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mirror of synced 2024-06-08 21:54:31 +12:00

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import utils
from discord.ext import commands
import asyncio
import math
class Blackjack(commands.Cog):
"""Pretty self-explanatory"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.games = {}
def cog_unload(self):
# Simply cancel every task
for game in self.games.values():
def create_game(self, message):
# When we're done with the game, we need to delete the game itself and remove it's instance from games
# To do this, it needs to be able to access this instance of Blackjack
game = Game(self.bot, message, self)
self.games[message.guild.id] = game
@commands.group(aliases=["bj"], invoke_without_command=True)
async def blackjack(self, ctx):
"""Creates a game/joins the current running game of blackjack
EXAMPLE: !blackjack
RESULT: A new game of blackjack!"""
# Get this guild's game if it exists
game = self.games.get(ctx.message.guild.id)
# If it doesn't, start one
if game is None:
# Try to join the game
status = game.join(ctx.message.author)
# If it worked, they're ready to play
if status:
fmt = "{} has joined the game of blackjack, and will be able to play next round!"
await ctx.send(fmt.format(ctx.message.author.display_name))
# Otherwise, lets check *why* they couldn't join
if game.playing(ctx.message.author):
await ctx.send("You are already playing! Wait for your turn!")
await ctx.send(
"There are already a max number of players playing/waiting to play!"
@blackjack.command(name="leave", aliases=["quit"])
async def blackjack_leave(self, ctx):
"""Leaves the current game of blackjack
EXAMPLE: !blackjack leave
RESULT: You stop losing money in blackjack"""
# Get this guild's game if it exists
game = self.games.get(ctx.message.guild.id)
if game is None:
await ctx.send("There are currently no games of Blackjack running!")
status = game.leave(ctx.message.author)
if status:
await ctx.send(
"You have left the game, and will be removed at the end of this round"
await ctx.send(
"Either you have already bet, or you are not even playing right now!"
@blackjack.command(name="forcestop", aliases=["stop"])
async def blackjack_stop(self, ctx):
"""Forces the game to stop, mostly for use if someone has gone afk
EXAMPLE: !blackjack forcestop
RESULT: No more blackjack spam"""
# Get this guild's game if it exists
game = self.games.get(ctx.message.guild.id)
if game is None:
await ctx.send("There are currently no games of Blackjack running!")
del self.games[ctx.message.guild.id]
await ctx.send("The blackjack game running here has just ended")
def FOIL(a, b):
"""Uses FOIL to calculate a new possible total (who knew math would come in handy?!)
For our purposes, we are adding, not multiplying, so this is not the *same* as using normal FOIL
So no built in method will work"""
# This whole thing may *look* like it may add a lot of entries
# However, we are going to be using pretty short lists, and duplicate entries will be common
# So this isn't actually as bad as it looks
new_totals = []
for i in a:
for x in b:
total = i + x
if total not in new_totals:
# The list comprehension is to ensure we don't care about totals over 21
new_totals = [x for x in new_totals if x < 22]
return new_totals
class Player:
def __init__(self, member):
self.member = member
self.hand = utils.Deck(prefill=False)
# The chips a player starts with
self.chips = 1000
def bust(self):
for total in self.count:
if total <= 21:
return False
return True
def count(self):
"""The current count of our hand"""
total = [0]
for card in self.hand:
# Order is suit, face...so we want the second value
value = card.value.value
face = card.value.name
if face in ["queen", "king", "jack"]:
for index, t in enumerate(total):
total[index] += 10
elif face == "ace":
total = FOIL(total, [1, 11])
for index, t in enumerate(total):
total[index] += int(value)
# If we have more than one possible total (there is at least one ace) then we do not care about one if it is
# over 21
if len(total) > 1:
new_total = [x for x in total if x < 22]
# However, if the ace is there and both possibilities cause a bust, we want the lowest one to be our count
if len(new_total) == 0:
new_total = [min(total)]
total = new_total
return total
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Player):
if hasattr(other, "member") and other.member == self.member:
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
# We only care about our hand, for printing wise
fmt = "Hand:\n"
fmt += "\n".join(str(card) for card in self.hand)
fmt += "\n(Total: {})".format(self.count)
return fmt
class Game:
def __init__(self, bot, message, bj):
player = Player(message.author)
self.bj = bj
self.bot = bot
self.players = [{"status": "playing", "player": player}]
# Our buffer for players who want to join
# People cannot join in the middle of a game, so we'll add them at the end
self._added_players = []
# Our list of players who lost/left
self._removed_players = []
# The channel we'll send messages to
self.channel = message.channel
# People can join in on this game, but lets make sure we don't go over the limit however
self._max_players = 10
# Lets create our main deck, and shuffle it
self.deck = utils.Deck()
# So apparently, it is possible, with 10 players and nearly everyone/everyone busting
# To actually deplete the deck, and cause it to return None, and mess up later
# Due to this, lets make put 2 decks in here
_deck2 = utils.Deck()
del _deck2
# The dealer
self.dealer = Player("Dealer")
self.min_bet = 5
self.max_bet = 500
self.bet = 0
self.task = self.bot.loop.create_task(self.game_task())
async def game_task(self):
"""The task to handle the entire game"""
while len(self.players) > 0:
await self.channel.send("A new round has started!!")
# First wait for bets
await self.bet_task()
# To allow people to leave correctly during the betting phase
# (i.e. they left before they bet) we need to do a cleanup here
# Then deal to every player
# Now wait for our round to finish
await self.round_task()
# Now it's the dealers turn
# This is the only loop we have to worry about still occurring if there are no more players
# This is due to the fact the dealer has nothing to do with players during his "turn"
# We need an extra check here to stop this from occurring
if len(self.players) > 0:
await self.dealer_task()
# Then clean everything up, including:
# Put everyone's hand inside the deck
# Shuffle the deck
# Payout/pickup bets
# Include any new players
# Remove players leaving/ran out of chips
await self.cleanup()
# If we reach the end of this loop, that means there are no more players
del self.bj.games[self.channel.guild.id]
async def dealer_task(self):
"""The task handling the dealer's play after all players have stood"""
fmt = "It is the dealer's turn to play\n\n{}".format(self.dealer)
msg = await self.channel.send(fmt)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if self.dealer.bust:
fmt = msg.content + "\n\nDealer has busted!!"
await msg.edit(content=fmt)
for num in self.dealer.count:
if num > 16:
fmt = "It is the dealer's turn to play\n\n{}".format(self.dealer)
await msg.edit(content=fmt)
async def round_task(self):
"""The task handling the round itself, asking each person to hit or stand"""
# This task is going to be called at the beginning of a game
# It is purely for asking for hit or stand from each player, till this round is over
# A differen task will handle if a player hit blackjack to start (so they would not be 'playing')
# Our check to make sure a valid 'command' was provided
def check(m):
if m.channel == self.channel and m.author == player.member:
return m.content.lower() in ["hit", "stand", "double"]
return False
# First lets handle the blackjacks
for entry in [p for p in self.players if p["status"] == "blackjack"]:
player = entry["player"]
fmt = "You got a blackjack {0.member.mention}!\n\n{0}".format(player)
await self.channel.send(fmt)
# Loop through each player (as long as their status is playing) and they have bet chips
for entry in [
for p in self.players
if p["status"] == "playing" and hasattr(p["player"], "bet")
player = entry["player"]
# Let them know it's their turn to play
fmt = "It is your turn to play {0.member.mention}\n\n{0}".format(player)
await self.channel.send(fmt)
first = True
# If they're not playing anymore (i.e. they busted, are standing, etc.) then we don't want to keep asking
# them to hit or stand
while entry["status"] not in ["stand", "bust"]:
# Ask if they want to hit or stand
if first:
fmt = "Hit, stand, or double?"
fmt = "Hit or stand?"
await self.channel.send(fmt)
msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=60, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await self.channel.send("Took to long! You're standing!")
entry["status"] = "stand"
# If they want to hit
if "hit" in msg.content.lower():
await self.channel.send(player)
# If they want to stand
elif "stand" in msg.content.lower():
elif "double" in msg.content.lower() and first:
await self.channel.send(player)
# TODO: Handle double, split
first = False
async def bet_task(self):
"""Performs the task of betting"""
# There is one situation that we want to allow that means we cannot loop through players like normally would
# be the case: Betting has started; while one person is betting, another joins This means our list has
# changed, and neither based on the length or looping through the list itself will handle this To handle
# this, we'll loop 'infinitely', get a list of players who haven't bet yet, and then use the first person in
# that list
while True:
players = [p for p in self.players if p["status"] == "playing"]
# If everyone has bet/there is no one playing anymore
if len(players) == 0:
entry = players[0]
player = entry["player"]
def check(_msg):
"""Makes sure the message provided is within the min and max bets"""
if _msg.channel == self.channel and _msg.author == player.member:
msg_length = int(_msg.content)
return self.min_bet <= msg_length <= self.max_bet
except ValueError:
return _msg.content.lower() == "skip"
return False
fmt = (
"Your turn to bet {0.member.mention}, your current chips are: {0.chips}\n"
"Current min bet is {1}, current max bet is {2}\n"
"Place your bet now (please provide only the number;"
"'skip' if you would like to leave this game)".format(
player, self.min_bet, self.max_bet
await self.channel.send(fmt)
msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=60, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await self.channel.send(
"You took too long! You're sitting this round out"
entry["status"] = "stand"
if msg.content.lower() == "skip":
await self.channel.send(
"Alright, you've been removed from the game"
num = int(msg.content)
# Set the new bet, and remove it from this players chip total
if num <= player.chips:
player.bet = num
player.chips -= num
entry["status"] = "bet"
await self.channel.send("You can't bet more than you have!!")
# Call this so that we can correct the list, if someone has left or join
async def cleanup(self):
"""Performs the tasks done after the game has completed"""
dealer_count = max(self.dealer.count)
# A list of losers, winners, and people who tied
losers = []
ties = []
winners = []
blackjack = []
for entry in self.players:
player = entry["player"]
# Quick check here to ensure the player isn't someone who got added
# Specifically right after the betting phase
if not hasattr(player, "bet"):
hand = player.hand
count = max(player.count)
# First, lets handle bets
# TODO: Handle blackjacks
# First if is to check If we can possibly win (a bust is an automatic loss, no matter what)
# Payouts for wins are 2 times the bet
if entry["status"] == "blackjack":
if dealer_count != 21:
player.chips += math.floor(player.bet * 2.5)
# A push, the player gets their chips back
player.chips += player.bet
elif not player.bust:
# If the dealer busts, we win
if dealer_count > 21:
player.chips += player.bet * 2
# If the dealer hasn't busted, we need to compare
if count == dealer_count:
# A push, the player gets their chips back
player.chips += player.bet
elif count > dealer_count:
# The player won, they get their payout
player.chips += player.bet * 2
# The player lost
# Otherwise, they lost, nothing we need to do
player.bet = 0
# "Draw" the remaining cards so that the hand is emptied, as well as returned
cards = list(hand.draw(hand.count))
# Now add them back into the deck
# While we're already looping, another task we need to complete is removing people who lost
# So if their chips are 0 (or less which shouldn't happen) add them to the _removed_players list
if player.chips <= 0:
entry["status"] = "playing"
# Now that we've looped through everyone, send the message regarding the outcome
fmt = "Round stats:\n"
if len(winners) > 0:
# First get a string of all the winners
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in winners)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Winners: {}\n".format(_fmt)
if len(losers) > 0:
# First get a string of all the losers
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in losers)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Losers: {}\n".format(_fmt)
if len(ties) > 0:
# First get a string of all the ties
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in ties)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Ties: {}\n".format(_fmt)
if len(blackjack) > 0:
# First get a string of all the blackjacks
_fmt = " ".join(m.member.display_name for m in blackjack)
# Add that to the main string
fmt += "Blackjacks: {}\n".format(_fmt)
await self.channel.send(fmt)
# Do the same for the dealers hand
cards = list(self.dealer.hand.draw(self.dealer.hand.count))
# Now that's complete, shuffle the deck
def player_cleanup(self):
"""Handles the cleanup of adding and removing waiting players"""
# We need this method separate from our other cleanup processes
# Because people can leave/join in the middle of betting (if they haven't already bet)
# Include the new players
# What we want to do is remove any players that are in the game and have left the guild
for entry in self.players:
m = entry["player"].member
if m not in self.channel.guild.members:
# Remove the players who left
self.players = [
p for p in self.players if p["player"] not in self._removed_players
def _get_player_index(self, player):
"""Provides the index of a certain player"""
for i, entry in enumerate(self.players):
if entry["player"] == player:
return i
def get_player(self, member):
"""Returns the player object for the discord member provided"""
for entry in self.players:
if entry["player"].member == member:
return entry["player"]
def playing(self, member):
"""Returns true if the member provided is currently in this game"""
for entry in self.players:
if member == entry["player"].member:
return True
return False
def deal(self):
"""Deals to all players playing"""
# I would like this to simulate a real "deal", so need to deal to each member in order
for i in range(2):
for entry in self.players:
card = list(self.deck.draw())
# Make sure we detect blackjack here, as this is when it matters
if 21 in entry["player"].count:
entry["status"] = "blackjack"
entry["status"] = "playing"
# Also add a card to the dealer's hand
card = list(self.deck.draw())
def join(self, member):
"""Adds the member to the game playing"""
if self.playing(member):
return False
if len(self.players) + len(self._added_players) >= self._max_players:
return False
player = Player(member)
entry = {"status": "playing", "player": player}
return True
def leave(self, member):
player = self.get_player(member)
# If they are playing, then add them to the _removed_players list so that they can be removed at the end of
# the round
if player:
# We need to make sure they haven't already bet
index = self._get_player_index(player)
if self.players[index]["status"] == "bet":
return False
self.players[index]["status"] = "left"
return True
return False
def double(self, player):
"""Doubles down on the current hand"""
# First double the bet
player.chips -= player.bet
player.bet *= 2
# Then hit
# After doubling down, they are not allowed to play again, make them stand
def stand(self, player):
"""Causes a player to stand"""
for entry in self.players:
if entry["player"] == player:
entry["status"] = "stand"
def hit(self, player):
"""Hits a player"""
# Draw one card
card = list(self.deck.draw())
# Add it to the player's hand
# If this is the dealer, we don't need to care about this
if player == self.dealer:
if player.bust:
index = self._get_player_index(player)
self.players[index]["status"] = "bust"
elif 21 in player.count:
index = self._get_player_index(player)
self.players[index]["status"] = "stand"
def setup(bot):