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mirror of synced 2024-09-28 23:41:41 +12:00
2016-10-08 00:11:10 -05:00

290 lines
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import ruamel.yaml as yaml
import asyncio
import rethinkdb as r
import pendulum
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
global_config = {}
# Ensure that the required config.yml file actually exists
with open("config.yml", "r") as f:
global_config = yaml.load(f)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("You have no config file setup! Please use config.yml.sample to setup a valid config file")
bot_token = global_config["bot_token"]
except KeyError:
print("You have no bot_token saved, this is a requirement for running a bot.")
print("Please use config.yml.sample to setup a valid config file")
owner_ids = global_config["owner_id"]
except KeyError:
print("You have no owner_id saved! You're not going to be able to run certain commands without this.")
print("Please use config.yml.sample to setup a valid config file")
# This is a simple class for the cache concept, all it holds is it's own key and the values
# With a method that gets content based on it's key
class Cache:
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
self.values = {}
self.refreshed = pendulum.utcnow()
async def update(self):
self.values = await get_content(self.key)
self.refreshed = pendulum.utcnow()
# Default bot's description
bot_description = global_config.get("description")
# Bot's default prefix for commands
default_prefix = global_config.get("command_prefix", "!")
# The key for bots.discord.pw and carbonitex
discord_bots_key = global_config.get('discord_bots_key', "")
carbon_key = global_config.get('carbon_key', "")
# The client ID for twitch requsets
twitch_key = global_config.get('twitch_key', "")
# The steam API key
steam_key = global_config.get("steam_key", "")
# The key for youtube API calls
youtube_key = global_config.get("youtube_key", "")
# The keys needed for deviant art calls
da_id = global_config.get("da_id", "")
da_secret = global_config.get("da_secret", "")
# The invite link for the server made for the bot
dev_server = global_config.get("dev_server", "")
# The variables needed for sharding
shard_count = global_config.get('shard_count', 1)
shard_id = global_config.get('shard_id', 0)
# The default status the bot will use
default_status = global_config.get("default_status", "")
# The rethinkdb hostname
db_host = global_config.get('db_host', 'localhost')
# The rethinkdb database name
db_name = global_config.get('db_name', 'Discord_Bot')
# The rethinkdb certification
db_cert = global_config.get('db_cert', '')
# The rethinkdb port
db_port = global_config.get('db_port', 28015)
# The user and password assigned
db_user = global_config.get('db_user', 'admin')
db_pass = global_config.get('db_pass', '')
# We've set all the options we need to be able to connect
# so create a dictionary that we can use to unload to connect
# db_opts = {'host': db_host, 'db': db_name, 'port': db_port, 'ssl':
# {'ca_certs': db_cert}, 'user': db_user, 'password': db_pass}
db_opts = {'host': db_host, 'db': db_name, 'port': db_port, 'user': db_user, 'password': db_pass}
possible_keys = ['prefixes', 'battle_records', 'boops', 'server_alerts', 'user_notifications', 'nsfw_channels',
'custom_permissions', 'rules', 'overwatch', 'picarto', 'twitch', 'strawpolls', 'tags',
'tictactoe', 'bot_data', 'command_manage']
# This will be a dictionary that holds the cache object, based on the key that is saved
cache = {}
# Populate cache with each object
# With the new saving method, we're not going to be able to cache the way that I was before
# This is on standby until I rethink how to do this, because I do still want to cache data
"""for k in possible_keys:
ca che[k] = Cache(k)"""
# We still need 'cache' for prefixes and custom permissions however, so for now, just include that
cache['prefixes'] = Cache('prefixes')
cache['custom_permissions'] = Cache('custom_permissions')
async def update_cache():
for value in cache.values():
await value.update()
async def update_records(key, winner, loser):
# We're using the Harkness scale to rate
# http://opnetchessclub.wikidot.com/harkness-rating-system
r_filter = lambda row: (row['member_id'] == winner.id) | (row['member_id'] == loser.id)
matches = await get_content(key, r_filter)
winner_stats = {}
loser_stats = {}
for stat in matches:
if stat.get('member_id') == winner.id:
winner_stats = stat
elif stat.get('member_id') == loser.id:
loser_stats = stat
except TypeError:
winner_rating = winner_stats.get('rating') or 1000
loser_rating = loser_stats.get('rating') or 1000
# The scale is based off of increments of 25, increasing the change by 1 for each increment
# That is all this loop does, increment the "change" for every increment of 25
# The change caps off at 300 however, so break once we are over that limit
difference = abs(winner_rating - loser_rating)
rating_change = 0
count = 25
while count <= difference:
if count > 300:
rating_change += 1
count += 25
# 16 is the base change, increased or decreased based on whoever has the higher current rating
if winner_rating > loser_rating:
winner_rating += 16 - rating_change
loser_rating -= 16 - rating_change
winner_rating += 16 + rating_change
loser_rating -= 16 + rating_change
# Just increase wins/losses for each person, making sure it's at least 0
winner_wins = winner_stats.get('wins', 0)
winner_losses = winner_stats.get('losses', 0)
loser_wins = loser_stats.get('wins', 0)
loser_losses = loser_stats.get('losses', 0)
winner_wins += 1
loser_losses += 1
# Now save the new wins, losses, and ratings
winner_stats = {'wins': winner_wins, 'losses': winner_losses, 'rating': winner_rating}
loser_stats = {'wins': loser_wins, 'losses': loser_losses, 'rating': loser_rating}
if not await update_content(key, winner_stats, {'member_id': winner.id}):
winner_stats['member_id'] = winner.id
await add_content(key, winner_stats, {'member_id': winner.id})
if not await update_content(key, loser_stats, {'member_id': loser.id}):
loser_stats['member_id'] = loser.id
await add_content(key, loser_stats, {'member_id': loser.id})
def command_prefix(bot, message):
# We do not want to make a query for every message that is sent
# So assume it's in cache, or it doesn't exist
# If the prefix does exist in the database and isn't in our cache; too bad, something has messed up
# But it is not worth a query for every single message the bot detects, to fix
values = cache['prefixes'].values
prefix = [data['prefix'] for data in values if message.server.id == data['server_id']][0]
except IndexError:
prefix = None
return prefix or default_prefix
except KeyError:
return default_prefix
async def add_content(table, content, r_filter=None):
conn = await r.connect(**db_opts)
# First we need to make sure that this entry doesn't exist
# For all rethinkDB cares, multiple entries can exist with the same content
# For our purposes however, we do not want this
if r_filter is not None:
cursor = await r.table(table).filter(r_filter).run(conn)
cur_content = await _convert_to_list(cursor)
if len(cur_content) > 0:
await conn.close()
return False
await r.table(table).insert(content).run(conn)
await conn.close()
return True
except r.ReqlOpFailedError:
# This means the table does not exist
await r.table_create(table).run(conn)
await r.table(table).insert(content).run(conn)
await conn.close()
return True
async def remove_content(table, r_filter=None):
if r_filter is None:
r_filter = {}
conn = await r.connect(**db_opts)
result = await r.table(table).filter(r_filter).delete().run(conn)
except r.ReqlOpFailedError:
result = {}
await conn.close()
if table == 'prefixes' or table == 'custom_permissions':
return result.get('deleted', 0) > 0
async def update_content(table, content, r_filter=None):
if r_filter is None:
r_filter = {}
conn = await r.connect(**db_opts)
# This method is only for updating content, so if we find that it doesn't exist, just return false
# Update based on the content and filter passed to us
# rethinkdb allows you to do many many things inside of update
# This is why we're accepting a variable and using it, whatever it may be, as the query
result = await r.table(table).filter(r_filter).update(content).run(conn)
except r.ReqlOpFailedError:
await conn.close()
result = {}
await conn.close()
if table == 'prefixes' or table == 'custom_permissions':
return result.get('replaced', 0) > 0 or result.get('unchanged', 0) > 0
async def replace_content(table, content, r_filter=None):
# This method is here because .replace and .update can have some different functionalities
if r_filter is None:
r_filter = {}
conn = await r.connect(**db_opts)
result = await r.table(table).filter(r_filter).replace(content).run(conn)
except r.ReqlOpFailedError:
await conn.close()
result = {}
await conn.close()
if table == 'prefixes' or table == 'custom_permissions':
return result.get('replaced', 0) > 0 or result.get('unchanged', 0) > 0
async def get_content(table: str, r_filter=None):
if r_filter is None:
r_filter = {}
conn = await r.connect(**db_opts)
cursor = await r.table(table).filter(r_filter).run(conn)
content = await _convert_to_list(cursor)
if len(content) == 0:
content = None
except (IndexError, r.ReqlOpFailedError):
content = None
await conn.close()
if table == 'prefixes' or table == 'custom_permissions':
return content
async def _convert_to_list(cursor):
# This method is here because atm, AsyncioCursor is not iterable
# For our purposes, we want a list, so we need to do this manually
cursor_list = []
while True:
val = await cursor.next()
except r.ReqlCursorEmpty:
return cursor_list