), 0)
server_usage = command_stats['server_usage'].get(str(ctx.message.guild.id), 0)
data = [("Command Name", cmd.qualified_name),
("Total Usage", total_usage),
("Your Usage", member_usage),
("This Server's Usage", server_usage)]
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Command Stats", data)
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(banner, filename='banner.png'))
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
fmt = "The command {} has been used a total of {} times\n" \
"{} times on this server\n" \
"It has been ran by you, {}, {} times".format(cmd.qualified_name, total_usage, server_usage,
ctx.message.author.display_name, member_usage)
await ctx.send(fmt)
async def command_leaderboard(self, ctx, option="server"):
"""This command can be used to print a leaderboard of commands
Provide 'server' to print a leaderboard for this server
Provide 'me' to print a leaderboard for your own usage
EXAMPLE: !command leaderboard me
RESULT: The realization of how little of a life you have"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
if re.search('(author|me)', option):
author = ctx.message.author
# First lets get all the command usage
command_stats = self.bot.db.load('command_usage')
# Now use a dictionary comprehension to get just the command name, and usage
# Based on the author's usage of the command
stats = {data['command']: data['member_usage'].get(str(author.id)) for data in command_stats
if data['member_usage'].get(str(author.id), 0) > 0}
# Now sort it by the amount of times used
sorted_stats = sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Create a string, each command on it's own line, based on the top 5 used commands
# I'm letting it use the length of the sorted_stats[:5]
# As this can include, for example, all 3 if there are only 3 entries
top_5 = [(data[0], data[1]) for data in sorted_stats[:5]]
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Your command usage", top_5)
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(banner, filename='banner.png'))
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
top_5 = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(data[0], data[1]) for data in sorted_stats[:5])
await ctx.send(
"Your top {} most used commands are:\n```\n{}```".format(len(sorted_stats[:5]), top_5))
elif re.search('server', option):
# This is exactly the same as above, except server usage instead of member usage
server = ctx.message.guild
command_stats = self.bot.db.load('command_usage')
stats = {data['command']: data['server_usage'].get(str(server.id)) for data in command_stats
if data['server_usage'].get(str(server.id), 0) > 0}
sorted_stats = sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
top_5 = [(data[0], data[1]) for data in sorted_stats[:5]]
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Server command usage", top_5)
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(banner, filename='banner.png'))
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
top_5 = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(data[0], data[1]) for data in sorted_stats[:5])
await ctx.send(
"This server's top {} most used commands are:\n```\n{}```".format(len(sorted_stats[:5]), top_5))
await ctx.send("That is not a valid option, valid options are: `server` or `me`")
async def mostboops(self, ctx):
"""Shows the person you have 'booped' the most, as well as how many times
EXAMPLE: !mostboops
RESULT: You've booped @OtherPerson 351253897120935712093572193057310298 times!"""
boops = self.bot.db.load('boops', key=ctx.message.author.id)
if boops is None:
await ctx.send("You have not booped anyone {} Why the heck not...?".format(ctx.message.author.mention))
# Just to make this easier, just pay attention to the boops data, now that we have the right entry
boops = boops['boops']
# First get a list of the ID's of all members in this server, for use in list comprehension
server_member_ids = [str(member.id) for member in ctx.message.guild.members]
# Then get a sorted list, based on the amount of times they've booped the member
# Reverse needs to be true, as we want it to go from highest to lowest
sorted_boops = sorted(boops.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Then override the same list, checking if the member they've booped is in this server
sorted_boops = [x for x in sorted_boops if x[0] in server_member_ids]
# Since this is sorted, we just need to get the following information on the first user in the list
most_id, most_boops = sorted_boops[0]
member = ctx.message.guild.get_member(int(most_id))
await ctx.send("{0} you have booped {1} the most amount of times, coming in at {2} times".format(
ctx.message.author.mention, member.display_name, most_boops))
async def listboops(self, ctx):
"""Lists all the users you have booped and the amount of times
EXAMPLE: !listboops
RESULT: The list of your booped members!"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
boops = self.bot.db.load('boops', key=ctx.message.author.id)
if boops is None:
await ctx.send("You have not booped anyone {} Why the heck not...?".format(ctx.message.author.mention))
# Just to make this easier, just pay attention to the boops data, now that we have the right entry
boops = boops['boops']
# Same concept as the mostboops method
server_member_ids = [member.id for member in ctx.message.guild.members]
booped_members = {int(m_id): amt for m_id, amt in boops.items() if int(m_id) in server_member_ids}
sorted_booped_members = sorted(booped_members.items(), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
# Now we only want the first 10 members, so splice this list
sorted_booped_members = sorted_booped_members[:10]
output = [("{0.display_name}".format(ctx.message.guild.get_member(m_id)), amt)
for m_id, amt in sorted_booped_members]
banner = await utils.create_banner(ctx.message.author, "Your booped victims", output)
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(banner, filename='banner.png'))
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
output = "\n".join(
"{0.display_name}: {1} times".format(ctx.message.guild.get_member(m_id), amt) for
m_id, amt in sorted_booped_members)
await ctx.send("You have booped:```\n{}```".format(output))
async def leaderboard(self, ctx):
"""Prints a leaderboard of everyone in the server's battling record
EXAMPLE: !leaderboard
RESULT: A leaderboard of this server's battle records"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
# Create a list of the ID's of all members in this server, for comparison to the records saved
server_member_ids = [member.id for member in ctx.message.guild.members]
battles = self.bot.db.load('battle_records')
if battles is None or len(battles) == 0:
await ctx.send("No one has battled on this server!")
battles = [battle for battle in battles if int(battle['member_id']) in server_member_ids]
# Sort the members based on their rating
sorted_members = sorted(battles, key=lambda k: k['rating'], reverse=True)
output = []
for x in sorted_members:
member_id = int(x['member_id'])
rating = x['rating']
member = ctx.message.guild.get_member(member_id)
output.append("{} (Rating: {})".format(member.display_name, rating))
pages = utils.Pages(self.bot, message=ctx.message, entries=output)
await pages.paginate()
except utils.CannotPaginate as e:
await ctx.send(str(e))
async def battlestats(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
"""Prints the battling stats for you, or the user provided
EXAMPLE: !stats @OtherPerson
RESULT: How good they are at winning a completely luck based game"""
await ctx.message.channel.trigger_typing()
member = member or ctx.message.author
# Get the different data that we'll display
server_rank = "{}/{}".format(*self.bot.br.get_server_rank(member))
overall_rank = "{}/{}".format(*self.bot.br.get_rank(member))
rating = self.bot.br.get_rating(member)
record = self.bot.br.get_record(member)
# Create our banner
title = 'Stats for {}'.format(member.display_name)
fmt = [('Record', record), ('Server Rank', server_rank), ('Overall Rank', overall_rank), ('Rating', rating)]
banner = await utils.create_banner(member, title, fmt)
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(banner, filename='banner.png'))
except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden):
fmt = 'Stats for {}:\n\tRecord: {}\n\tServer Rank: {}\n\tOverall Rank: {}\n\tRating: {}'
fmt = fmt.format(member.display_name, record, server_rank, overall_rank, rating)
await ctx.send('```\n{}```'.format(fmt))
async def patrons(self, ctx):
"""Prints a list of all the patrons for Bonfire
EXAMPLE: !donators
RESULT: A list of the donators"""
pages = utils.Pages(self.bot, message=ctx.message, entries=self.donators)
await pages.paginate()
except utils.CannotPaginate as e:
await ctx.send(str(e))
def setup(bot):