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mirror of synced 2024-09-28 23:41:41 +12:00

286 lines
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from discord.ext import commands
from .utils import config
from .utils import checks
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import discord
import aiohttp
import random
import re
import math
class Links:
"""This class contains all the commands that make HTTP requests
In other words, all commands here rely on other URL's to complete their requests"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# Only default headers for all requests we should use sets the User-Agent
self.headers = {"User-Agent": config.user_agent}
async def _request(self, base_url, payload, endpoint='', convert_json=True):
"""Handles requesting to the API"""
# Format the URL we'll need based on the base_url, and the endpoint we want to hit
url = "{}{}".format(base_url, endpoint)
# Attempt to connect up to our max retries
for x in range(MAX_RETRIES):
async with aiohttp.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=payload) as r:
# If we failed to connect, attempt again
if r.status != 200:
if convert_json:
data = await r.json()
data = await r.text()
return data
# If any error happened when making the request, attempt again
@commands.command(pass_context=True, aliases=['g'])
async def google(self, ctx, *, query: str):
"""Searches google for a provided query"""
url = "https://www.google.com/search"
# Turn safe filter on or off, based on whether or not this is a nsfw channel
r_filter = {'channel_id': ctx.message.channel.id}
nsfw_channels = await config.get_content("nsfw_channels", r_filter)
safe = 'off' if nsfw_channels else 'on'
params = {'q': query,
'safe': safe,
'hl': 'en',
'cr': 'countryUS'}
# Our format we'll end up using to send to the channel
fmt = ""
# First make the request to google to get the results
data = await self._request(url, params, convert_json=False)
if data is None:
await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, "I failed to connect to google! (That can happen??)")
# Convert to a BeautifulSoup element and loop through each result clasified by h3 tags with a class of 'r'
soup = bs(data, 'html.parser')
for element in soup.find_all('h3', class_='r')[:3]:
# Get the link's href tag, which looks like q=[url here]&sa
# Use a lookahead and lookbehind to find this url exactly
result_url = re.search('(?<=q=).*(?=&sa=)', element.find('a').get('href')).group(0)
except AttributeError:
await self.bot.say("I couldn't find any results for {}!".format(query))
# Get the next sibling, find the span where the description is, and get the text from this
description = element.next_sibling.find('span', class_='st').text
description = ""
# Add this to our text we'll use to send
fmt += '\n\n**URL**: <{}>\n**Description**: {}'.format(result_url, description)
fmt = "**Top 3 results for the query** _{}_:{}".format(query, fmt)
await self.bot.say(fmt)
@commands.command(aliases=['yt'], pass_context=True)
async def youtube(self, ctx, *, query: str):
"""Searches youtube for a provided query"""
key = config.youtube_key
url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search"
params = {'key': key,
'part': 'snippet, id',
'type': 'video',
'q': query}
data = await self._request(url, params)
if data is None:
await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, "Sorry but I failed to connect to youtube!")
result = data['items'][0]
except IndexError:
await self.bot.say("I could not find any results with the search term {}".format(query))
result_url = "https://youtube.com/watch?v={}".format(result['id']['videoId'])
title = result['snippet']['title']
description = result['snippet']['description']
fmt = "**Title:** {}\n\n**Description:** {}\n\n**URL:** <{}>".format(title, description, result_url)
await self.bot.say(fmt)
async def wiki(self, ctx, *, query: str):
"""Pulls the top match for a specific term, and returns the definition"""
# All we need to do is search for the term provided, so the action, list, and format never need to change
base_url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"
params = {"action": "query",
"list": "search",
"format": "json",
"srsearch": query}
data = await self._request(base_url, params)
if data is None:
await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, "Sorry but I failed to connect to Wikipedia!")
if len(data['query']['search']) == 0:
await self.bot.say("I could not find any results with that term, I tried my best :c")
# Wiki articles' URLs are in the format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/[Titlehere]
# Replace spaces with %20
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{}".format(data['query']['search'][0]['title'].replace(' ', '%20'))
snippet = data['query']['search'][0]['snippet']
# The next part replaces some of the HTML formatting that's provided
# These are the only ones I've encountered so far through testing, there may be more though
snippet = re.sub('<span class=\\"searchmatch\\">', '', snippet)
snippet = re.sub('</span>', '', snippet)
snippet = re.sub('&quot;', '"', snippet)
await self.bot.say(
"Here is the best match I found with the query `{}`:\nURL: <{}>\nSnippet: \n```\n{}```".format(query, url,
async def urban(self, ctx, *, msg: str):
"""Pulls the top urbandictionary.com definition for a term"""
url = "http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define"
params = {"term": msg}
data = await self._request(url, params)
if data is None:
await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, "Sorry but I failed to connect to urban dictionary!")
# List is the list of definitions found, if it's empty then nothing was found
if len(data['list']) == 0:
await self.bot.say("No result with that term!")
# If the list is not empty, use the first result and print it's defintion
await self.bot.say(data['list'][0]['definition'])
# Urban dictionary has some long definitions, some might not be able to be sent
except discord.HTTPException:
await self.bot.say('```\nError: Definition is too long for me to send```')
except KeyError:
await self.bot.say("Sorry but I failed to connect to urban dictionary!")
async def derpi(self, ctx, *search: str):
"""Provides a random image from the first page of derpibooru.org for the following term"""
if len(search) > 0:
url = 'https://derpibooru.org/search.json'
# Ensure a filter was not provided, as we either want to use our own, or none (for safe pics)
query = ' '.join(value for value in search if not re.search('&?filter_id=[0-9]+', value))
params = {'q': query}
r_filter = {'channel_id': ctx.message.channel.id}
nsfw_channels = await config.get_content("nsfw_channels", r_filter)
# If this is a nsfw channel, we just need to tack on 'explicit' to the terms
# Also use the custom filter that I have setup, that blocks some certain tags
# If the channel is not nsfw, we don't need to do anything, as the default filter blocks explicit
if nsfw_channels is not None:
params['q'] += ", (explicit OR suggestive)"
params['filter_id'] = 95938
params['q'] += ", safe"
await self.bot.say("Looking up an image with those tags....")
# Get the response from derpibooru and parse the 'search' result from it
data = await self._request(url, params)
if data is None:
await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, "Sorry but I failed to connect to Derpibooru!")
results = data['search']
except KeyError:
await self.bot.say("No results with that search term, {0}!".format(ctx.message.author.mention))
# The first request we've made ensures there are results
# Now we can get the total count from that, and make another request based on the number of pages as well
if len(results) > 0:
pages = math.ceil(data['total'] / len(results))
params['page'] = random.SystemRandom().randint(1, pages)
data = await self._request(url, params)
if data is None:
await self.bot.say("Sorry but I failed to connect to Derpibooru!")
results = data['search']
index = random.SystemRandom().randint(0, len(results) - 1)
image_link = 'https://derpibooru.org/{}'.format(results[index]['id'])
await self.bot.say("No results with that search term, {0}!".format(ctx.message.author.mention))
# If no search term was provided, search for a random image
async with aiohttp.ClientSession().get('https://derpibooru.org/images/random', headers=self.headers) as r:
# .url will be the URL we end up at, not the one requested.
# https://derpibooru.org/images/random redirects to a random image, so this is exactly what we want
image_link = r.url
await self.bot.say(image_link)
async def e621(self, ctx, *, tags: str):
"""Searches for a random image from e621.net
Format for the search terms need to be 'search term 1, search term 2, etc.'
If the channel the command is ran in, is registered as a nsfw channel, this image will be explicit"""
# This changes the formatting for queries, so we don't
# Have to use e621's stupid formatting when using the command
tags = tags.replace(' ', '_')
tags = tags.replace(',_', ' ')
url = 'https://e621.net/post/index.json'
params = {'limit': 320,
'tags': tags}
# e621 provides a way to change how many images can be shown on one request
# This gives more of a chance of random results, however it causes the lookup to take longer than most
# Due to this, send a message saying we're looking up the information first
await self.bot.say("Looking up an image with those tags....")
r_filter = {'channel_id': ctx.message.channel.id}
nsfw_channels = await config.get_content("nsfw_channels", r_filter)
# e621 by default does not filter explicit content, so tack on
# safe/explicit based on if this channel is nsfw or not
params['tags'] += " rating:explicit" if nsfw_channels else " rating:safe"
data = await self._request(url, params)
if data is None:
await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel,
"Sorry, I had trouble connecting at the moment; please try again later")
# Try to find an image from the list. If there were no results, we're going to attempt to find
# A number between (0,-1) and receive an error.
# The response should be in a list format, so we'll end up getting a key error if the response was in json
# i.e. it responded with a 404/504/etc.
rand_image = data[random.SystemRandom().randint(0, len(data) - 1)]['file_url']
await self.bot.say(rand_image)
except (ValueError, KeyError):
await self.bot.say("No results with that tag {}".format(ctx.message.author.mention))
def setup(bot):